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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Ah, all you hipsters shelling out the big bucks for yer Fusions and yer Mach 3s and worrying about fakes. I ain't there yet, been using a traditional safety razor and double edge blades for decades, like dear ol' Dad. Box of blades, 100 for around B200, never encountered fakes, even from India on Ebay. Sounds like I should just carry on.????
  2. Those doing 90-day reports go over to the waiting area on the right to hand in their passports to an IO, receive a number, wait, then retrieve the passport when an IO returns with a batch and calls out the number. No, there's no sign to tell you that. TIT, but always charming.????
  3. We got a member here still running Win XP. Recently a mamber inquired about continuing to use his Win 7. In fact a whole subreddit's devoted to supporting Win 7; it's still a thing. If you know what you're doing, use third-party antivir, firewall, and updated browser, you'd be fine with Win 7, assuming the software you need still runs with it. I used "obsolete" XP years after our high tech gurus here sneered at me for not moving to their cutting-edge Vista.???? My point is there's no rush to move to Win 11 unless it offers something you think you need. Having tuned, tweaked, and config'd all the issues out of my Win 10 (assuming an update doesn't screw it up), I'll be staying with it for the foreseeable future. I may move to Linux, or I'll upgrade (some would say "downgrade") to Win 10 IOT Enterprise, whose support ends in 2032. I'm dual booting it on my spare desktop with SUSE Tumbleweed and really like it.
  4. You dunno. Point is, despite all your noise about "variety," if you only walk around bar areas in a tourist town--as you do because the only women available to you work there--then you're going to see DUH! guys drinking in bars, most of them tourists. From that "evidence" you convince yourself that all the expats in the city sit drinking in bars all day.???? Brilliant. Reminds me of that Thai proverb, which you of course know, about a frog under a coconut shell: กบในกะลาครอบ. As I've noted elsewhere, Pattaya's a very large, diverse area ranging from small Thai subdistricts to the condo riviera to the quiet suburbs. That's why it has such broad appeal. Most expats, who may not even live here year-round, are conventional middle-class types who've earned the means to live here comfortably with Thai wives, gfs, and families. Besides, the classic monger area in the concentrated CBD that you're aware of has been shrinking dramatically over the last decade. So, enough with the clueless nonsense. Since you're obsessed with your boredom, constantly mentioning it, and busily project it on others, why don't you just see a shrink to help you get to the root of your problem and help you find some meaningful interests in life? Oz socialized medicine pay for it? Also, maybe learn some skills to raise your income level, so you're not just stuck at home all the time, unable to experience the variety right there in your own country?
  5. Utter nonsense.
  6. I don't live in Australia, and I took some new ones here yesterday, shared with friends.???? But, as you're the OP touting his variety, let's see some from you that isn't just a trivial variation on the same thing. So I take it that Oz restos DO serve more than just burgers, but you don't eat the other dishes?
  7. Full, no. Having lived in PTY for many years, I know a lot more than you just prowling around LK Metro, Buakhao, and WS. Selective, narrow vision, as I noted. Why not do a poll here? See how many of our members are drunks sitting at a bar all day.
