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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. From the Bangkok Post a few minutes ago, Im in Shock!

    (dpa) - Thailand is the leading home-away-from-home for expatriate retirees seeking the sunnier climes of South-East Asia, but the kingdom faces growing competition from their neighbours, a leading international property consultant said Wednesday.

    Thailand, which has been actively trying to attract foreign retirees for years, granted 12,092 special retirement visas to foreigners in the first seven months of 2006, putting it at the forefront of the regional push to generate revenues off the elderly expatriate market, said James Pitchon, executive director of CB Richard Ellis Thailand (CBRE).


  2. Another tradgedy and more questionable commentary from the uninformed or those who choose to live in a fantasy world where bad things dont happen to nice people and where justice prevails because its the right thing, "Integrity is for the unfortunate!"

    Whoever was driving should consider himself lucky that the accident ocurred in a Buddhist village. Elsewhere on the island justice may have been dispensed on the spot.

    My question for Chinthee is what other village is there in Phuket? The implication is that Buddhists are not capeable of violence, I would like to hear from one poster who has lived in Thailand for a few years and have never encountered a violent Buddhist. In many cases even the murdering hitman of Thailand go straight to a Wat with their blood money to get forgiveness and monk blessings, just ask around.

    On another note, how many reading this are completly ignoring the fact a man in a mercedees purposly ran over a crowd of innocent people murdering one and maiming others yet one drunk, a questionable drunk with no intentions of purposfully hurting anyone ran over a motercycle with family on a island where drunkeness is not only tolerated it is encouraged to the point of endless accidental deaths. In the comparison the drunk it is suggested should be hung by the neck until dead yet the murdering VIP is treated as a victem, how sick is this?

    In one boxing school in Phuket 2 or 3 farang were killed on motercycles and one trainer was maimed or put in a wheelchair for life in less than one year, not sure exactly on details but the point is Phuket is very dangerous for motorcycles. Riding more than 2 on a motercycle impairs the drivers ability limiting the possibility of avoiding an accident but putting children on motercycles on a road is just asking for tears and cremation smoke. While I dont put blame on the driver of the motorcycle I am fully implying the Thai Police and Government are responsible for the deaths of thousands for the completely ignorant, backwards, and intlolerable laws, enforcement, and education concerning road safety in the Land Of Smiles or Land of Tragidy depending on your view, If you choose to live here I suggest a strong stomach.

  3. inspired by the firearms thread... i live alone (solo female) on an island in the south, and lately there have been many incidents which have shown me that i need some sort of protection for myself nowadays. i have 3 big dogs, but their bark is worse than their bite, and some of the people who might be a threat would know the dogs already. i don't want a gun- i would probably shoot myself in an episode of PMS or something. pepper spray? that's not really that effective is it? there is one mental patient in my village who was oblivious to the blows by 4 large men when he recently went through town waving a knife at people. i doubt pepper spray would deter him if i had a problem with him. does anyone have any good suggestions?

    Get yourself a good American made machete like an Ontario which in Thailand will run from 2 to 4 thousand baht. The problem with all Thai knives is the heat treatment which makes them brittle, when they contact steel they often shatter. Most cases of farangs being attacked in their homes at night is at the hands of unskilled but violant criminals who carry cheep Thai swords bought at any night market throughout Thailand. Once this is realized one can prepare a defense that becomes an offense.

    The best way to get skills with machetes is by chopping up shrubbery and bamboo and such. After that just remember to attack the hands of an attacker, how far you take it from there is up to you. While smaller knives can give women an extreme advantage over larger men it is more of a challange than long blades of which the machete is the easiest and cheepest available qaulity weapon in Thailand. It is also simple to understand and use and much less likely to be taken away from you than a basesball bat which is a weapon for larger stronger types. Blunt weapons are power weapons and the oppisite of edged weapons which are speed and deception weapons which are more suitable for smaller size and weeker defenders.

