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Posts posted by payak

  1. maybe the many farang who came before me inspired the no farang rule.

    looking at some here, not all but some,probably for the best.

    for the record, the shirts were not cheap training ones, they were the dressier variety, the camp has a wide variety of clothing, jackets shoes you name it, we were not dressed down.

    no doubt something in this post will warrant an attack also, go ahead cowboy.

    I never commented on the shirts.

    The only times I've been in Japanese clubs, I've found it an awkward and unpleasant experience, as I don't know how to behave.

    If we're talking Pat Pong, that is a foreign country to me, and I've never been comfortable there, whichever Soi I was in. But generally, when I've been refused entry somewhere (mostly pubs, in my case) it has been something in me that has caused that


    Patpong is a place I would avoid if I was not working, but we were not refused entry, we were passing through a soi, and stopped and asked to leave, we were not staying anyway.

    so tell me, what did we do wrong

    Were you carrying the collection tin for your charity work?

    no, we were giving food to people earlier,not collecting anything.

    do you recall me saying the guys know we are charity workers, dont think so, unless they are mind readers.

    we had thai boxing shirts on, not charity shirts.

    dont really agree with the tin cup thing, its to in your face, if people want to give they will find a charity, no need for door knocking.

  2. maybe the many farang who came before me inspired the no farang rule.

    looking at some here, not all but some,probably for the best.

    for the record, the shirts were not cheap training ones, they were the dressier variety, the camp has a wide variety of clothing, jackets shoes you name it, we were not dressed down.

    no doubt something in this post will warrant an attack also, go ahead cowboy.

    I never commented on the shirts.

    The only times I've been in Japanese clubs, I've found it an awkward and unpleasant experience, as I don't know how to behave.

    If we're talking Pat Pong, that is a foreign country to me, and I've never been comfortable there, whichever Soi I was in. But generally, when I've been refused entry somewhere (mostly pubs, in my case) it has been something in me that has caused that


    Patpong is a place I would avoid if I was not working, but we were not refused entry, we were passing through a soi, and stopped and asked to leave, we were not staying anyway.

    so tell me, what did we do wrong

  3. I have lived over 30 years in Thailand, North, South, East and West, and have never known the sorts of hostilities you are experiencing.

    So why do you think these groups of people have singled you out and picking on you for absolutely no good reasons?

    Just try being a woman without a BF/husband and not huge amount of money to buy yourself walls, protection, security, isolation from all these types of crap and you will see, things DO change and crap come your way more often

    why have they singled her out, no reason according to her, thats what she is asking, kind of like what i was asking, now the people that were singled out are seen as wrong,

  4. maybe the many farang who came before me inspired the no farang rule.

    looking at some here, not all but some,probably for the best.

    for the record, the shirts were not cheap training ones, they were the dressier variety, the camp has a wide variety of clothing, jackets shoes you name it, we were not dressed down.

    no doubt something in this post will warrant an attack also, go ahead cowboy.

  5. I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

    cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

    I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

    me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

    are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

    need to know its driving me nuts.

    Doesnt sound like Suk, more like soi Thanya in Patpong.

    This area is for Japenese, all the signs are in Japanese, if I remember correctly the enterance to this soi has security guards,

    so if this was the area I dont know how you got passed them.

    Yes there are areas of Bkk where the Japanese hang out, and farang arent welcome in their bars/clubs, but have never heard of anyone being told to leave a soi.

    Are you sure this wasnt the back sois of Ekamai.

    you may beright because we had just been doing some work up near patpong now that i think back, the so called japanese soi was quite nice.

  6. perhaps like you they were as foolish enough to judge a stranger

    I think SC was actually trying to pay you a compliment.

    Maybe you should not be so foolish to judge strangers.

    paying me a compliment by saying they are good judges of character for removing me, ok.

    have i just entered a reverse thinking world here.

  7. I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

    cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

    I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

    me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

    are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

    need to know its driving me nuts.

    I think they were just paricularly perceptive and good judges of character

    thanks for the answer, by the way, we both do charity work for children, unpaid.

    we don't drink,smoke, or sleep around but thanks for the answer i expected but was kind of hoping i would not get.

    Personally, I try to avoid boasting about my tee-shirts, or my virtues. They all pale into insignificance beside my arrogance and conceit, which, luckily, I don't need to draw others' attention to. I can't remember any conflict in which I have found myself that I could not relate directly to my own foolishness (and, indeed, there are several that I cannot remember, that I can also so relate). If you do not drink, then you really have little excuse for other people's behaviour towards you


    so it was my fault we were pulled up for passing through a soi, minding our own bussiness.

    if your itching for a fight go somewhere else, the reason i mention the shirt was simple, to point out they were the kind of guysthat were not detered.

    and if i choose to mention it i will, i can talk about anything i do, perhaps i am proud of it, but ask yourself why it bothers you, thats really weird.

    think about it, i ask a simple question, and you start an argument, are you really ok.

  8. I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

    cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

    I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

    me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

    are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

    need to know its driving me nuts.

    I think they were just paricularly perceptive and good judges of character

    thanks for the answer, by the way, we both do charity work for children, unpaid.

    we don't drink,smoke, or sleep around but thanks for the answer i expected but was kind of hoping i would not get.

  9. I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

    cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

    I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

    me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

    are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

    need to know its driving me nuts.

  10. my wifes brother is a monk, has been for years, will be for life, is also the author of several religious books.

    he has a laptop, he also has a facebook page, and a phone, has it occured to anyone that they use them to help people.

