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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. I was a little surprised about the hospitals putting up notices warning potential preys of this so called man. If what was reported was true, couldn't they have done more than this. A one legged farang in the province couldn't be that difficult to find???....

    The wording of the original report is a little confusing. I assumed that the notices in the hospitals were displayed after the man was caught, and were displayed to encourage girls who had had sex with him to get tested. I don't think they were displayed before he was caught to warn them not to have sex with him.

    That makes more sense...

    He didn't have a leg to stand on. :o

    perhaps not, but he does have a diseased ###### with which to infect young girls with....

  2. Minister ordered CNN ads over Elite Card fiasco

    Published on Oct 15 , 2004

    The investigation over who at the Thailand Privilege Card Co should be held responsible for the Bt300 million in advertising bills from CNN, Fortune and President magazines has stalled – after it was discovered a Cabinet member issued the order to place the ads.

    A source at the company said a preliminary investigation found that a Cabinet member issued the instruction to the company to place ads with CNN/Time Warner’s CNN news channel and its Fortune magazine, as well as President magazine in Japan.

    Somchainuek Engtrakul, former permanent secretary of the Finance Ministry, appointed Boonsak Jiempreecha, director-general of the Department of Comptrollers’ General, to head a panel to look into irregularities surrounding Thai Privilege Card’s ad placements with international media.

    The matter has become a huge embarrassment for the government. When the media outlets tried to collect payment for the ads, Thai Privilege Card was unable to pay because it lacked proper documentation for the ad agreements.

    The international media do not have proper documentation regarding the ad placements either, making it difficult for them to collect the money.

    Thailand Privilege Card hired Thailand Representation Co to draw up its ad artwork.

    Thailand Representation then placed the ads on behalf of Thai Privilege Card with CNN, Fortune and President.

    The agreement with Thailand Representation was verbal and no documentation of the arrangement has been found.

    Thailand Representation is controlled by Anthony Shamar, who reportedly has strong political connections with Juthamas Siriwan, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

    Juthamas is also under investigation.

    Thailand Privilege Card is the issuer of the Elite Card, launched last year as one of the government’s pet project’s to attract deep-pocketed foreign tourists in a bid to raise Bt1 trillion. The project has failed to even make a dent in its target of selling 1 million cards, having sold a mere 370 or so cards. Membership in the Elite Card costs Bt1 million.

    Another source said the Office of the Attorney General is making a legal interpretation to decide whether Thailand Privilege Card should pay for the ad placements when there is no proper documentation.

    The source said it’s unclear when the Attorney General will complete its legal interpretation and that the matter is likely to die down – like other past controversies.


    One can only hope the last line of the article doesn't occur.


  3. The scandal doesn't end there. Although a judge deciding in Thaksin's favor in order to avoid some self-perceived "trouble in the land" is bad enough, the following is even more troubling as it involves outright bribery:

    from the "The Nation":

    Prime minister and sister Yaowapha accused of offering promotion for judge’s son in exchange for a not-guilty vote

    The Constitution Court plunged into a major crisis yesterday following claims that some of its "majority" judges, who acquitted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of charges of concealing his assets in 2001, had been promised favours by him and his sister Yaowapha Wongsawat in exchange for finding the PM not guilty.

    Judge Ura Wang-omklang was visited by Thaksin and Yaowapha before the assets-case verdict and told that in exchange for an acquittal vote, his son, who was working at the Foreign Ministry, could choose to work as ambassadorial secretary in any country of his choice.


  4. Just imagine if he had been recklessly driving his new BMW at 180km/hr, like he did before, when he came across the chickens crossing the road... :o

    How much tea money does one pay the cop for 180 kmh ?

    In his case, nothing. Although in this situation, the police escorts were unable to keep up...as were the journalists who were trailing him in order to document the incident.

  5. Women's lib hasn't made it over to Thailand (22.5). The women aren't loud or brash; they are feminine and attentive. Treat your girl with respect and attention (i.e., just be normal and treat her like a lady) and she will not be able to do enough for you. She'll put toothpaste on the brush for you and wash your back. In bed she will wrap herself around you. Maybe even more than that. She might not allow you to put food on your plate in a buffet, insisting on doing it for you. Or she might trim your already-shortened fingernails and clean your ears (you haven't lived until you have truly wax-free ears.) She wants you to understand that she appreciates you. Thai women take care of their men and it's intoxicating.

    All that in 22.5......to be honest its a bullshit story thread starter....rubbish....these ladies can be the best there are.....I have never felt more relaxed with my thai wife......massage and aroma with making love to conclude an evening together...x2

    The study reflects on Thai men, not Thai women.

  6. I can not qualify this to be criminal offence to the German man, because he did't force anyone to it that is what they get for their business. by the way he is not the only one having unprotected sex with young thai girls and who knows the current condition of thai girls involved . I know they have alot of sickness related to this aids with them, Don't say much !!! :o

    Pedro Posted on: Fri 2004-03-19, 16:01:16

    by the way Somboom does not know anything to say I suggest that he be banned from membership. 

