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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. maybe someone was planning to be at the court this week to help Jatuporn (King Kong).

    Of course! Maybe they'd plant the mines in strategic locations to keep the yellowshirts away............ coffee1.gif

    What we need is a crack down on people who want to plant mines? did they vow to do this already ? Thaksin of course would have caught them by now, tried them and hanged them.

  2. One thing I forgot to mention is that I have all my own furniture figuring they will burn my bones here so may as well take what I am comfotable with, so far have been lucky as my landlord here has a lot of houses and was willing to take all hi stuff out, anyway will figure this out on my future scouting but would appreciate any feed back.

  3. My home is just outside Korat, close to Mittraparp Road heading to BKK, had the place since 2002 from new. I wouldn't like to live in the centre of the city as its really busy, but Korat is a big place sprawling in all directions.

    There is everything you could ever want really (apart from a beach, etc). Immigration / passport office / first class hospital (which my eldest daughter was just in with contracting Degue Fever - yes Korat has that too in areas ).

    Also have a place way up in the hills near Sikhiu, now that is exactly the opposite. So quiet and peaceful.

    Korat and its immediate area is quite large.

    Personally I don't really like the city centre, its too busy, but some of the surrounding areas are quiet.

    Thanks for your info, I dont plan on living in the city but just outside say up to five miles however that is fluid as I have never been there however we will be ther next week so will have more of an idea then.

  4. From my experience it usually a bunch of kids studying on their own, with one drink between them. True Coffee opened up areas with big tables specifically for these groups. Maybe Thailand should get some librarys/study areas going.

    I like to get my Starbucks to go anyways smile.png

    They do have study areas in librarys but perhaps this is not cool for the hi so kids who like to be seen at starbucks, as for myself I think they are well over priced and I would not use them.coffee1.gif

  5. I think law enforcement, whatever else you think about them, can read a sign as pedestrian as your camouflaged happy hour ideas.

    Maybe they can, maybe it makes it easier to look the other way, like they are apparently willing to do for many other things.

    Remember, these are people who are looking the other way when there are 16 year old girls working in bars, as indicated on ID cards they are required to carry. With that in mind, they can probably manage to let a business conduct its pricing the way they see fit.

    Agree just another kick back for th bib, and anyway whenever did the law count for anything in amazing Thailand.

  6. How many men bought tickets to Bangkok after this episode aired? NatGeo selling sex again. As for the "knights in shining armor" who have dedicated their lives to helping these women, methinks the close-up hand holding of the victims, and the fact that they can "patrol" the sex districts to help women, speaks volumes as to their true motives. I have seen many a Mormon in Phnom Penh bars trying to convert the girls--all the while, that shit eating grin was dying to come out. Sanctimonious perverts...


  7. ...The Labour Ministry conceded on Tuesday that cases of trafficking are poorly handled because its five departments are not integrated. Officials are due to meet next week to discuss a master plan to combat trafficking in key sectors such as crews on fishing trawlers and migrant workers in Thailand in general...

    How many decades have they had to get their departments in contact with each other???

    Shear ineptitude.

    Stayed two nights at Grace Hotel,

    only because it was right next to Bumrungrad Hospital and I needed a recovery place.

    Never again, this was just a horrible place to visit let alone stay at, the lobby made you

    feel threatened and people looked at you suspiciously. I guess they thought I was a spy

    for US gov. or something. I needed a massage and went to the basement thinking it was a spa,

    no. it was the most horrible 'Fishbowl' in all of Thailand. Turned around and went upstairs.

    Got healthy post operation, and left.

    Can't drive by on Suk 3 and see the working girl line up in the parking lot and not shudder.

    Good for NatGeo to run this.

    Sounds like some high ranking BIB owns the place.

  8. u can still rent a nice 2 bedroom bungalow in sakon for 4000-5000 per month. maybee worth a look.

    also has immigration office and all the big supermarkets, and a very good military hospital.

    check it out.

    Thanks for reply Sakon is a bit far out for us as my gf parents live in Chaiayphum and we also have friends there, the town itself is too small for me and also I dont want to live in their back yard if you get my drift but it would be ok in NR. For myself I like the area where you live I was up there last year very rural and pleasant and 5000 sounds like a dream.

  9. A big change from Hua Hin. If you live just a few clicks out of town on the train line, you can find some nice places for 5000. I had one in Chakkarat for 2000. Just built. One hour train trip on the third class, 4 baht.

    The hospitals here are great.

    Hi thanks for response looked this up on the map, whats the housing situation there ? will be in town next week and can check out this area, if its not too much trouble pm me with a few details and I do appreciate this response.

