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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. Whether anyone wants to admit this or not, the people currently stranded at the Airport are being held as hostages. The conditions there have been worsened by the fact the air conditions were all turned off and passengers were being moved around in a coordinated effort, not for their own comfort but in order to best use them as human shields from having the riot police or military come in and retake the airport.

    Anyone that wishes to make the argument that the hostages are free to go needs only ask this, Go Where? All internet access has been cut off at the airport and those inside are being told they are free to leave but at the same time being told it is very dangerous outside of the terminal. These are not a bunch of die hard expat tourists who are sitting around drinking beer and having a laugh but families who are now scared to death, hungry, and just wore out who now find themselves in the danger zone through no fault of their own.

    This situation is beyond outrageous, granted the average tourist is completely naive about Thailand, however, because the government of Thailand does go around the world and seek out tourist to come here and advertises this as a safe destination for families they "The Thai Government"are in my view responsible for the safety of the tourists now stranded at the airport.

    In my mind I can only view the PAD as a group or terrorists who are endangering the lives of International Tourists. Ignorance is no excuse in this matter and if one diverted plane has an accident or one tourist dies because of the action of the PAD the fault lies squarely on their leadership and those who are supporting this situation from behind the scenes, VIP or not, I'm disgusted beyond words.

  2. As far as air travel goes all inbound flights are being diverted to Utapao which can certainly handle the traffic. Utapao is the former B52 Air Base down by Rayong on the coast and I suspect if you wish to leave Thailand by air this would be the place to go and try and get on board. One of my mates is in route as I write to pick up his Mum at Utapao as she is arriving from UK this afternoon so this inbound info is 100% correct. Can anyone confirm outbound flights out of Utapao? No need worry about disruptions down there as its a military base heavily secured.

  3. There are a million jokes to made of this, my favorite is to rename the editors at Bangkok Post and Nation, Hubya, as Hub is not the original word in Thai. It is a fact that the editorial departments of both these newspapers are guilty as helll for making Thailand the Hub of all Hubs but it is the government who is presenting a hubcap as the vehicle to drive Thailand into the future.

    No 300 Rai in the world will ever rival Silicon Valley, that is not any kind of goal to set unless your looking for failure. If anyone was interested, and thats a big if, as I do not think anyone is interested. The very first move to bring Thailand into the computer age is to remove Thai Script from all computer keyboards as English is the language of computers. Anything less will just end in another miserable failure, check back in ten years and see.

    If they want to set up a area to take software thats already produced and then try to make it usable in Thai Script that is doable but in the end will prove useless, the equivalent of taking a Corvette and replacing the engine with one from that little Indian car they have been showing on the news lately. It would bandage the wound temporarily but in the end is similar to throwing out one bone at the Wat for a hundred dogs, Futile.

  4. Which road will be the deadliest road in Thailand during Sonkran 2008? The worst I have seen is the road from Udon to Sakon Nakhon, anyone who will be traveling on it should read the warning I posted in the Isarn Forum.

    Yesterday I had the windscreen covered in water at full speed on a two lane highway and could have easily ran over the same kids who threw the water. I also witnessed people throwing buckets of water onto big trucks at full speed on Mitapop Highway right before a police checkpoint. Its easy to imagine some blinded truck not getting stopped on the wet road and slamming into the cars being checked which is dangerous enough in itself.

  5. Anyone who is traveling on the highway between Udon and Sakon Nakhon needs to follow extreme caution. They have been doing construction for some time and have now completed most of the 4 lane road for the first 20+ kilometers. The danger is the road diverts back and forth with not much if any warning and people are driving at full speed going in both directions on both sides of the highway. To further compound the problem there is no shoulder on the road and very few lines on the black asphalt. The current situation is such that I have sworn not to drive down this road for at least the next 6 months or longer.

