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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. For Sale two American Pitbull Puppies out of my dog Dek and By Mr. Gold. Both of these puppies are of very good parentage and both the sire and dam are available to be seen. The larger puppy Batman is 5,000 baht, and the smaller male Yin is 4,000 baht. They were born on May 21, have all current shots, and are ready to find a good home. These dogs are in the Udon, Nong Khai Area, Dogs can travel by train in third class for anyone who does not drive.

    I do require that any potential buyer provide a safe environment for the dogs. This means a walled in yard and much love. They will also need monthly doses of Ivomec to keep them worm free and healthy, One can do this themselves or have it done by the vet, it is not expensive. I will also make myself available to help anyone who owns or is interested in owning Pitbulls in Thailand.

    Contact by PM on Thaivisa.

  2. yes i know, had the same conversation with some friends of mine here tonight. i can't help feeling this culture is shit. may end up having to just leave.

    Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater, There are some fantastic people here too. Anywhere you go you will have bad people, even evil people. The Caribbean is way more crime ridden than Thailand, Mexico? Malaysia? They all have crime. If you take the time to get a real defense it will not matter to you about the odd nutter, you will have a plan.

  3. The rainbow bridge group had two new additions, overnight. RIP, Moon & Caesar.

    Sorry for your loss, when my favorite dog died a couple years ago I went into a serious depression and did not even go outside for months. It was not until the birth of my baby that I came out of it, I still think of the dog everyday, it was a huge loss as she was so loyal and completely honest, two things humans tend to be lacking in, at least many in my world.

  4. A cross can be all good of some.....but WHY Pit?.....you want personality forget the pits.....pits offer zip compared to other breads, even street muts are better! Stop listening to people that know zip about dogs. Check it out...How did this Pit thing come in to being popular with people that love pets? What breading was done to come up with those arm Pits of the dog world. Some day some people gone start understanding the truth.......sorry but so many people are getting steared in the wrong direction and end up in a f...ed up fix......give your self a chance......forget the Pit.

    I suspect you have never owned a Pit Bull in your life and furthermore I suspect you have no understanding of the breed or its history. You are simply typing over the top, If you have something to say negative, back it up with personal experience, science, statistics, eye witness accounts or anything but emotion like you have done here, its a bore.

    It makes me sick to my stomach the way some people go on about subjects that are beyond their undrstanding. Pit Bulls can make fine pets or they can make horrible pets, mostly it depends on the owner. In order to train dogs there is only one requirement, you must be smarter than the dog!

  5. you know i am so frustrated with the thai families surrounding me here that i may just move. they know i am a farang girl living alone, and i go out of my way to help them quite often. but when i ask for information or help or even a watchful eye they just brush me off. i have had a couple of weird experiences with the thais around me lately and absolutely no one stepped up to the plate to help me when i needed it, and i don't expect them to if this guy goes off his rocker again. it's like they all have their heads in the sand. guess it is my problem though.

    Moving is easy, I have good neigbors where I live now verses bad ones at a couple places in the past. My neigbors are helpful with simple things and I quite like them but I would not expect much from them in a fight in the middle of the night. Even the police will try to avoid confrontation or just underestimate the potential someone has for violence. We used to have a ongoing joke with one police department in America, if you called and said shots were fired it would take twice as long for them to get there as they wanted to make sure all the shooting was completely finished before they arrived. Male or Female, its up to you to save your own hide in Thailand, dont depend on anyone else or you will end up disapointed or dead.

  6. One of the dangers of owning and breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is getting them bred into the local soi dog population. If someone does find any pit bull crosses they should have them neutered or spayed and not let them breed. I dont think any explanation is needed as to why a Wat full of half breed Pit Bulls is a very bad idea.

    Furthermore anyone breeding half breed pits here is completely irresponsible when one considers the dangers of such things. If your in Louisiana and breeding hog dogs cross breeds make some sense but in Thailand keeping the price above 5,000 baht even for unregistered but well known 100% Pit Bulls gives some insurance they will not be running loose up and down the streets getting into trouble. I personally just turned down one family from owning one of my dogs for this very reason, Irresponsible.

  7. There really aren't too many "answers" to dealing with multiple attackers -which I think many would agree is THE formula for assault, rape, burglary, etc. in the LOS- ...that would agree with the anti-gun lobby here on TV. You pepper spray one of three guys who come to your house with knives with the intention of having you open your safe for them... vs. you shoot one of them... in one situation, they are going to run away, in the other you're just going to have 2 guys ready to fight and 1 guy pissed off and ready to fight in about 5-10 minutes (or less).

