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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Foot note to earlier post, what nationality are you ? How old are you ? The most important things you left out.

    What kind of visa will you use ? If indeed there is one that will fit your needs Also only earning around twelve thousand pounds a year is a very low income to play the world traveler , still wish you luck but I would do some serious thinking if I was in your shoes.

    I'm EU, from Lithuania originally. 28 years old, will use METV.

    I'm not playing world traveller :) Although I've been to many countries due to my previous job. My plan is to spend summer (June - September) in Europe and cold season in Thailand. METV visa works fine for that.

    Yeah, 50,000 thb is not that much, I would much rather have 100,000 thb :) I think eventually I will earn it if I move to another job, but at the moment I love my current job :)

    Thanks for your reply, wish I was your age, I do hope things work out for you, before I retired here I also spent a few winter months every year in Thailand, your command of English tells mr your a smart guy and surely will excell in life, however beware of Thai females this forum is full of horror stories, however on reflection your age is in your favor but it would be prudent of me to warn you of your gfs parents, they maybe lovely people but they may also view you as the goose that lays golden eggs, good luck.

  2. Foot note to earlier post, what nationality are you ? How old are you ? The most important things you left out.

    What kind of visa will you use ? If indeed there is one that will fit your needs Also only earning around twelve thousand pounds a year is a very low income to play the world traveler , still wish you luck but I would do some serious thinking if I was in your shoes.

  3. You cannot compare Korat and Bangkok it is like comparing chalk and cheese.

    Bangkok is a major metropolis and Korat is just a overgrown country town.

    Agree with that entirely!

    You will pay much less for a comparable standard of living than you currently do in BKK. However you will not find the same level of amenities and infrastructure. Traffic is pretty awful - but not quite as gridlocked as BKK usually seems to be. The local food to my mind is better than BKK - but I like hot and spicy. The weather, is often hotter than BKK in Summer but I find the air is cleaner and less humid. English language is spoken even less than it is in BKK. Unless you have at least basic Thai language skills you are going to struggle with communication unless you have your g\f constantly with you. Farang are much rarer in this region than BKK or the 'tourist' areas - be prepared to be stared at, a lot ;-)

    As somebody else has already said - the only way to be sure whether it is for you is to try it for a week or so before you burn your bridges in BKK.

    There is no comparison to Bangkok, lived there for a year and in Hua Hin for five years, life here is so much cheaper, I bought a house but have a friend living in Jo Ho ten minutes from the city who pays 6,000 baht for a nice three bedroom pad on a quiet street with good neighbours, there are good restraunts and bars though not the girlie type, good farang food shops and super markets, be aware it is much hotter here in the hot months.

    If you have a good gf do not worry about moving here, though you will need to talk to some ex pats to find where e erything is,pm if you make the move , happy to help.

  4. As they say: "Lose Lips Sink Ships!".

    I would have put the Gold Coins in my pocket first before I told anyone. I am nor sure this makes me a bad person but I figure if it sat there for 1,700 years, and I was the one who found it, then I deserve the coins. They can have the statues.

    Nice to have your name on a plaque somewhere in a Museum saying you were the discoverer of this treasure but I would want more than just that. So I guess I am not all so bad. Just Greedy!

    Must agree but don't know the rules,

  5. Is Pol Senior Sgt-Maj Pramote Bupasri also to be arrested?

    C'mon now Bluespunk, you know better than that, "inactive post" 2 years after the crime, time delay, a criminals word against an (honest) copcheesy.gif

    Evidence missing, time delay, court date announced for other bad man, to sick to go too court, time delay, Cop asks to travel too Singapore for special medical treatment, to sick to travel back too Thailand, more time, other bad man, sick from unknown blood disorder and dies, time delay, not enough evidence, No case to answer and by the way you have been promoted four times so now you the commander of the cop shop congratulations sir.

    You do talk rubbish, this cop is in prison as I write for a seperate murder.

    Why oh why would anyone say the system here is broken/bias/corrupt??? It proves itself every day.

  6. More negative comments from expats and tourists...

    Which would you prefer with all the jobs being lost?

    Traffic problems or more thefts, armed robberies and burglaries.

    When people lose it all like their business and jobs they lose it.

    When they are hungry with no money they have nothing to lose.

    So, you will be their first target!

    Think before you post nonsense.

    Do you want another Venezuela?

    None sense post, what makes vendors think they own public places, answer bib taking a rent, both wrong who gives a rats ass if they have to stop making an illegal living, problem is everything that is illegal seems to be just fine for most Thais.

  7. No doubt some Govt. person will give this some lip service about clampdown on this or that, utter verbiage all the time. If nothing is enforced what is the point?

    All commercial vehicles should be fitted with a tachograph, and if travelling for 8 hours or longer then a second driver should be in the vehicle. Given how little these drivers are paid, it would hardly cost the operators a fortune. coffee1.gif

    If a total moron is driving a soap box guess what chances are it will overturn, the number of passenger vans and buses who love to drive six inches from my rear bumper flashing their lights or overtaking on the hard shoulder have made me swear off taking any form of public transport, it's a miracle the low cost airlines are not in the news the same as the vans. Hel even the trains are a death trap over 140 de railings last year..

  8. In the UK there are measurable standards for the aggregate used on the roads.

    Measurements for wear, polishability, smoothness / roughness etc are all taken before an aggregate is accepted for use on UK's highways.

