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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. Here are a couple shocking pictures from Atlanta Georgia, The dog showed up at the vet but nobody knows what exactly happened. Either someone was being cruel, scared of the dog maybe? Who knows but pictures do one thing, show the hardiness of the breed. Its just a very confusing thing to see this, I will update if I hear anything else.

  2. They're beautiful dogs, Mai Krap. Some good common sense advice there. How do you feel about neutering? I know some Pure bred "purists" would never neuter a pure bred dog. How about breeding by inexperienced owners? I am referring only to Pit Bulls here, not any other breed.

    Sorry for short answers but Im crunched for time. "Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" I studied Artificial Insemination at university level and have a background in dealing with horses valued up to one million dollars and more. Breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is something I love to be involved with and in a simple way it replaces the Horse Ranch I once owned that was sold off because of a divorce.

    Neutering, I have personally cut the nuts off around a hundred horses and a couple dozen dogs while I worked for a vet one summer during a university break. As a rule I don't cut my dogs that I keep but I'm prepared to deal the situation. At one time me and one other man had over one hundred bulls and I have worked in situations where we had more than 10 Stallions that were actively used as studs in one breeding barn. I don't mind saying every time I clipped a male animal of his dignity it caused major shrinkage to parts of my own body. So while Neutering is not the answer for my personal dogs it is a good solution for many people to avoid the associated behavior and reproduction problems.

    I'm still shocked by the irresponsible dog ownership in this country, I'm a firm believer in putting things out of their misery. However one feels about Mike Vick and whatever the truth is as none of us were there to actually know. It left me sick to my stomach to know they would destroy more than 60 Pit Bulls confiscated during that investigation. Then I look around here and mangy puss dripping hairless and crippled dogs are left to run up and down the street to breed as they please and provide Vietnam with a endless supply of diseased appetizers and my neighbors with plastic buckets, go figure?

    Rito, Great looking pup, You will have to tell us some more about him, I will be back in a couple days and have some more pictures to post too.

  3. A search for "Muay Thai" in the Sports and Hobbies Forum yields about 50 threads on the topic.

    As there are currently 1327 topics in that particular subforum, do you really think a subforum dedicated to Muay Thai would be successful?

    I really dont know, as it stands I dont spend to much time in there because its cluttered up so much. I do know there is much more intrest in farang coming to Thailand for martial art holidays and things like that as evidenced my the many TV shows. As things stand I feel most of the members of Thai Visa involved with Martial Arts dont bother posting much in such a general and again "Cluttered Catch All" type of forum.

    There may be some interest in sponsoring such a forum with the many exporters of boxing gear, training camps, and even martial arts clubs looking for new customers.

    In the end its either "Build It and They Will Come" or " Kill It Cause they Didn't!" either way its totally up to the Thai Visa Staff and just a idea from me, one some others had first, Im sure.

  4. Just a thought but since their are now many many forums on Thai Visa maybe there could be some consideration of starting a Muey Thai Forum to include all Martial Arts stuff and Thai News concerning fights and schedules and such. It seems like there are more than enough questions and small talk about such things and after all it is Thailand's National Sport.

    Anyway, just a thought as it seems quite weird sorting through ping pong threads to find boxing information.

  5. Can you define unnecessary force? Using physical (and sometimes even mental) power/strenght at moments they are not required.

    Ed Frawley emphazises corrections, by using choke-, his own made choke-, prong-, or electrical- collars. In cases of aggression he prefers to correct the dog (the dog on the picture in the article about dominance aggression shows a dog that shows fear aggression, not dominance aggression). Research and experience by competent trainers has shown that correcting a dog at the moment it shows aggression can increase aggression rather than decrease it or suppress the aggression. For example, when a dog receives a strong correction at the moment it shows aggression towards another dog that is on ... say ... 5 meters distance, the dog very well can receives this unpleasant experience as being caused by the other dog. So, next time when it sees a dog the aggression may come quicker ... say ... when the other dog is on 7 meters, etc. It can also be that the aggression finally stops. But this is not because the dog has learned to tolerate the other dog, it is because the dog has learned to avoid the correction by remaining quiet, meaning the real aggression problem has not been solved but suppressed. IMO that's a dangerous situation, like waiting till the time bomb may go off.

    What clicker training does in a case like this is making the other dog's presence/arrival a pleasurable experience for the aggressive dog, with the result that the aggression will decrease.

    What is your background in dog training? I'm a certified dog trainer and -behaviorist

    What group do you refer to that they would not like and why? Those who use a clicker as training device. The 'why' part is written on his website.