    Last night we came upon a horrible accident, certainly the people were broken and possibly killed, the truck absolutely destroyed and currently there are multiple places covered in shattered glass which we saw today that indicate other head on collisions. The road was already horribly dangerous and has a reputation for causing the death of many people, I suspect that during Songkran 2008 it will be one if not the deadliest roads in Thailand. Please be very careful and take it easy if you have to drive here, In five years of driving here I have not witnessed a worse situation.

  6. I'am looking to have a round, stay at course hotel then have a round next day. Probably near the end of April, relax after the Songkran celebrations, or possible before they begin.

    Not willing to pay the Kirimaya prices so was looking for a recommendation.

    Rooks Korat is the nearest to our home, NongKi, i think so, is favourite at the moment, any views ??

    I was looking at Mission Hills as well but the reviews i found from 2006 said it was very run down and full of Koreans, any change since ??

    Anyway, open to any suggestions, youre the experts. I have never played in Thailand so wherever i play iam sure will be an experience not to forget.

    Also the week starting 19th April will be looking for a game in Pattaya. Whats the quietest course, best for high handicappers who dont want to hold up play on a busy course.

    Finally, what is the situation with single players, i will be on my own. I presume a quiet course would let me go around alone but if it is busy i would be paired up with another single or group.

    Cheers in advance !!

    I don't understand your question? Are you stating you live in Nong Khai but want to play golf in Korat?

  7. I didn't bother to check the dates till after I posted, this thread has been around for some time, just wondering if the same people who were screaming cheapskate are still passing out 500 baht tips with the dollar down to 30?

    Yes I am, and happy to do so.

    Having read your previous post, I am talking to someone who hasnt got a clue, when it comes to Golf :o

    Re the dollar being down to 30, has absolutely no bearing on being able to afford 500 baht :D

    If it does, then you should not be playing golf, you should be back home, earning money to allow you to enjoy the finer things in life :D

    So now I don't have a clue when it comes to golf? Just for your information I have plenty of money and plenty of knowledge about golf since I grew up next door to a Arnold Palmer Driving Range and a Public Golf Course. My father was a Caddy as a teenager and later a Golf Course Marshall, an avid player and well known local golfer too who could get on the course with anyone. While I may not be famous I know the game and its history better than most and I can hammer forge my own irons, carve out my own woods, cast my own putter and even make my own golf balls to play the original game based on any years rules dating back to Old Tom in Scotland.

    Now what is it that you know about golf other than spending money? While money is needed to play the game, the game is not all about money, the game is all about the game!

  8. You sound like a frustrated teacher.
    First of all, as a regular golfer myself, you must understand that you are in a minority of ONE when you talk about giving a caddy less than 100 baht!!

    Secondly most caddies at the larger courses do NOT go out more than once a day. Some of these courses have 00's of caddies, some do not even get out once per day.

    If it is about affordability, then you should not be playing golf.

    I wish I could set a video camera up, of when you arrive at the golf course. Those poor caddies are running for cover hoping that its not their turn

    I've been playing golf for a long time in Thailand and know how much Thai people give - USUALLY not over 100 baht.

    I regularly play with about 20 guys who work in a technical school in Khon Kaen.

    These guys all get well less than 1000 baht a day. The course costs 240 baht for a round + 100 baht for the green fees and caddie. These guys normally tip about 50 baht. Are you saying they should give 300 baht tip? Are you saying they shouldn't be playing? Should the course be reserved for farang, tourist golfers who haven't a clue about the cost of living here?

    Do you accept and encourage double pricing?

    I wish I had a video camera of you walking into 7/11 - them all shouting yippee here comes that rich idiot throwing his money around. or do you not tip the staff there. Why not? Do you tip for a haircut? I suppose that all Thai people tip 200 baht for a haircut too.

    Most farang I play with give 200 baht at the good courses in Thailand because they can afford it. It is a tip remember, not a requirement. Sometimes I pay 200 baht if I can afford it and the service is very good. Sometimes I can't afford it, but to say I shouldn't be playing is total <deleted>.