    This allows for maximum longevity and better grip on the roads in varying conditions. The UK's roads are far from perfect (a debate for another time), but I'd hazard a guess that the higher quality of grip prevents numbers accidents.

    In Thailand I suspect they use 'any aggregate' which polishes easily and after rain these road surfaces become slick, particularly when it rains after a lengthy dry spell.

    Anyone with half a brain knows this and adjusts their driving.

    Those driving public transport seem to be unaware of this.

    Perhaps the culture of using the guys who are too uneducated or dumb to carry out any other work and have them drive heavy vehicles, trucks, lorries, Busses and Mini-Vans is simply wrong. These guys need specific education... I see a 'clamp down coming'...

    Driver education

    Driver fatigue

    Poor road conditions (slippy surfaces)

    Poor road marking

    Poor vehicle maintenance (breaks and tyres)

    These are issues readily addressed in developed nations, addressing these issue here would potentially save 1000's of lives per year... IF only those in positions of decision making power even cared about this enough to think about it.

    You see a clamp down coming, wow. Lived here seven years seen hundreds of clampdowns but nothing changes.

  9. Thai jails must be full of those crocks by now, but no body knows what penalties or jail terms they

    get one their crimes has been reported.......

    We all wonder how many of these gangs caught are doing time on fish head soup, question on here asked many times, maybe it's a state secrets, maybe heading for attitude adjustment if pushing foe an answer, oh sorry wrong people.

  10. What's so complicated about this that a re-enactment was necessary ? On face value nothing but read a large crowd watched and of course the media were there which explains the need for the show.

    True, and have you noticed that everyone arrested get similar treatment, including the photo shots and pointing fingers, even though at that point they have not been proven guilty!

    Simply for public propaganda , to show they other things besides extorting money.

  11. Traffic in BKK could not be worse unless it's in a stand still, traffic in BKK become so bad in the last

    few years that I have to use by motorcycle to go place and get there like before dinner.....

    I honestly could not live in Bangkok without going totally insane. Every time I go there I either get so stressed out with the sheet dirtiness and volume of traffic, or I become ill in some way. I avoid it like the plague. Furthermore, Hua Hin has started to have a problem with traffic and the volume of road users in specific areas, especially on holidays when half of Bangkok come this way.

    Yes we moved out of Bangkok to Hua Hin five years ago could not handle Bkk any more., last year Hua Hin became too crowded and ugly bill boards every where so moved to Korat , no regrets.

  12. I use the freezer a lot here for fresh food, any meat, some fruits, bread , veggies. Most of the food will stay fresh when you defrost it, even after months in the freezer . And of course the fridge for anything else. In room temperature I only keep my spices, sugar and some biscuits , all stored in air tight plastic containers.so ants and other insects will stay away.

    Ditto for me, bread in the freezer for sure as loaf of good quality bread will last me about ten days (rye )

    Two fridges one freezer, one fridge for drinks other daily use.

  13. Somebody got an 'F' grade and didn't like it. tongue.png

    Although seriously, more likely to be linked to some form of corruption and embezzling of the budget.

    Why is it likely to be connected to corrupt activities and stealing the university's budget? Your batty comment is suspiciously specific.

    It is not a batty comment, in this corruption riddled third world country, probably committed by some one who went through the education system here and left as dumb as when he entered it.

  14. "I'm not an animal," the shaven, shackled and barefoot Adem Karadag told a crowd of waiting reporters on Tuesday, as two guards led him into a military court in Bangkok's old town. "I'm human, I'm human."

    "We're innocent, help us, help us, where are the human rights?" said a stony-faced Mieraili, as he emerged from a police car outside the court."

    so they are going to a CIA black site for full interrogation after the trial, right?

    Not very likely with the US ambassador to Thailand being in the process of getting kicked out...

    What a stupid comment,

  15. No really. I like it here.

    But would you feel the same if your IQ were greater than 150?

    I've no idea what my IQ is. IQ tests are an intellectual dick-ruler for the insecure.

    Thanks for the helpful advice. Is there anything you could recommend for the emotionally insecure?

    A couple of bar girls in bed saying you Hansum man.

  16. Thailand must have one of the sloppiest systems of recording land ownership and surveying land around. One frequently reads of encroachment, etc. Records of who owns what seem to be able to be falsified with ease.

    I have read on numerous occasions the government land office is the most corrupt dept in the government.

  17. Yes OP, I've seen a lot of similar incidents in Thailand. I guess Thai women also kind of suspect a farang here would "naturally" look for other women here since even Thai men do that. Lots of soap operas to perpetuate the idea.

    I think it is the exact opposite, that are afraid of Thai females wanting their farang, down to the perceived wealth thing again, I have been happy living with my Thai gf for the past seven years and I have been hit on more times than I can remmember and I am no spring chicken more of an old goat.

  18. Are the ones sitting at the table cops and the perps are in the rear with their faces covered?? Seriously what is the point of being in the photo point out and being unrecognizable. Isn't it the Thai way of thinking that you are in the photo to get recognition for doing something...... so why the cover up?? They could have used a painting of police , painted on the back wall with the same results ... Yeah I know they are undercover and don't want to blow their cover, so why be their at all? Are they that ugly that they have to cover up and put them behind all the rest so as not to ruin some smiles?

    They are undercover officers probably involved in a sting op, you appear to be thinking too deep, lighten up.

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