    Im not at all a fan of Krav Maga as some have suggested here, the facts are a 140 pound women is no match in any unarmed fight with even a 160 pound men without weapons as womens strength is in the hips and mens strength is upper body. Dont believe the infomercials on such things, a 200 pound man with no training is however weeker than a hundred pound woman with a kitchen knife and a basic stratagy of offense and defense edged weapons. As far as the nutjob who fought four men, In the history of the world Im not aware of one case where a man commited rape after he had both hands chopped off.

    Dogs are more of a alarm system unless you have them trained which is both time consuming and very expensive no matter how you look at it. Numbers of dogs will make more noise, and have more ears effectivly making them a better alarm and less prone to poisen. In many cases having dogs will send attackers to an easier target. So dogs, they are a good thing but beware of inbred rotweilers and shepards in Thailand, many children have been savaged in the last few years because of ignorant dog ownership and bad breeding.

    There are many videos and other training movies available over the internet, about the only one I would reccomend for machete is done by Datu Kelly Worden which you can do a search for on google. Any specific questions about further training here in Thailand can be sent in PM. Usually one or two groups have some kind of training here every year, one was in Phuket last year.

    I hope you find this helpful, you asked for a defense so what I offered is one of the most effective, primitive, and brutal defenses available not based on strength, it is however quite messy :o

  4. For those who were used to going to Udon Aek Hospitial to the Immigration Office Forgetaboutit! One day it was business as usual and the next they completly moved out lock, stock, and barrel.

    Insiders say its the new Immigration Chiefs idea to close the office which was open one or two times per week. Speculation is there is no reason to be helpful or easy to deal with when your holding two or three extra decks of cards and all the aces in a double dealing poker game. Buyer Beware, Living in Thailand without being a liar is getting more and more complecated. Sorry for the bad news but I hope it saves a couple folks a wasted trip to Udon, This is now a confirmed fact they are closed as I was there when they moved out.

    At this time there is no plan to reopen the office but the hospital has asked them to consider it to deal with immigration issues related to health care of foriegn nationals in Udon.

  5. Visa exempt stamps are not going to help you in this situation I can assure you.

    How can you assure us of anything? You're guessing, and that's all you'll ever be able to do regarding the future of Thailand's visa regulations and enforcement thereof.

    In case you've forgotten, Thailand is still in the middle of political turmoil, so absolutely nothing is certain.

    It serves no purpose to come on here to scare monger.

    Let's keep to the facts and wait to see what happens.

    **** And I got a triple entry visa from Penang in late August, and my Filipino GF a double-entry....go figure.

    x 10

  6. Mai Krap, I agree with your sentiments up until the US flag waving, I think if you looked you would see that the same level of care is available in much of Europe and Canada. And often at a fraction of the price the uninsured pay in the US. But most systems have serious flaws which can Be traced back to astronomical prices charged by the medical industry. But no flaws can excuse what happened here.

    A hospital refusing care to a trauma case is murder.

    No flag waving here, just pointing out the facts. While America has it wrong on many fronts, treatment on the scene of accidents is not one of them. Small countries in Europe cannot be compared in this matter because of geography and numbers of people, China? Russia? They are not on the same page.

    I see no offense on criticizing the system on this thread. A child has been dealt a horrible hand by a double dealing system. I see it often, more often than i can handle spiritually. Maybe some of those reading will chose to speak up or take action as all is certainly not well.

    While I understand death from untreated cancer and long term illness, bleeding to death in the back of truck in a country that boasts of seeking VIP tourists is just well beyond wrong. Not to mention the horrible care I see at the boxing matches I frequent, A national sport with no medical standards, 0.

    This case saddens me but knowing it will happen again angers me.

  7. Apologists, you have no ground to stand on here. Many of the readers of this forum will know exactly how this case was handled. And for the lack of drama concerning many teachers, Not their kid, Not their problem, deep private emotions? See what happens if you bump into their car and scratch it.

    On scene a parade of small dirty trucks most of which show damage from their own accidents will arrive. The poorest of uneducated boys will poor out of these vehicles as if they were clowns at a circus arriving in the center ring in a clown car dressed in orange jumpsuits covered in Chinese writing. These boys would be the ones many of us have had run ins with in the past and conduct themselves as a private mafia only accountable to the local Chinese Association VIPs.