  11. Jesus actually was pretty much a Buddhist in his actions.

    You are probably aware of the idea that Jesus based his teachings on Buddhism? There are those who claim that Jesus was practicing Buddhism but decided to start his own business...

    Those who claim that the above is plausible usually point to the fact that not much is known about Jesus's life between something like 15-30 years of age. Some say he went to India.

    Dan Brown would make a best seller out of this one.

    Well its plausible. India is very popular with Israelis. wink.png On the other hand I don't think young Yehoshua (Yes, that's Jesus actual name, as he was an Israelite and Israelites had hebrew names) was going to be traveling about as he had to help his terrestial father Youssef. I think in a household with 5 rambunctious boys (yes, Yehoshua had 4 brothers, all with equally fun Hebrew names) more effort would have been given to putting food on the plate than having a holiday in Goa or wherever the ancient Israelis went to vacation and play that raquet ball game they are addicted to. Besides, I don't think that India had the ability to offer Kosher food to Israeli visitors. I don't think that a religious jew like young Yehoshua would have abandoned his belief in keeping kosher, particularly since he never once told anyone they were excused. based on the aforementioned, I don't think Buddha and Yehoshua ever had any exchange of theology over a danish and coffee.

    if he was he would not have the god belief, he did return from wherever he was with similar beliefs to zoastorism, and was believed by some to be sniffing around there.

    connectionsto buddhism there are, but so does yoda,goes hand in hand when 2 talk about peace there will be similarities.

  12. Jesus actually was pretty much a Buddhist in his actions.

    You are probably aware of the idea that Jesus based his teachings on Buddhism? There are those who claim that Jesus was practicing Buddhism but decided to start his own business...

    Those who claim that the above is plausible usually point to the fact that not much is known about Jesus's life between something like 15-30 years of age. Some say he went to India.

    Dan Brown would make a best seller out of this one.

    Well its plausible. India is very popular with Israelis. wink.png On the other hand I don't think young Yehoshua (Yes, that's Jesus actual name, as he was an Israelite and Israelites had hebrew names) was going to be traveling about as he had to help his terrestial father Youssef. I think in a household with 5 rambunctious boys (yes, Yehoshua had 4 brothers, all with equally fun Hebrew names) more effort would have been given to putting food on the plate than having a holiday in Goa or wherever the ancient Israelis went to vacation and play that raquet ball game they are addicted to. Besides, I don't think that India had the ability to offer Kosher food to Israeli visitors. I don't think that a religious jew like young Yehoshua would have abandoned his belief in keeping kosher, particularly since he never once told anyone they were excused. based on the aforementioned, I don't think Buddha and Yehoshua ever had any exchange of theology over a danish and coffee.

    if he was he would not have the god belief, he did return from wherever he was with similar beliefs to zoastorism, and was believed by some to be sniffing around there.

    connectionsto buddhism there are, but so does yoda,goes hand in hand when 2 talk about peace there will be similarities.

  13. I posted here to test a theory i suspected to be true, and now it's confirmed.

    I never often discuss my religion with people, and I never push it onto people,more importantly i respect all religions and philosophies.

    so many just posted attacks aimed at all religions, even went as far as saying why we wear amulates blah blah, so we have a thread with many mind readers, who know why we became buddhists, and why we wear certain things.

    for the record, when its hot i wear shorts and a singlet to,smart thing to do in hot weather, i wear amulates to, not to show wealth or brag about religion, after all who cares what religion i am when i'm out an about, I wear it for the purpose its meant to be worn.

    ask yourselves when you look at someone wearing something and shake your head in judgement, who really has a problem because when you point your finger, don't forget where the other 4 are pointing.

    for thos that have no religion i respect that choice also.

  14. wars are never fought over religion,people use religion to recruit.

    they use it to promote there propogander, those leaders really have other motives such as greed.

    the religion is blamed due to the greedy warmongers twisted ideoligy and false use of the religions to inspire people to fight.

    the religions are fine, but certain people misuse gullible and desperate people for there own needs.

  15. Everyone can do or believe like they want as long as the don't try to disturb my life.

    But actually all religions try to do. Muslims more, Christs medium and Buddhists less.

    But still the Buddhists force people to not buy Alcohol on some days, can't recall that Buddha ever told to force people to their luck.

    But always some people want be holier than God...

    the government forces people not to buy alcahol on certain days,one nations government.

    and this is bought about not by the Buddha, but by certain interpritations or misinterpritations.

    The religion is not to blame.

    • Like 1
  16. Any mention of religion or beliefs can cause a wave of judegment..

    Same if I mention I am an athiest

    I have a good friend who is a Baptist minister, another a muslim.

    many Athiest, who is right, who knows or cares.

    they are good to me.

    • Like 1
  17. since I have been posting here, I have noticed that if you mention you are Buddhist it is like waving a red flag.

    Now I know many people go through the religious phases for a time, my phase has lasted from 12 years old to age 36 years, hardly a phase.

    my question is does it really bother people or is it fuel to attack when debating other issues.

    such things are said like,your Buddhist,you should not ask questions,should not judge others,should not do this should not do that,but if Thai do it it's fine yes.

    we don't live our everyday lives as monks,we talk and question things and judge and debate to.

    • Like 2
  18. so backpackers only like temples and stuff, hahaha ha hahahahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Are all buddhists like you?

    yes all buddhist were creaated from the same mould, same personality, same everything, think about that.

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