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Posts posted by Trentham

  1. 21 years is the maximum penalty the State can impose. He will not see a day of freedom though.

    Solitary confinement would have to be the most inhumane punishment. I doubt any human over time survives without sever mental illness.

    The State is in a difficult position. Deny a person their basic human rights or allow them into an environment that is not as ethically robust as the Norwegian Justice system. I doubt he would survive if put in the general prison population.

    It will be interesting to see what the Court rules and why. They may instruct the prison to modify aspects of his incarceration. It is going to be a difficult balancing act.

    It is unfortunate that the people of Norway have to endure this terrible event re emerging again. As always Norwegians will conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and principles and respect for human life. It is very much part of their culture. A Nation I have great admiration for.

    Thanks for a sensible posting. At least we have one sensible TV member.

  2. The official added that the female student seen in the video wished to move to another school right after exams. He said officials will facilitate the request.

    I think she will be considered easy and accessible no matter where she goes now.

    Odd how the two having the sex get talked to and the video guy faces court. He is a minor also I think this will quietly be forgotten.

    In my opinion the parents of the girl should go after her sex buddy.

    "In my opinion the parents of the girl should go after her sex buddy."...................

    What a ridiculous thing to say! If it was consensual sex then nobody [or both] were to blame.

  3. A mate and I got sucked into a bar one afternoon with the offer of first drink free by a spruiker in the street. We had the free one and then bought one more each and then decided to leave. The bill should have been for 2 drinks but was for 6. Two ladies had come to sit with us but we did not buy them a drink. They sat uninvited by us. We refused to pay for more than 2 drinks and immediately there were about 8 guys all around us looking very threatening. WELL it looked like we would have to pay. That moment half of an Aussie football team on an end of season trip walked in. I had a word with them and things got tense for a moment, I handed over cash for 2 drinks and we left. Close call.

  4. As someone who has lived in Thailand and traveled all over for many years I am tired of the constant attacks this place gets. Anyone who have been around knows of far worse places that just because of their affiliations are ignored.

    Don't get me wrong we all want these majestic creatures back in the wild and no one want to see acts of cruelty, but

    1. Would you prefer the animal dead or alive?

    2. I have never seen evidence of drugging here and I have been many times and while I am no expert it does not take one to see when an animal is drugged, and I grisly believe they are not

    3. We all know bad press is better than good

    4. I cannot believe the vast number of European volunteers at the temple would allow cruelty to prevail

    5. I would imagine most of those posting here have never even been

    6. It appears to me as with 90% of the posts on here it's another opportunity to skate the country. To those I say if it really is as you say then please go home and let those who understand and enjoy the life here live it with out your sour mouthed comments.

    As far as I can see from my many visits to the temple things get better every time and it's about time the sandals touting hippie community found something else to moan about if you don't like something don't do it

    Are you one of the monks who work there?? Otherwise - you poor demented soul.

  5. This planet has already suffered thru five or six mass extinction events, and nothing we humans do will prevent another such event.

    With an estimated 99.9% of all species lost during the time span of the planet, what is demonstrated is that life will return... Maybe not in the way we see it, and maybe not including humans anyway

    So don't worry, the sky isn't falling on your head, (not yet anyway.)

    Possible cause of another extinction event do indeed include human activity..... But... It has also been put forward that aliens will be responsible for the next such event. (The leader of Scientology l. Ron Hubbard, even put this thought forward in one of his books, which was made into a movie starring John travolta )

    It's a quandary.... To stop aliens, we need to advance significantly with our technology, which undoubtedly will result in the loss of more species

    Don't get me wrong.... I do not support the killing of endangered species... I actually believe , in the main, that humans should consume items that they have grown or bred for consumption

    Seeing large amounts of elephant tusks, makes us imagine large amounts of dead elephants, killed for those tusk, which is tragic... And poachers should be hunted down and exterminated.... And this indeed can be done thru DNA testing... That it might take a month, or a year, doesn't really matter in the bigger, hundreds of millions of years picture, wherein the planet has died and been reborn

