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Posts posted by MRDave

  1. Fair enough. If the current bunch of farang rejects scraping a living on the English teaching circuit were any good, Thailand wouldn't score so poorly for English speaking. Let the locals have a go.

    That's because all the 30.000 baht teachers that are here, are here for the LIFESTYLE, and the few who are not will do the minimal possible for that 30.000 baht.

    If you pay people peanuts you get monkeys. If you want motivated highly qualified individuals you have to pay then the same rate they can get in China and South Korea just to name two decent paying countries.

  2. Traveled and lived in fifty countries. All this tells us is that you can't hold down a job.

    Sun has well set on the British empire. This tells us that you are jealous because America has never had one, and that you are incapable of writing a coherent sentence.

    But student and world preference is now for American English. This tells us that you are jealous that your country does not have a language of it's own so has taken to vandalising the English language in a vain attempt to make it your own. Not unlike a car theif respraying a stolen car in an attempt to hide it's real identity. English is from England, I suggest you learn to live with this fact. You seem very anti English, has an Englishman ran off with your woman?

  3. This is sad news I had better cancel my flight, I always travel half way around the World just to go to Pattaya so I can go to the beach and hire a jet ski. I guess I must be accident prone though because I always have to pay 90.000 baht after each ride I guess I must be clumsy, and thse poor jet ski guys whose valuble time I waste every time they walk me to the ATM, but they are very friendly and always help me put my visa into the ATM I will miss them.

  4. Copy paste the thais name and we find he has a youtube channel with one video. Drop a comment there. I did.

    I see only one video on his youtube channel and only one comment and thats from Ellis. Reporting someone is one thing but them taking it to his social media is just asking for trouble and guess what he got it!

    I would post the link but unlike Ellis I know how Thailand works.

  5. The fact that there is such an acute teacher shortage in Thailand is the issue. Importing even more filipino teachers may provide a partial solution equivalent to filling gaps but it hardly addresses the problems that have led to the shortage in the first place. Bringing in more filipinos is attractive because they are cheap and unlikely to dig their heels in. The one thing no one wants here in Thailand is a debate or a consultation process - the equivalent of a commission on education is long over due. I don't doubt the general has been in consultation with the private sector. Many of the schools in this sector would love to replace their established and expensive NES teachers with NNES imports. The parents won't wear this right now because many of them want their children to be educated by NES, preferably white. Let me add I disapprove of this but this is how it is here. It will be easier to ease out the core of good quality NES teachers if the market is flooded by more imports. Sadly it is not going to change a damn thing - the downward spiral will continue along its merry way...

    One of the main reason's for the shortage of teachers is that people who study for a 3 or 4 year degree and then do a Celta or Tefl do not want to work for 30.000 baht per month and I don't blame them.

    There are so many better places to work in terms of pay and career development. Thailand has counted on the fact that a lot of teachers go to Thailand because of the nightlife. Well 30.000 baht a month wont buy you much nightlife nowadays and if your going to be stuck in your apartment drinking Leo into the small hours you may as well be somewhere else like China or Korea. Even Vietnam would give the average teacher a better standard of living.

  6. In my experience, the Indians are just as easy to understand, and will work for the same bag of peanuts, but you don't see them mentioned much. Is it the turbans, the body odor, or something less subtle? The Spaniards were in the Philippines four times longer than the US; India only had the Brits.

    You obviously don't have the experience of using an Indian call centre. The Thais are trying to do this on the cheap so they can pocket even more money! But as the saying goes if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

  7. Maybe security firms could use the same logic and let the guys who work on the cash vans carry the money in see threw boxes so everyone can see how much cash they are carrying after all what could happen?

    Other top tips could include writing your pin number on your credit card in case you forget it and always leave your keys in your car ignition to save yourself the trouble of fumbling for your keys. cheesy.gif

  8. If in doubt kill it! and remember even non poisonous insects can do a lot of damage be it through an allergic reaction or if its mouth is dirty.

    I got a mossie bite in 2010 one of the big dengue fever ones. no fever but a reaction that made my hand go to twice its normal size hurt like hell and involved a 7 day hospital stay that almost involved an operation on my hand. ( I would not let them). It cost £2000 as well.


  9. With hundreds of millions of dollars in his bank account and almost no one to fight and

    nothing to prove anything to nobody, why shouldn't he retire? he doesn't want to end up

    like Ali, having all the fame in the world but with half a brain..... Smart boy he is....

    Nothing to prove? he is the best dancer in World boxing history.

  10. I bought a replica Omega Seamaster watch a few years back which I took to a high end store in my home city to get the battery replaced. Now the watchmaker in this store must handle a lot of high end genuine watches yet he was unable to tell the difference and quoted me £65 to supply and fit a new battery. Needless to say I said no thanks and bought the tool and battery off the internet and replaced it myself. I also purchased a replica football shirt for a quarter of the price of a genuine shirt, It is better quality than the cheap original Puma ones that are sold in my local club store.

    A lot of these companies have themselves to blame they are greedy, take Apple, they make huge profits on the back of Chinese slave labour and a loyal following of their brand. I myself have a Samsung Galaxy 3 which I bought second hand in Pattaya it does what I need it to do. I mean how many pixels does your phone camera need? I have also bought Lacoste copies in the past which I ended up giving away because I hate the feel of polyester. I own a lot of original Lacoste and can say that if the Thai copies were made out of cotton then I would still have them, since they looked good and were a fraction of the price of the real thing.

    Its funny how companies make symbols of status and then moan that people who can't afford them want them. I would never buy a real Seamaster unless I won the lotto or landed a plumb job so I can only think the reason they don't want copies is because it diminishes the exclusiveness of their products which is not something I am going to lose sleep over anytime soon.

  11. I got bit by a mosquito in 2010, it cost £2000 on my insurance for 8 days hospital stay, antibiotic drips and they wanted to operate on my hand but I wouldn't let them as I thought they were just trying to bump the bill up. I got out of hospital and they charged me me 3000 baht to go back and see the Doctor a week later I saw him for less than 5 minutes and I got some drugs. They said do the same next week I never went back and saved 3000 baht. When I went back to the UK I saw my doctor and he said I made a good decision by not letting them operate on my hand. Pattaya memorial hospital, no wonder the owner of the hospitals son came to visit me in my room!

  12. Meanwhile in the US the states that legalized cannabis are making tons of money which they can now put into public services. I don't use the stuff myself but maybe the Thais would be better off getting rid of the dangerous stuff like yabba and jet ski operators. On another note any one know what sort of time these Russian desperado's can look forward too?

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