    Do any of the groups in Bangkok have websites or regular training meetings anywhere?Most possible they have. I'm up North and not involved. You could try the dog magazines. Sorry, that I can't be more specific.

    In case anyone is interested to do some biting work in Thailand, a strong word of warning is IMO necessary as there are many incompetent helpers, who have already messed up many dogs. One example, a most fantastic Shutzhund III GSD of a friend (trained and imported from Germany) got an permanent injury in the neck due to the work of an incompetent helper during a competition in Thailand. Mr. Lee (mentioned in another thread by Dogfather, is a good person to contact concerning Shutzhund in Thailand. He has attended the world GSD Shutzhund competition at least twice. So far as I know, there is no French or Belgium ring (possibly because it's too hot for the helper to be in a whole suit) or police dog training by private people in Thailand.

    The website has lots of good information for those wanting to get started with simple dog training for free.Was not able to completely read the e-books. What I did see, though, was a lot of advertisement for the chokes, prongs and e-collars :o It does go into some more advanced things but I don't suggest anyone watch a video and then try to work a dog on a bite suit, for that matter bite suits and even bite sleeve work is well beyond the scope of this forum.I agree, it can be down-right dangerous for both dog and owner.


    I enjoy your comments but tend to disagree with you. My point in directing the OP to Leerburg is they have freebies mixed in with some basic tapes and sales stuff. I don't think you will find to many Dog Trainers who believe Leerburg is hard on dogs. I have seen lots of hard dog training and plenty of gentle stuff to. It all depends on the dog as to what works and does not work but discounting the value of a hard earned lesson is the equivalent of refusing to ever spank ones kids and the society we currently reside in is a testament of that being a horrible idea.

    There is a fine line when it comes to using chokers on dogs. That fine line is the one between training and cruelty, the kind of cruelty that ruins dogs and makes them a danger to everybody around them. Not using a choker on some dogs can also be considered just as cruel in a western society where the dog gets out of control and has to be put down because the owner can not do anything with it. I would not recommend anyone on this forum trying to use a choker from learning it via video tape or anywhere online. It takes hands on training with a experienced dog handler and fine hands not unlike those of equestrians.

    I have zero interest in any forms of German dog training or clubs now but like many thats where I got started back in 1982 with a crazy lady who lived with 10 and sometimes more German Shepherds. My directing the OP towards that area seemed like the easiest way to get them some basic answers for questions they were asking without oversimplifying things. In reality Bite dogs are a poor offense in most cases and a worse defense. A dogs nose is thousands of times more valuable than his teeth when it comes to any kind of Security, Military, or Police application. Warning, don't get me started on the high value of a fine Blue Tick Coon Hound :D

  6. Heres some pictures of "Beau Beau" pronounced Bo Bo. Hes a full brother to Batman and he was the fattest puppy of all. I will be keeping him for my personal dog and hope he turns into a nice Stud for breeding in a few years. He tore down my wives Papaya trees that were recently planted along with a nice small manao tree, so far hes done about 500 baht worth of damage around here but he has quite a personality.

  7. This is Batman, pictures taken today, He was born on May 21 2007 so he will be 3 months old in a week. He will be moving to Bangkok in a few days to his new house. He will also be greatly missed, he is a fine dog and I wanted to keep him but unfortunately I cannot keep every dog, I'm just happy he will go to a fine loving home.

  8. I have had a few requests for pictures but thought it would be nice to have a dedicated Pit Bull thread for owners and potential owners. Currently I have 6 Pitbulls in my yard, four are my personal dogs, one was sold in the sales forum and will have a new home in Bangkok soon and one is still for sale in the sales and give away forum.

    If you have a Pitbull here in Thailand please show us a picture and tell us about the dog. Honest firsthand commentary is welcomed, secondhand propaganda is most unwelcome. I want to start this as a very pro Pitbull thread so reader beware, there are lots of negative Pit Bull comments and websites out there but this does not need to be the place for it.

    For anyone considering having one of these dogs in Thailand there are many reasons they make a great pet here. First off the breed is strong and healthy, with its short hair and general toughness its one of the few imported dogs that can actually thrive in this tropical environment. Contrary to what most of the public image of the dog is they are people orientated dogs, I have found them to make fantastic pets.