    The poor child would have in all likelihood received no and I mean zero first responder care, not even the most basic of things as they have not one standard here, I blame the Doctors themselves for allowing this hedonistic practice, Them and the government. Many times if two competing crews arrive they will fight on the spot over who gets who in the back of their trucks, its a shame on a beautiful land. From there one is piled into the back of a rusty truck bed and pounded from whatever road one must travel to wherever they choose to go, while they may save some they are the death of many.

    Pointing the finger at America will not work on this matter as we have the finest and most first responders ever known covering the largest first class medically covered geographical area in the history of the world, and no hospital will refuse trauma cases. May God or gods rest this poor child's departed soul and may a few good men take over and correct this horrible and disgusting circumstance. I will leave it to the apologists to debate beyond this.

    To the original poster, my heart has known many sorrows here, I have no words of condolence for you to the disturbing and sorrowful loss of this baby as there are none.

  8. I think all the bad news finally got to him, either that or all the silliness of late. Myself, I have just been informed my avatar has received many complaints as it is in poor taste, I suspect those who have complained have never been to Thailand. I think I will go find Libya and exile myself to a whore house where I will feel welcumed, (Not sure about the the spelling).

  9. If you read this you must send 10 copies to friends and family within 24 hours or something bad will happen, you must also send a donation to XYZZZZZ XYZZZZZZZ box XYZZZ in XYZZZZ, your donation will directly effect the outcome of this situation.

    Thank you, A Thai in Africa.

    This is Serious ! PS if you do not send money do not take airplane! (Freebie)

    A little Birdy told me so, or was that just to much ice coffee?

  10. Forgetaboutit, Go get yourself some some free Joomla Templates and join a couple Joomla Forums. You can get a free copy of Apache and set it up on your computer then upload and build sites for practice with no internet access even.

  11. TOT IPStar was great about a year ago, its crap today. Now it seems every time I leave the house it resets and my computer has to be shut down in order to resume downloads. I don't expect it to get any better since the biggest problem is their cheepo IPStar uplink boxes and doubt they will replace them ever. Its best to stick with a ADSL line and get your own first class Router so you can control it. Also try to find the CAT 2Meg line if you can, the closer you live to a CAT office the better your speed will be today, tomorrow, well thats tomorrow, who knows considering the current history of crappy internet lines in Thailand.

  12. So now it comes out this guy stabbed the first guy to death and was stealing motorcycles with a AK47 and Grenades and being financed by some offshore ATM his momma was plugged into. Hey drunk tourist guys who marry hookers, don't send your dumbasss wannabe mafia adult stepmonsters violent video games and gun money.

    Gunman runs amok

    Enraged loner and gun enthusiast kills three, injures seven in two-hour clash with police, guards at Pathum Thani market

    A bloody two-hour gunfight between an enraged gunman and scores of police officers at an open market on the outskirts of Bangkok ended yesterday in the death of four people, including the attacker. Seven others were injured, some of them seriously.

    Kiartipong Meksawat, 21, armed with an AK47 assault rifle, went on a shooting spree just before dawn yesterday after stabbing to death a security guard, Sa-ard Khamsri, at the Thai Market in Pathum Thani's Klong Luang district.

    Police said Sa-ard became Kiartipong's first victim after he questioned whether Kiartipong was the rightful owner of a motorcycle parked at the entrance of the market.

    Moments later, the shooting spree began as police arrived at the crime scene to investigate an incident that soon became even more bloody than they initially anticipated.

    Market women and wholesale buyers ducked for cover as gunfire was exchanged between the young man and police.

    A durian seller, On Thongsuk, 46, and Pol Sergeant Issara Maneesaeng, were the gunman's next victims, while a pickup truck driver Theerayuth Sri-ariyakul, 30, who refused to give the gunman a lift, was shot and wounded.

    A motorcycle taxi driver, Prasert Wabanthap, also took a stray bullet in his right leg.

    Kiartipong was running for cover when he shot at Issara, hitting the officer in the head. Several others - including Pol Lt Col Ritthinan Puipanthawong, who was also injured - scrambled to get away from the hail of fire.

