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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. I have always wormed my dogs with Ivomec but a couple months ago I found out my dogs had Tape Worms. I have been to the Vet here who gave me medicine he claimed will kill Tape Worms but it did not work, One dog again passed some worms. The standard medicine for Tape Worms in America is not available here in Thailand or at least I have not found it. The name is praziquantel, If anyone knows where I can get it or has used it here any comments are welcome. Any comments about Tapeworms in Thailand are welcomed, In America I would just go get them a dose and that would be the end but here drama goes on forever it seems. Three Vets, A dozen phone calls, A couple road trips, a bottle of antacid and my dogs still have tapeworms, am I the only one dealing with this?

  2. The quality of this forum is truly going down hill. Some of the posts made on this matter are truly horrible. Who knows if the story is true or not true? Not me, but this kind of thing happens often in LOS. Many people will be reading this including some who do not post but only read who may need some helpful ideas on how to resolve such issues. Hats off to the people who provided helpful posts.

    Showing up with presents is always a good idea. Temporarily moving to the village with her family is another balancing move. The most important thing is no matter how worried or angry you are, keep your game face on, pretend everything is normal and business as usual. As long as the kid is in good health and being properly cared for at the parents I would give the situation plenty of time to fix itself, 6 months down the line everything could be back to normal.

    If things go horribly wrong, get your kid a passport and get on a plane. If the family proves to be horrible, money is the only fix, no money, no fix.

  3. Bad driving with truck loads of humans, including babies is a daily occurrence. While this is a horrible accident it is all to predictable. Last month I received a phone call that my 2 year old nephew was in the hospital from motorcycle accident, luckily he was only scratched up after his mom and dad hit a dog but I have sat eating dinner and watched a child die. I have also seen a motorcycle hit by a car on the corner of Siam Discovery Center, The car sped away as a father picked up his four or five year old child. What kind of complete jackass drives around Bangkok with a small child on a motorcycle, for that matter what is wrong with people wearing helmets and holding a infant as they speed along busy roads within the LOS?

  4. Ive heard the same thing but it seems to bizarre to be true. I will wait-n-see before I go off about it, but KK needs much, A tunnel? Not to sure it needs that, just weird.

    There is also much chatter about a new rail line to Chonburi from KK, 2010 or 20?? who knows? Look at the dead construction sites, horribly planned neighborhoods and in general terrible roads around the city, Im just glad it has a decent airport thats easy to get to.

  5. Unless one is a herpetologist, snakes in Thailand should always be considered poisonous. There are some deadly small snakes here, one is the "Hour Glass Snake" supposedly because a bite from it means you have one hour to live. I have killed many snakes here and encountered very large King Cobras too. In general the snakes here can be very similar to each other and easily confused, they can be anywhere, anytime, so beware.

  6. Just a couple months back every fish in the river floated up dead and nothing was alive there for weeks. It makes me sick to think how tragic the place is considering historical value. I type this then take a look off my balcony where my neighbors to ?????? to take their trash out the front door just toss it into the jungle behind my office, I for one am tired of cleaning up after people, that includes relatives.

  7. Whats the first thing one sees when entering Ayuthaya from across the bridge onto the island? The giant size Amway sign!

    Forget about it, Ayuthaya is a done deal, to many buses, to much BS and the trash, don't get me started. What a waste but its their own fault and the Fine Arts Department is not much more than a VIP Mafia themselves, maybe someone can tell me something they have protected besides their own interests? Show me some clean places in Thailand? Where can I go for a walk without stepping in dog crap? What sidewalk is a sidewalk and not a market? Where is there a level sidewalk where I wont break my ankle because of holes or poor design or get my eye poked out by a umbrella? Need I ask more?

  8. Sounds like a dns problem. Might try http://www.opendns.com/ and see if it works better using theirs.

    Things are getting really weird now, 24 hours later Im getting no torrents but all access to the net. I tried the recommendations on DNS but cant say its helping or hurting, seems about the same. I think is some kind of traffic shaping or router issue, seems I can either download or surf but I have no control over switching back and forth. I messed with my router settings and it gave me maximum down speed for about two minutes then it was like it restored itself back to slow. I'm at a loss for now??????????

  9. I just got a new TTnT 1 Meg line installed and it is behaving badly as expected.

    Heres the deal, Big files are downloading at expected speeds but half or more of the websites I try to connect to give me a Server Not Found message in both IE and Firefox. For one hour I tried to connect to Thai Visa as I had been surfing earlier then all of a sudden it connected. The weird thing is Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia along with Nationmultimedia work fine but most of the sites I'm trying to view are hosted overseas.

    I tried a couple simple things but to no avail, any ideas would be great.