    Choosing a Pitbull is a very personal choice here and it is not without some disadvantages. The first being you can never ever let these dogs run loose beyond your own wall. Every dog owner of any breed large or small should follow that general rule of keeping their dogs up but most fail to do so. If your dog does get loose your chicken raising neighbor will most likely be ringing the buzzer with a bill. I wont even bother to go into other liabilities of a powerful dog running loose in public, its just a very bad idea. The good thing is I have never had a Pitbull that would run off or run out of the gate when its opened. In fact my adult Pit stays well out of the way when the gate is opened to take cars and trucks in and out, totally the opposite of the Thai dog we had which tried to sneak out every time the maid took out the trash.

    While their is a long list of benefits to having these dogs, namely they are loyal companions in Thailand there is one bennifit that supersedes all others. That benefit is their ability and desire to kill snakes. Anyone who lives here long enough will be confronted by a snake and many will find them inside their own homes at one time or another. Pit bulls just flat out hate snakes and will go after them and even tree them if you have a single tree and the snake goes up it. It is a great comfort to me to know my dogs are own patrol 24 hours a day keeping the snakes out. Yea they keep the thieves away to but thats just because of the noise factor, any five or more dogs of any breed will make enough noise to keep the majority of thieves from wanting to come around, never mind the other ten soi dogs perminatly camped outside of our gate.

  9. 85762.jpg


    Heres Rubin's version of a pitching a softball after the FCC incident, this was published in the Bangkok Post. From his writing it seems that Terrorism is being exported to Thailand from the Middle East and every single killing in the South was a Muslim killing a Buddhist conveniently eluding the fact that the majority of those killed were Muslims. Mr. Rubins speech was sponsored by the Israeli Embassy, all the pictures and his basic info is hot linked from the Israeli Embassy Official Website.

    Then there is another Middle Eastern export: terrorism and radical Islamism. At first glance, it is surprising this has become a major problem in Thailand. But the country’s Muslim population is 10 percent, mostly concentrated in the far south. To compound the issue, there is an ethnic distinction involved, as well. Ethnic Thais are about 70 percent of the population, while the Muslims are Malays, the same community as the one dominating neighboring Malaysia.

    In recent years, Thailand has played unwilling host to what is probably the most mysterious Islamist terrorist movement in the world. There is no group, no apparent leadership, no demands, and no clear evidence of external support. Yet Buddhists in the south are being murdered on a regular basis in particularly gruesome ways, including workers at rubber plantations, peddlers bicycling down lonely roads, and students walking to school.

    The death toll is already between 2000 and 2500 and the situation has gotten so bad that Buddhists are starting to leave the area, presumably one of the terrorists’ main goals. There have been a few terrorist attacks even in Bangkok, the capital where 20 percent of the country’s 68 million people live.

    The army rules Thailand in a military junta and plans are just starting for a return to civilian rule. Yet this is by no means a repressive or militaristic system. XXXXX XXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX Sentence Deleted To Not Break The Forum Rules. This military wants to avoid any impression that it is “occupying” the south and so is going very cautiously in dealing with the problem. It is not yet considered to be a war but that time may come in time.

    What are some of the characteristics of Thailand that makes it so difficult for its leaders and intellectuals to understand the Middle East? They are actually virtues, though some might open them up to suffering as a result. One is the clear sense of pragmatism that animates the country.


    Tues, July 31 - Is the Middle East a threat to Asia? by Professor Barry Rubin (8:00 pm)



    Middle East expert/analyst Prof. Barry Rubin will hold a special lecture at FCCT on July 31, 2007

    Lecture: “Is the Middle East a Threat to Asia?” by Professor Barry Rubin

    Prof. Rubin is taking a look at the conflict between radical Islamism – those who control Iran, Syria, Gaza and many movements – and the rest of the world and offering his thoughts on whether the growth of radical Islamic movements in the Middle East poses a threat to this region. - FREE ADMISSION -

    Date & Time: Tuesday July 31st, 2007 at 20.00 hours

    Venue: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand

    Penthouse, Maneeya Center

    (BTS Skytrain: Chidlom Station - MAP)


    More information about Prof. Barry Rubin

  10. Barry tried to serve up a Neocon crap sandwich for the FCC only to have them choke on to much BullShitt, at which point he was evacuated for his own saftey.

    Sorry Barry ole boy, This aint Kansas here in Bangkok!

    A few choice words by the Professor

    Rhetoric repeats. Both the United States and Israel are demonized. There is expectation of imminent revolution and unprecedented Arab-Muslim unity. As there is also no victory but total victory, diplomatic compromise is treasonous. Conspiracy theories blaming "the Zionists" and "arrogant powers" run supreme.

    Both the Arab nationalists of a half century ago and the Islamists today justify almost any violence. Both legitimize terrorism as just, especially when directed against a satanic foe. Both seek Israel's destruction and an expurgation of Western influence to create a just and even utopian society.

