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Posts posted by payak

  1. dont speak thai and met a nice girl, been married for a few years and have children now, never had a cross word.

    again i dont speak thai, she is well educated and speaks english.

    why learn thai, no need, i have no use for it, im an aussie.

    totally agree.

    will be especially true in 5 years

    You think that in 5 years the level of English ability for the average Thai will be so high as to negate the value of a foreign resident being able speaking Thai?

    How shall I put this kindly...that's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a quite a while.

    not dumb at all, have no need to speak thai, I get by just fine, so whats dumb about it, if they dont speak english and i dont speak thai its not an issue, you just dont talk.

    hell most couples here cant communicate properly, thats dumb.

  2. why do so many expats drink, and i dont just mean drink i mean to the level of mega abuse.

    I think being abroad in many cases exacerbate the triggers.

    There's a feeling of being free of social constraints.

    And perhaps many of them are here specifically for that reason, even if they don't admit it to themselves, no caring family members to interfere with their favorite activity.

    It's a lot cheaper than in many of our home countries with their sin taxes.

    Some people feel/claim there's not much else to do.

    Because they can.

    i think many are bored to, I bang like a dunny door in a cyclone but you have to have other interests

    • Like 2
  3. I have nothing against wealthy people, I actually respect them if they have earned their money through hard work or business sense.

    I'm also so lucky to havea few close friends in Europe which are very wealthy,one owns his own helicopter another one owns 18 Ferrari's for example.

    The one thing they will never do is show off or brag to a stranger on a public forum about how much they own, because that would make them lose my respect..

    so they will never brag purely for the reason they will lose your respect, you must be an important man in their eyes.

    Don't try to be the smartest with your snide remarks, because it shows that you're the dumbest loser around.We know the latter from your previous posts already, but never mind.

    I didn't say they behave like that because of me, they are simply respectable people, something you can probably not understand.People who need to brag about their wealth are losers and don't deserve respect from anyone.

    relax smiley, no snide remarks from me, I just pointed out something you wrote not me, so give yourself an uppercut.

  4. how many here have absolute trust in there wife.

    this is not an attack on anyone so lets keep it civil for 5 minutes.

    Has you partner or wife truly earned it, or does she do things that leave you wondering every other day.

  5. explain, do you hang with people and kiss there ass if you dont like them, and take from them, why am i full of shit because i dont.

    Trying to be funny - full of "should's" as in (IMO) overly judgmental.

    People are almost universally hypocritical and self-serving, laugh at the boss' jokes etc.

    Why should poor villagers be any different if some sucker's happy to buy them a meal and some whiskey or whatever?

    And what business is any of this of yours?

    You do what you feel is right and let the fools get on with their lives, you'll enjoy your short stay here much more before it's time to shuffle off this mortal coil.

    its no real business of mine, just a curiosity, if we all sat here and kept on saying what business is it of yours this frum would be empty, not that this thread is any of your business right.

    nothing wrong with making an observation.

  6. It`s all down to common sense, common sense and even more common sense. That`s the key.

    The golden rules for a successful and stress free lifestyle in Thailand:

    Learn to budget yourself and don`t make commitments or go over what you can`t afford.

    Keep in charge and the upper hand of your assets at all times, do not place yourself at risk on trust and gentlemen’s agreements, even if the girl’s the best shag you’ve ever had and has the appearance of a Park Lane fashion model.

    Avoid becoming involved with the wrong types of people, such as criminals, law breakers, Jack the lads and gold digging women.

    Avoid having disputes, remembering that we are foreigners here with limited, or if any, statutory rights. Try and adapt to Thai customs, except the native populations for what they are and lose that Western aggression.

    Don’t expect the same quality of services and efficiencies we take for granted in the West. Have patience, tolerance and lower your expectations.

    Keep a low profile, keep your head down and abide by the laws of Thailand at all times. Play everything by the book.

    And there you have it, happiness and success on a plate. Break the golden rules at your peril.

    GIRLS in Thailand - play it safe:

    A few facts that may save a guy a fortune and a lot of emotional trauma.

    Cute girl sends out signals to a guy that she likes him.

    After spending a passionate evening with her and a night of lovey-doveyness

    with and perhaps the best sex the guy has had for years, he becomes smitten and can hardly believe his luck.

    He holds her hand and listens intently to her pitiful hard luck stories and then wants to be her knight in shining armour, to the rescue, at any price, dreaming that at last he has discovered a true soul mate and love of his life, believing in a dream the guy decides to invest in her for a good future.

    This is how it begins and of course in most cases the result will turn out completely different to the guy’s expectations.

    Three major clues that will determine if the girl is not sincere and giving a guy a load of BS:

    1. Most of her problems can only be solved with money.

    2. The girl is not willing to give up any of her usual social schedules to be with the guy.

    3. Appears to have many relatives, friends, acquaintances or colleges that she prefers to keep to herself and separate from her so-called relationship with the guy.

    It`s very simple. If a girl really likes or loves a guy, she will unconditionally follow him anywhere with no strings or provisos attached.

    Her main ambition in life will become solely to be with her man without any financial stipulations and social limitations. She should in fact be proud and keen to show off her new boyfriend and let everyone know that he and she is now an item.

    If this is not the case, then dream on baby, because it`s going to cost you dear and you are wasting your time.

    Remember: be careful out there, because in Thailand there are people that just love the new farang on the block.

    funny how this is a popular post but i never see anyone following these common sense rules

  7. funny how people are going into extreme detail about there experience with guns, the kind of details that are really not even of any help to the op but are posted more to say hey look at me i fired a pistol once, how bigs your @#$@

  8. they should not put there hands out if they dont like him,

    You really are full of sh

    explain, do you hang with people and kiss there ass if you dont like them, and take from them, why am i full of shit because i dont.

    "should"s, aren't you?

  9. here's how it stands, no one here knows him.

    I come here and write about what type of person he is, he cheats on his wife, that means you cheat on you children to, he is a drunk, he is generally rude to thai people.

    the expected response here, he is defended, what does that say, people here obviously see themselves in this story, the village idiot with all the cash being played, but laughed at when he is passed out, "oh look, buffalo buy for us again,shhh here he come".

  10. now here is the thing that amuses me, does not bother me but amuses me, outside of my wife's direct family and very few close friends, they see him as almost saintly, "oh he good good man he buy me many thing he nice man".

    The wife's family and the close friends probably like him as well, but they are being polite to you about it. They know you like to go on and on and on about him.

    it came up from the others talking about him endlessly, you see he buys everything, they love it, then talk about what a buffalo he is behind his back, i was observing and talking about it here, i expected your response it was so predictable on here.

  11. You don't get on then ?

    no he's me get on fine, but it does not change the shallowness i see, the hangers on.

    he done me a favour, keeps them away from me.

    So you get along with him and your backstabbing him on Thai Visa!thumbsup.gif

    BTW is that you 2 in your avatar?

    when i say get along i dont mean we hold hands together, your full of it if you say you never talk about people.

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