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Posts posted by payak

  1. really does come down to an individual thing, every girl is different, she is not a thai, she is an individual.

    parents are also individuals like us, so how we interact with them and what we give if anything varies, same give foolishly, many in fact.

    others give with good reason without fear or worry as there partners may not ask or have any expectations other then love, they give to her because they want to.

    All in all neither are hurting any of us, the foolish ones may amuse us but hey who cares.

  2. I had an ex who's mother quite obviously did not respect me, she was rude from the start and I gave her nothing because she asked for it.

    My current mother inlaw is lovely, she does ok but sometimes I give her cash because I feel she is like a mother tio me, but she has never not once in all the years asked.

    If people give it's there choice but be sure they look at you like family and respect and love you, take time before you give, I would never buy a house though, others may but it's not something I would do, I would not take a house off someone either.

  3. I'm sure there are many here who have done it, this is not meant as an insult to those.

    I am tryng to understand for nothing more then my own curiosity why people feel the need to buy a house for a womans mother, in most cases who they really don't know, and after such a short time.

    I don't imagine they would do the same in there home nation, they would probably laugh at the hide of the woman asking and tell her to go get @#$%, but in Thailand it's getting so common it's almost expected by the girls now.

    lets discuss this in a civil way, not looking to stir the pot.

  4. I was visiting friends in thailand, my wife was introduced to me and we were friends only for several years.

    we later got together, got married had children.

    there are as many men out there mistreating the woman, as there are woman mistreating and robbing the man.

    many are deserving of each other 473geo, still woman should not set out with the goal of taking from the start.

    I think i'm yet to here people talk about being with people for love on here, not saying of coarse that no one is.

    Including yourself, if one is to believe your story....." we got together, got married had children"

    How romantic and overflowing with the love you were saying was absent from others' posts.....coffee1.gif

    if one does not believe my story i'm sure I will still sleep tonight.

    I have said enough about her on here in the past,

  5. there are as many men out there mistreating the woman, as there are woman mistreating and robbing the man.

    many are deserving of each other 473geo, still woman should not set out with the goal of taking from the start.

    I think i'm yet to here people talk about being with people for love on here, not saying of coarse that no one is.

  6. why did you pay for a house that your not living in, A house for someone you dont really know, is that farang culture.

    to your question, they are just ignorant and rude, its not cultural, just normal for the type of people that would take a house from a new couple rather then let them keep the money to put towards the beautiful children in the pics they hide in the wardrobe.

    on another note, why didnt you put the money towards your children rather then buying a house for them, why do people buy houses for these people.

    having a thai wife does not automaticaly mean mum gets a house, you played yourself.

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks for that you old pessimistic optimist - does that mean you ae a ditherer? No offence meant! I am sure my wife was giving me sound advice - I just cannot come to terms with it. She watches the Red Shirt TV channel so I suppose they are OK with watching fellow Thais lying in the street dying!!

    talk to her, what do you and her have a communication problem.

    if you cant talk to her about things, thats a bigger concern

  8. yes judas i have, we dont talk now.

    but he and the hooker finished shortly after i said it.

    Well, whether or not I agree with you I must respect the strength of your convictions.

    i will respect there decisions, but speak if they ask.

    but at the end of the day who am i anyway.

  9. What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

    Clearly anyone that sends a message like that is imbalanced

    I tend to agree, but they were the nice words that he was trying to sweet talk me with.

    You should see the rest.

    who sent you that, not me.

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