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Posts posted by MRDave

  1. Sometimes I wonder how many of you who dislike the Russians actually know any Russians personally? I happen to know quite some Russian guy's and they are not worse, or better, than others. Sure some of them are loud, some of them seem to lack social skills, but so some French, German, British, Dutch and other nationalities! The Russians that I know are normal, nice folks.. Just like you and me tongue.png

    I met a Russian couple a few years ago on the back of a baht bus on one of the Islands. My friend was struggling to light his cigerete and the Russian guy took out his lighter reached over and lit it for him. They were from Siberia where the temperature is -40 no wonder they come to Thailand for their holidays! I think the problem with Russia is Putin and his cyber army who troll you-tube and the internet spreading disinformation and lies about Ukraine and the west. The biggest lie of course is that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, another one I dislike is that we in the west are Nazis.

    I know some Thais fairly well and they say they dislike Russians because they are rude and never tip, hardly come in their bars and stand drinking outside of 7/11.

    • Like 1
  2. Is the Thai media racist?

    Why is it that there are relatively few articles about Africans in the Thai press, but virtually all of these articles are crime-related ones (419 bank scam, black money scam, internet dating scam)?

    For once, can I see some articles about black Africans in Thailand doing things in Thailand which show black Africans in a good light?

    Perhaps you could name some good deeds by black Africans in Thailand?

    • Like 2
  3. The problem with Thai people is they are the ones who need to go on a culture course. They live in one big bubble of Thainess where money is King, and the farang is a cross between a walking ATM and a cow that can be milked of cash on a daily basis.

    Non Thai teachers are waking up to the fact that there is more to life than Sunshine and easy women.

    While countries like China roll out the red carpet, Thailand just puts more obstacles in the way of the very people they need. Why work for peanuts and be treated like a chump when there are better opportunity's elsewhere.

    • Like 2
  4. I never heard of the guy until the allegations surfaced. He wasn't exactly The Beatles or Olivia Newton John, now was he.

    What a loser.

    Actually he was one of the biggest acts of the 70s in the UK. I just wish the UK authorities would put as much time and effort into the Rochester abuse scandal as they have into these historic child abuse cases.

    They failed on Jimmy Savile so I think they are on a witchhunt to save face even Cliff Richard was dragged in and I'm sure hes still a virgin.

  5. Some of these chaps riding these highly powered bikes take huge chances and drive crazily and too fast-as do the young Thais who can afford these bikes-so obviously we will get these unfortunate and terrible accidents.

    Here we go AGAIN with the pansy brigade trying to tell us what we should do with our lives. If youre too scared to go faster than walking pace then stay at home and leave other people to do what they enjoy.

    more people die on tiny little scooters than on nasty big motorbikes

    The graveyards are full of people with your logic. I don't care if you kill yourself its the innocents who get killed that I care about. Ive had a lot of bikes but I would feel safer racing at Donnington than riding in Thailand.

    RIP Greg.

  6. I agree with the death penalty for Heroin and Crystal Meth smuggling, cocaine never used it, ecstasy and speed got spiked with them once. cannabis and Magic Mushrooms. I don't do cannabis but I did Mushrooms for over 30 years when they were legal and when they were not. I never did drugs in Thailand mainly because I don't want to be locked up for 30 years. However as a UK citizen I may do mushrooms in the UK now and again because I believe they are harmless and I don't harm anyone else when I'm doing them. I remember reading an article a number of years ago.


    Its a case of do as I say and not as I do!

  7. I think it only fair to raise the point that 500 Baht is not a great deal of money, especially if you are from a country such as the UK (as I am) where that ammount of cash would not get to to the next junction.

    I stopover in Bangkok very often and have never been overcharged for the taxi to my regular hotel. Instead I feel bad about that fact that the driver has waited in line for hours at the airport, only to get me who is going 5 minutes down the road for a fair of Baht 90. I always pay Baht 200 to resolve my concience.

    I don't mind going off-meter, as long as you agree to the fee beforehand and the driver sticks to it.

    I used to drive a Taxi in the UK and I very much doubt you would let drivers get away with that in the UK so why put up with this shit in Thailand.

    I usually use the Bells bus service or Tans Taxi service. Ive used the airport Taxis to go to Pattaya and always agree the fair beforehand which is 1000 baht and they get me their without crazy driving.

    As for getting Taxis in Bangkok they either use the meter or they can sod off! There is a simple solution to this do not get into a Taxi without a meter they will soon get the message that farangs wont put up with being ripped off.

  8. I've watched a lot of the air crash investigator TV shows and the fact that they lost communication so suddenly means they most have had some sort of catastrophic incident where it was impossible for the pilots to make any further contact with the air traffic controllers. This is usually caused structural failure such as is caused by a bomb, pilots losing consciousness ect. I feel for the people waiting for their loved ones most be truly horrific. I had to change my Emirates flight once when they found a hydraulic problem and I don't mind admitting I was shitting myself and my inner voice was telling me to get up and leave if the engineer decided the plane was okay to fly.

  9. I watched a SKY news interview in the UK last week where the father of a jihadist had given information to the Police about his son fighting abroad, his son was then jailed The father said he wished he had never helped the Police. I watched this and could not help but notice that this man who had lived in the UK long enough to father a son had not bothered to learn to speak English in all the time he had lived in the UK (his interview was translated by SKY). As far as I'm concerned the more that die before they can return to the UK the better, we see in the news the results of this mass social experiment every week. Kids abused by Islamic Pakistani gangs to name just one. They are the enemy within and it is all the fault of our useless and corrupt political leaders especially the labor party who let so many in. These Jihadists should be tried for treason and if their family's do not let the authorities know about their activities then all their business assets and most of them will have businesses should be confiscated by the state.

    • Like 2
  10. Pretty stupid action of a diplomat.

    Yes, we know, you're so much better, and not a diplomat! That really sets you apart.

    Hes not a diplomat, but whos the smartest a dead diplomat or a live poster with common sense. And since when does a persons status have anything to do with intelligence. A lot of people get top jobs because of the old boy network and cronyism. I would rather be a live road sweeper, cleaner or other type of job you would properly look down on than a dead diplomat or a dead billionaire.

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