  8. Yah, yah. Investment advice on this forum has always been an excellent reverse indicator. Thank you: now we know that the smart investment would be to do the opposite. But the OP said nothing about “investment,” so that’s merely a red herring. You see, you’re not living overseas. Meanwhile you’re paying rent without the enjoyment of having your own place. Why not own a condo in Pattaya AND have investments overseas? WOT??? So much simplistic binary thinking. It’s hard for our renters to fathom, sitting in their rented fleabags, but many if not most owners aren’t worried about “investment potential,” as they don’t need to be. A number of them have said so on the forum. I’m not; in fact, I myself don’t “invest” here. I "spend" and I enjoy consuming, deliciously, what I spend on. On the other hand, if one knows what he’s doing—as you don’t—one can make some good money in Thai real estate, as posters have attested. We very studiously ignore those, as we do posters who don’t have to pay their wives or girlfriends. We already got that and don’t care except you’re hijacking the topic to comfort yourself. True, the cognitive decline indicated by your repetition means you’re probably better off saving your similarly declining GB Pesos for paying healthcare costs or for moving back to the paradise of the UK. I would buy, however, especially in Pattaya, and I am glad I did, as are so many others. Shockingly, I’ve never met an owner unhappy w/ his purchase in my building. Some, now, have moved to bigger condos or houses elsewhere, our building having been sold out for many years. None have been plagued by the hellish brain-eating Whither Thailand? Whither Pattaya? space monkeys that have forced a number of our members to sell up and leave Thailand--the only cure. But only way most of our full-time resident owners leave here is in an ambulance to their autopsies. No, they’re not stuck (the classic ANF Renter Stuck Principle), another fave fantasy of our Little Miss Muffets. Wealthy Swiss guy here lived in his big suite of rooms, with a lovely Thai caregiver, till he died at the age of about 95. Looked like Methuselah towards the end. Considering the many thousands of owners in Pattaya, and how unhappy and desperate to sell and head for the exits our Renters fantasize they are, you’d think our forum threads would be jammed with complaints. But no; very few, actually, even from the whinging Poms. The only real complaints about condo ownership come from—the renters, who don’t own one and are probably old and skint. Meanwhile they also spew out a constant litany of complaints about all the rental problems they have. ???? Funny, innit? Obsessive sour grapes at work. Desperate irrelevancy by you, as the OP has said nothing about letting his proposed condo. BTW, landlords in the investment havens of the UK and USA had it even worse. There tenants often couldn’t be evicted for non-payment or only with notice periods as long as 6 months. It’s hard to find the property owners’ stories of hardship, however, because they’re mostly ignored by the leftist gov’t-media-tech symbiosis. Tenants, there and here, had even more of a problem trying to pay whatever rent they could. But here in Thailand they could be evicted as usual. So suddenly you got no rent coming in from your smart, “safe” UK property, your Pesos are becoming ever more worthless, your pension’s long been frozen--yet you got to pay rent here because otherwise you’ll be evicted! WOT??? Time for a Gofundme? The vast majority of idiot condo owners in Pattaya, on the other hand, felt not the slightest desperation about paying rent or finding the tenants they never sought in the first place. We rode it all out in comfort.???? The pools and gyms were closed for a time, but on the other hand it was pleasant to drive as the traffic was so light.
  9. GIYF. https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&tbs=lf%3A1%2Clf_ui%3A2&tbm=lcl&q=Thailand+wong+amat+condo&rflfq=1&num=10#rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:[[12.979838671414587,100.91062304884036],[12.959012026505784,100.86822268873294],null,[12.96942556689751,100.88942286878665],15] Start by riding down Soi 18 to the end, then left, and right at Soi 16. That'll hit the major developments, but there are others around as well. Somebody here lives at Lumpini and hasn't spoken badly of it.
  10. Is that on webcam now? Part of the boredom is having such limited vision. Me, I see them doing a number of other things. In all these years, I've never heard a member here admit to regularly sitting in bars all day. Most are able to realize, however dimly, they won't last long that way.
  11. Go take some new ones. Even Oz restos must offer something more than burgers. Why eat the same thing all the time. ????
  12. One of those little pearls rather like the Red Bull heir. The widening works well before that bottleneck at the end, and notably towards getting to the mall. If the new lane is blocked, the jam (on weekends and holidays, currently) starts at Pattaya Nua. So it does now since they've begun allowing parking in that lane. As you note, it's useful during festivals and events, a major motivation. Now The Authorities have probably found out how much businesses, many of them new, in north BR love the customers they're getting from the "new" parking on BR. Customers love parking there not to admire their vehicles but obviously to avoid walking any distance or getting onto baht buses with farang riff-raff. Eventually the new new lane will be found not enough and parking banned again. So it goes. Yes, the ANF Bureau of Traffic Regulation has proposed many other solutions over the years. Heard 'em all. Even the Authorities themselves have.???? But the paradox remains that improving infrastructure attracts more population. BTS and MRT haven't ended the traffic jams in BKK.