  10. Yeah ok cute video, but really I could give a rats behind that some spoiled affluent kids might get there dreams to come true here.....most show up having paid no dues in life to teach them anything, what little they do know is usually some regurgitation of politically correct crap about social responsibility that their lefty college prof. has pounded into their mushy little heads.....they and the world they travel to would be better off if they were home washing dishes and digging ditches to unlearn all the years of crap their schooling has mis-educated them about before they venture overseas.....but hey, thats just me....always the romantic.


  11. A big change from Hua Hin. If you live just a few clicks out of town on the train line, you can find some nice places for 5000. I had one in Chakkarat for 2000. Just built. One hour train trip on the third class, 4 baht.

    The hospitals here are great.

    Must agree a big change however not to worry me as I have lived all over the world. its just the way my life turned out, 200 baht seems unreal after living in BKK and Hua Hin, we will be in town next week on our first forrage and will check this out.

  12. I am living in Hua Hin for the past three years and moved here from Bangkok. I moved here because of the wonderful beaches and layed back life style , however I have had four major cases of skin cancer needing surgery and so the beach is no longer a part of my life. My g/f and I have discussed this at length and have decided to move to NR for a variety of reasons one of them being we feel sure it is a much cheaper place to live than Hua Hin so in need of advice. I plan on making at least three week long visits over the next six months to scout things out as we have that long left on my rental contract. Currently I pay 18,000 a month for a two bed three bath house with a low maintainace yard a couple of ks out of town, house has a kitchen. Question. Can I find some thing similar for around 12,000 a month ? what area should we look in ? have read the town web site so well informed on shops and hospitals etc. We love to travel and if we can save 6,000 a month on rent we figure we can use the moneyb for more travel ( in Aisa ) Our likes are playing pool maybe twice a week, not much of a bar prop but quite sociable and enjoy entertaining at home BBq drinks etc. All help much appreciated. Also on a retirement visa so where is the nearest Immigration office.

  13. "found dead in a graveyard"

    "Police said he fell from a high building near the graveyard"

    What? Were there high winds when he fell? With an intro like this, how can anyone believe anything.

    RIP to the poor ould soul.

    Got to agree , if they found some bugger alive in there now that would be news.

  14. Well if they actually did enforce the law I would guess that over 50% of foreign operated business would be shut down LOL - especially all those Scuba Diving shops operating in Pattaya and Puket that are really just fronts for Visa's, they don't actually turn a real profit and almost all cheat on taxes not reporting true income - this would go for most of the bars too - smile.png

    I think they should do it, lot of the crap foreigners would have to leave Thailand, up the standard a little for the expats that actually live here and are good people- not that this would get ride of all the bad, thats impossible. I'm sure they will just take some tea money as is usual to look the other way. Another way to line their pockets.

    Dont forget its not just companies such as scuba shops, what they are after is home owners who set uo companies just to buy a house and live here, scun farangs again.

  15. Living in Hua Hin I have had minor surgery three times at government hospital ( Hua Hin )

    Large tumour remove4d from my back size of a quall egg, 30 minute op under a local total cost inc follow up 3000 baht, skin cancer removed twice under a local each cost 2000, Problem very busy however they have a fast track system where for an extra 200 baht you go to the front of the cue on initial visit as for surgery waiting time 4 days, Surgeons all speak good English and they have a special office for farangs to explain how things work with English speaking staff.

    Went once to Bangkok hospital for skin cancer removal on my face 20 minute op undaer a local total cost 37,000 baht ( never again )

    hope this answers some of your questions by the way I am 69 and find insurance very very expensive. I have a wad in the bank for emegency medical treatment and anything really big will go home for it.

    • Like 1
  16. ...

    Then at the top are the major tertiary care government hospitals in Bangkok, like Chulalonghorn, Siriraj, Ratchawithi, Ramitbodhi etc. These are the best, though among them some have particular areas of strength/specialization.


    Hello Sheryl,

    I enjoy reading your competent postings. Thanks for that.

    Do you know tertiary care government hospitals (I have actual no outpatient insurance) in Samutsakorn (or Bangkok) which have a reasonable Urologic Center and are able treating kidney stones (Ureteroscopic surgery).

    Thanks a lot.


    Yan Hee hospital Bangkok

  17. You may recall when it opened it was more like a shopping mall than an airport, many of the toilets that were in the plans but never built turned into space for making money, remmember the rape that occured because there were no electric lights in some areas, but hey we all accept the massive corruption that takes place so why complain, officials convicted of corruption just get transferred for a month, its one big club and most Thais think its ok just wishing they could get a slice of the action.

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