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Posts posted by payak

  1. we dont have an issue with issan girls, yes many make poor comments, they are ignorant and judging of isaan girls because the majority of bar girls are from isaan but they foolishly forget its the minority of isaan girls that do this, like you foolishly blaming most farang for the thoughts and actions of the minority.

    Just to point out the majority of all Thais, everywhere are from Issan.

    Also to point out in the soapy massage places in CM, no girls at all from Issan, all have light skins.

    (Not that I've ever been in one you understand)

    i dont have to spell it out, you know there is a problem.

  2. not if you are a deviate, hard for eg a killer to judge a killer.

    thats why your struggling to understand

    Are you calling me a deviate? smile.png

    A killer is someone who kills someone. That is obvious to everyone; killer or not.

    I know what a killer is. A killer is someone who kills someone.

    What is a deviate? Especially important if you are calling me a deviate.

    in my opinion, not that it matters.

    cheating on your wife is not normal behaviour for normal good people.

    you seem to be supporting his behaviour that deviates from what is considered by most including the lady he made a marital promise to be wrong.

    hence the reason i use the word deviate.

  3. It does sound as though Payak is a tad envious of the respect this bloke gets from the villagers.

    If I were you I'd get in there too. You may as well get a gut full of free ale than a belly full of bile pal...

    People are more likely to look down on you as a bitter sod if you just sit at home whining on the internet about this bloke....

    As for those who don't think Thailand has ever been colonised, how would you address the common argument that since the 1950s, with the creation of the SEAsian "Buffer State", Thailand was colonised economically by the US?

    read all the posts and you will see this makes no sense, people always jump in after reading 1 page its rude.

  4. It does seem that there are 3 common themes recurring among this type of post in recent times namely:

    1) No one has a chance of getting a woman outside of a bar if they are over 30

    2) No one has a chance of getting a woman outside of a bar if they are over 30 and don't speak any Thai

    3) No one has a chance of getting a woman outside of a bar if they are over 30 and lack some of the social graces expected of them.

    I don't think you need a degree in rocket science to work out that maybe they are all from the same source....

    and what if the girl is highly educated and speaks english, im talking very highly educated.

    or are you 3 rules aimed at the majority because they certainly cannot apply to all.

  5. ....... if you are a working class retiree with the charm of a builder, a frame of a sumo, and your hairline has disappeared to the back of your head, and you want a University educated 22 year old gf who fawns around you like her world is suddenly complete........

    dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

    again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

    why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

    So you two know each other then? .......555

    what do you mean.

  6. where are all these new estate villages in the middle of nakhon knowwhere.

    only old villages with the odd scattering of a few farang bought houses, never a whole village.

    and you never answered the question, your first girl never quite had her visa and you say they would not send her home, thats bs.

    easy as hell to council a sponsorship, reight up to the last minute.

    That's twice now that you've given incorrect information about Immigration.

    In post #33, you've also stated "not so if you were her sponsor, you could have sent her home by simply writy a letter. were you her sponsor"

    Yes it's easy to cancel her sponsorship, but he could not have her sent home. Once OP informs DIAC that he wishes to

    cancel/end, whatever, it is then between DIAC and he girl to resolve her immigration status. It has nothing to do with the

    OP once he has advised DIAC that the relationship has broken down.

    So perhaps you should read up a bit before you start make inaccurate statements of which you obviously don't have

    much idea about.



    i had my ex sent home, but hey what do i know, and it was 2 weeks before the sponsorship ended.

    its easy to have her sent home if she done wrong, I am aware of the rules so im now saying it 3 times as i done it.

  7. If you can't find out about someone through communication and instincts you deserve what you get. I have never been out with anyone that I needed to find out their background to give me judgement.

    Oh dear, what about the vast majority of us men that have crap instincts and no judgment at all.

    Do we really deserve to have our assets and money taken from us?

    yes nothing is taken, its given, then complained about at the end when the relationship is over

  8. If you can't find out about someone through communication and instincts you deserve what you get. I have never been out with anyone that I needed to find out their background to give me judgement.

    Oh dear, what about the vast majority of us men that have crap instincts and no judgment at all.

    Do we really deserve to have our assets and money taken from us?


  9. so now you assume i dont have thai interests because i dont want thai lessons.