    Realistically, the loss of elephants wifi mean that there are less large pathways for other animals to use... Yep... That's about it... Luckily, knowing this, humans can take over that role with machinery

    Loss of whales might increase the amount of fish in the ocean, which means more fish for humans

    Apparently the loss of bees, is the most significant extinction that can happen, in a man made extinction event, as pollination will be reduced, and foods become less... But.... Humans, through technological advances can do a bees job, and already are, through GM foods and higher yields

    So loosing a few species here and there, won't hurt to much, as we have seen this over the last few thousand years, where extinction levels have increase at a far far higher rate than is normal... Yep... Normal... And we are still here and thriving

    So, I would suggest that extinction of certain species has a more emotional significance, than a practical one.

    I believe that it is undeniable that humans need to continue to advance technologically, ( after all, we have aliens to fight) and this will continue to cause the loss ( extinction) of more species, but as long as research can tell us the impact of that event, humans will continue to survive.... And for humans, life is all about survival.

    That said..., we do need to be proactive in reducing the rate of extinction events, hence my comment about killing the poachers, just like they did a few hundred years ago, if a commoner was caught fishing in a noblemans stream, or hunting in a noblemans forest, he would be executed or maimed ( eyes gouged out was a favorite)

    Anyway... It would seem that as humans, we should support scientists with financial donations, and kick green peace to the. Kerb.

    Moderators will you please move this post to the "looney" forum.

  6. I despair for the future of our planet. Mankind has caused and is causing the extinction of countless species. The damage we do is evil and is permanent. It is humans who should be exterminated if our world is to continue as the beautiful place it once was. Elephants, tigers, turtles, rhinos....the list is endless that humanity is quickly destroying. We pollute our seas, our land, our air. Australia is destroying its Great Barrier Reef, China is poisoning itself, Indonesia is smoking out the world every year. Climate change is really occurring and all we do is fart around [no pun intended] and continue to poison and pollute and exterminate the only world we will ever have. The sooner we get another ebola/sars/AIDS/ malaria that wipes us out - the better.

    Mankind is the ONLY species on Earth that can be described as EVIL.

    Perhaps then, in the first step of getting rid of evil you should check out! whistling.gif

    You are a total pessimist, not facing reality and not likely to help change anything for the better. Fortunately not everyone is like you - many people are trying to make change for the better and succeeding. You have no sense of history or understanding how "nature" works. Do you really believe that at the end of the last Ice Age, humanity was responsible for the warming of the planet? And how many elephants, tigers, turtles, rhino etc were around then? Many species were wiped out as a result of the Ice Age and many did not survive the end of the Ice Age either. Evolution, my dumb pessimist, is at work. Nature gave us the Great Barrier Reef and nature will take it away. China is now starting to take steps to stop poisoning itself and the list goes on. Our Earth continually evolves with or without the help of humans. So, stop being a pathetic part of the problem and become a part of the solution! coffee1.gif

    WOW! ..........Touch a guilty nerve did I????

  7. I despair for the future of our planet. Mankind has caused and is causing the extinction of countless species. The damage we do is evil and is permanent. It is humans who should be exterminated if our world is to continue as the beautiful place it once was. Elephants, tigers, turtles, rhinos....the list is endless that humanity is quickly destroying. We pollute our seas, our land, our air. Australia is destroying its Great Barrier Reef, China is poisoning itself, Indonesia is smoking out the world every year. Climate change is really occurring and all we do is fart around [no pun intended] and continue to poison and pollute and exterminate the only world we will ever have. The sooner we get another ebola/sars/AIDS/ malaria that wipes us out - the better.

    Mankind is the ONLY species on Earth that can be described as EVIL.

    The planet has survived for billions of years and will continue to do so. Various species die at the rate of 200 to 2000 per year (various theories). Don't despair for the planet. It will be fine when the humans are gone.