    A hundred baht is about right, in many cases Thai people do not tip at all. Tipping is not the norm, it is the exception in Thai Culture. The people you see sleeping in those metal sheds that would pass for torture chambers and pouring concrete twelve hours per day are lucky if they can clear two hundred baht a day so anyone who can just drag a golf bag around a course is not skilled labor, not even educated to any degree most of the time. I do not say such things to be be rude or cruel but to get to the facts.

    I can tell you this, I had a Las Vegas tipping attitude in the past but with the collapse of the dollar and medical crises last year I received a very rude wake up call and learned the value of a dollar which is converted to Thai baht. I and many of the Americans I know have given up on tips and tipping and anyone who ever worked in Thailand will be happy to tell you how many tips and bonuses they received while working here, In the end big tippers are just considered dumb, nothing more, nothing less.

    As far as cheep golf, I suspect few are willing to disclose their favorite golf locations to tourists. After some of the comments here its no wonder why, as who wants to follow behind some silly tourist throwing money around. I'm sure some will now consider me a cheep a##h%%% but thats far from reality. I do wish the best for all the caddies but I have no time to waste arguing about how caddies should be educated to get paid, that stated would it be that difficult to put them through a 30 day school? Till then I will do my best to avoid them altogether.

  9. Sixems are the norm on many Thai courses. As with many adventures here Thai culture dictates the more the merrier. How many people can fit on a bus in Thailand? One more. The same holds true for greens, it is normal to have absolute chaos on the greens, a sixem with six caddies, no problem. There is also much money getting transferred and the sixem is the preferred method for gambling. The best choice is just no comment in these situations with Thais, just kill some time messing about. Anyone thinking of getting a Course Marshal involved outside of regulated tournament play in Thailand does not know much about playing golf here, you will end up more frustrated than you already were.

    The best suggestion so far was to go ahead and play 2 or more balls yourself. If you have a sixem in front of you, just play three balls. While you would never do this anywhere else, here I don't think its a problem as long as you do not hold up people behind you, for that matter few would notice, if anyone did. If your on the course by yourself its not a game, its practice, some rules can be adjusted but etiquette should remain intact.

    While this is not a secret, getting out at daybreak will have you alone on the course many places. Today I went to hit some balls at the range and there was not even a parking space at 3 PM, lately its been getting busy during the week too in the afternoon, seems like many folks have the time and the game is getting more popular. This will not be changing anytime soon, if anything things will be getting more congested no matter how many new courses open in the LOS.

  10. is there a class for classic camera? like 4x5 or 8x10?

    thanks :o

    There are classes but mostly in Thai and they are getting scarce. No need to worry though because you can learn everything you need to know from a few books, Ansel Adams series of four being the best for large format. There is more than enough information available for free these days online with many photography forums and intrest groups.

    I have some 4x5 cameras I have been thinking about selling because I currently use 35mm film at high speed for low light photography, if your interested send me a e-mail address. If you do a search here you will find where I was asking about other large format users years back. As far as a Darkroom you can just shoot the film negatives and contact print, then scan to digital. Its rather straight forward when done like this.

  11. ....just a personal point of view;.....I think all of the "visa runners should somehow try to get it into their heads that they should start making plans for pastures new,.....Thailand doesn't really need second rate teachers,beach bums/farang bar owners,exploitive buisness persons,gap year students...as Bernard Trink warned many years ago making it too easy to live here would just bring the riff raff.............stop complaining and GO HOME !!!!!! :o

    WOW, COOL, I started a thread where someone throws Bernard Trink into the argument!

    You left out alcoholics, Viagra addicts, and golf enthusiasts!

    Tropo has it right about the 30 day visa runners, thats where the extra people came from. I used to think it was done to create revenue but lately I believe someone just thought it was a good idea. They never considered the blow back and to date are just kite flying the system, never mind inconsistency or even crying. No matter what happens the next six months will be interesting times indeed.

  12. Thing is, however, that 5 weeks can be a lifetime in terms of current practices at any particular Consulate.

    Keeping in mind that this whole thread is but 2 days old, has anyone gotten an non-ED there in say, the last 10 days?