    That said, I'm all for 500,000 Baht gun prices, and requiring minimums of say 10,000,000 Baht in the bank to get a license (it's already 1,000,000 nowadays), and online fingerprint scanning at all gun clubs and shops when you make ammo purchases.


    Even if you are like Bruce Lee and can kick ass, the best defense is always to avoid conflict. Running away is a good option......do anything possible to avoid having to hurt or possibly kill someone. Learn how to avoid placing yourself in a situation where you must react.

    Often tough guys end up dead because they fail to follow the run away rule. I had a friend in high school that was stabbed to death because he thought he was a tough guy......now he is a dead tough guy.

    For a female, a big, bad dog can work wonders to thwart off potential attackers (i.e., German Sheppard). Maybe you can move to another location.......good luck.

    One dog is easy to get rid of with poison or even a stick, even police dogs are sometimes killed by determined criminals. More often than not none of these big dogs have any real training and the owners assume they can get the job done, an assumption which can get you killed.

    Most everyone one knows flight or fight, running away, escaping, avoiding confrontation, are all good and valid defense against bodily injury. The problem lies in another assumption and that is one assumes they will be able to escape. What happens when you cannot get away from somebody and you are forced to deal with violence? Being the tough guy is not the answer but failure to have a plan to defend yourself in Thailand has been the death of many a tourist and expat, no need to go down the list but Elton Johns former Piano Player who was murdered on Ko Chang Island was attacked and beaten to death by three men who had been doing work for him. They decided to kill him for his money and did. The poor girls who were raped and murder in Ko Samui were also unable to escape their attackers and died for it. These were horrible crimes committed against them, ones they never dreamed would happen to them.

    As I stated before, put a hundred pound woman against a two hundred pound man with no weapons and the man wins every fight no matter if its the baddest Muay Thai female in the world. Take the same hundred pound woman against that man or even two with 2 days of knife defensive training and in most cases she will win the fight, knives are the ultimate close quarters weapon, readily available, cheep, and extremely effective. Never mind the mess, the hype, the BS, or the fishing expeditions for new technology, The blade is a battle proven last defense weapon that has turned the tide to win many a fight.

  8. Pepper spray is a good weapon, as is mace, but mace is a precision weapon and in the heat of the moment you might not hit a moving target. Pepper spray envelopes and disables.

    Where some people are getting the story of people not being affected by Pepper spray is from the CS gas tales where some people don't get affected.

    Trust me. if someone takes a hit off pepper spray they will go down! Just point it at yourself and spray it! You'll see what I mean then :o

    I've seen some 'hybrid disabling sprays' which combine CS gas, pepper spray and mace. They are more expensive but I think its just a gimmick.

    The Tasers are a good thing to have, the ones that fire out the electrodes are preferable. You'll need to import those ones as well.

    You'll be fined by the police if they catch you with one but unless you're waving it about showing off you won't have any problems. Just don't stick around after you've used it.

    Forget knives and swords and guns. Too messy, too hardcore and too lethal for us to be playing with in a foreign country.

    All of the above take a defensive situation and make it into a lethal one.

    Two attackers, one projectile taser, the math don't add up, attacks, robberies, rape, murder, and crime in general in Thailand is a multiple player sport in the majority of cases. Machetes are very messy but they are very effective with a minimum of training and understanding. The bottom line is there is no self defense without training unless you have a security guard, then they must do the training.

    This thread is after all about women and self defense, I doubt if any man or men with a taser or even pepper spray would stand up to a lady with a machete, that says much on the matter.

  9. There are two sides to every story.

    What two sides could there possibly be if one person is completely minding their own business and sober while talking on the phone in front of a major hotel? I guess the drunk suicidal hooker point of view, A view where telling perfect strangers to hang up their business call because they are drunk wins over any kind of commen sense.

    Sorry but even I need money to live here, I guess I could get a note frm the police saying Im a nice guy but have no money because I take care of drunk trailer trash with all my time and give it to Immigration, Im sure they would accept that instead of cash.

  10. Sorry guys but half the post is gone missing somehow,,,,,,,,,,, After she screamed "F You" she spit in my face at which point she was tackled but not to the ground by security before she actually hit me. I do believe spitting is also assault and certainly is nasty and possibly contageous.

    While I may be a jerk at times here I was minding my own business. The drama continued as I ran into the Hotel and she stood out side screaming. She then told the hotel staff that I knew her, she was my girlfriend, and I was a liar. She was also screaming for the police to come and yelling lots of Thai like I had attacked her, classic. After a time the hotel staff who know me escorted me out so I could leave, I gave the security a hundred baht for a couple beers and that was the end.

