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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Why point at Chalerm all the time....the man is 6 months?? on the job.......it took the americans 10 years to find bin laden........it will take a massive internal clean up first of police and military to get to the hot shots.....

    .according to me ......

    He is doingin an excellent job sofar.

    Actually, Bin Laden should have hidden in Thailand. Providing he paid enough to appropriate parties he would have never been found.

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  2. Valentines day....damned if she does, damned if she doesn't ... that was a well thunked out conundrum on her part.

    She won't off herself, crazy but not that stupid. I'd be curious how many people show up to take videos.

    If there is a middle-aged farang guy present she might be so busy laying her hustle on him she'll be distracted. If you want her to ignore you wear a kilt.


    No doubt they will erect a stage so that all the BIB TV stars can get prime positions to watch. After all, we can't have any news here without the BIB top brass getting their share of footage.

  3. Expect most to maybe all of the province governors are awaiting money from the central govt to begin any serious flood prevention measures.

    You can be sure the one strategy they have already worked out is what percentage they will be keeping for themselves. 'Serious' flood prevention measure won't come to much, a few more dirt Klongs and the odd shoddily built wall will be the order in a lot of area's, and when it all goes wrong they will all blame each other....as usual.

  4. Her mother.......

    If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

    The converse is also true.........

    Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

    I think this is so very true. It is one of the tricks of domestic bliss.

    Wouldn't have worked in my case. My Mrs Mother died several years before I met her. Next idea please !

  5. This would (or could) dovetail nicely with the supposed drive to learn english, if they were to provide a range of english-speaking channels for kids, news, natural history etc.

    Unfortunately I can't really see that happening....

    Wake up ! If you put 100 channels on Thai TV; 98 of them in English and 2 in Thai, which channels do you think the Thai's will be watching?

  6. I'm very happy to have BBC. I still miss the crime and justice channel, whatever it was called.

    Does anyone know the new line-up of channels and where they moved them around to? I see nothing on their website about the new channel line-up. Went to their office to pay my bill the other day and asked them but NOBODY there knew!

    Just had a bill today and the new schedule is with it so you should all be getting one with your next bill.

  7. Nice to have BBC, but I do miss the English language movie channels. More options in Thai, which is good. You get what you pay for, and for an extra thousand baht or two, one can have quite a bit more. I'm afraid I'd spend even more time watching television if I invested in it, however, so mai bpen rai. Someone told me recently there are vendors who will set you up with a satellite dish and receiver for a one-time charge. That opens up a lot of possibilities, I suppose, but I don't know if it's actual, or just a rumor.

    The one time charge satellite job is fine but every channel is Thai. Wifeys cousin has it up the road and if you are happy with all Thai it's a real bargain. Shame we can't get the same deal all in English !

  8. WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

    The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

    Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

    Maybe you need a new TV? We don't get bad picture or sound where we live, maybe you have a cable problem in your area? I'm very happy with the service for the price and thrilled to see the BBC is back. Movie channels won't be missed that much because most of what was on them has been seen multiple times ! Mrs likes all the Thai crap as well so it keeps her quiet.

  9. Just to draw lessons from this and food for thought, my understanding is that nobody can withold your passport, unless it is by court order. The passport you hold does not belong to you, it is the property of the respective Government. If anyone witholds your passport, inform the embassy at once. It belongs to them, they will get it back.

    Try going through the border at Maisai on a visa run and keeping your passport. The Burmese Immigration keep it until you return through on your way back into Thailand, which may be up to a week later. If you don't hand it over you won't be allowed in so what are we supposed to do; call the British Embassy in Rangoon?

  10. All women here that want to be involved with Farang have an agenda headed by the word Money. Be it sitting in front of a computer or sitting in a bar, they are not thinking about eternal love with a poor man. They can get that in any village in Thailand so why bother to hook up with a Foreigner? Love may well grow over a period of time, but anyone who thinks that his Thai woman wants him for his looks and charm at the outset is deluded.

    What a ridiculous and sweeping generalisation maybe spending to much time around the bar scene

    You couldn't be more wrong taninthai. I'm happily married to a Thai woman for nearly 4 years and I don't hang around in bars. Indeed; I only drink socially when friends come to our home. Finding the right person took years of searching and I learned the stark realities along the way.

  11. All women here that want to be involved with Farang have an agenda headed by the word Money. Be it sitting in front of a computer or sitting in a bar, they are not thinking about eternal love with a poor man. They can get that in any village in Thailand so why bother to hook up with a Foreigner? Love may well grow over a period of time, but anyone who thinks that his Thai woman wants him for his looks and charm at the outset is deluded.

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