    You are correct however I am a sentimental old bugger and would like to see some of these magnificent species and habitats hang around a bit longer and not have man hasten their demise due to his greed. It is possible that if man continues on his merry global warming, polluting, fouling and nuclear spree we may render our planet uninhabitable for anything at all.

    Discounting collisions with asteroids etc. natural extinctions take millennia to occur. Man causes them to happen in less than a century if not quicker.

    However thank you for your attempt to cheer me up.

  8. 281 tusks means about 140 elephants were killed for no reason except for greed.

    Those that buy ivory carvings and such are just as guilty as those who do the killing.

    Does not 100% mean they killed the elephants.

    If you wish to be so pedantic you could claim that 281 tusks means 140 and a 1/2 elephants. You know that near enough to all of them were killed. We have all seen the documentaries.

  9. I despair for the future of our planet. Mankind has caused and is causing the extinction of countless species. The damage we do is evil and is permanent. It is humans who should be exterminated if our world is to continue as the beautiful place it once was. Elephants, tigers, turtles, rhinos....the list is endless that humanity is quickly destroying. We pollute our seas, our land, our air. Australia is destroying its Great Barrier Reef, China is poisoning itself, Indonesia is smoking out the world every year. Climate change is really occurring and all we do is fart around [no pun intended] and continue to poison and pollute and exterminate the only world we will ever have. The sooner we get another ebola/sars/AIDS/ malaria that wipes us out - the better.

    Mankind is the ONLY species on Earth that can be described as EVIL.

  10. Think the person in the black car was quite polite to crash the car over the railing instead of crashing into the white SUV cowardly 'running off'.

    But it was a flash...darn; maybe the white car driver didn't even realize what happened.

    Edit: At least the dash cam driver stopped and might have a helping hand???

    Why are you 3 posters so far so quick to criticise? The white car was on a sharp bend and on double lines and unable to get off the road because of the cement barrier. He/she was possibly moving around the bend to a safe place to park. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Really, and there are even others here than like that comment??

    <deleted> unbelievable.

    Where I come from people would stop right there and then. You're talking about human life, It's instinct to just stop and help.

    The person in the white car could have and should have stopped if they had an ounce of compassion and care! but I suddenly remember a report here on TV where I bus driver flattened a motorcycle rider around Silom, had a peek over his side window and drove off.. the victim apparently died... then again TIT!!!

    There is not much point to parking stupidly and causing another accident is there? Grow up and use your head instead of reacting with your bigotry in control.

  11. Think the person in the black car was quite polite to crash the car over the railing instead of crashing into the white SUV cowardly 'running off'.

    But it was a flash...darn; maybe the white car driver didn't even realize what happened.

    Edit: At least the dash cam driver stopped and might have a helping hand???

    Why are you 3 posters so far so quick to criticise? The white car was on a sharp bend and on double lines and unable to get off the road because of the cement barrier. He/she was possibly moving around the bend to a safe place to park. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

  12. The trucks on the "fast lane" (is there such a thing in Thailand?) drive there because the other lane is broken. But I never bother about them, just drive around them. It is really easy most of the time.

    On the other hand, sometimes there are 3-4 buses in row which are driving around 110km/h and it is really hard to overtake them because they think they own the road.

    Flashing lights to press the other driver out of the way is bad behavior and most drivers who do this also tailgaiting. I only do this at night to show to the left lane drivers that I am coming wink.png.

    Overall, I think it is really nice and easy to drive in Thailand.

    If the buses are doing 110kph then you should not be trying to overtake them. You are already at or over the speed limit. Seems to me you are as bad as those this poster is complaining about.

  13. I suggest you do not miss Boklua in the North of Nan province. It is another Pai before it was discovered. Scenery unbelievable, hill tribes, nature. There is a nice little place to stay called Boklua View Resort. and if you go order the ckicken makwan in their restaurant. From Nan city there are 2 ways to get there Nan - Santisuk - Boklua or Nan - Pua - Boklua. The Santisuk road is not so mountainous and an easier drive but the Pua road is the way to go for the most spectacular scenery in Thailand. I cannot wait to go again.

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