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Posts posted by payak

  1. Have you got real love? is the question ,well my first two marriages the answer was yes ,untill we divorced ,now i have been married for 20 years and have a son in uni, we have lived in Thailand and the UK , she still takes care of me when i am sick and gives me a kiss in the morning when we wake up so i reckon the answer is yes ,now if only i can wean her off the handbags and shoes.

    Handbags and shoes. No matter the nationality, age, or socioeconomic background it's virtually universal to the female species: you can never have enough of them (even if your budget only allows cheap ones - the more the better).

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    not always the case.

    as for the above story did you let her get her visa after you saw her with the other man, or was it to late did she have it already.

    it was too late as the Australian immigration said to me "quote" she has been here for nearly 2 years so she will still get it "unquote"

    not so if you were her sponsor, you could have sent her home by simply writy a letter. were you her sponsor.

  2. From your description I see one bad man and one interesting man. The first one is judgmental and gossips. The other sounds like he would be fun at a party. I'll let you figure out which one you are.

    im the one partying like crazy, happy in the knowledge those partying with me dont have there hand in my pocket.

    and our parties are at our expense and not mine.

    you and him would do well,the reason you agree because your doing the same thing yes

  3. your not the full quid are you, not at all, the guy is a deviate for more reasons then one, but i'm not going to write a book here i'm getting to the point.

    and yes i am morally superior to him, he is a disgrace for cheating on his wife and vice verca.

    He is a Man with no confidence and low self respect. Any Man who has to 'buy' friendship and/or screw as many Women as possible is a very sad person.

    Sad is as may be, but to me moral righteousness is best reserved for more serious issues than those of sexual preference.

    Do you feel the same way about other "deviate" activity such as homosexuality, BDSM maybe you think oral sex is disgusting and a sin against the lord, how far does your prudery go?

    And again, how can you be sure they are indeed cheating on each other? Perhaps they have a more flexible attitude than you know, more open arrangements are far from unusual not only here but back home.

    This doesn't have to mean disclosing all the details of our other partners, simply choosing to ignore what we know is going on because it doesn't bother us.

    To each their own AFAIC.

    homosexuality doesnt bother me, but they should remain faithful if they commit to each other.

    oral sex is great, i dont care what the lord thinks as im not of the Abrahamic faiths.

    if being honest and not being full of bs makes me a prude, then thats what i am, but i will be screwing tonight.

  4. common sense, girls just love guys 40 years old who can barely walk, who cant get it up without a blue pill.

    who have nothing really in common, its all the rage here.

    nothing they want more then a fat wrinkly old sweaty man panting all over them.

  5. You judge the guy to be a "deviate" (sic) just because he's unfaithful to his wife - I consider that to be bizarre, not the Thai-style judgement of good and bad by the very simple standard "good for me" or "bad for me".

    This to me makes perfect sense, I don't think it's our job to judge others as good or bad by some supposedly objective standard which in fact is usually just conformity to some arbitrary cultural standard.

    Perhaps the couple has an understanding? Or even if they are deceiving each other, is it really any of your business?

    And likewise if he likes to "waste" his money by spreading it around, how can you see that as a failing? If he ends up down and out broke and comes to you for help, well that's when you can say I told you so if insist, but until then "up to him" right?

    I guess just don't understand what skin you've got in the game other than the desire to see yourself as morally superior because you choose to be monogamous and more cautious financially.

    your not the full quid are you, not at all, the guy is a deviate for more reasons then one, but i'm not going to write a book here i'm getting to the point.

    and yes i am morally superior to him, he is a disgrace for cheating on his wife and vice verca.

  6. Have you got real love? is the question ,well my first two marriages the answer was yes ,untill we divorced ,now i have been married for 20 years and have a son in uni, we have lived in Thailand and the UK , she still takes care of me when i am sick and gives me a kiss in the morning when we wake up so i reckon the answer is yes ,now if only i can wean her off the handbags and shoes.

    Handbags and shoes. No matter the nationality, age, or socioeconomic background it's virtually universal to the female species: you can never have enough of them (even if your budget only allows cheap ones - the more the better).

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    not always the case.

    as for the above story did you let her get her visa after you saw her with the other man, or was it to late did she have it already.

  7. Right, and the 60+yr old, european, homosexual men who come here for Thai village 'boyfriends' in their 20's (if not teens)

    aren't supporting them and their entire leeching families. Note, if your mother language is English, try to learn how to write it correctly. Yes, I'm referring to you.

    where did this come from, explain.

  8. to many, but not all, just so many ladies judge a man by how much he gives her.

    there are some amazing men they probably miss out ion who have less to give, but if they wised up would enjoy there time with them more.

    • Like 1
  9. I generally dont worry what ignorant uneducated peasants think about me. YMMV coffee1.gif

    it doesnt worry me, the culture of it amuses me, but hell we have to discuss something here.

    havn't you ever known a person who is so downright dodgy in every way that they should be locked up, and due to lack of communication, and an eagerness to pull the wallett out he is seen as an angel.

    then the thai lady gets hurt, they wonder what happened and why he changed, truth is he never changed at all, just stopped dishing out the dollars, then he was suddenly a bad man to.

    • Like 1
  10. and told they cant handle money, does not matter when there handling your money.

    not only that, there getting other peoples money, houses and god knows what in the first place, the are financial wizards,

  11. me and my wife have a wonderful relationship, we are never really apart, we are practically joined at the hip and have been for years, very honest fun and loyal relationship.

    she has a cousin however who has a farang man, who usually hangs around the village, she hangs around bangkok, they both root like rabbits(not with each other), both dont know about each others habbits but everyone else knows.

    now in the village he is a very generous man, buying beer or whatever for whoever, a real sucker really, and a sexual deviate of the highest order, me i have many flaws but i'm faithful and good to my wife.

    now here is the thing that amuses me, does not bother me but amuses me, outside of my wifes direct family and very few close friends, they see him as almost saintly, "oh he good good man he buy me many thing he nice man".

    good man generous (sucker, deviate, Disloyal)

    Bad Man (sticks to direct family only)

    thai judgement leaves a lot to be desired.

    You will never catch me buying friends

  12. admit it most woman here have the men by the balls, everything they do, and they way they live indicates that.

    If you have no idea what they are saying how do you know? I mean they did change from silent to talking movies for a reason after all.biggrin.png

    how many men have you seen supporting half the tribe, there is your answer.

    no one likes giving money away, they do it out of fear of losing there young princess.

    the woman sit back gettin monthly handouts, who is in charge.

    All the men I know in Thailand or in the West support the family. It is what men do. Well not the new age flouncy kind of guys but real men do and always have. My father supported my family and my mothers family and she was Irish. Maybe that makes a difference. My dad was always in charge. Most of the men I know in Thailand are in charge. The exception is the Thai guys who carry the little dogs. My wife got the loan for our house at the bank but I designed and had the house built.

    supporting the missus who is deserving is fine, if she is in fact deserving, that goes without saying.

    it also should be quite obvious im not refering to those woman.

    most get more then they need, most are on the take.

  13. admit it most woman here have the men by the balls, everything they do, and they way they live indicates that.

    If you have no idea what they are saying how do you know? I mean they did change from silent to talking movies for a reason after all.biggrin.png

    how many men have you seen supporting half the tribe, there is your answer.

    no one likes giving money away, they do it out of fear of losing there young princess.

    the woman sit back gettin monthly handouts, who is in charge.

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