    For anyone thinking this has nothing to do with Thailand you may want to do a little background check on the situation. Thailand has now becone the #1 tourist destination for Arabs and other Middle Eastern Muslims in the world. America and Europe have both shut that door and Thailand was more than happy to open it.

  11. Are there any Schutzhund groups in Bangkok.

    There are several with competitions and all, but so far I know mainly GSD's.

    Yikes! :D Although, he states he uses treats and toys, he uses a lot of (unnecessary) force. But then, I belong to the group he certainly doesn't like :o


    Can you define unnecessary force? What is your background in dog training? What group do you refer to that they would not like and why? Do any of the groups in Bangkok have websites or regular training meetings anywhere?

    The website has lots of good information for those wanting to get started with simple dog training for free. It does go into some more advanced things but I don't suggest anyone watch a video and then try to work a dog on a bite suit, for that matter bite suits and even bite sleeve work is well beyond the scope of this forum.

  12. My bull terrier was sent to one of those to try to curb her aggression.

    She came back a nervous wreck and with plenty of well-developed mange.

    Could you tell us more about your experience? Were you getting your dog trained in Thailand or somewhere else? My suggestion if one chooses to get into dog training is to get involved with a group that helps each other train and take classes that you and your dog go to together as a team.

  13. Right now Sizzler has some fantastic beef for their burgers. I was quite surprised as they have improved their menu and service tremendously since my last visit.

    For just a good burger, fast, cheep, and clean try the Burger King upstairs at Emporium. You can get a coffee from Starbucks to go with it. :o

  14. Even a small fire at MBK would kill hundreds Im afraid. I stick to the first couple floors since the prices there are less than impressive up stairs anyway. The culture here does not prepare in advance for hardly any emergency, most feel speaking of or preparing for bad things will bring them about. Just start talking about ghosts or go somewhere where something bad has happened and start talking about it and see what happens :o

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  16. Get the rabies shots now!

    There is no point to arguing this but most likely if you dont get the shots nothing will happen, But what if? Not one single case of rabies has ever been cured, death is the only result. You can also transfer rabies to your sexual partners and kill them to. What you need is a good physician to explain this " Don't take my word for it" and yes a tetanus shot is also warranted from even a small dog bite if you have no idea of your last shot.

  17. Are there any Schutzhund groups in Bangkok. If you cant find one you can look on the net. Its about the best deal going for those interested in training their own dogs and they have get togethers on weekends to help each other. While some view it as Police Dog Training its more of the basics but they do go into Sleeve Biting for their highest level, its very simple stuff.

    The real K9 stuff is Bite Suits and KNPV and that level, its not for pets but straight working dogs. You can go to this link and download a real simple E-book on Schutzhund, there are also many articles for free but they are selling Videos and stuff too. There is also a message board with lots of dog training information, some good and some bad.

    What Is Schutzhund?

    Schutzhund is a German word meaning "protection dog." It refers to a sport that focuses on developing and evaluating those traits in dogs that make them more useful as breeding dogs and happier companions to their owners.

    The orginial purpose for the sport of Schutzhund was to develop a dog sport that could measure the working ability of the dog so that information could be used in a breeding program to develop better working dogs with good temperaments.

    Schutzhund work concentrates on three parts. Many familiar with the obedience work of the American Kennel Club's affiliates will recognize the first two parts, tracking and obedience. The Schutzhund standards for the third part, protection work, are similar in some ways (not all) to police work or personal protection work.

    While dogs of other breeds are also admitted to Schutzhund trials, this breed evaluation test was developed specifically for the German Shepherd Dog. Schutzhund is intended to demonstrate the dog's intelligence and utility. As a working trial, Schutzhund measures the dog's mental stability, endurance, structural efficiencies, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage, and trainability.

    This working dog sport offers an opportunity for dog owners to train their dog and compete with each other for recognition of both the handler's ability to train and the dog's ability to perform as required. It is a sport enjoyed by persons of varied professions, who join together in a camaraderie born of their common interest in working with their dogs. Persons of all ages and conditions of life--even those with significant disabilities--enjoy Schutzhund as a sport. Often, it is a family sport.

  18. The quality of Scum in Thailand gets better everyday. For the OP, sorry you got harassed. Thailand is a beautiful country with fantastic and loving people, its only natural it would also attract some real dirt bags and create a few local ones too. In this case a few rotten apples does not spoil the barrel, they only need sorting.