    It does leave many questions though, what ifs if you like. What if security was not there? What if I was a inexperianced tourist and the police came who could not understand English and only heard her side. You hear lots of nightmare scenarios and this ceratainly could have been the begaining of a real drama. In the end Im left with much anger over being spit on like that, oh yea, Im American with a southern accent, I guess to her were all Aussies......... crazy deal but life goes on...........

    The person involved had many razor scars on the inside of her forarms from previous suicide attemps or possibly just nutter behavior. These tell tell marks on any drunk person are a good sign one should get as far away from them as possible. While she may or may not be a Lesbian by definition she was involved with prostituting herself to older Europeon Lesbians. While prostitution in general is a potentialy dangerous thing when young men or women prostitute themselves in the Homosexual community it is sometimes even more dangerous if they are not in fact Homosexual.

    Again this is not gay bashing, its more of a warning to the Homosexual Community that Buyer Beware, There have been many homosexual westerners murdered by these nut jobs, this lady is certainly dangerous to all westerners.

  11. First thing, I have nothing against lesbians or homosexuals, If they want to legally marry Im all for it, what one does at home is their own business not mine.

    In this subject it is a issue because the attacker made it one. After eating dinner at Western Sizzelin I was goin outside to ride home, on the way I recieved a business related important call so I sat down next to some security staff in front of a very expensive hotel with a Ferrari parked about 30 meters away, for those who saw the Ferrari they will know the hotel and location.

    At this point I waws on the phone for around fifteen minutes and saw a copuple people walk by but it was a normal scene, nothing out of the ordinary till I noticed a drunk Thai woman walking in my general direction. Again I thought nothing of it as drunk locals are a normal occourence. She approached and begain talking so I was polite and tried to listen, " Have you seen my girlfriend, Shes the tall lesbian from Belgium, were fighting and shen left me" " No I have not, some people walked by in that direction but Im not sure, oh yea a Belgium, I saw a NGO Belgium patch on a lady walking this way" " Where she go? SHE CRAZY YOU KNOW? HANG UP PHONE AND TALK ME" "Im sorry but I must finish this call, its very important" "WHERE YOU FROM? yOU FROM BULLSHIT COUNTRY, YOU FROM AUSTRAILIA, WHY YOU COME MY COUNTRY? IM THAI PEOPLE"

    At this point I got up and started to walk away only to be chased after by a yelling and screaming sychotic drunk lesbian hooker. Then she screamed, "F YOU"

  12. Education and training are two seperate things with dogs. Education is a posative everyday experiance of learning how to be a good pet and for me starts the moment a puppy is born by imprinting them and continues throughout their life. Training is for older dogs, The military will not start a dog in training until its nine months to one year old. Either way its all posative and negative reinforcment no matter what vocabulary one chooses with the terminology be it fancy or just simple.

    Good luck with the puppy and keep everything fun.

  13. At this point spending time with the dog is all the training it needs, A good healthy environment to make it comfortable with life. The biting is just normal teething, try and get some largish bones the dog can chew on, just not cooked ones. Try and teech the dog "No" if you dont want it to do something at this point. If you need some kind of physical reinforcement throw wadded up paper or shoot them with a water pistol, dogs think your magic when you throw stuff at them, its beyond their comprehension as to how you do it. Hitting with a loose and light weight newspaper on the nose is old school but I caution against it, you can ruin a dog by doing this to hard or often.

    Any real training is not suitable before 9 months, playful learning to be a good pet though is going on everytime you are with the dog. Try to keep it happy and start it on a leash for a few minutes here and there so it knows what is going on. If you want the dog, call it and make it come to you, never chase it or even follow after it nor get into tug of wars with a leash. If it leans into the leash or pulls just snap the leash to you a little and get it going then let off and use the leash as a guide and for security, not control.

    Other than that have fun with your new pet.

  14. For most people the simple answer is Thai dogs but even they need responsible owners and a wall. Currently I have dogs inside my wall that are mine but the neborhood also has dogs that hang around out in the front and nobody can come around at night without awaking my household.

    Security is in numbers, not size, nor bite. Multiple small dogs are a much better general security than one or even two large dogs for many reasons, not the least of which is poisining. They are also more likely to have one awake or patroling at the correct time and as a pack are very intimitating.

