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Posts posted by payak

  1. still never recieved a reply, never do on this matter.

    my wifes parents speak english, 2 brothers speak english, sister speaks english.

    all are very well educated, and no there not hi so half chinese or whatever.

    the men are never questioned for there english ability, only the girls, double standard.

    could it be that men who are with a certain type, are the ones judging because they have not seen highly educated girls before.

  2. I don't care where people perceive I met my wife twenty two years ago. They can think what they like.

    Walk the streets of a western city like Sydney or London and 90% of those who see you will gleefully think you're with a BG anyhow. You could go to the mall with Yingluck .... and they'd STILL think it. Who cares?

    Good Point - So i'm correct in the assumption that all falangs think because you have an Asiatic wife you met under less selubiuos circumstances.

    This sterio type is a hard one to crush in the western world no matter how hard you try.

    I'd say so joe. But the problem is their's.

    It's their mindset because it's the only thing they can perceive. How many people who have been to Asia have witnessed the expat courting the girl in the office or a fellow student at uni? That's not what they see so it's not what they know. And, even if they've never set foot in Asia, it's not the side of it they've heard about or seen on television. All they have a concept of is the 'seedy' (not my word, I don't care where anyone else met their wife)

    The stereotype is also prevalent in Thailand. A bar girl is a girl some are good some not so just like the rest of the general population. How many western girls are virgins when they marry?

    come on, there is a difference between a girl losing her virginity because she has had prior relationships and being done by half the worlds backpackers.

  3. if thailand is not free enough, you must be looking to do weird shit that is not worth thinking about.

    You've gone from being pretentiously spiritual and broad-minded to exceptionally narrow-minded in just two posts.

    Tell me oracle, what is the meaning of 'weird' and why must we be afraid to be seen as so?

    pretentiously spiritual because you don't agree with it, not because it is so.

    all i have done is point out that freedom is not found in a physical place, that it is a state of mind as you cannot grasp it.

    and you got all upset like an old woman.

  4. I dont think so, i'm fed up with rude people.

    I exit the trains now like a bull out of the gate because no one ever leaves a gap for those exiting.

    I try to turn sideways so that I can fit between the people boarding. And to present my shoulder to those that don't move a couple of inches to one side or another. I can't say I recall noticing anyone blocking my way.

    A winger finds space

    A centre makes space

    A prop doesn't need space


    i do feel bkk is not so bad, australia however. does my head in.

  5. its very awkward as your wife must support them.

    I had a problem like this with my ex, I told her to support them, get a job and take care of them because they are rude.

    she chose to work and look after them but soon got tired of this and threatened to leave, I said go leave and she did.

    she took off, now they are all living like paupers, they were fine under my set up.

    my current wife's parents are polite and very loving and giving so I dont mind giving back, most times what they need, sometimes a little extra, they never ask.

    if my parents were rude to my wife i would not ask her to give them anything.

  6. Human Rights in Cambodia

    Cambodia’s human rights record remains poor. The judiciary lacks independence, leaving the government free to threaten arrest and prosecution and to curtail the right to free speech. The government also jails its critics, disperses peaceful protests by workers, displaces communities and farmers, and silences opposition party members. The military and police frequently kill and torture criminal suspects with impunity, threaten human rights defenders, and forcibly evict residents from land coveted by commercial interests. Government interference threatened to undermine the tribunal trying senior Khmer Rouge officials for genocide, as well as prevent prosecution of additional cases submitted by the international co-prosecutor

    looks like this part of cambodia escaped them

    Yes, it has escaped us, because we are none of the people you listed above. Albinos are persecuted in Tanzania but that also doesn't affect my freedom when I visit the country.

    Are you just being a little sensitive because someone prefers an aspect of a country next door to your chosen one?

    not really i dont care for thailand much, however freedom is not an aspect.

  7. you can be free anywhere, even in prison.

    I hope you've been in prison for some years to have the balls to say that.

    if your sitting somewhere thinking about your freedom, you are in enclosed walls in your mind.

    i have spent 6 months in complete solitary, no release, no contact,food dropped at the door as a monk,

    I'm sorry man, but this just seems like hippie BS to me.

    Being location independent, I can live anywhere in the world, and running my own business, I can work when and where I like. A few years ago I spent some months living in an ecolodge in Uganda, spending days upon days with mountain gorillas. Sometimes I don't even look at anything to do with work for weeks and just spend my time scuba diving or rock climbing. Right now I'm sipping a caperhina in Rio de Janeiro.

    I am free. It is not in the mind. I can choose what to do, where to go and how to live my life. I've always been free to think what I like, now I can do what I like. It is you, who does not know about freedom, my friend.

    off coarse it is, but im not the one thinking about freedom,think about that.

    free men dont, only when your clutching the bars looking out the window are you thinking about freedom, not once you stand on the otherside, let go of the bars angry man, take a tablet, take a deep breath.

  8. Human Rights in Cambodia

    Cambodia’s human rights record remains poor. The judiciary lacks independence, leaving the government free to threaten arrest and prosecution and to curtail the right to free speech. The government also jails its critics, disperses peaceful protests by workers, displaces communities and farmers, and silences opposition party members. The military and police frequently kill and torture criminal suspects with impunity, threaten human rights defenders, and forcibly evict residents from land coveted by commercial interests. Government interference threatened to undermine the tribunal trying senior Khmer Rouge officials for genocide, as well as prevent prosecution of additional cases submitted by the international co-prosecutor

    looks like this part of cambodia escaped them

  9. you have a deluded sense of freedom, freedom is not in any place.

    you can be free anywhere, even in prison.

    if you believe your free in a place your less free then most because your seeking freedom, its always on your mind, freedomis not lawlessness.

    Why don't you go to North Korea and be free there..

    your missing the point because your looking at freedom as a place on earth. freedom is not a physical thing you can touch its a state of mind.

    and being a state of mind its possible anywhere, even in korea, korea cannot take from you when you dont want for anything

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