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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Earlier today I was wandering around Tops at Kaad Suan Kheaw looking for the beer section thought it had been moved, until I asked one of the assistants who replied that there isn't any !! All gone nowt left!

    Later found some Beer Lao and Chang Export in a local (now top secret) bottle shop.

    It's now every man for himself.. situation getting critical.. stock up from your secret sources.. things are going to get ugly..

    Presume assistant was a Geordie!

  2. I think for the most part, I eat a variety of cuisines, including those from the west. We don't moan about that because we are used to it, having no doubt done the same in our home countries. It doesnt have to be expensive either.

    What I do like to moan about is people whinging because not everyone has to survive on 20 baht meals, and the people that try and twist that to being someone not being worthy of living here. You will find many Thai people eating international cuisine, albeit perhaps a Thai with a bit more money than another Thai. That must really put your head in a spin!

    I donot know which is worse, post about sin sod, double pricing, or if it cost more than 5baht it is a scam----BORING. I had to pay 12baht yesterday for lemon ice tea and it cost me 12 baht must have been a scam because 10 years ago it cost 5 baht. But I do know a scam and it is starbucks some where around 100baht for a lemon ice tea.

    Indeed; expats get scammed every day in Rimping and the like when they insist on buying Western foods because for some reason they cannot, or will not, eat Thai food for the most part, which is cheap and easily available. Don't see them whinging about the price of Western food but they moan like hell about paying 50 Baht to get to the shops. Amazing Expats !

    I think it's time to start a new thread entitled...'People who moan and whinge at people who moan and whinge' !!

  3. I donot know which is worse, post about sin sod, double pricing, or if it cost more than 5baht it is a scam----BORING. I had to pay 12baht yesterday for lemon ice tea and it cost me 12 baht must have been a scam because 10 years ago it cost 5 baht. But I do know a scam and it is starbucks some where around 100baht for a lemon ice tea.

    Indeed; expats get scammed every day in Rimping and the like when they insist on buying Western foods because for some reason they cannot, or will not, eat Thai food for the most part, which is cheap and easily available. Don't see them whinging about the price of Western food but they moan like hell about paying 50 Baht to get to the shops. Amazing Expats !

  4. From my experience, you can tell ROUGHLY how long a person has been in pratet Thai buy the beer they drink.

    Chang - Backpackers and first time visitors.

    Singha - Visitors that holiday here regularly or newbie 'expats'.

    Leo - expats.

    This is based on my observations over many years. Research mak mak!

    You need more research. I started on Singha but now drink Chang. It's all about peoples personal tastebuds and not about what other people think. Mind you; Leo could be about price for hard up expats.

    BTW......Why can't people spell MAKRO on this thread?

  5. The man said JARS, so I would presume he means glass jars. Shame I didn't know last week as I took a load to recycle. Usually keep them when empty for many uses but always end up with a great load of them taking up space in the cupboard. I'll save them for your future use if you want them.

  6. I only know of one other than the one you already mentioned but I'm not sure he carries a lot in the way of Radio Control.

    The shop is at 'Kad Farang' on 108 and is next door to Rimping on the left hand side as you drive in where there is a small car park. As you walk towards Rimping it's on your left hand side. He is a model shop so it should be worth a look.

  7. Shouldn't really be much difference with overseas mail as it's all flown from CNX to Swampy and on from there. Same coming the other way.

    That is not true as another poster pointed out. It goes by truck to Lamphun, is sorted there, then trucked on to Bangkok.

    I stand corrected. However; doesn't seem to have affected my mail from UK. Still arriving between 5 and 10 days and we are still getting daily deliveries in our Moobahn.

  8. Genuine Bank of England banknotes that have been withdrawn from circulation retain their face value for all time and can be exchanged at the Bank of England in London. There is no fee for this service. Banknotes of this type can be exchanged either by post or in person.


    Yes, thanks uptheos, I am aware, but I don't want to go back to change them in London and if I had a good few I would not think about posting them either. Sure there must be others here who feel likewise. Much easier to change them into Baht now.