  10. Oh please, what a bunch of hypocritical BS, The incident and and many of the comments too! If you want to know about Justice here just look into the motorcycle helmet issue. Freeloading cops looking for handouts from people who have no power to complain. How many fancy cars get pulled over and ticketed? How about 0. What happens when VIPs kids run over everyday folks in mad rage? Nothing much, A campaign to feel for sorry for his mental problems, Im sure there will be bus loads of idiots paid to protest for him at any trial if that ever happens.

    This is just more of the same, easy money and pointing fingers screaming devils, In the end it don't mean nothing. There will be lots of headlines and pictures but it will be about as important as John Marc Carr at the end of the day, A bunch of nothing photo opps and A few uniforms getting more than they already have the greedy &(*&(*&(*&(*&)(*)(*)(*)(*&&&&&&&!

  11. Who is the SOB that killed her and why all the "Former College" talk, lets see a nationality and preferably a picture with a name attached.

    Good people do end up the looser here often, this is damm shame but a predictable one since so many come here and never see danger because of the good and wonderful people of Thailand who make so many of us fall in love with the country and people. They never see the foreign losers that reside here nor the local scum who blend into the background so well until they strike out. Now all thats left is for some sort of justice to be handed out, removing one millimeter of manhood a week til death sounds fair to me.

    One thing thats not even been mentioned is the poor children having their surrogate mother murdered and the emotional trauma this will leave them with, orphans in Thailand never have a chance to start with, now these are just damaged even more.

    Rest In Peace good woman, you were to damm good for this world.

  12. Why is it that the flaming of Muslims on Thai Visa is always just handled with kid gloves when many user names have been banned in the past for any number of things? It seems like its fine to flame Muslims and the post will just get deleted and that is the end of it. This seems contrary to the times when the number one destination of Middle Easterners in the world is currently Thailand and at time when the Thai Government is setting up all kinds of programs to attract Muslim Tourists.

    This is not flaming the Admin but simply asking a question. I have avoided this issue in the past even during the whole Danish cartoon fiasco but on the eve of Ramadan with some the things on the Ramadan thread I cant get past it and have to ask. Thank you sincerely for considering this subject, nobody is asking for special treatment, just fair play.

  13. Ramadan month starts Friday: Imam Jama Masjid

    Wednesday September 12, 08:29 PM

    New Delhi, Sep 12 (IANS) The new moon for the holy month of Ramadan was not sighted Wednesday, so the first day of the month of fasting will fall Friday, according to the apex moon sighting committee of Jama Masjid.

    In a statement here Wednesday evening, Syed Ahmed Bukhari, president of the Markazi Royat-e-Hilal Committee of the historic Jama Masjid, said that the moon for the month of Ramadan was not sighted in Delhi on the 29th of Shaban month Wednesday.

    He also said that he did not receive 'any evidence of the moon's visibility from anywhere as yet'.

    'Therefore, I announce that the first of Ramazam-ul-Mubarak falls on Sep 14 (Friday),' Bukhari said.

    'If there is any change of the decision on the basis of some evidence, it will be immediately announced,' he said.

  14. Ramadan will not begin in Thailand until the moon is sighted and it is recorded by the Islamic Council of Thailand. At that point Thousands of phone calls will begin all over the country announcing its beginning, and yes my house will be one of those that is called.

  15. Citizen33, Thanks for more good information. Weirdly enough I was on the train one night with the engineer for one of the major brands of MRI machines and he is in charge of 11 machines in Thailand, one of those is the one in Udon. Needless to say he is somewhat of a brainy guy and we hit it off becoming fast friends and I can count on a call from him weekly just to say hi. I asked him and he said he didn't have any MRI in KK but I'm sure that there are more than one manufacturer here selling them.

    As far as the one in Udon, I was just over there and asked a couple questions. Apparently it is 8,000 baht for a brain scan but I'm not sure about any other prices. They are all set up for dealing with other hospitals by having a loading ramp dedicated to the MRI like an emergency room and it is right up front with a private entrance. The Thai Military unlike many Armies is also a business, who knows how they got the machine but its now for rent to the general public.

    I really appreciated the great outpatient care I received at the Army hospital recently, it was timely and professional even though they were quite busy. As far as I know they have the best lab in Udon and its open 24 hour a day unlike many who close down at 6pm and keep only normal hours to cut down on costs.

    The greatest point I can make about using any Doctor in Thailand is stick with people who can consult in English quite well, Avoid the type who tend to cover up their lack of English by saying yes over and over. I had one of those and he never even looked at my chart then prescribed a new prescription of antibiotics when I was already maxed out on another, no telling what damage it would have done if I had not caught it. I was told to just not go to him anymore like that was a proper solution, I suspect hes had problems like this in the past since he was 60 plus years old. It would be laughable if it were not a premiere hospital and a potentially fatal mistake easily avoided by a glance into ones chart which was laying in front of the man.

