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Posts posted by payak

  1. if they want to do it,more power to them.

    just don't tell me they have to.

    Why? because you don't want to be corrected of your opinion?

    I'm telling you that there are girls out there that are forced in to it by there husbands/ boyfriends/ fathers/ mothers etc. etc.

    due to financial debts that they can't pay back in any other way.

    And if you don't believe that then you need to do some more research.

    I have some research for you, but you will only need to look back about 5 posts, I was not refering to slavery.

    I am refering to people who choose to do it,and say they don't have a choice because lifes tough.

    the large majority who choose to doit rather then work, but claim they had to when they did in fact have other options.

    <deleted> you know dam_n well what i meant must i spell everything out.

  2. i am not against it, i am against people saying they have to do it.

    lets get that issue straight.

    bang them all day, just dont believe they have to do it

    Some do have to do it by being forced in to it through owing financial debts incurred either by there families

    or husbands/ boyfriends etc.

    Others want to do it as they can't do without the fix of financial wealth.

    I have friends in heavy debt,they refuse to do it.

    they can but dont choose to, they have other options,hard working tough options but options none the less.

    so that means they have a choice, and therefore don't have to.

  3. so i can see most but not all support it.

    and people against prostitution are seen as being on there high horse.

    I expected that, Then I get the usual your a Buddhist you should look within speech, I know about my religion don't worry, we can engage in debates and talks to.

    I have noticed people are cutting in and not reading all the posts, and are forming opinions with half the threads facts.

    I have to say in my opinion,and it means nothing at the end of the day, better to gut chickens in a factory all day and keep your pride and respect.

    You look back in history and check what is the oldest trade in the world, and there you have your answer.

    and it's not gutting chickens in a factory.

    You need to look at the whole picture not just what is happening in Thailand, but the whole world!

    I do think internationaly, however this is thai visa not world visa.

    and I dont care how old it is, neither does the girl doing it, I will write it for a fourth time for the slower few,my point is not why they do it, but why do people fool themselves into believing they have to do it.

    I can see why,because despite writing it 4 times certain people keep answering questions i did not ask and then attack me for asking questions i did not ask.

    5th time now, why do people believe they have to do it,now that is in plain english.

  4. so i can see most but not all support it.

    and people against prostitution are seen as being on there high horse.

    I expected that, Then I get the usual your a Buddhist you should look within speech, I know about my religion don't worry, we can engage in debates and talks to.

    I have noticed people are cutting in and not reading all the posts, and are forming opinions with half the threads facts.

    I have to say in my opinion,and it means nothing at the end of the day, better to gut chickens in a factory all day and keep your pride and respect.

  5. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    starting a thread does not mean anything other then what i am asking, I do not sleep with bar girls,never have or had to.

    but if people do thats fine, if girls sell it, thats fine, but why can't they be honest about it.

    I haveawife and children, I find it disgusting to stray, I certainly picked up plenty in my pre marriage days, but girls, not bargirls,refuse to pay and its not fun for me, i like the hunt.

    Irespect all opinions but lets not make assumptions like this poster, you dont know me, lets respect each other if possible, I don't sleep with bargirls, to another i am not a christian, been buddhist since 12.

    "Why can't they be 'honest' about it"????

    Cause it's business! Do you really need others to answer that question for you?

    When you go into a McDonalds, they don't say: "Welcome to McDonalds. Our french fries will probably put your blood pressure through the roof, and our burgers are made from diseased cows. Enjoy your diarrhea!"

    Business isn't' about being "honest", it's about making money!

    And YES, prostitution IS a business for those selling it.

    so true, so why say anything, just do the job and move to the next man, but they are saying it as they are feeling a sense of guilt.

    and i wasreally refering to people here saying they have no choice.

  6. quick note, simple thread so try to stay on coarse, if the subject of bargirls strikes a nerve,for whatever reason, this thread is not against bargirls, it is against those that insist they must do it.

  7. Working extreme hours for little pay - there's your answer.

    They're not selling their souls, they're selling their bodies.