    Nobody has said one cannot get a Tourist Visa there, many people did indeed get a Tourist Visa while I was there. The thing is it was just very difficult, they wanted papers that had never been asked for before which is not business as usual. 3 months ago the only thing anyone ever said about Savannakhet was it was a easy Visa Run, right now it is not, what will it be in 2008? I don't have a clue!

  13. This is the latest on Jack Golf about their adventure into Savannakhet, not good!





    This tour is to acquiring a single entry of Thailand tourist visa which allows you to stay 60 days and can be extended 30 more days at immigration bureau.


    We go to the border SVANNAKHET, which is located 680km away from Bangkok.Not only getting visa, but we want you to enjoy this trip! We prepare room in No.1 and 2 hotel with 2 breakfast!


    Please call us if you need tourist visa urgently.

  14. ...Is a transit visa what they were trying to give you?

    The OP was relating hearsay:

    ...there was plenty of very angry people at the consulate and some very heated conversations about the situation...



    No, I was there, It was what happened. Needless to say some people were very pissed off to receive a 21 day transit visa which can be extended for 7 days for 2,000 baht instead of a 60 day tourist visa which can be extended for 30 days for 2,000 baht.

  15. Im writing this from Savannakhet Laos...They are asking for 6 months of bank statements to verify income just for a 60 day tourist visa...The agent was only accepting official documents and no copies, This includes Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Tabien Ban Documents and the lot.

    For an application for a tourist visa? Are you quite sure you understood correctly?



    That is 100% correct, 6 months of bank statements for a tourist visa.

  16. I have no idea why the rules seemed to change so fast over there or if there was any particular reason it was based upon like to many teachers showing up or whatever. Normally I would try to comment and say "Yea, They changed the rules because?" or something to that fact but there is just not a fashionable answer here. It was nothing that was well thought out or understandable from my observation, If anything it seems they are trying to run people out of Thailand who have been hanging around on tourist visas but at the same time it seems it is getting harder to get a non immigrant visa too.

    The 21 day Visa was a Transit Visa. I have never seen or even heard of a 21 day Transit Visa before this week. I don't believe it is anything new, Im just stating I never saw one before. One guy had came all the way from Chiang Mai to Savannakhet for a 60 day visa and went back to Chiang Mai with a 21 day visa for one thousand baht plus expenses. I don't think the money was at all a issue for him but a sixty year old guy riding a bus for 36 hours one way for a 21 day visa? Thats a steep price to pay in sore butt. He said he would never go back to Laos and would fly down to Penang from now on but it sounds like Penang is not without its own headaches, personally I have never been there.

    Everything I have written about concerning this is first hand experience, I was there, Its what I personally saw and experienced, it was not a second hand account.

    As far as why someone would not just get a thirty day VOA? Some people already have 3 and I was told yesterday on the phone when I called to relate what happened to a old friend that at Poipet Cambodia they are asking for forward travel tickets before they give a 30 day VOA. While this is second hand information I was also told by the same source who was there last month at the Consulate in Phnom Penh that people were being denied any Visa and just being turned away. This is not anything new as both the Embassies in Cambodia and Vietnam have a long history of denying Visas for any number of reasons.

  17. Im writing this from Savannakhet Laos, There have been many postings stating it is easy to get a tourist visa here. I want to set the record straight. It is not easy, not in the least, as a matter fact it is as of this week one of the hardest places to get a Visa.

    They are asking for 6 months of bank statements to verify income just for a 60 day tourist visa. Anyone who cannot give these is just flat being denied the 60 day visa and being given a 21 day visa for one thousand Thai Baht. I have a O visa so no worries for me but there was plenty of very angry people at the consulate and some very heated conversations about the situation. If you are planning to get a 60 day visa I recommend you have your letter headed original bank statements to prove you that you have finances, I suspect they will not accept Internet copies as they have a new policy of not accepting any copies other than your passport which is handed in with your original passport during the application process. The agent was only accepting official documents and no copies, This includes Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Tabien Ban Documents and the lot.

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