    I think it's a good idea if anyone is hoarding them to change them up as you suggest.

    I just posted the info in case people panicked.

    If people are going home some time or relatives coming, they can perhaps change them then.

    I see Scotland has a new 100 pound note - I didn't know they had a 100 pound note.

    Apart from the Scotsman working in the English Parliament ( too many ), I doubt there are many Scotsman who would require a 100 pound note as most that I know would be too tight to ever split one !

  9. Lotus KSK . Nice pool on the roof and it's free.

    Are you quite sure about that, trainman?

    Last time I was there inquiring into gym and pool facilities, there was a daily charge (1 year ago exactly).

    (Unless you're creeping up the back stair entrance, and have an "arrangement" with the check-in desk boys? :rolleyes: )

    There is a daily charge.

    Appears my advices were out of date. Sorry.

  10. Genuine Bank of England banknotes that have been withdrawn from circulation retain their face value for all time and can be exchanged at the Bank of England in London. There is no fee for this service. Banknotes of this type can be exchanged either by post or in person.


    Yes, thanks uptheos, I am aware, but I don't want to go back to change them in London and if I had a good few I would not think about posting them either. Sure there must be others here who feel likewise. Much easier to change them into Baht now.

  11. Just a heads-up for all you Brit's that have a stash of 50 pound notes under your beds in Chiang Mai waiting for the great day when we get back to 75Baht to the pound (muffled Ha ha).

    New note just released in Britain so get yours changed up before they become useless. No date been given yet for final date of withdrawal of the old note but best to know that day is coming. Me? I only have 3 !

  12. Thousands of Litre's of Yoghurt in many Supermarkets. May not be this brand that OP talks about but is it critical? Some people seem to panic when Rimping doesn't have something, as if it's the only place on the planet where they can shop !

  13. I used the guys who park their pick-ups outside Wat Phra Sing to move me two years ago. Pretty cheap but not all that careful so take precious goods in your own car. At the time I could not find anyone with one big truck so had to do multiple trips 40 return k's each time.

  14. My biggest concern right now is that with the cool & dry season approaching, we will be out of expat whining for the next three months. :(

    No chance of that Winnie; even with all the water there is in Thailand, there is still not enough to drown them all !

  15. I go to the supermarket daily, and see the shelves getting more empty everyday.

    Think by the end of this week if they don't find a way to get goods here we will be out a lot of things.

    I also shop daily and do not have the same experience. Again today in Big C (ex Carrefour) on 108, they were very well stocked with all anyone would require as long as we are not alcoholics; in which case we should be visiting AA and not Supermarkets. Enough water to flood half of Chiang Mai, enough eggs to make pancakes until Xmas and enough toilet rolls to wipe your jacksy until next June !

  16. Latest update. Been to Big C (ex Carrefour) on 108 this afternoon and everything well stocked including the beloved Toilet Rolls. Only thing that was a little thin on the shelves was boxes of Beer. However; a lot of loose bottles on shelves and in the fridge's. Water of many types and eggs were plentiful.

  17. This is an interesting result of the flood I wasn't expecting....

    While going to the moobahn where I am buying a house, my wife and I were talking to the sales girl who said this weekend she sold 20 houses to people from Bangkok at prices ranging from 2 to 5 million baht.

    Exactly what I was alluding to in a previous post about housing when all the supposed experts came out with all the reasons housing was cheap. Follow the trends to see whats happening. Now with the problems in Bangkok and other areas, the ones with the money will start buying up houses or property in the North because they think they are safer up here than Bangkok.

    Supply and demand. You can't change the stripes on a zebra, or ostriches for that matter; although, everyone is entitled to their opinions.

    I don't doubt Richard passed on what he was told accurately but I do doubt that the girl in one office on one Moobahn sold 20 houses 'this weekend', when this weekend was but a few hours old on the Saturday ! Sounds just a little bit of hyper sales chat to me....like 'buy now because Bangkokians will buy them all if you don't'. Bullshit.

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