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Posts posted by payak

  1. Tattoos are for louts and hoodlums.

    They are like a puppy...forever.

    Just think what that tattoo will look like everywhere when 80yo and still trying to look tough.

    good to see such open minded people,not.

    you have put every person with tattoos in the same box, i will probably look as foolish when i'm older as you would with a young thai girl on your arm, and thats pretty dam_n foolish.

    If you think others are walking by trying to dress for you or to show off for you or anyone, you need to get over yourself

    The only young thai girl I will have on my arm at 80yo...hopefully I make that...will be my daughter or granddaughter.

    I happen to know the difference of looking the fool and acting it.

    your looking and acting like a fool, because there are people far wiser then you with tattoos, and you know it.

  2. i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

    if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

    I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

    So....you've never been poor.

    Spout your sound-bite at a poor person and listen to their answer.

    i was raised in a poor place until i was old enough to go my own way, nothing worse then a person thinking they know you because they read a post, then claim to know your whole past as well.

    you sir must be a genius, if you dont like my views on life and it fires you up so much you can buy a box of tissues and dry your eyes, also search for a forum that is called the i agree with everything you say and believe forum.

    Why do you attack me, the poster instead of defending your original post?

    It is quite obviously nonsensical to a poor person. Can't you see that?

    cant you see the whole point of it is exactly that money does not make you happy, rich or poor its not the money that will decide your level of happinesss.

  3. i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

    if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

    I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

    So....you've never been poor.

    Spout your sound-bite at a poor person and listen to their answer.

    i was raised in a poor place until i was old enough to go my own way, nothing worse then a person thinking they know you because they read a post, then claim to know your whole past as well.

    you sir must be a genius, if you dont like my views on life and it fires you up so much you can buy a box of tissues and dry your eyes, also search for a forum that is called the i agree with everything you say and believe forum.

  4. Tattoos are for louts and hoodlums.

    They are like a puppy...forever.

    Just think what that tattoo will look like everywhere when 80yo and still trying to look tough.

    good to see such open minded people,not.

    you have put every person with tattoos in the same box, i will probably look as foolish when i'm older as you would with a young thai girl on your arm, and thats pretty dam_n foolish.

    If you think others are walking by trying to dress for you or to show off for you or anyone, you need to get over yourself

  5. He who is not content with what he has, will not be content with what he would like to have.

    Sounds like what a rich person would tell a poor person to justify their poverty.

    a paranoid person may very well think that yes

    Actually, I think your sound-bite is a load of crap.

    Ask any person in any developed, or developing country who works at a McJob and struggles to pay the bills and can't save enough and they will tell you the same.

    It's quite obvious you've never been stony-broke before.

    i have always had medium paying work, the most i ever had in my bank as i recall was about 8 thousand.

    if something does not apply to your general way of thinking, if you cannot see yourself thinking it, does not mean others dont.

    I only care to pay my bills, my rent,and set up my children, so get a whiff of that load of crap.

  6. a black man with a muslim name, with semi communist views was voted in for a second term in the usa.

    so YES WE CAN.

    by the way i myself have no problem with blacks or muslims,

    You think your President is black?

    He looks a sort of pinkish to pale brownish colour to me.

    You think he's semi communist?

    Can you read? Or perhaps I should say DO you read?

    I ask because if you compare your president to the norms of various types of political leaning he could not in any way be called vaguely communist.

    whats with the attitude.

    can you read, I never said he was my president, I am Australian.

    And dont tell me he is not black thats foolish, can you see, share the wealth sounds communist like to me.

  7. A century ago, more than 100,000 elephants lived in Thailand, with about 20,000 of them untamed. Now, there are about 5,000, with less than half of them wild.

    I could swear I saw more than that along the beach in front of Pattaya in 1998, but maybe I was mistaken. They were probably just beached whales.

    there commonly known as german tourist

  8. watch your mouth op, i get 10% tougher with every tattoo.

    i dont fear the sun, im the reason the sun goes away at night.

    cheesy.gif , l am ''special forces'' toooooooo. cheesy.gif

    im the the reason countries created special forces, so they had a force to deal with me.

    and to give expats a story that can out do any drinking partner, regardless of weather its true or not.

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