    Of course, many do not while many do. This is Thailand where prostitution has been part of the fabric of life for decades plus.

    Have you not met any BG's? Everyone will have their own story to tell.

    Start doing your research and report back.

    have you worked with street people, I have done plenty of research, the lifestyle is extremly damaging to there mind,it never turns out to be what they expected, it destroysthem slowly from the inside out.

    do your research.

    If you're an expert, why did you bother starting this thread?

    I am no expert, and if i was i would still ask,I like to see what others think on the matter.

    seems we have some very sensative people here,

  8. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true. And I'm sure you would probably be very embarrassed if they found out.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    Some may be "desperate" but I would think a lot are attracted to the easy money.

    I wouldn't say that having an overweight, smelly, hairy man (typical bargirl client) leering and sweating over you "easy money".

    The important idea here is that wherever you go in this world, you always come across those who refuse to see their own flaws, but are quick to point them out in others.

    we all have flaws, but we can still talk, we are adults.

    everyone talks about these things, you do have a choice to log off.

    you are very sensative,are you with a former bargirl

  9. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    starting a thread does not mean anything other then what i am asking, I do not sleep with bar girls,never have or had to.

    but if people do thats fine, if girls sell it, thats fine, but why can't they be honest about it.

    I haveawife and children, I find it disgusting to stray, I certainly picked up plenty in my pre marriage days, but girls, not bargirls,refuse to pay and its not fun for me, i like the hunt.

    Irespect all opinions but lets not make assumptions like this poster, you dont know me, lets respect each other if possible, I don't sleep with bargirls, to another i am not a christian, been buddhist since 12.

  10. Working extreme hours for little pay - there's your answer.

    They're not selling their souls, they're selling their bodies.

    Of course, many do not while many do. This is Thailand where prostitution has been part of the fabric of life for decades plus.

    Have you not met any BG's? Everyone will have their own story to tell.

    Start doing your research and report back.

    have you worked with street people, I have done plenty of research, the lifestyle is extremly damaging to there mind,it never turns out to be what they expected, it destroysthem slowly from the inside out.

    do your research.

  11. Do they really have to do this.

    I keep hearing they must do it to look after there families.

    I know struggling girls who never turned to this because of high morals and self respect.

    I feel many just don't want to work extreme hours for little pay, but is selling your soul worth it.

    The poor hard working girls i know have great pride in what they worked for,although they have little they have pride.

    I really don't feel it's a must dolike people say, just an easy way out for a girl who does not mind giving up the @#$%

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  12. often I find the attempt to save face more foolish then the thing they are covering up, it ends up turning into an outright lie.

    true eg, A woman who had a petty dispute with my wife,one of those woman that fights with every human she ever met,called me and said I don't want to hurt your heart but I just saw your wife down the market eating with another man.

    I said when and she said right now, I just walked past her 2 minutes ago,I said it's no possible as she issitting next to me and we have been watching movies for hours.

    her brilliant response,deny all, not possible to be next to me,Isaw her at the market,but you could hear the lying tone in her voice if that makes sense.

    5 times I said she is next to me, she said cannot,I said talk to her you idiot and she hung up.

  13. monkeys are evil and have no place in modern society.

    They should have evolved but due to there failure to do so, we are expected to care for them, crap, show me a monkey that cares about me.

    I believe Thailand should remove all monkeys, send them back to Africa.

    Don't ask me to care for something I can't have sex with, not when I'm sober anyway.

  14. I cannot fairly comment on this,my friends openly say that having an older man is disgusting, will make them vomit, they would feel shame to walk next to him, they have a father already.

    they say touching one would be like me touching an old grandmother, sick.

    now i am sure there are girls that find wrinkly skin, old balls, no hair, extremely attractive, just not in my circle of friends so its not fair for me to comment.

    maybe there are girls that like this, but Doctors say they are usualy damaged goods, abused, looking for a father figure, they are not choosy because they are desperate, and the old farang will do them just fine,for now.

    this will annoy people but if im wrong, go to tokyo and look for a young girl, good luck, its a money issue just face it.

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