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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. It's really terrible and breathtaking. I'm keen on the author Malcolm Gladwell's books, in this case The Tipping Point. Fads abd trends and crowd hysteria do follow near predictable trends, at least key features. Regardless of the causes in the US right now-- real, imagined, contrived, or a mix, the fact is a certain critical mass takes place in crowd dynamics that then steers easily, and often tragically.

    The left has long studied this agitprop 'technology;' much of the original work was done by Soviets. They didn't invent this crowd dynamic (swarming), like birds or schools of fish, but they perfected it. I'd argue that the advent of social media effectively obliterates time and space rendering a country like America, for example, essentially a large crowd.

    So, whether or not there are just or unjust greviances this 'crowd' is essentially being steered. It certainly has key features of funding and training by organizations known to Shake n Bake revolutions. Example: RevCom Now (communist revolution now). These links cannot be dismissed by emotional charge. There real!

    Lastly, it's beyond credulity that these actions, events, and instigations are all conspiring in time and place to leverage agenda. Sadly, I fear these deaths and injuries will not subside until Americans are cowered into concessions (national police, etc) they would otherwise never have chosen. RIP

    Feel like I should have stayed asleep zzzzzzzzz

  2. i am sorry to read some members' comments.

    a penal institution is a very challenging environment to work in

    for the wardens and to live in. the challenges are further compounded

    by intra inmate issues like personal grievances or even gang related action.

    a riot will occur when tolerance thresholds have been crossed in terms

    of inmate living and recreational space and other factors like meals, visits

    and treatment of the inmates.

    only a lengthy enquiry will bring to light the causative factors for the riot.

    Yawwwwn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. I occasionally get ripped off in local markets (Kantharalak and Ubon) when buying fruits, veg and meat, but it's only a matter of a few satang generally.

    I always ask the price before they start stuffing in a bag. Maybe once every couple of months I will give them a dirty look when its say 20% over the price it should be, issue a snorted 'paeng' and walk off. Usually I can sense form their reaction that they know that I know that they just tried to overcharge a falang.

    Meat ladies almost always give short weight in Kantharalak fresh market, but they probably do that to everyone! I haven't quite got round to taking electronic scales with me but I've thought about it a few times. I suspect I'm well enough known that the story would get around quickly and I suspect they would run me out of towntongue.png

    You buy meat in a market ? Have you not read all the reports lately how most meats are covered in banned preservatives to keep it looking fresh, have lived here several years in hospital three times food poisening, cured me of markets, buy a deep freeze shop at big c or Makro for all meat products.

  4. Awful airline anyway,flew it to Bangkok once from Sydney out of desperation,to escape the post-New Year's Eve party miserable Sydneyites and it was full of Aussie Bogans,all acting like complete a**holes I couldn't get off fast enough!

    "Full of Aussie bogans" really, are you say all on board, except yourself, were ALL Aussies and ALL were "bogans" , pity you didn't leave the flight midway. By the way all countries, including Thailand, have bogans. And you judge an airline because you had an uncomfortable flight due to other passengers... I know who the real "bogan" is.
    I flew Jetstar to India once. No bogans for me. Still a terrible airline, hell, the stewards wouldn't let people use the toilets for 20min while they served drinks because they were too lazy to move the cart back to their station. mellow.png

    Now's that's efficient, every airline should do this, and also a case of damned if you do damned if you don't, 'slow drink service', 'didn't serve again for an hr', 'cart kept up and down aisle serveral times hitting me in elbows', 'was an hr before rubbish was collected' etc. unless it's medical people should be able to hold their bladder for 20mins no different than if flight is circling in queue for landing or waiting to take off behind a long queue.

    One guy needed to go, he was right next to the cart and they didn't even need to go back to their station: All they had to do was move the cart past him (2m) and let him pass. It would have taken 10 seconds :rolleyes:

    Who cares

  5. Come he is a monk. So therefore untouchable, driving the wrong way, so what.

    He had his Buddist amulets to protect him.

