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Posts posted by payak

  1. serves no purpose whatsoever.

    Of course it serves a purpose, they want a tip, what kind of tip depends on you, monetary or otherwise smile.png

    I know that, but a 20 second massage serves no purpose, no tips from i'm afraid, only try to touch me once.

  2. thailand is awsome, people are great, food the greatest.

    you got burned in thailand didnt you op, met a fat old slapper who was straddling a pole in a smoke filled bar, paid her mamasan and left with your newly found princess.

    probably got shafted and are taking out on thailand.

    i dont care for malaysia, you can have it, although your mind is still in thailand as your on this site so something impacted you.

    • Like 1
  3. starting a thread is hardly obssessing about something either.

    seems most expats on here are much the same as i see in thailand,

    drunks with issues, mostly anger issues, not all but most.

    its got me beat how this turns into an argument, and almost every poster to,

    grumpy old men, with no lives.

  4. there seems to be an overwhelming belief here that thai girls that speak English are BG or have had previous relationships.

    If they have had previous relationships who cares, however it's not always the case, there are some very educated girls here and lets face it BG cannot at all speak good English.

    my real question is how on earth can people form a relationship with someone who cannot speak English, and even further how do they hold it together, I would go insane,thats just me.

    communication is everything in a real relationship, how do people sit there all day trying to make petty small talk about nonsense, just looking for something to say that they may understand, wouldnt it be easier to just find an English speaker

    I have some Thai female friends that speak English better than Thai, as they were educated abroad. The 'overwhelming belief' you have must be talking about guys in Pattaya. OF COURSE there are MANY girls that speak English that aren't prostitutes - what an ignorant thing to assume.

    To answer your real question my relationship with my wife has lasted 13 years - when we met, she couldn't speak English but I could speak reasonable Thai. She started going to English classes and I, of course, taught her. My Thai fluency increased dramatically too. It was fun, and there were situations when communication was a problem but I honestly think if we could communicate 100% in those early days, we wouldn't be together now. When our first kid came, my wife could speak reasonable English and I started only to speak English in the house, apart from a few important matters. Now, my wife is fluent in English. My Thai has suffered actually as I rarely speak in now - English at home and at work.

    I know many relationships where the girl speaks little English and the guy speaks little Thai. Some of these have lasted many years - language of the heart.

    Seems to me that anyone obsessing on whether the locals living in their own country, which said foreigner has chosen to live, can speak HIS language is a reflection of said foreigner's own ignorance. Why someone would marry a person from another culture, not learn their partners language, and expect their own language to be the mandatory communication method, is beyond me, and denotes a certain level of racism. Personally, I think those who marry Thais, but don't learn the language, are missing out on a greater understanding of the Thai way of thinking and view of life. Based on this and other postings, the OP continues to show his own insecurity and biased world view.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    at least my posts are not based on asumptions, i dont live in thailand.

    hardly rascist when my children are half thai,

    and I know more about thai history then most thai's, I have great respect for thailand, i love it.

    was posting about people that cannot communicate, or did you fail to see that somehow, how do you know about my other posts when you failed to understand this one.

  5. Why would any Thai woman want a foreign guy that has nothing?Let alone the wealthy and educated Thai ladies.

    I realise this will come as a shock to many but some people don't see price tags on everything in the world.

    Few of those people are both female and Thai.

    No. What you mean to say is that few of those people that someone like you would come into contact with would be both female and Thai.

    As for what I have to offer is concerned lemme see . . . .

    Decent looks - check

    Nice duplex in the heart of Asoke - check

    Well-remunerated job - check

    and most importantly,

    A balanced, respectful attitude to and respect for ALL women - check

    Even without speaking Thai I have options.

    According to you, you swerved the farang trap - you didn't rely on your money to snare your wife so why do you allude to your monthly pension so much?

    Could it be that you have something to prove to the other wannabe-alpha males here?

    read the red part, its all you need.

  6. did jesus say anything about priests not having sex.

    or did he simply tell the desciples who were mostly married to travel and spread the word of god, therefore asking them to leave their wives.

    later the church used this as an excuse for priests not to have sex, however they are no longer traveling are they.

    i'm not sure so correct me if i'm wrong.

  7. Why would any Thai woman want a foreign guy that has nothing?Let alone the wealthy and educated Thai ladies.

    I realise this will come as a shock to many but some people don't see price tags on everything in the world.

    Few of those people are both female and Thai.

    look harder

  8. to answer your question about why a woman would want someone with nothing,we dont have nothing.

    we work, and you may have forgotten because its been so long old timer, there is such a thing called love.

    love,chemistry,and yes on top of that im so dam_n handsome.

    • Like 2
  9. how are we bashing old men, your the first to mention old men, paranoid.

    i'm not bashing anyone, was looking to discuss people that cannot really speak a single word, i saw a couple recently and they could not really talk at all.

    they did get frustrated and angry at each other often, everyone here knows me now, if i wish to bash old men i will just say it im not in the habit of disguising things.

  10. for those who are curious and often ask, my first language is English.