    I have a background in Military and Police Dogs, At one time I and another man were importing dogs from Holland to sell to the Air force in Houston Texas. I mention that only to say that I have a broad background in this area so my observations not that of the average pet owner. If someone wants a Police type dog thats great but they are not the answer for anyone who is not prepared to spend a minimum of 6 hours a day with the dog and training is a life long affair.

    Currently Rotwielers are the most dangerous dog in Thailand so buyer beware, The breeding programs here leave much to be desired. It seems everytime I hear of dogs attacking children its rottwielers or a mix. The fact is the bloodlines here are just bred to close causing the ruining the breed. Hip Displaysia and pain makes dogs that would not normaly bite attack under unpredictable circustance, its the equivelant of feeding them gun powder. I would be very active in checking the background of any Rottwieler breeder if anyone wants one, they can be great dogs but they can also be a nightmare.

    For myself I currently have American Pitbulls but they are not the answer for most people. As one poster already pointed out they require much maintence and responsibility but I believe he went over the top in his description of them and furthermore he has never owned them. By his own admision his dog sounds much more dangerous than any single 35 pound pitbull. It is true they will kill cats but more importantly they kill snakes, they kill snakes better than any dog in Thailand and will survive a fight with a snake better than any dog in Thailand hands down. For that single reason they are worth the trouble one has to put up with to own them here. If any Pitbull ever shows agression towards children by growling or showing teeth under most circumstances it should be put down. The reality is Pit Bulls are not people biters and should never ever be encouraged to bite any human under any circumstance and those that do train them as people biters are just incredibley ignorant persons who know nothing of the history nor purpose of the breed. Sure they will bark through a fence and they have a terrible reputation but its one having owned and worked with many of these dogs over the last 25 years and being around countless others I believe is undeserved, afterall Petey from the Little Rascals never bit any of the kids, nor Spanky, nor Alphalfa, or even Buckwheat.

    The major deturance for criminals to avoid breaking into your home when you are there or not is the bark not the bite. Nobody with any experiance in working dogs ever wants their dog to bite unless they personally tell it to take that action and direct it towards one individual person. The biggest hurdle to overcome in K9 training is the "Recall' which means getting the dog to stop an attack after you initiate it, If your dog does not have the training to stop biting a human you never ever want it to start biting one. Barking, thats what you want if you have pets or yard security, snakes are what you are more likely to need defending from, this year my dogs already killed 3 snakes, one large rat, and alerted me in the middle of the night with constant barking to find two very large scorpions next to my porch on seperate occaisions.

    Austrailen heelers make great cattle dogs but poor pets, they tend to bite kids and snap at adults after you walk by. Chows are a terrible choice for this climate uinless you plan to let the dog sit under air conditioning, They are also biters, I cant imagine anyone having them here.

    Dogs I reccomnd are Soi Dogs of short hair and gentle nature, I like the ones with ridgebacks but Thai Ridgebacks from breeders are sometimes bred to close making them biters of kids. Any of the short haired terriers from hunting backrounds can make incredible dogs here, they are ten times the mouser of any cat. The Jack Russle Terrier would be my number one choice if I wanted a smallish but incredible dog capeable of barking, mousing, and killing snakes. Heres a wiki link for those who are interested in them......Wiki for Jack Russle Terriers

  15. Someone can correct me if they know different but distemper tends to hang in the ground, meaning if you had it 2 years before it is very likely to be the same source attacking the puppies this time.

    Sorry your going through this but please keep us informed. Also what are you doing with so many dogs? Do you have a breeding kennel or rescue center or something? I hope you all get well soon, I have 7 dogs currently but two are puppies that will be sold.

  16. I love Cambodia but of course my Thai wife hates it over there. Its more dangerous for sure but the average everyday people are fantastic. The good thing is if you whisper that you want workers after midnight there will be a line a mile long before sunrise looking for a job, unlike Thailand where one looses face by working for farang.

    The Cambodians are such hard workers they even go and live in Laos illegally the same way Mexicans sneak into America for low paying jobs the locals will not do. The other thing is they still have much to offer as far as natural resources, I'm afraid Thailand is pretty much tapped out, "No Pun Intended."

  17. Suppose that you are arrested by the Thai Police for something that you feel would normally be treated lightly. Maybe you got into a shoving match with someone else and a cop happened to be coming out of 711. Maybe your Thai girl friend took you too a party and the Cops decide to raid a dice game while you are there. Perhaps you went to an after hours bar that got raided. Someone half your size tried to pick your pocket and you caught him with a mean left hook. For whatever reason, the Thai police believe that you did something wrong and you are taken down to the police station.

