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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Bratwurst, pizza ain't Western food?
  2. Keep it up. Social Darwinism in action is one of the entertainments here.
  3. Thai Immigration seems to have taught her a needed lesson that being PROUD to be a Thai may not be sufficient to guarantee one's invincibility. You might now help her come to accept the painful reality of petty rules, however much she may consider herself above them as a Thai. Someday, she may then be able to stand in a QUEUE to go back to Thailand and, happily, once again reunite with her family and friends there.
  4. BigStar

    Pattaya Gyms

  5. Pattaya's got it all. Obviously the nightlife, restos, sea views, luxury (or not) condos, beaches, the islands. But it covers a huge area encompassing every kind of environment. Suburbia or a more rural feel? The Darkside. Small Thai town, fishing village? Naklua. So a much greater variety of expat lives in Pattaya than you'd ever imagine from listening to the mongers, proctologists, whingers, and drivel here. Large numbers have nothing to do with the nightlife, never see it, and are quite contented with their lives, happy to live here BELIEVE IT OR NOT. The convenience can't be overstated. Abundance of shopping, malls, easy access to the airport, schools, hospitals, dentists, facilities. Internet's great. Downtown circus day and night for your viewing pleasure.???? And Pattaya even has better weather than most other areas. That's a start. Check it ALL out, the real Pattaya, not the virtual Pattaya of the forum and youtube.
  6. Now get used to popping a pill. You'll soon be so chilled out that you won't miss beer or anything else. Arrange for a wakeup call. Pre-adolescent. Reminds me of smoking pilfered ciggies in basements w/ my mates at age 10. What a thrill.
  7. Speaking of mind, this study looks promising: Effects of cocoa extract and a multivitamin on cognitive function: A randomized clinical trial Maybe my daily multi is paying off. Disappointing about the cocoa, but I'll hope my Hershey's Natural is helping in other ways.????
  8. Seems that's the same condo (guess the problem wasn't adequately fixed) or quite near it where the garage flood happened years ago. OK--OP, don't stay in that area behind The Avenue. ????
  9. It is, and more. Got restos, music bars w/ bands, clubs, etc. It doesn't have to be "family friendly" at 3 AM to have tourists, clubbers, and locals walking around, sometimes on the way back to their bikes or cars, with none of your imagined "entrapment" motive intended. Sexual assault as defined by law in Thailand and in your own country, DUH. Pretending ignorance gets you nowhere. Disagree all you wish. Nor does anyone care in the least whether you're sympathetic. This case should serve as a good deterrent. Yah, yah, they're always being falsely blamed, poor innocent lads havin' a bit o' fun.
  10. Yes. When you know nothing about present-day WS or suffer from highly selective perception, why just blow hot air and waste time? You wish, but not at all. Financial settlements are standard throughout the world, and precisely what you yourself would accept in a case in which the police agreed with you that you'd been wronged. Mere hypocrisy, and you've got no argument. Your victim blaming and shaming isn't going anywhere and only reflects on yourself.
  11. Lemme see. One newly constructed condo building had a flooded garage more than a decade ago. That highly publicized one-off was then fixed, and there've been none since. If there were, the delighted screams of our Fools Buy Real Estate and Little Miss Muffet Renting Fanatics would have flooded the forum and still be mentioned in every Pattaya Flood Disaster thread--just to stir the pot. In short, not an issue. Enjoy the delights of Pattaya!
  12. Such utter cluelessness about who said what about what in relation to what could only result from neglecting to take your meds. Get back on the sched, please.
  13. Must? Has M'soft announced a disabling of Win 10 at some future date, unlike Win 98 - Win 8.1? Big news indeed. Members accessing from desktops will be awfully upset when their PCs suddenly won't boot--and they can't even come here to rant about it! Not to say ANF itself . . . business gon' be way down.
  14. You can, but not with this app, as that isn't the purpose of the app. Straw man based on ignorance. Why doubt, when you can actually know the purpose of the app?
  15. OMG! But updates are a way of life. Supported apps update along with Windows, yawn.
  16. Did you not find a shop suitable for the purpose among the small shops that do the actual sewing that dot all around TukCom? Off beach road? Must be non-Indian?
  17. True. And one should adjust a recumbent bike the same way further to reduce force. The recumbent is also easier on the back, and the seat is a lot more comfortable, no need for a special prostate-protecting split saddle if that's a concern.
  18. I enjoyed The Dropout. Reviews here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10166622/ But I happen to find the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos pretty interesting, even amazing. Amanda SeyFried didn't look as much like Elizabeth as we might have wished, but she did a good portrayal. You might first watch more of a documentary: The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8488126/ Based on the original book by the WSJ reporter who broke the case to the public. The series focuses more on Elizabeth herself and fills in a lot of details. It's also a bit more up-to-date. Now there is plenty of blood in these, but none o' that shootin' and killin' or portentous murder mystery.
  19. Why ask, helpless, when you can see exactly what she was wearing if you read the article? WS isn't the world's most reputed red light district. We keep seeing this BS. She made out well in the end, true. It may not have gone that way, though. In fact, the members of TAT: ANF are themselves now clutching their pearls and retired to their fainting couches in utter SHOCK that Indians may have far more money than their bigoted stereotype posits--so that the real TAT may have good reason for encouraging their custom.
  20. You'll know what to do. For those not accustomed to cycling, I'd spend a week or two getting conditioned then work up to doing 2 - 3 sessions a week of serious interval training, which might take only 20 min each including warmup and cooldown. SO efficient, leaving one feeling exhausted but--good & fit. Classic study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1995688/ Various routines are out there on the 'net, some less intense than others.
  21. Yes. I'd thought to suggest this, glad you did.
  22. You seem stuck in the 90s time warp with so many of our monger members. Present-day Walking Street is about much more than selling sex, a point that's been made already. Yes, families and "normal" people go there, just as they do to Foodland, even late at night. Mongers don't get a pass for groping any woman they please even on WS and even if drunk. They don't get exemptions for driving drunk to and from WS (or Foodland) if caught or for causing accidents while drunk, either. Word should be spreading around rapidly now. Ignore it if you wish; it's always amusing to watch Social Darwinism in action.???? And to hear the nonsensical excuses for "our lads."
  23. It's important to keep counting those wins.
  24. Not as many sour grapes on the thread as I might have expected.
  25. Unless of course it's exercised and strength maintained. My BP and HR has stayed optimal for many years as I've aged and I need no meds at all.
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