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Posts posted by payak

  1. never had an issue with the age gap ones in love.

    just stated all along that these ones are rare, then the attacks began.

    I believe there rare, many here seem to feel every age gap relationship is golden.

    to the happy ones go for it, but i dont feel these good ones are common.

  2. thai girls are obsessed with thai dramas, these programs play to there fantasy's.

    why are there no old farang in these shows.

    Please tell me why they are always filmed in a ''palace'' and not in the average Thai house ? Please rolleyes.gif

    There's northern ones on the other channel in little houses. It's just like Coronation Street.

    the reason for the palace is to apeal to the viewers fantasy, the house they want, the old farang they dont.

    but sometimes in life they have to take the last resort

  3. Im just going to add one thing,

    when i was married in england, my ex wife never worked, ive allways had good paid jobs, i was a welder off shore/pipelines, ect,

    now i bought our house we had a joint bank account that only me paid into, but she spent more then me, she stayed at home to bring our kids up while i was away working, not just in england but all over the world,

    now my life in thailand is just the same as it was then, apart from my beautiful thai wife when im away works very hard with her mama on our pig farm, i dont have to send money, the farm keeps her,

    to be honest they could manage without me now, the farm is up and running, yes ive put the money into the farm,, but like i say i paid for everything in england,

    so for the life of me i cant see the differance, i really cant,

    ive had a warning over my posts on here, so ill say sorry to others but not to the one who the posts were sent to,

    so if these offended anyone else ill take my cap off and say sorry


    pigeonjake seems seems legit to me, not that i am the relationship judge.

  4. What woman who has anything going for herself would marry a penniless farang? This true love business is way overhyped. I would seriously question a woman's intelligence who would marry a poor farang. Perhaps there are some who can see that her farang has no money now but that he has some serious potential to make some money.

    It may not be all about money, but money certainly greases the rails. My wife can easily get along without me but I'm 100 percent sure that she wouldn't have married me if she knew that she would have to support me.

    My wife/gf and me both pay our own way. This way i know its not a money issue. I feel better that way. I did the same with other gf's both in Thailand and the Netherlands. Does not mean i wont help out or such.. just want to make sure money is not an issue... but i think your right no girl would marry a guy who she has to support. Strange thing is many guys do marry girls they have to support.

    netherlands, went there for a time, amsterdamn.

    wasthere to conduct a seminar, lovely place

  5. The true cause of the altercations here is very easy to determine. My wife is unknown to all the people participating in this thread

    How can you possibly know better than me if my wife loves me?

    To suggest she is only with me for money is blatant arrogant offensive conjecture, I am of the opinion that this is the cause of the rebuttals from many of the people on this thread

    Quite understandable really

    you are so right.

    my point is that most age relations are dodgy, not yours or giddyups or anyone personally.

    but most are in my belief, but not all.

    never mentioned any ones relationship so relax,but i do feel the majority are fooling themselves.

    againg though not all.

    whatswrong with that.

  6. giddyup made 4 money related posts, even said you must be a fool to think a woman would stay with you with no money.

    I have no money, my missus family has far more then my family, yet here she is cooking me lunch again.

    maybe she is waiting for me to hit the lotto, been together years she must be patient.

  7. I am new to the thread and don't want to read all the posts... can someone just tell me who is winning?

    No clear winner yet, however Giddyup has taken a serious beating and is on his last legs.

    Why don't you be quiet while the grown-ups talk. We've heard enough of your childish babblings.

    what the, what era are you from exactly, sound like someone from the 1800's.

    my fathers 72 and doesn't talk like that.

    childish babblings, lol

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  8. I mentioned many times that i believe there are success stories, but they are rare.

    however my whole point was exactly that, they are rare, not impossible, and others wanted to point out all the relationships are rosy, every one of them.

    yours may be, but look around,its BS to say most are not being used.

    nothing wrong with pointing that out,

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