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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. Thailand, The HUB of "the war on..."


    Same as the failure to eliminate drugs...Southern strife...corruption...the failure to eliminate bird flu within 30 days is just as impractical.

    "Dr. Kumara Rai, the acting Thailand representative of the WHO, said “eradicating the virus in one month, I’m sorry to say, is almost impossible.”

  2. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday ordered his ministers to wipe out bird flu by the end of October and warned that they would be sacked if they failed.

    'Should there be a Cabinet reshuffle, a few people, including the deputy prime minister, agricultural minister and health minister... will be moved out.'

    But deputy prime minister Chaturon Chaisang said yesterday the problem would probably take three to five years to bring under control.

    I guess it's so long to you then, Khun Chaturon, as well as to the voice of reason.

    You and your practical reality have no business here in Thailand.

  3. First off, Thank You Elvis.

    Hopefully, Immigration will do the right thing and act on this... afterall, they have been provided information on an illegal activity.

    Call me crazy, but why not shut down the operation BEFORE foreigners (who aren't members of thaivisa) unknowningly get into trouble with a bogus visa. Why only spout off about what they will do to the users of the service and not the providers??  Very akin to letting drug dealers off and only going after the users.

    so you are saying that it's imm's obligation to shut down every fly by night visa scam that comes along? please give me and imm a break

    What I'm saying is that if a law enforcement agency is given direct evidence of a crime, that they should act on it.... you know, do the job they're getting to paid to do... if that's not too much to ask.

    If I witnessed someone breaking into your house and stealing every possesion you own, followed them and discovered where they were keeping it and then went to the police and told them... you don't want them to act on it?

    ok then, I'll keep quiet then and give the police AND YOU a break.

  4. something pro-active to PREVENT people from running into problems in the first place????? All it seems I'm hearing is what they will do to the farang AFTER using the boat... the Immigration folks got things backasswards....

    ah, come on: if anybody really cares about following visa rules, its not hard to smell the scam...

    but if you dont care anyway, why should immigration (or anybody else) want to hold you back...?

    thailand is not disneyworld thank god - if farang is stupid (and ignorant) enough - tuff shit

    ** sigh **

    That's the same attitude that puts the blame onto the 2 murdered British tourist in Kanchanaburi themselves.

    Your self-absorption is very disappointing.

  5. So nex time Chuckie, remember...do not write before engaging brain. Better still...wait till you have some idea of what you are talking about!

    Thanks for clearing that up, Rob. You're really be the expert on this. It would seem that my studies of the Thai civil, commercial, and penal codes count for nothing. Neither do my past and present prosecutions and defenses of civil and criminal lawsuits. I know some lawyers, public prosecuters, and judges that would get a good laugh from your little tirade.

    Have you ever been in a Thai courtroom, Rob? Have you ever even seen a courthouse?

    Believe it or not, the police here are subject to the constraints of the law. Ignorance of the law can make for easy prey, however (excessive fines and whatnot). And there aren't many people willing to file suit against police officers.

    Anyway, thanks again for improving the signal to noise ratio here, Robbie.


    LOL@typical lawyer pathologically needing to puff himself up... :o

    Feel free to insert any appropriate lawyer joke after this post... LOL

  6. First off, Thank You Elvis.

    Hopefully, Immigration will do the right thing and act on this... afterall, they have been provided information on an illegal activity.

    Call me crazy, but why not shut down the operation BEFORE foreigners (who aren't members of thaivisa) unknowningly get into trouble with a bogus visa. Why only spout off about what they will do to the users of the service and not the providers?? Very akin to letting drug dealers off and only going after the users.

  7. Yes, thanks a lot Elvis. It's a big help.

    One confusing thing.... did they mention anything about moving in on the owners of the boating operation?... something pro-active to PREVENT people from running into problems in the first place????? All it seems I'm hearing is what they will do to the farang AFTER using the boat... the Immigration folks got things backasswards....

  8. Pepe said it best.... "when they are bad they are very very bad".

    Dont let them know where you live until you know them and trust them. I made that mistake and when I rejected this nut she turned a knife on herself and threatened to kill herself, this was then followed by me getting punched and later on a blackmail attempt. Theres more but its a long story. Be careful.

    "When they are good they are incredible"

    Shortly after that nightmare I met a beautiful Thai angel I am engaged to.

    the first girl's sister? :o

  9. Guess I'll just pop around to good ol' Room 301 tomorrow morning.. and return in the afternoon for my permanent residency....

    Tell 'em Chezandy sent ya! :o

    Will do.... and I got a printed copy of his post as all the documentation I'll need.


    Sounds like you should be all set then. :D

    WOW!..... what a shock! Just returned from Room 301 with my NEW permanent resident paperwork. Chezandy was RIGHT!... it WAS easy!... what a relief... no more problems...... EVER!

  10. Regardless, it's a true accounting of what I feel is the norm for SME's in Thailand. Job security may not mean anything to you, but it does for those who work in factories to live and feed their families. I notice you don't have any real life examples of your broad generalizations? Just a gut feeling analysis, eh?

    The growing gap between the rich and poor is a norm that has been a constant since the dawn of commerce. Some people run faster, some are slower. Some people prosper financially, others wither. Just another form of natural selection.


    example: Hundreds, if not thousands, of people work in factories as day laborers in places like paknam. paid 150-200 per day with no job security at all... "today you work, tomorrow not sure, come back tomorrow and we will see".

    the main difference between rich and poor is not because of the stated physical differences ( i dare say a poor man can kick a rich man's butt anyday )... it's one of opportunity. keep the poor dumb and uneducated and you automatically limit their opportunity and thus any challenge to the status quo.

    Level the playing field and just see who prospers.

    as for natural selection, as it's a biological phenomenon... I'm guessing the rich don't really want that to happen... again, the lean and hungry worker will physically defeat the fat cat big shot.

    actually there is nothing "natural" about the oppression suffered by the poor in Thailand and elsewhere.... it's purely man-made.

  11. The last big ATM heist was an inside job by the cash re-fillers... and I'd guess this one was too. Can't imagine an ATM being busted into by force while it's located in front of a 24 hour 7/11.

    Although......... perhaps an enterprising young person from the university across the street devised a hi-tech method of cleaning out the cash.

  12. The premier said he was confident that Thailand would become a regional aviation hub within the next three years.

    simply included above for ovenman's benefit... :o

    Also, interestingly in the BPost today, it reports Thaksin as saying, for the first time, that the airport would NOT open on time.

    The airport will be ready, but he doubts that the ICAO inspections would be completed by the date put forth.... yeah, it's THEIR fault...

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