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Posts posted by biplanebluey

  1. Oops.... posted before finished. But i think I made my point.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    Yes you certainly did,and I must agree with you,but it doesn't matter what subject we are on we are indeed lucky to have amongst us some of the finest brains who can soon come up with definitions and solutions that mere mortals the like of us would never dream of.Perhaps that's the problem with "us".Perhaps we should try to dream up something really weird,but make it sound faintly plausible.That way we can make a name for ourselves on TV and spend more time on our PC's,instead of being boreing old twits sitting back and waiting for the slightest bit of official information to come our way.Might give it a try one day when I am bored out of my skull,have run out of throat lubricant,or the self esteem in me is running low--------- Nah can't be bothered !!!!! Have a nice day---Dougal
  2. I think it only fair to raise the point that 500 Baht is not a great deal of money, especially if you are from a country such as the UK (as I am) where that ammount of cash would not get to to the next junction.

    I stopover in Bangkok very often and have never been overcharged for the taxi to my regular hotel. Instead I feel bad about that fact that the driver has waited in line for hours at the airport, only to get me who is going 5 minutes down the road for a fair of Baht 90. I always pay Baht 200 to resolve my concience.

    I don't mind going off-meter, as long as you agree to the fee beforehand and the driver sticks to it.

    The cost of living is not the same as the UK, here 500 Baht IS a great deal of money almost 2 full days work on minimum wages. Would you pay 2 days wages for a single taxi ride back home?

    Well said mate----I was thinking the same thing.In fact I too did not think 500bt was A lot of money but after a few yrs it means a lot more to me now
  3. they want the cheapest bid so they can then "pad" it to add to their personal bank accounts.

    You have just hit the nail on the head------------- More and more corruption.And the general public suffer as the elite squad prosper.I am gradually losing faith with our leader who seems to constantly keep coming out with suggestions that the common people should teach children to be hunble,should look to Buddha for guideance,be in good terms with the people around you ,and all live happily ever after. It's not anything to do with tackling the real problems of corruption.When he first took over I was fervently listening to his speeches and clapping and applauding at his every word,but as time has gone on and nothing has made a lot of difference,we hear of BLATANT corruption,and I am losing faith perhaps in his ABULITY to get to grips with corruption,Am I expecting too much in too short a time------ Or has he been got at and decided that something (something?) is the better part of valour.
    • Like 1
  4. Two stupid questions (apologies in advance)

    • How in the world does one tie one's hands behind one's back... that would seem to require some Houdini-like dexterity

    • How does one put a noose around one's neck with one's hands tied behind one's back?
    There's obviously a lot for me to learn in this world...

    That's erue------Tie your hands in front of you and just step over them.If you make the noose properly it will tighten as you fall

  5. What the death penalty isn't:

    1. A deterrent for others.

    2. Primarily intended as punishment.

    What the death penalty is:

    1. An assurance to society that the perp won't do it again.

    2. A statement by society that some crimes are too horrific to deserve life.

    But 100K to renovate a room? Geez, a bullet costs 2 for a dollar.

    After the initial purchase 3metres of rope costs nothing and lasts indefinitely !!!!!
  6. I agree with Pattaya 28, no way with twin engines to hear noise in the cargo hold from the cockpit. If it were a fire, there be alarms and the fire suppression would go off. I wouldn't want to fly with these 2 guys in the cockpit, they must be ex taxi drivers.

    Ever considered he went to have a look after being informed by one of the crew???????????????

    You surely don't need everything spelled out to you do you ?????????????????????????????????

    • Like 1
  7. I'd love to see a 10,000 baht note in circulation, would save a lot of space in our walletsw00t.gif

    I totally agree. A 5,000 baht note would also be very helpful. I have never seen one and don't know whether they exist or not. coffee1.gif

    Yea--- you could spend a couple of thousand and put the 8'000 change in its place---DUH

  8. A friend has just arrived from BBK and he tells me there is a New style B500 note in use down there !


    Wow john thanks for that info---great help to OP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And typical TV replies----- one says it could be worth a fortune someone else says its a useless fake----- great entertainment if you don' t need a sensible reply.Just go to the Bank mate

    • Like 2
  9. I have a similar message from Microsoft, they are telling me that they think someone has hacked into my account and they ask me to fill in details of my account, I have not clicked on anything as although I am a computer dummy I smell a rat. I still have the message in my in box.

    Why don't you just delete or spam it.I do this to any mail that comes from an unusual source.It may not be doing any harm but it still worries me leaving it in my mail box .Anyway if you are not going to open it ,why hang on to it

  10. My first(and probably my only) Xmas card.Many thanks to all the staff and fellow members of TV.I take this opportunity to wish you all a very MERRY XMAS ----- hope you all have fun without misbehaving yourselves------ and A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR----- Hoping to see you all, all fit and raring to go in 2015 (2558) Good luck and best wishes to you all Dougal and Fie

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