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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. The North is cheaper than the South generally. Around Chiang Mai there are a lot of houses for rent in rural villages, or modern Moo Bahn's if you prefer, not more than a half an hour from the City and rents are very reasonable, about half what they would be nearer the City. Plenty of cheap market food available for home cooking and Supermarkets within 10 minutes or so. All the usual internet connections are available pretty much wherever you choose to live and if you stay out of the City during 'the smokey season' then things are nowhere near as bad as they can be within.

  2. SUKHOTHAI: -- Flooding raged into the heart of Sukhothai yesterday, just a few days after Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra visited the province and declared the situation there would soon return to normal.

    "normal", eh? ermm.gifdry.png

    footage shot yesterday


    Yep; she was telling the truth. This is normal for the last two years !

  3. This type of corruption will only stop when the order from the very top say's enough is enough, and that's not likely to happen any time soon.

    Every country has a culture of corruption to some degree, Thailand takes it to a whole new level where the already rich & famous think it is their god given right to steal more from those that have nothing, only to fill their already bulging pockets !!

    How they stand in front of the Buddha & put their hands up in innocence I do not know, the depth of deceit is mind blowing !!


    Thailand of today reminds me of France in mids 1700. The gentry allowed themselves anything and the farmers and other poor people had no rights at all. A nobleman could kill a peasant without any repercussion whatsoever. The difference today is that in France the king was at the top of this which is not the case in Thailand.

    But eventually the people in France had enough and on July 14th 1789 everything changed. It is not impossible that a similar event may occur in Thailand if the present situation is allowed to continue or even expand.

    The difference being when it happens, and it most surely will sometime in the future, is that when the 'Revolution' starts motoring here you will see the 'Elite' vanishing through the back door very quickly to the land and homes they already own in Foreign countries. In the West we are stupid enough to allow rich Thai's to buy very big homes and large area's of land. The worst offenders and scumbags that fleece the poor here will escape with their billions already stashed in Swiss bank accounts. They are already Western educated in many cases and will live on happily not giving a second thought to what they have done to their Mother country.

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  4. Never definitely seen one but a few funny occurrences. The Thai's definitely believe in ghosts and a good few claim to have seen one.

    Worked offshore in Gulf of Thailand for a lot of years. One platform had someone die on it during night shift, regular sightings of a ghost ever since by locals.

    Another platform had someone die on it whilst being built, not a platform anyone enjoys being on after dark now it has been installed offshore, has accommodation for 10 people, but never regularly occupied. On this platform once had one of the locals ask me how many people on the boat deck, 6, check again, 5? Apparently this is a regular thing and they just wanted an expat to experience it as well. Apparently the locals regularly see an extra person from afar getting ready to leave via the boat landing, never makes it off it seems. Never a close encounter always from afar.

    Never felt any real angst or threat.


    Good for the owners...their getting six for the wages of five !

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  5. Hope that this scum losses his appeal and end s up in jail with some other inmates finishing him off.....this guy was once selling girls including underaged girls from neighbouring countries and yet Thais voted him in. I also hope that someday somebody would send his kids to work in a brothel. Simply filth along with the media and people who support him.

    Running brothels and facing criminal charges he must of had one magnificent P.R machine behind him to get elected.

    Not at all. Sadly the masses here look up to this type of scum for being so 'clever'.

  6. There is simply no way the job could have been done properly in three days. This is a bodge job for sure and the whole lot will most probably be falling away again after serious rain. No Western railway inspectorate would pass this job as fit for purpose but hey; this is Thailand where inspectors turn up, take their envelope and sign the all is well paperwork. No point in going into details but a proper job would have taken at least a month.

  7. I find it ever more peculiar that Farang come here and go to live in village, then expect to find the same practices they would see where they come from. If you wish to live in the Boonies with these folk then you have to accept their way of doing things, and getting angry with wifey won't help or change anything at all. Anyone who thinks they can 'Westernise' the locals may just as well start packing their bags !

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  8. According to Thai Law:

    Homicide in the Penal Code of Thailand is defined as an act of putting an end to another human being's life. Homicide is divided into three subcategories: murder, negligent murder, and manslaughter. Murder is defined as causing death to another person purposely. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 288). A person acts purposely when he conducts with consciousness to cause a result or he is aware that his conduct will practically cause such a result. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 59 paragraph 2). Negligent murder is butting and to another person's life by negligence. (The Penal Code of Thailand, §, 291). A person acts negligently when he conducts with a failure to exercise sufficient standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the actor's situation. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 59 paragraph 4). A person is guilty of Manslaughter if he, without purpose of causing death, causes bodily injury to another person leading to the death of such person. (The Penal Code of Thailand, § 290).