  16. I have had good experiences at both Udon and Khon Kaen but was wondering what others thought? I know there is a MRI in Udon but is there one in Khon Kaen? The University Hospital in Khon Kaen is considered the best hospital in Isan but I have no personal experience in dealing with them, anybody been there?

    Does anyone have experience with Pediatricians in Khon Kaen? If so any comments would be appreciated.

    I don't have direct experience of these hospitals as a consumer, but asked a Thai academic friend in a position to know. He confirmed what we all tend to assume, which is that Srinakarin University Hospital is considered the best in Isaan. Both Srinakarin and the Khon Kaen Hospital (the provincial hospital) have MRI scanners. However, my friend made two further interesting points (a) that Thai people are not good at assessing the technical quality of clinical care and tend to respond more to surface factors such as polite treatment and minimal waiting, and (b ) that actually the quality of care for many routine or chronic conditions may well be better in hospitals that lack the cutting-edge technologies and expertise available in Srinakarin. He gave the impression that leading specialists may sometimes not want to spend too much time on routine cases. My friend believes that the best general paediatrics care in Khon Kaen is offered by the Mother and Child Centre near the Khon Kaen Hospital (Suun an-i-mai meah le dek). I'm not sure if I grasped the details fully, but I believe that this centre is quite separate from the provincial hospital, supported by a different division of the Ministry of Public Health. It is a large round building on the corner near a junction which comes off the main road running past the Khon Kaen Hospital. Advanced paediatrics facilities are available at Srinakarin, which has a Department of Paediatrics within the Faculty of Medicine. Interestingly Khon Kaen is important as the main training centre for Lao physicians wishing to develop specialist expertise in paediatrics under a project run by Health Frontiers. It has much more critical mass in this field than Udon.

    Great post and Thanks. Are you sure there are 2 MRI machines in KK, if so which hospitals. I was told the only one was in Udon at the military hospital.

    I went to the military hospital in Udon yesterday and found the Doctor to speak very good English and was very satisfied with my dealings with them. I had a blood test done and it took less than 30 minutes and he gave me a computer print out of the results, the blood test cost 90 baht.

    I understand most Lao Doctors are actually trained in Vietnam, they may have a specialist program here. Most of the Lao VIPs go to Aek in Udon, the parking lot is always filled with Lao tagged vehicles.

    Thanks again for posting about this, ones health is often overlooked here by the expat community.

  17. I have had good experiences at both Udon and Khon Kaen but was wondering what others thought? I know there is a MRI in Udon but is there one in Khon Kaen? The University Hospital in Khon Kaen is considered the best hospital in Isan but I have no personal experience in dealing with them, anybody been there?

    Does anyone have experience with Pediatricians in Khon Kaen? If so any comments would be appreciated.

  18. Dogs barking all night is simple, it keeps the ghosts away from the house so the owners can sleep without bad dreams, Just go ask for yourself.

    It is a damm shame to see two mangy mongrel dogs stuck together every time one gos out. Another litter of unwanted dogs to spread disease around.

  19. This would be great if they went from one end of Sukumvit to the other and cleaned off every sidewalk so one could actually walk down the things. TIT, I would be shocked if much of anything results from this, while I feel some sympathy for those who have lost their business they are the same people who keep their mouths shut when bad things happen to other nice people. I highly doubt you will find out any of them were protesting when those other poor souls shops got demolished.

  20. You no Thailand! I Thailand! You Bullshittt Country! You Austaillugh! Why You Go Home!

    Heard it all before, I dont ride buses, nor hang out with piss artists and I still hear it??? Granted its from a very small and vocal minority of kee mao qwai but TIT, if you live here you will here it from time to time.

  21. "Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" I studied Artificial Insemination at university level Very interesting, does this include genetics? Can you tell a bit more about it, if you llike to?and have a background in dealing with horses valued up to one million dollars and moredo I sense a little boasting here?:o . Breeding Pit Bulls in Thailand is something I love to be involved with and in a simple way it replaces the Horse Ranch I once owned that was sold off because of a divorce.Be aware that there are two lines: the show line and the fighting line. There is pitbull fighting in Thailand, illegal but still ...

    I'm still shocked by the irresponsible dog ownership in this country, I'm a firm believer in putting things out of their misery. However one feels about Mike Vick and whatever the truth is as none of us were there to actually know. It left me sick to my stomach to know they would destroy more than 60 Pit Bulls confiscated during that investigation. They are euthanized already? I thought it was the plan, but they didn't do it yet due to a lot of opposition. Then I look around here and mangy puss dripping hairless and crippled dogs are left to run up and down the street to breed as they please and provide Vietnam with a endless supply of diseased appetizers and my neighbors with plastic buckets, go figure?Can you compare Micheal Vick with the dog situation in Thailand?