    I think the same rationale could be said in your case, Senor Pedro.

  7. Thais prefer quickies in bed

    BANGKOK: -- Thais are among the quickest love-makers on the planet, shunning foreplay to get on with the business as hastily as possible, according to recently published research.

    According to information researched on 14 countries by SSL International Plc and published in the Durex Sex Survey 2004, Thais are bang on average when it comes to the number of times they have sex each year, at 103 times within 12 months.

    However, the average age for Thais to have their first sexual relationships remains higher than in many other countries, with Thais on average losing their virginity at aged 18.3 years, compared to a global average of 17.7.

    Slightly more embarrassing for Thais was the fact that the average time spent on foreplay in Thailand was found to be a mere 11.5 minutes, the shortest time among all the countries surveyed, and way below the 22.5 minutes recorded for the UK.

    However, Thais were shown to be similar to their British counterparts in that 30 percent of respondents from both countries claimed to have faked orgasms at one time or another.

    But Thais came off pretty well when it came to overall orgasm rates, with 46 percent claiming to have orgasms every time they had sex, compared to a global average of only 35.

    However, this figure concealed a vast disparity between men and women, with 60.1 percent of Thai men claiming to have an orgasm every time, against a mere 14.3 percent of women.

    More worryingly, the survey found that despite widespread fears over the spread of AIDS, only 46 percent of Thais used condoms, and that among the 16-20 age group, 42 percent had had unprotected sex at least once, compared to a global average of 24 percent.

    At the same time, five percent of the Thais surveyed claimed never to have received any sex education.

    On a lighter note, the survey named the opposition Democrat Party's deputy leader Abhisit Vejajiva as the sexiest politician in Thailand, cited by 34.4 percent of respondents.

    But even Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, not noted as a sex symbol, was rated by 10.8 percent of those surveyed.

    --TNA 2004-10-13

    But even Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, not noted as a sex symbol, was rated by 10.8 percent of those surveyed.

    I don't understand why he wasn't chosen to be number 1???


  8. yet another copy cat situation......Australians have been doing a yearly 'Cleanup Australia' campaign for years !! It is hugely succesful !

    But it is always done by V O L U N T E E R S. Real true unpaid helpers

    What a remarkable opportunity for the foreign BKK residents to make a positive statement by volunteering. Might help to counter some of the negative impressions.

  9. Before we kill this guy i just want to know one thing everyone is taking a Thai report as 100% truthful. Give me a ###### break ,even if he was HIv+ THERE IS NO WAY HE COULD HAVE EVER GIVEN 450 GIRLS THIS INFECTIOn He would have had to ###### each of them 1000 times to get a number like is reported.

    I bet most of you bitching the loudest have not ######ed anyne but you wife for a long time,so you feleall guys who bang the poor little ho's hey wake the ###### up there as stupid as he was,and this story wil play out to be total bullshit. but don't worr about me when i come and ###### the girls in your village i will practice sake sex and only come in the virgin mouths.

    Please stop you

    Wow!.... What a literary genius. We eagerly await your SECOND post at thaivisa.com

  10. .... and, yet another apparent homicide in paradise.


    Monday October 11, 9:09 PM

    Police investigating death of Swiss man in northern Thailand

    Police in northern Thailand said Monday they are investigating the suspicious death of a 32-year-old Swiss man.

    The body of Raphael Daumann, of Aeschlen, Switzerland, was found Monday morning at the home of another Westerner in Chiang Mai province, said police Maj. Montri Chaingammuang of Sankampaeng district.

    Chiang Mai province is 580 kilometers (360 miles) north of Bangkok.

    There was a wound on Daumann's head, but coroners are still investigating the cause of death, Montri told The Associated Press by telephone.

    He said police are questioning possible witnesses to Daumann's fate, including a Westerner who was renting the house where the dead man was found.

    Montri declined to give more details. Local television station ITV said the other man was a 33-year-old German.

  11. always remember the words in thai, i think my neck or spine is broken so pls dont man handle me onto the back of that pickup, it could save ur life.

    You'll be in for a very, very, very long wait if you insist on a proper backboard accompanioned with correct spinal immobilization prior to being moved. Those items are not available on the normal "snatch and dash" pickup ambulances and even if they were, the staff is not trained on how to apply them properly. Unfortunately, proper EMT protocol and training are not available in the VAST majority of Thailand. It just has to accepted by those that are here. In Thailand, emergency medicine is essentially to simply get you to the hospital as quickly as possible.

  12. I have worked across the board in this industry - in third party warehousing and distribution, and for suppliers and retailers in supply chain, inventory management and import / export, particularly in the food & drink sector.

    I'd be happy to discuss any opportunities and am very flexible with what I do - I'm up for a fresh start and new challenges! So please get in touch.


    Not sure if it's much help, but I have a Thai friend working logistics in inventory management. His salary is 6,600 baht per month.

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