    I speak a little, stuff all as i believe you all probably do but dont admit.

    i competed for years in muay thai, thats why i have been in thailand more often then i can remember, not for short periods either.

    i also study muay boran and krabi krabong.

    i have a thai wife, half thai children.

    worked in thailand in the past, sorry if my interest in thai are not up to your standards changmaikelly.

  10. dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

    again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

    why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

    Do you not think it would be beneficial to at least make an effort and learn your wife's language and bring your children up bilingual?! Just because you're an Aussie doesn't mean you don't have to learn Thai. tongue.png

    this is the same rubbish i keep talking about, is this a thai visa habit, honestly its getting frustrating that you guys keep on assuming things.

    my children speak fluent english, thai and laos, they have a mother remember.

    and more assumptions before the day is out.

    Really wouldn't be complete without this Assumption.

    i take it you know i have been buddhist since i was 14,

  11. to thailand 2012

    if my wife did not speak fluent english i would not have gone near her.

    her family speak english so why should i learn.

    you can and i respect that, but dont judge others and call them stupid for not wanting to learn thai, screw the thai language, learn it for what.

    you say to get respect, if they only respect me for that they can kiss my ass.

    im not kissing no ass, Im aussie not thai.

    Now you are just embarrassing yourself.

    What does being an "Aussie" have to do with not learning Thai if you live in Thailand?

    Clearly you cannot do much for yourself and are heavily reliant on your wife if you cannot speak Thai.

    such as what, what cant you do in my situation, im not confined to my room, i can do anything i choose, bit of bs saying you cant do anything.

    everyone picks up stuff but im never going to be fluent.

    • Like 1
  12. dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

    again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

    why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

    Do you not think it would be beneficial to at least make an effort and learn your wife's language and bring your children up bilingual?! Just because you're an Aussie doesn't mean you don't have to learn Thai. tongue.png

    this is the same rubbish i keep talking about, is this a thai visa habit, honestly its getting frustrating that you guys keep on assuming things.

    my children speak fluent english, thai and laos, they have a mother remember.

    and more assumptions before the day is out.

  13. to thailand 2012

    if my wife did not speak fluent english i would not have gone near her.

    her family speak english so why should i learn.

    you can and i respect that, but dont judge others and call them stupid for not wanting to learn thai, screw the thai language, learn it for what.

    you say to get respect, if they only respect me for that they can kiss my ass.

    im not kissing no ass, Im aussie not thai.

    Having had to deal with many Europeans who came to live in Australia in the '70's and experiencing the "no speaka da English" and "No understandi", from people who had been living in the country for 5+ years, I remember how frustrating it was.

    My attitude eventually became,if someone wants to LIVE in Oz and makes no attempt to learn English, I'm not going to bother to try and communicate with them.

    Attempt being the key word.

    If you are going to LIVE in Thailand, surely it's just politeness to try to be able to speak a little bit of the language.

    im sorry, is this the expat forum, i spend most of my time in Australia.

    this should be called the assumption forum.

    • Like 1
  14. as i said before i have an isaan lady, but please do yourself a favour and rip into the isaan ladies who are giving the good ones a bad name.

    they are in the minority but god dam_n there are so many disgracing themselves and there nation.

    most and i really do mean most are ok, but isaan really does have a problem, and this is coming from an isaan lover.

    greed and lack of morals seem to be spreading over the region quite a bit, this is not good for those good girls who suffer because of those bad ones.

  15. to thailand 2012

    if my wife did not speak fluent english i would not have gone near her.

    her family speak english so why should i learn.

    you can and i respect that, but dont judge others and call them stupid for not wanting to learn thai, screw the thai language, learn it for what.

    you say to get respect, if they only respect me for that they can kiss my ass.

    im not kissing no ass, Im aussie not thai.

  16. i think its not to hard to judge a girls past, look at her family.

    her behaviour, the company she keeps, do you catch many white lies, is she greedy.

    most sighns are there but many choose either to ignore them or hope they will change because they fear losing her, even if she is trash for someone with low self esteem it may be scary to lose her.

  17. where are all these new estate villages in the middle of nakhon knowwhere.

    only old villages with the odd scattering of a few farang bought houses, never a whole village.

    and you never answered the question, your first girl never quite had her visa and you say they would not send her home, thats bs.

    easy as hell to council a sponsorship, reight up to the last minute.

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