    I thought monks were not supposed to drive fullstop.

    Did he have a driving license ? Probably not.

    Show some respect rather than deride the old man and the Sangha in general.

    I hope you don't have any Thai relatives that are Buddhist - how on earth could they put up with you are show you any respect?

    Don't you think that respecting the culture you have migrated to is the decent thing to do?

    Times have changed since the days of the Buddha, where vehicles were considered an extravagance.

    Do you really expect monks to walk everywhere these days?

    I know you are the "Prime Basher" here so don't really think about the facts before you write.

    Have you never given a ride to a monk? I have on many occasions - I have even rented a minivan for them!

    You sound as brain washed as your average Muslim radical.

  6. Sometimes I really despair for this country, money is God.

    The keeping face thing with Thais is really easy to understand, there is no law working for them, the poor that is, so all problems or perceived problems must be solved by the individual usually by violence, as no courts will protect them , listen to them and the only thing they own is their self esteem, or such as they perceive .

    Here is a case where being rich, losing face does not come into it, I have money we are god screw you.

    Being American I often wish I had plumped for S America for retirement, but I didn't, love the cost of living the food but number one my gf of seven years and her niece who we are educating and taking care of, so despite the ills of the country which does upset me, I stay and just handle my despair living in a country that could be so close to perfect.

  7. They live in quite a nice newly built housing village. Her son (similar age to the toyboy) actually lives in the house opposite theirs. This is one of the few cases where a farang marries a wealthier woman.

    Wouldn't be too hard for a Thai lady to be wealthier than those relying on the pension to fund their stay in the Kingdom.

    They only need to own a house (or in some cases just a push bike) and they are far

    Read the numerous threads about how the devalued pound might cause a tremendous amount of problems to those 'wealthy' pensioners

    Kindly explain how your rantings are relevant to the post, casting aside your bitterness

  8. I live in Korat , when we go Bkk I stay at the Waterford resort OM Nut it's about around Soi 57 I believe Sukhumvit. About a 1000 baht per night with a great swimming pool and five minutes from Tesco where the food in the food court is very very good.

    Forget driving down to Soi eleven Sukhumvit is a nightmare.

    When you stay at Waterford resort drive down to Tesco park there free for two hours and go to second floor to walk sky bridge to BTS. Costs thirty eight baht to Nana station five minute walk to trendy building.

    From the north, when on expressway exit at sign for OM Nut,, follow OM nut signs straight road for a few is.

    You will pass big c on your Lhs hundred meters t junction turn left go past Tesco do the first u turn come back to Tesco passing and turn left past Tesco but up the side of it about four hundred meter seven eleven on left hand side road signed to hotel turn right immediately.

    Book the resort on Agoda very nice condo type rooms underground parking I would recommend this place to anyone,

    You can find a map to the hotel simply google the hotel and print it off.

    Be sure to watch the signs carefully on expressway for OM nut, the road you will finish up off the expressway is Lat Krabang.

    Book the hotel early it's quite busy even off season, no restraunt but a bad by the pool as I said good food at Tesco..

    Hope this helps

  9. Addition to my post, the tourist police did fill in the form for my friend and refused payment, however they made it very clear that they will not do this for anyone else, they say it's not their job probably because no person in the office seems capable of reading English.

    Which is hardly a revelation after all it's only a tourist office and all tourists speak Thai.

    The Thai lawyer I mentioned charges 260 baht and the form can be picked up after one hour., that's it from me folks I hear the fat lady singing.

  10. The U.S. Social Security also sends out such a "are you still alive" form once a year, needs to be signed but not notoraized, and snailed back to them or your SocSec funds will be cut off. Don't know at what age it starts but I've been getting the form for a few years now. 70+

    Some years ago, 15 or more, SocSec required the certain people actually present themselves to the U.S. Consulate in person to prove that they were still alive. Haven't heard of such since, probably too much of a bad reaction.


    What happens if you say no your are dead?

    Much wailing, wearing of ashes and rending of clothing..

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