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Posts posted by payak

  1. here is my rant for the day

    I used a public toilet in a modern building, had no paper, just the spray gun and thats fine as using the hand does not bother me, what bothers me is coming out and finding all the soap is gone.

    another place had a bucket with water in it, but had no scoop, i'm not into double or triple dipping after borris from moscow or felix from berlin has been in there before me taking the kids to the pool because the thai food caused them to suddenly grow a tail in the middle of dinner with there BG.

    please put a scoop in the water, unless its being used in the kitchen who knows just put it back when you finish.

    • Like 1
  2. has it occured to people as they talk every day here, day in day out about what thai woman are like.

    that they are all in fact individuals, there are many who share common traits yes but not all.

    another thing, if every guy new as much about thai woman as they claim they would not be losing there finances to them, thai girls know much more about dopey insecure lonely men then the other way around.

    • Like 1
  3. coming to Australia my wife finally learned the earth is not flat when we went swimming and she realised the water was not running over the edge of the planet.

    she also learned the planets revolve around the sun and not around thailand, she realised this when she collapsed under my hills hoist clothes line and noticed the stars returned to there original spot over a 24 hour period.

    some are talking here like they walked out of the stone age.

    • Like 2
  4. Why is everyone so concerned about foreign men cheating on Thai wives?

    Much more likely to be the Thai wife cheating on the foreign man from what I've seen.

    i can see why you chose that avatar, its you all over.

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  5. But I do consider my own ability to keep my word far more important, and feel by betraying your own integrity you do your own self harm -

    I never promised my wife I would be faithful, why would you do that in Thailand?

    I promised to protect, she promised to serve ......... normal Thai wedding vows.

    and what about your children, if they find out. or is that not important to you.

  6. and if your daughters man cheated on her, what would you say.

    your not even married are you, read back and you will learn why.

    when your daughter comes to her dad crying because her man cheated, you just tell her what you told me.

    unless your two faced, you have admitted to being a liar, now can anyone hear trust or listen to anything you say again on thaivisa, because those were your words, your a proud liar.

    who knows what your telling us.

  7. To me it counts if they know or not, still have to go home and look them in the eye.

    nothing worse then someone sneaking around, its weak.

    Might be that some of us can just lie without guilt.

    and you say that with pride, like its a strength.

  8. no because the act itself would cause pain,

    How can something you do cause a person pain, if they never knew you did it?

    one, you will feel guilt one day.

    two, she may find out, causing pain, would anyone who loves risk hurting there woman.

    three, you don't get it.

  9. you have heard the saying, if a tree falls in the forest, and your not there to hear it did it really make a noise.

    same applies, your lying to someone who has given herself to you, just stay single.

  10. buddhists will not engage in any act that hurts another, such as cheating without her knowledge, thats due to khama.

    im talking about people doing it behind peoples backs, those without the balls to be up front.

    Under Buddhist rules,

    Cheating would be OK as long as spouse didn't find out (and therefor not hurt by it).So doing it behind her back would be acceptable, and being upfront about it wouldn't.

    no because the act itself would cause pain, dont do behind her back what you would not do in front, dont play games you know what i mean.

  11. if its not wrong, go tell your wives what you have done, if its right it will not be a problem.

    that does not apply to open relationships, only to cowards who hide in the shadows why there wife is unaware.

  12. You declare yourself a Buddhist, but all your posts seem to be using the teachings of Christianity as your 'social standard'

    Devout Buddhists are pretty darn conservative about sexuality, despite the pretty vague pronouncements on the topic by the happy fat guy.

    But it's true that lay people in Buddhist cultures don't take the strictures as seriously - as in condemning others - as those living in the monotheistic ones. Buddhists tend to take a more laid back attitude to "sin", knowing the universal laws of cause and effect will come back around and bite your butt down the road, no need for people to be moral police over each other that some holier than thou glass house dwellers here.

    rubbish, In your case you are honest about your dealings with others having never made promises of commitment.

    buddhists will not engage in any act that hurts another, such as cheating without her knowledge, thats due to khama.

    im talking about people doing it behind peoples backs, those without the balls to be up front.

  13. If staying faithful does not include short-time gropes/fondles/sex then all is well. Thai woman get angry about "Mia Noi's" and knowing that you have bar-fined a girl. Anything they do not know about does not count!

    To me it counts if they know or not, still have to go home and look them in the eye.

    i respect someone like bigjohnnyBKK, he is honest and open about it.

    nothing worse then someone sneaking around, its weak.

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