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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. The U.S. Social Security also sends out such a "are you still alive" form once a year, needs to be signed but not notoraized, and snailed back to them or your SocSec funds will be cut off. Don't know at what age it starts but I've been getting the form for a few years now. 70+

    Some years ago, 15 or more, SocSec required the certain people actually present themselves to the U.S. Consulate in person to prove that they were still alive. Haven't heard of such since, probably too much of a bad reaction.


    This form to me is really asking if your status has changed, i.e. Have you got married, have you changed citizenship, I believe if you marry your social security is reduced as your dependent wife can claim a widows pension, I would be happy if anyone can confirm this or reject it.
  2. I received the same UK pension letter , I went to see a lady lawyer in Korat ( Korat Legal Law Office - I think her name was Mam ) and she sorted the form out , no problems . thumbsup.gif

    This is the person I was referring to, not sure if they the mods would let me say her name as they may have considered it advertising..

  3. For a little country we certainly can whack a big punch... gigglem.gif

    I am sure when the dust dies the Netherlands will be one of the first trying to secure continued exports to the UK.

    Population five million ? Who cares what they think., friends or not.

    EU bureaucrats and leaders should put brain in gear before opening mouth. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  4. Hi guys , have read varying reports about this new intrusive form immigration are asking us residents to fill in, did my ninety day retirement on Friday June 30th at the Korat office, the guys who did it took less than five minutes for two of us ( me and a friend ) I asked about the new form and they told me they only want this when you apply for your annual extension.

    I am a USA citizen my friend who I went with is a retired Brit, he had just received a form from the dept of pensions UK asking for a form to be be filled in by a recognized member of society, i.e. A doctor, lawyer. Police. Etc, to prove he is still alive supposedly so they are not pensions to some one who is dead, immigration would not do this, they told him go to tourist police in joho, which we did, they had never seen this form before and wanted it translated before they would sign, my friend told me several of his fiends had also got the same form so it would appear this was a mass mailing and will be a regular annual event. Not sure yet of the outcome.

    My lawyer speaks and writes perfect English , husband USA , will talk to her ASAP if you need help pm me.

  5. Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

    and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

    flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

    from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

    Do you think the police will waste time trying to track them down ??? These are their own.

  6. Wow... had to read this story twice to make sure I read it right! Hope that the crime suppression unit does a proper investigation and apprehends the "true" criminals because it seems that as long as there is corruption within the police ranks criminal activity will continue to thrive to the point where Thailand is no longer the Land of Smiles. My only legal advice to this young lady is to file a complaint for slander because it is clear that these "accusations" appear to be false on their face because she didn't want to "work" in Hong Kong and then sue the hell out of these people for the damage that this has caused this young lady and her family.

    and end up dead, sure solid advice.
  7. Thailand is a dangerous country. Life can end when one least's expect it. Being prepared for the unexpected means nothing. Cross your fingers and wear an amulet and hope for the best. You have no control over place and time.

    People see what they want to see.

    I'd suggest the U.S. is far more dangerous, just more sophisticated.

    Brain dead opinion.

  8. Processed meats will kill you...

    I guess that KFC get all their chicken parts already chopped to size and breaded from some factory (same as McD and all other big chains) so it's something from the production line. I have been in some good slaughterhouses and processing plants in Europe and they use metal detectors so nothing like this should happen but still it happens in Europe too.

    Sounds like you have a job most people would envy, I think not.

  9. Are you planning to do another a U-tube clip on how horrible the Thai Taste is or is this for your own consumption?

    What's it got to do with you if I am? And it's YouTube.

    No, I just fancied eating some. I've seen loads scattered around over the years but never all under one roof.

    Eat like a pig must be a p........

  10. The first thing you will need to do is get proof of your income by doing a income affidavit at the US embassy. Info is here: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/service/notarial-services.html#income_affidavit

    Then since you are in Phuket you would need make a trip to the Thai consulate in Penang Malaysia to obtain a single entry non-o visa. You would attach a copy of the income affidavit to the visa application so that you can use the original to a apply for a one year extension of stay based upon retirement at immigration in Phuket during the last 30 days of the 90 entry the visa will allow.

    ubon where on earth did you gain all this knowledge ? You help so many people, good job.

    • Like 1
  11. He was sitting outside in uniform and said he had nothing to do with it. He said he wore an army uniform to give him a good image in his work selling food supplements.


    Extortion, racketeering, possession of weapons, carrying false ID, driving a car with false plates, possession of narcotics, impersonating a soldier

    I wonder what this does to the "good name of the army"??

    Just another day in paradise.

  12. You send her 20,000 a month and only see her once /twice a year. I think you must be very naive to think that your 20k is for living expenses alone.I would think that a good few Thai guys and even a few ferang have raised a glass or two to you.I think you should pull down the shutters on this one and search anew.I hear there are a lot of clean,honest,loyal,and truthful girls on soi 6 looking for one such as your self.

    Saints preserve us.

    I realize even Bill Gates might say enough would be just a little bit more, but do you really think a person lives lavishly on 20,000 THB a month?

    In issan it's a fortune.

  13. Can anyone really have any sympathy for her ?


    She is mentally deficient. I don't beliebve we should be laughing when people take advantage of people with low IQs.

    What's nest, smiling when pervs have inter course with downs syndrome people?

    Not too mentally deficient that she could not find a million baht to send to this <deleted>.

    My gf had a neighbor who found a guy like this the photo on the date site was of a spokesperson in the White House , I could not convince her it was a scam but lucky for her nobody would loan her the hundred grand to get a bag full of diamonds, gold and money held up at customs, in fact where she lived nobody had ever seen a hundred grand, she was sorely pissed off with me because I would not front her, and still is.

  14. If they said they were believed to be Brits by the names of the football teams tattooed to their arms that would be one thing, but they seem to have a lot of intel on them.

    Accents? Really now, how many Thais can tell an Aussie from a Brit by the way they speak?

    I'm working on the assumption that the guy who escaped the kidnap attempt knew the people who tried to do it.

    I'm 43 years old, slightly younger than the victim here and I'll tell you now that unless they tasered me into submission there's no way they would get me off the street into a van unless they were professionals at doing this kind of thing which they are clearly not.

    I know a seventeen year old chick who could get you in the back of a van in a heartbeat.

  15. A couple of weeks ago spring onions went from the usual 75B/kilo to 225B/kilo in Makro. That makes them nearly four times the price of chicken breast, which is ridiculous.

    Recently I bought a very large fresh Iceberg lettuce at Sainsbury's in the UK for 50p, which is their standard everyday price. That's 25B. A much smaller and much older lettuce would be three times that in BigC here.

    Someone is pocketing a lot of money here.

    Around here there are a few itinerant onion's sellers, but they only have those little micro onions, the size of a cherry, i did try them once, 50 B for a kg, but to peel them off would take such a long time that i have given up after the first try.

    Lettuce not easy to find, always overpriced anyway, here they like cabbage, they eat it raw and put it almost everywhere...

    Rarely we can even find broccoli and cauliflowers, but they just taste awful, not sure why, i don't think it's the chemicals, because they almost always have little caterpillars inside, you just have to look for them while cleaning them up.

    A tip on peeling the small onions, dunk them in boiling water for a few seconds and the skin rubs off.

  16. This is something I eat every day and at their very best they are only just passable I suspect because they are always picked green.

    Here in Korat I noticed today in big c and tesco they have gone up to 55฿ a kilo from the usual 20.......25 ฿. Even in the market tonight they were really scarce suspect the vendors feel they won't sell too many.

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