  19. For Sale two American Pitbull Puppies out of my dog Dek and By Mr. Gold. Both of these puppies are of very good parentage and both the sire and dam are available to be seen. The larger puppy Batman is 5,000 baht, and the smaller male Yin is 4,000 baht. They were born on May 21, have all current shots, and are ready to find a good home. These dogs are in the Udon, Nong Khai Area, Dogs can travel by train in third class for anyone who does not drive.

    I do require that any potential buyer provide a safe environment for the dogs. This means a walled in yard and much love. They will also need monthly doses of Ivomec to keep them worm free and healthy, One can do this themselves or have it done by the vet, it is not expensive. I will also make myself available to help anyone who owns or is interested in owning Pitbulls in Thailand.

    Contact by PM on Thaivisa. I am very interested, Please contact me for a meeting,, thanks,, Wayne

    pm sent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  20. For Sale two American Pitbull Puppies out of my dog Dek and By Mr. Gold. Both of these puppies are of very good parentage and both the sire and dam are available to be seen. The larger puppy Batman is 5,000 baht, and the smaller male Yin is 4,000 baht. They were born on May 21, have all current shots, and are ready to find a good home. These dogs are in the Udon, Nong Khai Area, Dogs can travel by train in third class for anyone who does not drive.

    I do require that any potential buyer provide a safe environment for the dogs. This means a walled in yard and much love. They will also need monthly doses of Ivomec to keep them worm free and healthy, One can do this themselves or have it done by the vet, it is not expensive. I will also make myself available to help anyone who owns or is interested in owning Pitbulls in Thailand.

    Contact by PM on Thaivisa.

    Ivomec for pups ? ouch , are you injecting the Ivomec or giving it oral ? i thought a puppy wormer would have been enough for young pups .


    Most of the oral puppy wormers are useless. I have been using monthly shots of Ivomec for over ten years.





    In the mid-1980's, ivermectin was introduced as probably the most broad-spectrum anti-parasite medication ever. It is effective against most common intestinal worms (except tapeworms), most mites, and some lice. It is effective against larval heartworms (the "microfilariae" that circulate in the blood) The most common uses in small animal practice for ivermectin would include: Monthly prevention of heartworm infection, Treatment of ear mite situations, Clearing heartworm larvae in active heartworm infection, Treatment of sarcoptic, notoedric or demodectic mange

    It should be noted that doses of ivermectin used for prevention and treatment of heartworm disease are approximately 50 times lower than doses used for other parasites.

  21. Recently a lady who feeds dogs was severely bitten by a snake out in a field near a friends home. I understand she later died but has anyone known of anyone being bitten who actually lived. It is a fact that in many cases large cobras bite but do not inject venom as they reserve it for something a size they can eat. While that it is not always true its a least something to hope for if one is bitten.

    Ive came very close to being bitten 2 times here, Within inches of a strike. When I lived on Ko Chang they were set up for snakebites but I'm not sure about Isan or even Bangkok. Do any of the forum members have any ideas on this subject? While there have been many snake related postings I cannot remember a Snake Bite topic.

    I have been down to the Red Cross by Lumpini and checked out their snake collection but I could not find any statistics available like how many people are bitten, how many survive bites, which provinces have more snake bites, and similar things. I recently came across this snake bite website about a rattlesnake and they are not even deadly and the damage from the bite was horrific. The pictures are quite graphic of the recovery but damm interesting, it sure got me to thinking. Now I don't walk anywhere without a long piece of bamboo for support and snake charming.

    Very Detailed Snakebite Recovery Photos, "Warning don't view while eating!"

  22. One of the local farang bars has been closed lately so I asked a Thai friend if the farang moved on or went back to his country. His answer was "Oh no, He still open, only he close when fight with wife" ,,,,, I though that was classic.

    Another bar is always closed the next day if you see the owner out after dark. Hes more reliable than a Rolex on that. :o

  23. Sounds like a pecking order issue. Dogs are a pack animal, not unlike wolves, there is always a number one and your dog thinks its number one. Getting ruff with a dog is not a problem, they get ruff with each other to sort out pecking issues. The problem lies in knowing how ruff is to ruff because crossing that line can severely damage a animal mentally and or physically. There is no need to abuse any animal but just as a larger dog and even a mother will bite to force their will and show power a human can do this with a dog by using a loosely rolled up news paper or something.

    There could also be a problem with the breeding. This happens often in Thailand, dogs get bred to close and the offspring are Scitzo. You should find someone to help you evaluate the dogs general mental condition to see if the behavior can be corrected.

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