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Posts posted by MRDave

  1. A lot of it has to do with the size of the World population and the methane given off by the need to have more cows to feed that increasing population. I say we need a cull so lets kill all killers and pedos in prison. Then we need to ban Catholic do gooder's stopping contraception in Africa. We should also sterilize any members of problem family's. you know the types where the dad, son and his kids are all into crime making their neighborhood a misery. If you think that sounds crazy look up all the crimes that can get you the death penalty in China. We could also impose a ten year World wide ban on people having kids but I don't think it would work because of politicians. So we will probably have to start a few wars to get the numbers down.

    I know I sound harse but somewhere down the line some politicians are going to have to take a day off stealing money and sort it out. Wont happen in our life times though it will happen.

    • Like 1
  2. Don't tell me, the offender was of the persuasion of a certain peaceful religion... dry.png

    Why don't you at least have the guts to come out and say what you really mean? Your cowardly covert racism is even more repugnant than the kind that marches mob-handed down the street waving banners with racist slogs and spitting insults at by-standers who happen to have dark skins.

    Maybe you missed this line in the report: "Police said that he appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and was staggering".

    The vast majority of Muslims do not drink alcohol, which is against the teachings of Islam.

    But of course, you already knew that.

    Yet there is a large amount of alcohol, sold by Dubai duty free. So profit over the teachings of Islam? My friend is a Muslim from Afghanistan, now a Dutch national he drinks alcohol like a fish. He hates Pakistani Muslims and Muslims who pretend to be conservative in public. And I agree with him. Of course the same can be said of some Christians who go to Church and then go home and beat the wife. (last bit added for your politically correct balance).

  3. Back again, most here on Thai Visa negative and rude when it comes to Thailand and its people. Why the hell are you so visiting Thailand if in thought everything is shit. Stay at home or travel to another country.

    We are, after all, many who come back year after year. biggrin.png

    25 million visitors per. year can not be wrong. clap2.gif

    If You have nothing positive to say, You better keep silent. wink.png

    That´s anyway my opinion.. thumbsup.gif

    Time to reach for the smelling salts and take off those rose tinted specs.

    • Like 1
  4. Looks like a quality ex pat......

    Felt for the guy that he assaulted, I mean who would want there Shoulder Bag, Strap broken....

    How inconvienent, it seems Dick Emery is not Dead, he is living it up in Pattaya....

    "Ooh you are awful, but I do like you"....

    Just for your information if you happen to have a confrontation with this guy. He carries a bottle of acid around with him in his shoulder bag. How do I know? he showed it to me. He also told me that he would use it on anyone who tried to attack him and or steal any of his copious amounts of gold jewelery that he likes to flaunt.

    I don't really understand why the guy is allowed to wander round Thailand intimidating people including the Pattaya police.

    The police are well aware he carries the acid as it he has been reported for using it before , I watched him spray it into a thais guy's face one day outside mikes he was charging at him with a guitar for some reason the acid dropped him to the ground very quickly and he was in a lot of pain, the guitar guy later reported it to the police.

    Hey Sharky may be onto something. Maybe carrying acid is the secret to winning a fight

    when attacked by 8 Thai guys at the same time. Although seems a bit of

    overkill using it on a single Thai guitar player.....Wonder what kind of acid it was.

    Did watch the video, pretty funny stuff. The police were scared shitless of him. If a regular

    person pulled the same stunt, there would be a bunch of policemen beating on you

    because you made them lose face. Would be interesting to know what actually happened.

    The Thai police are famous for stitching people up and robbing them, but at this point with

    him shouting this in the police station and having a film crew they can hardly admit they stole it... :-)

    Why would they be scared? they all have guns. If they were worried which I doubt, it was because if they had to shoot it would be caught on film.

    • Like 1
  5. Putin has the biggest ego of any leader Ive ever seen. I watched him walking the red carpet at sochi its one of the funniest things Ive ever seen. It went on forever and he was walking as if he was the bees knees. I will welcome another cold war that way the NSA and other spy agencies can go back to spying on Russia and leave their own citizens alone.

  6. I can't believe that little kid could do that murder or at least it's clear why he needed a gang to back him up. This is far from over. More twists and turns on the horizon.


    This is the picture of Warot, a suspect in this ongoing investigation. The report states that he is 22 years old. I am confused as to where you think "that little kid" comes into the equation.

    This is a 22 year old Thai man. Is this what you regard as a kid? Is it perhaps because he has a 'cute' face?

    I have made no assumption or accusation of guilt, merely that he is a man.

    Here's a newsflash the World is full of baby faced killers, killers with model looks and some who look like santa who would rob, torture, kill you and leave your body like a piece of trash so the sooner you realise this the better off you will be.

  7. I went to the snake show near Pattaya in 2010 it was full of Russian family's. Only non Russians were me and my friend and a few Thais. Another time I was on one of the Islands sitting in the back of a baht-bus my friend could not find a light and a Russian guy leaned over and lite his cigarette for him. I had a talk with him with his wife as translator where they lived in Russian it was -40 so no wonder they come to Thailand. I think I read somewhere once before Russians are loud because that is their culture, where they live they have to fight for their share of things which is why they push their way to the front of queues. Putin is a good example of their culture when you see him ridding horses bear chested. Most Thais Ive talked to don't like Russians because they say they are mean with their money and they buy cheap beer and drink it outside of 7/11.

    Ive had zero trouble from Russians however I have had plenty of trouble in the past from fellow English people in England. I think their are trouble makers from every nationality not just the occasional Russian. The Chinese appear to be doing quite well at the moment plenty of youtube vids of badly behaved Chinese tourists.

  8. The lesson here is don't expect the Thai legal system to give you the same type of Mickey Mouse sentences that are given out in some western countries. The Thais can do what they like because its their country, so if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

    The Uk is in the process of trying to increase full life sentances, so they have yet to sentence the killers of Lee Rigby.

    This Swede did the crime and looking at the pictures of his face the Thias have proberly saved someone elses life by getting him off the streets.

    Life sentences don't bother me because I don't go around stabbing people.

  9. Maybe more Tourists would come to Thaland if they didn't get ripped off by the Thai government and Thai people at every opportunity, as for quality I think their meaning is quality =big spenders, well I tend to find people with more money tend to spend less.

    This is because they tend to be tight which is how they got their money in the first place. A low quality monger like myself managed to spend over £9000 on my first trip. As for bulldozing Pattaya what types of drugs are you on? People go to Pattaya for a reason kill that off and watch it become a ghost town and many Thai families starve to death.

    How long did your first trip last?


    Nine weeks though I paid for a friend as I was flush after my house sale.

    Last trip for 2 months I only spent £3000 everytime I come I learn more but I tend to go out most nights and have a Lady :)

  10. Maybe more Tourists would come to Thaland if they didn't get ripped off by the Thai government and Thai people at every opportunity, as for quality I think their meaning is quality =big spenders, well I tend to find people with more money tend to spend less.

    This is because they tend to be tight which is how they got their money in the first place. A low quality monger like myself managed to spend over £9000 on my first trip. As for bulldozing Pattaya what types of drugs are you on? People go to Pattaya for a reason kill that off and watch it become a ghost town and many Thai families starve to death.

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