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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Regarding an invitation letter from my family for accommodation, this can be scanned and printed off my end in Thailand right? Should I get her to sign it also? (sorry I am most likely over-thinking it and worrying due to the trip being only 5 weeks away).

    Bank statements will be printed off my online banking website here in Thailand.

    On this point I have always included the original letter and mailing envelope from people where I am going to stay. Send photo couples of you bank book not statements, as anyone can forge a statement. At the interview show your bank books .

    Ps not you your gf, as you will not be interviewed .

  2. Excume me, not agree with comment at above.

    I am living in Thailand some years. Almost everyday I take part in the traffic, to drive my car, or ride bicycle.

    I experienced a lot of ocassions, many farangs adapted to the "thai driving" methods, excellently. So look around, and You can see, farangs, heavy drunken drive, no helmet on the ride, or driving againist to the traffic, no obey the traffic rules, etc.

    When in Rome do as the Romans do ??? ( only with good insurance )

  3. I have heard this works, but not tried it due to never having had a lawn. Full bottles of water, scattered around. Not sure why this works but I read it somewhere.

    This is to stop the dogs crapping, basically you need a lot of bottles , people use in front of the house not on lawns for obvious reasons, try spraying the dogs with say an old washing up liquid plastic bottle with a mixture of two thirds vinegar one third water, they will give you a wide birth after a soaking.

  4. I hope the hot heads in Russia and the US won't start a war, the US would not win and would be forced to give up much of its bases. The US would be technological superior but the sovjets are far more willing to take casualties. Just look at WW2, this would tip the advantage to Russia and the US would loose much of its foreign bases.

    Probably would end in a draw with Russia scoring a tactical victory and taking over some bases of the US. US does not have the stomach to really go to war (nobody in their right mind woyyuld). Far easier to order your soldiers in a dictatorship (Russia) as a Democracy .. the US.

    I guess that is why the US did not fire.. they know what would happen otherwise.

    Your lack of knowledge is appalling ref The capabilities of the USA military, enough said from me.

  5. Mods, second request to please close this topic. It's only attracting trolls and the mentally challenged (see above). Thankyou.
    I am taking my ball and going home you guys dont play fair.

    Sent from my c64

    Tell me what's the point of keeping a post going when it only attracts idiot comments like yours?

    You really need to take your highly intellectual question to the people that make the things and see what they say.

    Make the second stop for the day a visit to the local hospital for a personality reconstruction or at least have a sense of humour installed or pick up another box of Kleenex and have a good cry.

    Mwah !

    Neverdie, DIE! I have already asked the mods twice to close this topic because of people like you, who never have anything worthwhile to contribute, only flame with idiotic comments.

    Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the mattress today.. Was it too heavy to turn over?

    Sent from my c64

    Total crackpot.

  6. Found it the other way around........ my old cheapish mattress was very heavy, the new one I bought last year in the Slumberland 80% factory sale is much much lighter... Pocket Sprung..

    The old one use to get 2 people in the Village to help turn it + got them back to try to bring it downstairs so could take it to the tip.. we could not manage as to heavy, so it is stood up in one of the spare bedrooms.. going back 10 or so years, feel sure it was just 2 delivery men that took it up, another bedroom the King Size bed mattress is nowhere near as heavy but not as light as the Pocket Sprung.

    Did you check where your buffalo wings was ?

  7. Name of GF? no, suspect he is gitano or Romani by his name.

    There are indeed Thai women on FB with this "name", could be another freestyle transcription of some Thai name.

    And "Neftali Perez" seems to be a Latino name and a couple of other US citizens with this name (seems like).

    Could also be black magic involved do not under estimate the power of magic especially if Thais are involved in digging up corpses even monks I am told who will tell you the winning numbers for the lottery, learning to fly from a balcony is a favorite farang pastime . Amazing Thailand.

    I would love to know the number of total deaths of all farangs in Thailand who die whilst taking flying lessons.

    Seems TAT who every year say they want to attract high quality tourist are only searching foe wannabe pilots,

    Anyone who has a license will know what a wannabe is, and hopefully the rest of you.

  8. There are girls hawking their fork nearly every night and 100's of thousands of baht must be slipping through their hands. They'll still live in a 2000 baht a month fan only cold water room sharing with 3 or 4 other girls. I can never understand where the money goes? Motorcy taxi boyfriend, gambling, money back home take care of mom and the kid, handouts to every other no hoper up country. Mind you food can't be cheap. I mean thai food at 35 baht a meal is cheap but they'll order 4 or 5 dishes, bottle of Song Sam or such. I guess do that 3 times a day 30 days a month it adds up. Heard one success story of a bargirl saving her money and doing something with her life but only one. Ever talked to any of the old girls in the bars and heard their stories? No hope of a customer but if they're lucky someone may unwillingly pay her barfine when gets added on to some drunk saps check bin. I think it's just a case of easy come easy go. Same as many up country. One lady I knew, dirt poor. Most times couldn't pay electricity or water. Wins 100k baht lottery. She put on a party cost her 70k baht....to show she wasn't poor. Rest was gone in a week. Similar story another lady husband died and she collected a substantial (for a thai) insurance pay out. Had 3 kids To support alone. Next day she has gold, new clothes. Good for her I thought. Her young husband died through alcoholism so no loss. Gold was gone in one month as was the rest of the money. Saw her waiting to get picked to go work cutting Aoy for 200 baht a day. Missus asked her what happened? She gambled it all away. Totally hopeless

    But you are only going by what you see.

    A few anecdotes about a few train wrecks.

    Think about it, all those sex tourism places, Nana, Pattaya etc....how many girls all up, currently, I think according to WHO there are anywhere up to 5 million sex workers in Thailand currently

    Where are all the ones say 20 years ago, that were in their 20s.

    Sex workers or not we see many thais terrible with money.

    No doubt there were many that blew all the money.

    But no doubt there were also many that saved up, bought a business, hiso condo in Bangkok and many probably emmigrated.

    You are only going by what you see.

    I dare to suggest that the majority of such girls do hoard enough for later in life, otherwise you'd be able to see millions of destitute ones

    Where are they all?, all the ex bar girls now in their 40s, 50s and beyond ( several hundred are married to TVF members wink.png )

    They are back in the village planting rice , toothless and haggered, living with some waster.

  9. This is just about the dumbest post I have ever read, I would suggest if you want wise up please try and find a few Nigerian friends who will be able to show you some very quick ways how to make a ton of money, if you want to find a loving Thai partner and future mother of your children I would suggest Pattaya or Soi Cowboy Bangkok. Failing any of these suggestions working may I suggest you back home.

  10. Their only interest is to see how much they can make from any particular person. The law is of no interest to them. They could care less about it. There a few decent ones but the majority will suck your blood dry. I avoid them like the plague.

    This! ... is the price we foreigners pay to live here. It's sad but we have to accept it

    Try to argue with them, drag things out and your day won't go as planned - or pay 500 baht or a few more and you're on your way in under a minute.

    I hate it as much as the next guy as I only put money into Thailand and not take any job away and basically only contribute and stimulate to the economy.

    Overpriced cars, real estate and so on.. we can only accept it or go back home.

    I have lived here in Thailand for many years. I enjoy a full and active life.

    Why have I NEVER had to "pay 500 baht or a few more" to be on my way ?

    Seems some hang out in strange places with very odd people.

    Seems to me it's you that is odd or vey lucky, check your body odor.

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