    The entire article points out other insight.

    Reference: http://www.thailawfo...cide-kanok.html

    It sure looks like he acted with "malice aforethought" and also the drunk driving seriously raises the bar to a murder conviction. An "impartial court" in a fair and just system, could build a prosecution case on the basis that he had no real knowledge of the officer's state on impact (dead or alive), but that his fleeing the scene would clearly demonstrate "intent" to finish the job. Therefore, turning "negligent homicide" into premeditated murder. We really don't even know if the officer in fact was flagging him down for speeding and he decided to ram the motorcycle and take the human being out.

    Follow on civil action for the plaintiff (the officer's family) would win a huge "wrongful death" litigation. This crime was especially heinous in that he was drunk, at high speed, he fled the scene after impact (premeditation), he dragged the human being to certain death (premeditation again) or he "intended" to kill him, and lastly the victim was a police officer on duty. In other words, he didn't accidentally hit him while alcohol and drug free and stop 10 yards later to try to help. But rather consciously decided to flee the scene compounded by the dragging of the motorcycle and the human being through two or more football fields of Bangkok streets. Then secretly parking in a private secluded residence, while household staff "bargained" with police to obstruct justice and attempt to "get him off the hook."

    Fleeing after the fact is not "premeditation". "Pre" means before. Premeditated would imply that he got into his car with the intention to kill someone. It might have been likely that he would kill someone, given the speed and the drinking, but that doesn't jump to "intended" or "premeditated".

    Even dragging him along after the accident wouldn't be "premeditated". Being in shock, or so drunk, he didn't realise what he was doing. Fleeing the scene would mean that he didn't want to know about what he did. I don't know how you go from that to "intent to finish the job".

    Manslaughter. Yes. Premeditated murder. Not even close.

    But didn't another court case say it was murder if the driver didn't stop and dragged the body. Don't forget that the laws in Thailand are different to UK, USA, etc.

    In Europe this would never be classed as 'Murder'. The driver would be charged with' Causing death by dangerous driving', 'drunk driving', 'leaving the scene of an accident', 'failing to report an accident'....and that would be just the driving charges, which would get him 10 years in the slammer. Wouldn't matter who he was or what he was, in he would go. Apart from that he would also be up for 'Perverting the course of justice', as would other members of the family, the bent Copper and , of course, the Butler. The afflicted family would also have the personal right to sue all these parties in the Civil Courts, and the Courts have the power to relieve the offenders of personal possessions like House's, Car's, Boat's etc etc.

  9. Its a constant worry for me. I have lived in Thailand for 9 years. I came here with around 2 million baht at age 30, just to have a crack and then go home. Two years later, broke, I couldnt face the prospect of going back and got a job through a friend working on-line for a small firm back in England. It paid around 100K a month but some months I got severely messed around and only recieved half. Sometimes I would have to wait two months to get paid and then it would come in drips.

    In my 5th year the job eventualy imploded and I was left with no option other than to replicate the job I was doing for myself. So I set up on my own. Again, I was broke for the first 6 months or so but gradualy started picking up more customers and after a couple years, I was flying. Im into my 4th year at this now and business is great.

    My concern is that my business has a shelf life. I would be suprised if 5 years from now I am still doing this as the technology is becoming obsolete and will not be replaced by anything that I can jump on. I am earning well now, but its a constant worry for me that possibly 5 years from now, in my mid 40's, I could very possibly be without any form of income and no revenue stream from England.

    Thats a sobering thought. When I first came here at aged 30, I could have gone back after a couple of years and started again no problem. Could I do that at 45? Very unlikely. How to you embark on a new career at 45 after living in Thailand for 15 years? Its the stuff that breakdowns are made of....

    I need to get my act together and start saving. I earn easily enough money to save at least 150K a month but I am so useless with money.... It burns a hole in my pocket. I cant have a night out without spending less than 10 to 15K and whilst I should be buying new clothes at Robinsons, I but everything at Hugo Boss. Its iresponsible and sloppy but I cant seem to snap out of it and be more responsible.

    I need to though. otherwise there is a very strong chance that I will be in my mid 40's, broke, staring at wardrobes full of Boss clothes, selling my bikes and car and pondering a new career at one tenth of my usual income....

    Mid-Life crisis springs to mind. Budgeting is easy, stop trying to live like a High So when you're not one ! As someone else has already said, live well within your budget and if that means being a cheap charlie then so be it. Your future depends on you having enough common sense to build one. You need to start saving big time right now because you will have to have enough dosh later for retirement visa, health protection etc etc. It will be too late in 15 years time when your arse is hanging out of your grubby shorts as you board the plane back 'home' .

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