    What is your course of action? Do you call a lawyer. Do you call any of your Wife's powerful friends? Do you call your embassy? Do you allow the police to question you alone? Do you ask for an interpreter if their english is only So-So? Do you willingly sign a piece of paper that is not written in English? Do you offer money or wait for them to ask? Do you have the right to make a phone call? What rights do you have in Thailand? If you ask to call your embassy and they refuse, what should you do?

    The examples I gave at the start of this post usually will not have you in very much trouble, but lets pretend that you did something more drastic. You felt the need to use self defense and hit someone with a bat. You accidently hit someone with your car. Someone brought drugs into your car without you knowing and it got searched. In these more serious circumstances, do your answers to the above questions change?

    I can answer with one word, SMILE!

  18. Any of you guys ever seen the old movies where its a bunch of ladies sitting at a switch board manually connecting telephone calls by plugging lines in and out of a pegboard looking box of holes? Welcome to TOT Premium Service, Ive come to the conclusion that every time I would call them they would unplug some other farang and plug me in till he called them and they unplugged me again and on and on and on. UBC Sucks and so does TOT, I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank.

  19. Jeez,

    These prices are robbery for the speeds/services provided.

    I am on a Fiber Optic 100mps connection here in Tokyo and pay less than 1,500 Baht per month. I sincerely hope that over the next few years the prices drop with a significant increase in speed for connections in Thailand.



    Are you paying for 100 Mbps and if so whats your actual download speed for large files? I suspect your line may be 5 Mbps and just showing 100 as the connection but if your correct your speed is faster than the two foot line I'm running into a external hard drive :o

  20. A web site I personally view each day has been hacked.

    This goes to show that any popular web-site (including Thaivisa) is vulnerable to attack AND can, indeed, be brought down if the attack is determined enough!

    Prison Planet.com Hit By Major Hack Attack

    Prison Planet

    Sunday, July 29, 2007

    Prison Planet.com suffered a major attack last night after it was hacked.

    The perpetrators could be trolls acting in response to our article about Wikipedia censorship yesterday or they could be acting on behalf of all manner of government agencies that we have clashed with over the years.

    We have the command prompt information for the hack and are now in the process of identifying the culprit, with a view to pursuing criminal charges.

    Every time we are hacked we respond in the same way, by re-doubling our efforts.

    We will be hiring new people and launching new websites in the near future to further magnify our output in the information war.

    We are under constant attack and attempts at censorship for the simple reason that we are having a massive effect.

    We now call on our great readers to circulate our articles at an even greater intensity to counter the effort to stifle this information.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that nutter didn't have a split personality and hack it himself, kind of a new take on the guys sitting around arguing with themselves. He hacks his on website then raises hel_l about how top secret agents are after him.

    This same nut was claiming that a old airport in Texas where FEMA was storing hundreds of mobile trailers was a concentration camp since he was to dumb to realize that they were kept for the off chance a hurricane would wipe out the coast. Currently those very same trailers are still to this day housing the folks who have no homes left in New Orleans.

  21. Im bouncing past 300 Kbs on a ADSL connection and sustaining 230 Kbs on large files. IP Star is total crap now days, mostly due to TOT which is overrun with incompetent administration. The original IP Star box was a poor design from the start but with bit collision it is impossible to work with.

    The best advice I can give is to avoid TOT like the plague. If you want speed you need to find a office or housing close to a fiber optic line which is already known to be reliable.

    What speed is your line and what ISP? Just out of interest.

    Unfortunately I have no choice other than TOT as it's up to the Moo Baan and True won't give me a line here...

    I got the 1Mbps TOT line because it was the quickest available.

    d/l speeds are rarely higher than 130Kbps, averaging at 100Kbps for larger files when the line is good.

    But it is very erratic.

    2 up 2 down and Im connected directly to a fiber optic cable by one kilometer of phone line. The service provider is CAT and Im paying 2,800 Baht for the connection.

    I had IP Star TOT for a year and it got slower and slower till I finally disconnected and decided to do something different. I would never ever do business with TOT after the crap they pulled on disconnecting my service multiple times and flat out telling me lies over and over and over again. If I get ripped off again I'm just going to move my entire office to Korea for a 5 up 5 down line for 25 bucks a month.

  22. Im bouncing past 300 Kbs on a ADSL connection and sustaining 230 Kbs on large files. IP Star is total crap now days, mostly due to TOT which is overrun with incompetent administration. The original IP Star box was a poor design from the start but with bit collision it is impossible to work with.

    The best advice I can give is to avoid TOT like the plague. If you want speed you need to find a office or housing close to a fiber optic line which is already known to be reliable.

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