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Posts posted by payak

  1. my friend read it, after that he married a girl from nana, bought a house in her name etc etc.

    He lost the house after 6 days, lost his car and money, all up about $300,000 Aussie dollars.

    All this after he read the book, did not learn a thing, worst of all the girl that took him for everything, never even had sex with him, never even kissed him one time, must be a first surely.

  2. before i begin i will state clearly I have no problem with expats, i'm sure there are some wonderful people.

    I am yet to find one that is not a slobering Alcaholic.

    I cant stand drunks, drunk talk, drunk behaviour, so I will wait until a friend comes along who can see straight, i'm sure there are plenty.

    question is why do so many expats have drinking problems and clear mental illness.

    remember i said not all so if this is not you don't fire up.

    • Like 1
  3. what about old guys paying for it everynight, and worse the ones who take them to dinner and worse still buy them drinks all night.

    happens to young guys to though.

    face it, many thai girls are on the take, youngs must be careful, old guys extra extra careful.

    seems like a no brainer what I wrote, but reading through here it seems the oldies don't get it, years of sex with young woman has fooled many.

  4. your asking other people what you should wear.

    I believe you should be yourself, don't judge people by how they dress, they may just be a highly educated even wealthy person who is comfortable wearing that.

    Is mainly the borderline rich who try to act a certain way, dress a certain way to impress others who really don't care anyway, do what you wish, if others don't like it who cares they don't pay your rent.

    • Like 1
  5. still dont see it as common, happens but in know way is it common with thai on thai,

    even if you see one every hour, still not ciommon.

    does anyone besides me find the age gap relationships dodgy, or am i now in the minority on here, that tells me most here must be far older then there girls.

    The name of the thread is "Thailand really likes old Western guys."It is not "Thailand really likes young British tattooed football hooligans."I would expect an older readership. Duh....

    this is always going to be a hot topic as nearly everyone here is older then jesus, and there wives are barely out of high school.

    I am heavily tattooed, mainly sak yants, I am not a christian prude as someone pointed out, former monk, I am not an authority on Thailand.

    what i do know is some relationships are real, but most age gap relationships are as dodgy as hell, that the truth, if your in a real good one fine, great, but it cannot be denied that most are being played like a fiddle.

    • Like 1
  6. absolutly right maxme, never a truer word spoken.

    treat a respectable girl with respect and she will talk.

    My wife was met through thai friends at a muay thai function, she had to talk.

    her father was a nightmare in the early days but we are close now.

    brother is a monk, other brother an engineer, sister in a good marketing management position,my wife an accountant.

    all from rural isan, all educated from there fathers success.

    all self sufficiant, isan is not all misery and poverty, many a greedy lady in thailand, had my experience with one in the past.

  7. still dont see it as common, happens but in know way is it common with thai on thai,

    even if you see one every hour, still not ciommon.

    does anyone besides me find the age gap relationships dodgy, or am i now in the minority on here, that tells me most here must be far older then there girls.

  8. read my post again, I said not many thai woman have older thai men, I never said it does not happen.

    but don't talk rubbish, it's not common, and the girls are usually mostly trash, read that carefully this time to as i said mostly not all.

    I also do mix with many thais in thai areas, for those who posted i don't yet don't even know me.

    all my thai friends find it disgusting to be with older partners, don't flame me aas thats there thought, they think it's disgusting, as they say they have a dad already.

    could it be that my friends are financially secure,

  9. just a thought, the ones you do hang out with, dont give them anything, and see if they stick around.

    I don't really see young thais hitting the town with old thai men, very rare.

    Is it also the truth that they believe all old farang are handsome to, or could it be just maybe, just a guess, that they want something.

    god dam_n when will it sink in.

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