    I make many spelling mistakes because I rush and am not really concerned with the thousand or so gramma police who correct me here in a pathetic attempt to lift themselves up, after all, what else do they have to make them feel high.

    there is the answer tommo, I rush it wildly and dont bother correcting it or reading back, if it can be read its fine, only useful for the little men who want to use it as ammo against me like I care.

    • Like 1
  11. there seems to be an overwhelming belief here that thai girls that speak English are BG or have had previous relationships.

    Or you could also say,

    Your Thai isnt any good.

    I also dont see where you get the 'overwhelming belief here' bit from.

    Long as your happy with your relationship what does it matter to you what anyone else does?

    Almost border line troll post.

    if its a troll post move on, seriously please move on or wake up.

    dont tell me you have not heard many comments here and elsewhere about girls having good english being bg.

    its not in my imagination, saw it on here again last week, it happens so raising it is not trolling is it.

    how is it trolling, perhaps i should have said no english rather then poor but i forgot everything must be spelt out here.

    funny how people here will spot every spelling mistake, but cant get what a post is about.

    I said borderline.

    The only reason anyone complains about a Thai not speaking good English is those who cant speak Thai.

    Living and visiting in Thailand and complaining about non English speakers makes no sense.

    Yep. My wife does not speak English. I came here, I live and work here, and intend to remain here, in a country where the national language is Thai, so I taught myself the local language. Without Thai I would be lost and it would be no one's fault but my own.

    I agree that if you live in thailand you should speak, can you show me in this post where I made any comments about that at all, the issue is about 2 people who cannot understand each other.

    lets get it right because it seems some here are struggling with this post, god knows how you handle talking to your wives.

    I'm refering to those that really cannot understand each, must say huh, what, sorry, 5 times per sentence,and just have no clue as to what each other is saying really at all.

    not refering to broken english.

  12. so it seems conversation with the partners is not a high priority here.

    yes there are ways to communicate, point at things, etc etc, but what about good conversation with a partner.

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I do believe good communication is pretty essential in a meaningful relationship. In fact, I would say it's the single most important aspect in a healthy relationship. So in Thailand, being able to communicate in Thai would be hugely beneficial in a relationship with a normal Thai girl.

    The dating dynamics here are such that it could be a tad confusing. It's rather easy to find a Thai woman who wants to be with you for financial security, or as they say, to "take care." But is that love? What makes a woman fall in love with a man? The answer would be a combination of things, such as looks, personality, compatibility, wit, intelligence, character, and yes, financial success. But if I had to nail it down, I'd say it's the more intangible things like chemistry, connection...call it what you want. And that requires exceptional communication at a profound level. Most farangs are not capable of communicating in Thai at this level. So why would Thai women be interested in farangs at all?

    I do notice that the most attractive Thai women in Thailand are with Thai guys. And most of these guys are not particularly wealthy. In fact, they're rather impoverished by my estimation. Yet, these hot young Thai girls are with these guys and are most likely in love with them. How can that be when the farangs on this forum insist that Thai women are only about money? Hmmmm.

    dont know, I dont claim all thai girls are about many, many but not all.

    as for talking on a profound level, some thai have the english to do this.

  13. so what most of you are saying is talking to your wife well is not important, that you can use sign language and other things instead.

    good communication is not important as long as you are still together and how dare payak raise the issue.

    I thought the days of sitting around the fire pointing at your food and grunting was left behind in the prehistoric era.

    There is no way you can truly claim to know a person if you cannot converse with them,no way.

  14. there seems to be an overwhelming belief here that thai girls that speak English are BG or have had previous relationships.

    Or you could also say,

    Your Thai isnt any good.

    I also dont see where you get the 'overwhelming belief here' bit from.

    Long as your happy with your relationship what does it matter to you what anyone else does?

    Almost border line troll post.

    if its a troll post move on, seriously please move on or wake up.

    dont tell me you have not heard many comments here and elsewhere about girls having good english being bg.

    its not in my imagination, saw it on here again last week, it happens so raising it is not trolling is it.

    how is it trolling, perhaps i should have said no english rather then poor but i forgot everything must be spelt out here.

    funny how people here will spot every spelling mistake, but cant get what a post is about.

  15. Many girls who speak English simply learned it in school, especially those with a university education.

    you are aware that this is what i was saying yes, I was having a dig at the large number of negative comments that are made against good english speakers, and pointing out that englisg does not mean bar girl or farang ex boyfriends.

    and asking how people got by without communication, what was the attraction without knowing each other.

    yet to get a single answer in 64 posts, to many people got there guard up, this should be a civil conversation.

    I ask a simple question, no harm intended, and get called such things as a poor high school drop out, by a stranger.

  16. Although my wife speaks pretty good English and I understand a fair bit of Thai i'm not sure its all that important. If I want a deep and meaningful conversation on something I have a fair few good friends around or this wonderful invention called skype. You don't go to micky D's when you want som tam do you, so you learn to get what you need from different places imo.

    depends, when you go to one of those restaurants do you just sit and stair at the wall or what.

    communication is the foundation of any relationship.

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