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Posts posted by payak

  1. A middle aged woman in a shop used the phrase when my wife was looking at some shirts yesterday and i said "its not for papa" to her later i was talking to my wife about the phrase and she reckons it is more than likely a respectfull thing as Thai people do not want to use your first name and they cant use khun to you , that was the only thing she could think of.

    Why would Thai people not want to use your first name?

    Pee Surgeon or Nong Surgeon or Lung Surgeon depending on your relative ages would be the norm.

    When two Thai people meet, the initial exchange is always first names and ages (to sort out pee/nong/lung/baa).

    A middle aged woman in a shop could have referred to you as 'pee' or 'cow' if she didn't know your name.

    By calling you 'Papa' she was insulting your wife.

    now when i say this, i get attacked.

    • Like 2
  2. ... now you go ask thai people like i just did, rather then argue with them.

    I think you have been around the block enough to appreciate that Thai's will pretty much tell you what you want to hear. Particularly so if you are older, the boss, the all benevolent benefactor. The newbie, gullible or naive haven't a snowballs chance in hell of getting an honest, personal opinion.

    Moving back OT, to be honest, I have never heard any Thai ever call their partner, spouse, significant other, sponsor or financial provider Papa. Maybe I move in the wrong circles. However, as some have mentioned before, there's a boatload of kids, grand kids and great grand kids, luhk kreung and otherwise, who do.

    until i asked today, papa was a first for me to yes.

    been called pe matt or khun matt, never papa.

  3. And it's goodnight from payak.

    So your goody two-shoes accountants tell you that 'mostly' bar girls use the term. And you get all upset when someone mentions that is his experience''mostly' non- bar girls use the term?

    But you must admit, you are pretty much always banging on about other people's relationships here like your underlying inference in your 'what do they talk about?' thread, that the farang must have met his partner in a bar since they don't appear to have anything in common to talk about. Is all this analysis of other people's relationships assisting you in working out your own?

    i did not only say bg only, i did also say people who expect you to pay am i right or wrong,

    the mod above said the thai people in the restaurant revere the english man, without him they would still be on the bones of there asses.

    that means they were not rich thai's, not if they were on the bones of their asses, its states if not for him they would be on their asses meaning he helped them.

    therefore i think the statement pretty much backs my claim even though it was attempting to contradict it, they got there dollars from the English man, hence the reason they call him papa.

    now read it and tell me i'm wrong, i'm not attacking anyone for gods sake, thats what it means.

    now you go ask thai people like i just did, rather then argue with them.

  4. And it's goodnight from payak.

    So your goody two-shoes accountants tell you that 'mostly' bar girls use the term. And you get all upset when someone mentions that is his experience''mostly' non- bar girls use the term?

    But you must admit, you are pretty much always banging on about other people's relationships here like your underlying inference in your 'what do they talk about?' thread, that the farang must have met his partner in a bar since they don't appear to have anything in common to talk about. Is all this analysis of other people's relationships assisting you in working out your own?

    not right at all, read that thread please, i said many times people who cannot communicate at all, please read all before you post, that way you will not have to assume things and the truth will be posted next time rather then an assumption.

    whilst we are talking about assumptions, my relationship is at an all time high, and has never had a low point, talking about other things does not mean mine has issues,if i talk about the weather in thailand does that mean i have problems with the weather in Australia, no connection at all.

    • Like 1
  5. God, Bhuddha, or whomsoever you choose to influence your life, lives within you. It's down to you to find that inspiration. Don't look to false prophets.

    Your post is indeed one of honesty and personal experience. I enjoyed. Thanks.

    Buddha is not a Prophet, a prophet speaks to god, so it's not an honest post it's a post made wrongly about something.

    our aim is to do exactly what this poster said, with Buddha's teaching to guide us, but we don't worship him, he says false prophet and almost quotes Buddhas ways word for word in the same line.

  6. I live in the UK. I have a big bunch of Thai friends who own their own restaurants and who are quite wealthy. They arrived in the UK and started working as waiters and cooks because their sister married an English bloke. Without the English bloke they'd still be on the bones of their <deleted> in Thailand. Without exception they all call him 'Papa'. They revere him. None of them have ever been within 100 miles of a bar girl. Perhaps they inhabit a different world than you do...

    as a moderator you should know better then to be so rude.

    im going to say it straight, that is a dam_n rude thing to insinuate, and you should not be a moderator at all.

    was just told that by girls sitting with me know, all accountants, dont ever make an assumption that i am around lesser then you mr almighty.

    you are a rude joke for a mod, absolutly disgrasful, get of your perch.

    i wasnt saying he was around bg, but they use it, and those rich people maybe using it as a joke but it is what it is.

    you insuation was that i inhabit a world of bg, admit it, thats the kinf of thing a mod is here to stop.

  7. if its not your children, papa is a term for the old guy who pays for everything, transam mentioned it and it is true.

    either your around bar girls, not saying this is true, or you paying for people to much.

    if they call you papa tell them im not you dam_n meal ticket.

    • Like 1
  8. my wife and kids and I will be back in may,before we head to ubon we will be going to koh kood.

    Any members had any experience or knowledge of this island.

    way down south to koh lipe is an option but it is so far, any insights into nice quiet family style places would be helpful.

    we dont get much time alone so we will bring the mother in law, stick her in a bungalow with the kids next to ours, and bang like an outhouse door in a cyclone all weekend.

    somewhere relaxing.

  9. @Payak

    Many of us have inexhaustible money supplies, aka pensions.

    They pay us every month, we just have to be alive to collect.

    It was a great idea while it lasted!

    imagine if they cut the pension suddenly

    That's not the way it works.

    tell that to my grandparents who were lining up for bread, wasnt supposed to work that way either, you just never know what can happen.

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