    Doctors at the Thammasat Hospital in Rangsit sub-district performed surgery to remove the bullet from Ritthinan's stomach. He was later transferred to the Police Hospital in Bangkok, where he was put in the intensive care unit.

    During the gunfight, Pol Private Virote Boonlawong was hit in the leg and stomach. Doctors said he is still in a critical condition as the bullets hit main blood vessels.

    Two hours after the stabbing incident at Soi Aiyara 1/1, not far from where the first victim lay dead, Kiartipong was finally shot dead by police.

    Initial investigations provided a glimpse into Kiartipong's personality.

    It is known that he meditated, visited temples, yet also owned handguns, loved to play violent video games, read 'Guns and Ammo' magazines and had no friends except his sister, who visited him regularly.

    "He was a loner," said Metropolitan Police Area 2 commander, Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano.

    Police searched his apartment and found two fully loaded AK47 magazines, 35 rounds of bullets for .22mm handguns, three knives and one samurai sword, ninja-style throwing stars, weapon magazines and combative computer games.

    Kiartipong was last seen leaving his apartment on his motorbike at about 9pm on Tuesday.

    Police found in Kiartipong's possession some tools, which they believed he used to steal motorbikes, a mobile phone, and three AK47 magazines.

    Police said they were not ruling out the possibility that Kiartipong may have been part of a gang behind a series of motorcycle thefts.

    Amnuay, who led the search, said Kiartipong had been renting the room for over a month. The rent was paid for by his sister, who visited him regularly. She accompanied the police during the search yesterday.

    Amnuay said Kiartipong's mother had married a foreign man and lived abroad. His mother sent him money regularly, he said.

    The Nation

  13. Basically nobody here cares anyway, How many times have you ever heard of a Thai getting medical tests unless they were in the hospital about to die? Back in the day I would take buses all over Thailand. There always seems to be that one person who cannot stop coughing on the bus and on occasion I was lucky enough for them to sit right behind and cough on me all the way to point B. I no longer take buses and that is the main reason outside the fact they are dangerous in general. I often wonder how many of these folks had TB? Its not like any food worker here is tested for anything or even the food is checked for anything for that matter.

    Another big problem in Thailand is leprosy. It is far more common than one would think.

  14. I am sooooooooo sick of these people in general not just in Thailand. Seriously isn't it easier to do nothing and go about your daily business worship your god and do what it is you have to do rather than cause problems on a global scale. I just don't get the ignorance and yes I know it is not all the Muslims but they need to take care of their own and show the world that they are part of the solution not part of the problem.

    If you don't like Muslims get the helll out of Thailand!

    Just go home! Its that simple!

  15. GREAT IDEA! Next they could dynamite the reef at Ko Chang and moor some old wore out tourist ship so VIPs could could gamble with hookers in peace. Or how about place a huge AMWAY sign as the largest and highest visible thing when arriving on the ancient island city of Ayutthaya. Oh to late, both those things have been done. Mother FFFFing sell outs, cant see the forests because of the trees, no problem, cut down the rest of them.

  16. shokdee, if u have info on this guy & know where he can be found I suggest you tell the police as allowing a known peado to wander around without at least drawing him to the attention of the the authorities is just as bad as what this guy does IMO.

    You post a warning to protect your kids then admit to knowing that a paedo hangs around tesco child play area!! <deleted> man call the cops in.

    As for the harness, quite normal for toddlers to be on them as they have no road sense & can move really fast when out & about. Using a rein is good for teaching them how to have road sense. As long as they aren't chained to a wall then I can't see why they would be a bad idea when wandering around the shops. Kid gets to walk around & mum & dad have peace of mind knowing the child isn't running into traffic or getting lost in a large crowd.

    As much as I would like to bust every pedophile in Thailand it just ain't gonna happen. As recently as five years ago people that were screwing kids would sit around bragging about it openly and there was nothing to be done unless you absolutely took the law into your own hands. I ask you this? Who is willing to do that (Take the law into ones hands) for kids that the police are prostituting for cash, pedophiles are cash cows here in Thailand.