  13. Onward and upward. Next.
  14. No, you made a point about people in general that you see. Currently, you're seeing them in Australia, so that's on point. Many people here haven't been to Australia or only superficially, so some info and photos would be welcome. Sounds like you're just too skint to enjoy any variety in Australia. ????
  15. But Thais feel their southern neighbors could learn a thing or two from them. They very much like their seafood as is, and this festival will be very well attended. The shops will benefit throughout the mall.
  16. I see you doing basically the same things over and over. Not surprisingly you're the only one bored around here and mention it constantly. And I'm hearing only superficial "variety." Same puerile thoughts. Eating/drinking variations of basically the same things and getting fatter, rotating the scenery kaleidoscope slightly here or there, brainlessly chasing women. Whacking bushes. Avoiding health checkups.???? The vast majority find your goals and very narrow interests, and your pursuit of them sitting at a keyboard, extremely boring. I certainly would. Let's hear about fantastic scenery in Iceland. Let's at least hear about a long trip to the outback on a big bike and a hike up a high mountain. Lots of variety right there in Oz, but we ain't hearin' about any. Why's that? And there's more to physical activity than whacking bushes. There's exercise and a LOT of variety there. Mark Baker has a good book about this totally consistent with your "point:" AGING IS DIMINISHING VARIATION. Lots for you to do there that will make a big practical difference. Overall, you've missed the point. I have traveled a good deal in Concord; and everywhere, in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways. It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see. --Henry David Thoreau Immanuel ‘the Königsberg clock’ Kant was renowned for his strict (and rather austere) daily routines. Having been born in Königsberg in 1724, he never left the small German city, dying there in 1804 aged 79 never having once gone further than the city’s limits. Yet despite his somewhat limited empirical knowledge of the world, the intellectual founder of the German Enlightenment had a lifelong passion for knowledge of all kinds. --https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/1963-immanuel-kant-the-errrr-walker
  17. Way to go. I use multiple times a day.
  18. Yeah, don't cheap on the fan. I bought a Noctua from Aliexpess (Lazada a ripoff) for my CPU and it's been wonderful. MTTF > 150,000 hrs. Got some other quiet, quality case fans on Aliexpress for reasonable prices.
  19. A small paintbrush works well for this purpose. Clean up the dust shaken loose, then give the blades a wipe with an alcohol pad.
  20. A small paintbrush works well for this purpose. Clean up the dust shaken loose, then give the blades a wipe with an alcohol pad.
  21. Is that an understatement or what?????
  22. Yup. Walked out of the elevator and into the lobby today as usual on my way out to the beach, and it was reassuring as always to see the (friendly) staff and security all in place and ready to guard with their lives any package I might receive from Lazada! ????
  23. These threads always bring our Little Miss Muffets out of the woodwork counting their Fools Buy Real Estate, Condo Glut, and CONDO CRASH IMMINENT! rosary beads in their fleabag rented rooms. But you should know that a foreigner needs to cover ALL the bases. You never know what more nasty surprises THEY have in store for us! So we should always teach our poor noobs the classic, shrewd, street-smart ANF Poster Three Primal Laws Of Survival In Thailand, distilled over many years from the sage advice of our most knowledgeable members. Here ya go: 1. Never invest in anything you aren't ready to lose; 2. Never own more than you can carry with you or leave behind; 3. Keep your suitcase packed at all times. There. All any foreigner needs. Now, enjoy! Yawn. Quoting one or more of the Laws gives you ten (+10) instant points of ANF posting cred from the peanut gallery. I think you deserve +5 anyway.
  24. Like Rum Tum Tugger in Cats! The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore: When you let him in, then he wants to be out; He's always on the wrong side of every door, And as soon as he's at home, then he'd like to get about. He likes to lie in the bureau drawer, But he makes such a fuss if he can't get out. —T. S. Eliot, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
  25. Great! Since you know, when will Royal Cliff Garden be dead? Been 25 years already and I'd love to pick up a unit there up for a million or so.
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