    Nice thread, BTW. I've had a few pits in lately and all were very nice dogs to people, not to dogs. Except for the most cute looking little 2 1/2 month old pup. Told his owner about you, as he's looking for a female. So, it is possible you may receive a PM from him one of these days, weeks or months.


    "Breeding is a art, most people ain't artists!" My own little quote there, kinda proud of that actually. The thing is most people are just not inclined to put the work into breeding that it takes to get predetermined results. Ive been dealing with dogs for 25 years and this is my first litter that is my deal 100%. I'm holding back both females from this litter and one male as I consider this my foundation litter here, something I have spent years planning for. I will wait a couple years then evaluate the puppies as adults and see what if they cut the mustard to breed at that time.

    My basic strategy is to get around a half dozen high quality bitches and then import frozen semen for insemination. By the way the dogs in my yard are all members of the family, it is in no way a commercial operation. If anything we hope to buy some dog food out of the deal but I love the dogs and want to improve the breed by selectively breeding healthy and sound dogs. I also want to provide some great dogs to friends and other folks who are burned out with some of the goings on with kennel dogs here.

    AKC dogs are pretty much crap in my book, they have single handedly ruined most American dog breeds with their stuck up and snooty breed standards and hifalutin dog shows. UKC is ok but even that doesn't mean much compared to 20 years ago. The US Military doesn't care what if any papers any dog has since they go straight in the trash. Its all about what a dog really is, what its about, whats in its head, not if it can prance like a Katoey and likes its hair all done up. I like the fighting bloodlines for pets, If I want the nuts off something I can just use a scalpel for that, no need to ruin the breed by breeding show dogs. Most of the people currently commenting about fighting dogs have not one clue as to what they are speaking or typing of. All American Bull Dogs come from fighting stock, some just choose to ignore that fact. Just like any ring sport, as long as animals or humans are put head to head they will fight till something or someone stops it. Take away the ring and put two pits into a fight and one will end up running off. Hardly ever in the wild will you have two animals go head to head for more than a minute much less to the death, they get ruff, one gets the best of another one, then one runs off.

    I have contacts in the dog fighting scene here but I'm extremely unimpressed. I grew up around dog fighting and know it first hand, not the crap you see all over TV and the news. I'm not involved in it at all anymore but members of my family in the United States are active to this very day in it as a sport. I don't expect many to agree with what they do but they have been doing it their entire lives and their dogs are treated like royalty, like the champions they are. The biggest problem to ever hit dog fighting was making it criminal. Many of us on this board are well aware of the reality of Muey Thai as a regulated sport, how much worse would it be if it were underground? Rap music and the gang banger scene was the second huge blow to the breed and the sport. This forum is not the place to get all into this but I can say this, dog fighting is the single thing that saved the Pitbull breed from the likes of the AKC and its idiotic practices of breeding. Anyone who disagrees with that can just try to sell a AKC German Shepard to a police department, they will laugh in your face.

    Mike Vicks dogs will be put down, now or later it doesn't matter. Its standard practice for most Humane or as I call them Inhumane societies to kill every single Pitbull they get in. There was some talk of having prisoners try and train them but there is much opposition to that. The PETAphiles hate PitBulls and they are an easy target for the them and the other do gooders in America. With the current state of things considering the Middle East and Americans getting shot everyday the Mike Vick thing should have never even made the papers, much less be brought up on the House floor as it was. Its just weird that we can starve out children for years with embargoes and them drop billions of dollars of bombs on their heads without much fuss but let an obscure and misunderstood sport that has a dark side reach the public eye and everyone is up in arms. Mike Vick most likely is the Scum Bag hes been made out to be but he in no way represents the old school dog fighters, those guys loved the breed, not money.

    Having been around the race horse industry and also dog sled racing I consider both much more cruel than anything I ever saw in my youth growing up around dog fighting. I stood right there as one of the most well known sled dog trainers in Alaska had a argument over having to pay 5 dollars per dog to have a &*&&$%$%$ murder the poor things. The base of the argument was he had paid three dollars per each for almost twenty years and I guess the price of bullets must have went up but I know for a fact he didn't shoot the dogs, it was just a ploy in the argument. These were all perfectly healthy dogs out in a Indian Village, he started with a hundred dogs every year and killed down to fifty or so to sell even though these dogs gave their heart and ran mile after mile everyday but Sunday. The rest of the time they stayed on a very short chain in what I considered hellish conditions. I'm still disgusted by the whole thing to this day but its typical insider dog sled racing dealing.

    I tend to rant about the whole dog fighting thing, As I stated, I'm no longer involved with any of it and have not been since I was 18 years old nor do I have any desire to be in it now but I would be incompetent to be involved with the breed without a great understanding of their history.

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