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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. The Government, as individuals, are only thinking ahead long enough to get their hands on huge amounts of that Bt2.27trillion. The 'New Thailand' they have in mind is one where they will become richer than ever before and the 'people' remain mainly poor and uneducated. Meanwhile they will be telling them that they should feel privileged to be able to ride on the new high speed railway and fly off at the first bend doing 350 kph.

  2. apparently if you spin a cow around for 20 minutes or so, you get cheese, read that somewhere.

    Sorry that's butter you're thinking of and for best results you take them on the Big Dipper ride at Blackpool, it makes their stomachs 'churn'.

    From Cheshire to Blackpool all in one thread, that's getting around a bit but what about all this French cheese and various Pate's I keep getting flyers about in the post from Big C, but when I look for it it's never on the shelves? When inquiring with staff I get a bemused look or 'don't know'. Seems the huge numbers of staff employed in this country are never taught anything about the job they are supposed to know something about. Meanwhile I'm still craving, especially the Pate'.

  3. I used to like buying American bumper stickers every time I went there and stick them on my rear bumpers in England, where stickers until the 80's were always quite conservative. I particularly liked the one which said 'Gas or ass...nobody rides free ' I used to get blokes asking me to get one for them next trip.

  4. UK crash November 2011 - 34 vehicles & 7 dead, these drivers on Thai roads need to pull finger out.

    Caused by Thick Fog, Smoke across the Motorway and Ice. God help us all if those conditions ever come to Thailand, the noise of the collisions will keep us all awake all night. On the other hand, it will be a scrapman's dream come true !

  5. Generally from the middle of October to the end of February you shouldn't need A/C unless your home is exposed to direct sunlight on a permanent basis or you are encased in a glass bowl. However; I have one Belgian living near me that has his on all year because he doesn't like any heat at all. The mind boggles as to why he is here when he's not even married to young totty either. Can't be the quality of local beer !

  6. Ironical thing is , they are probably blaming the guy at the front for braking too quickly! I believe under Thai law if you rear end someone it is your fault; but when you have a domino rear end case that could be fun for the insurance guys. ie I hit the back of someone because someone hit the back of me etc etc. In theory does the guy at the very back get the blame??

    Chances are at least half of them have no insurance and the other half have no license, TIT.

  7. Having read through the thread there is no mention about parking at the show itself.

    Is this not allowed?


    Officially you are not allowed to park in the main showground car parks unless you have a VIP, a VVIP or a special pass. However; we went yesterday afternoon and I was intending to park for 50 Baht in one of the private 'garden' parks on the way up to the showground, of which there are many, but before I did that I decided to drive into the area of the main car parks just to see what the situation actually was. Hey Presto, the main showground car parks were open and no gate men controlling who was going in or out, so I just rolled in and parked with around 30 or so other vehicles, none of which I could see a pass displayed on. No problems and returned at 9pm to find car still there and not 'clamped' etc. Seems that Monday is a good day to go as no restricted parking and I would say there were no more than 300 people in the grounds until around 17.30 when a mass entry began to watch the Laser show and see the Illuminated floats at the end.

    I bought my tickets at the bank before the show opened and I thought for 150 Baht for two people it was a decent enough show. A further 120 Baht each if you wish to ride the 'Big Wheel', which is worth it for the view although you are only up there for less than 5 minutes and I overheard a good few Thai's moaning about that.

    Usual failures at Thai events, no toilet paper available and no soap in the containers, only some water closets working (wifey said 2 out of 10 in hers) and apparently the water goes off from time to time as well. Basically, the usual signs of poor management that we diehards are used to and therefore pre-prepare for.

    By the way; if you wondered about The 'VVIP' one can only assume that the normal VIP treatment is just not good enough for some of the 'Elite' in this country, and I feel sure that by the next event there will be a 'VVVIP' pass available !

  8. Sad and scary .. but I've said my bit about the vans in previous threads a year ago or so. I will use them locally only, from my village to the next town, when he doesn't get the chance to go supersonic. But on the highway to Bkk ? at 140+ kmph ? .. jostling for position with six other vans and five buses and a couple of monster, over loaded trucks .. f****** crazy. The only thing to compare it with is the pod racing scene in the original Star Wars movie.

    But yes, sad and scary, and nothing will change until an important politician's daughter is smashed to bits... then they will slow down for about 72 hours, until it is forgotten.

    Politician's daughters don't travel in this way, they drive fast cars of their own and kill people......and they get away with it !

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  9. Go into Tesco on 108, go up to the back wall, more or less right in the center of the store, and you will find about 4 or 5 different types of ant killer. I usually opt for 'ARS' which is tiny pellets which you put inside a green plastic box and the ants will swarm in as soon as they find it and take it back to the nest. Normally by next morning they have vanished. I always keep a new pack of this stuff in the house as I find it works every time. Peace of mind for about 59 Baht.

    Where's Tesco on 108 so i can look it up on a map, is that the main Tesco Lotus store or one of the express ones? In the meantime i have sprayed talcum powder in their path, they dont seem to like that and turn back, wont kill them but will block their path until i get some proper stuff. I might try the nearest pharmacy for Borax in the meantime

    Cheers for the quick replies

    It's the large main store which is on the left hand side of 108, the main drag towards Hang Dong and Sanpatong.

  10. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a cold "disaster". I'm sitting here at 7pm with the fan on and in a singlet - but perhaps other areas out of the city are colder?

    23c here in Hang Dong area. No shirt and a cool beer is the order of the evening.

  11. Maybe I'm missing it, but I do not see where women in general are dissed. The OP is complaining about one specific woman and mentions "others", but I think that he means other bad drivers including men. unsure.png

    Let's see -- postings # 2, 7, 8, 12, 18 aren't especially respectful toward women and could be taken to indicate that women aren't welcome on this forum. Don't worry guys -- I've got a thick skin and you won't get rid of me that easily, but many of my friends wonder why I read (and contribute helpful answers) to this forum when women clearly aren't welcome.

    But, this thread does seem to have enought disrespect to offend just about anyone!

    Don't feel victimised Nancy. There are a lot of people on here who hate everyone, regardless of nationality, colour, creed or sex. Something to do with being 'Macho' and generally looking down on others. Not withstanding the aforementioned; there are a lot of nice and very helpful folks on here as well......including your very good self. My Father always used to say 'Civility costs nothing, so share it in abundance'.

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  12. Go into Tesco on 108, go up to the back wall, more or less right in the center of the store, and you will find about 4 or 5 different types of ant killer. I usually opt for 'ARS' which is tiny pellets which you put inside a green plastic box and the ants will swarm in as soon as they find it and take it back to the nest. Normally by next morning they have vanished. I always keep a new pack of this stuff in the house as I find it works every time. Peace of mind for about 59 Baht.

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