    Does anyone believe that all the katoeys running around Thailand were raised up with normal sexual circumstances or were many of them molested as kids and left confused about their sexuality? And dont confuse my questioning that with bashing homosexuality as I know and am friends with many westerners who are in all rights perfectly normal and homosexual. This topic is just one of Thailands dirty secrets that for whatever reason they chose to do nothing or at least next to nothing about.

    Religions that promote chaste old men have a horrible track record for housing horny old perverts with young boys and turning off the lights then taking a blind eye to what goes on. Here they just take it one step further by promoting a society that does not complain about anything and tries not to rock the boat. We all know the stories of the girls who complain they were raped to the police only to have the police rape them again and worse. I could relate more stories that sicken me to this day but most would not believe me unless they had similar experiences. In the end it is up to Thai people to sort it out, As for the kids in my family, I protect over them the best I can. Its not so much the outsider or kidnappers who I see as the dangers here, its the drunk farm hands and VIPs who are serial molesters. May god help you if you ever need confront one of them.

  17. Go to the Complex, (Robinsons) then go all the way up stairs by the movie theater and there is a big sports zone with lots of gear. I cannot remember the name of it but it is a chain store, possibly part of Robinsons. Another option is to just get it in Bangkok and ship it to Udon on the train then truck to Sakhon Nakhon.

    If you just need weight benches you might just have a local metal shop weld them up for you as its much cheaper than you would think. Personally gyms bore the helll out of me so Ive created my own work outs and make up my own gear. I wanted a medicine ball so I just went and bought a basketball for a hundred baht and filled it with sand, works great. I did splurge and buy a fancy jump rope for another hundred or so. Soon I will pour some concrete kettles with steel handles for a type of kettle ball, i saw them somewhere on the internet and thought it was a great idea, anyway good luck and if you need more detailed info just send a PM.

  18. Bit off-topic: I would like to advise anyone NOT to use Aek-Udorn. I have lost several friends there. The people of the Udorn expat community I know (all Thai speakers) recommend the Army hospital. They have the best reputation. What's the use of English-speaking staff if they don't cure you?

    Strange,the(english speaking)Thais are telling me the young doctors in the Military Hospital are inexperienced,on the contrary many doctors in the AEK come from the big public Hospital;they tell me the Military is a good place to die. :o

    Glad to hear cookie will live to see another day and hope for a full recovery for him.

    As far as Udon AEK goes,

    They are far from perfect but they are also by far the best Issan has to offer.

  19. It may be a good idea if you are worried about a break in, leave lights on and tv downstairs or get someone (male preferably) to sleep downstairs

    Or get some friend who owns a shotgun to come hang around for a few nights and smoke them. Never underestimate how dangerous these kinds of scumbags are, they will murder you and your family in a heart beat. I would also round up more dogs right away and light the place up like a football stadium for a month or so.

  20. It does not make any difference as to what nationality or passport this guy is holding. He is a total scumbag that could have just as easily grabbed a kid and held them hostage, same, same, mentality. To bad they "The Victims" didn't smack his asss up but good, If only it would have happened in Cambodia, instant justice would have been served. They know to deal out the punishment before the cops can show up with their hands out for a pay off.

  21. No point risking it unless you don't mind a spell in the Bangkok Hilton.

    You are on holiday and you want a good time, the last thing you need is to be banged up abroad!

    Travel safe.

    I challenge you to find one single case of anyone ever spending a night in jail for having or smoking Sheesha in Thailand. There have been a few people stopped at the airport and fined but in every single case that I'm aware of there were entire suitcases of the tobacco involved amounting to hundreds of boxes. In regards to the original question it would be the equivilent of saying

    "Hey I know a guy who just got busted for bringing thirty cartons of cigirettes to Thailand without a proper tax stamp, If I was you I wouldnt take even one pack through customs unless you want to risk spending your holiday in prison"

    Which is entering the twilight zone. Most of the comments that have been made here are posted by people who have little to less than zero experience with this subject matter anywhere much less within Thailand or the Middle Eastern Quarter of Bangkok which sales it openly all hours of the day and night closing only from 4AM to daylight when the pipes come right back out for the hardcore breakfast smokers and guys like me who who enjoy it with caffeine on business trips for a quick start on a long day.

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