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Posts posted by Trentham

  1. I hope the "abstinence from sex" will also apply to heterosexual donors. They carry just as many blood borne diseases.

    No they don't. There is a much higher risk for homo men. If it is political correct or not, it is a fact.

    Can you fully comprehend the English language???

    The word "diseases" is in the plural. It has an "s" on the end. What I wrote still stands.

    If you wish to be specific about HIV then take a look at that in straight people in Africa. There are stupendous numbers of heterosexuals who are HIV positive on that continent.

  2. I refuse to buy any Apple product. They are a company without morals.

    Oh I'm not so sure about that... One of the Morals appears to be... supply the consumer with the highest quality product...

    Of course, many will disagree... however, I use both a Windows PC (for work) 2, of them actually, and a MacBook for personal use... I have many more issues with the Windows OS crashing, hanging, requiring updates etc... its just a pain in the neck.

    Your understanding of the meaning of "moral" is questionable as is Apple's corporate behaviour.

  3. I have posted this before. It is part of an email from one of my partners in a business in Nan...............

    Well, we did get the car. Last Wednesday. We had to go through all sorts of rigmarole of course – drive it out of the showroom at noon precisely (for good luck); visit the grandaughter of the last king of Nan for good luck; arriving at 12.09 for good luck; parking the car in her garden with all the doors open (to let the good luck in, along with the red ants and mozzies); then to the temple to have it and us splashed with water for good luck; then driving out of town to the first temple in Nan and circling it (tooting, first of course) for good luck; and then driving back with good luck temple threads hanging from the steering wheel and the rear vision mirror. So much good luck. Then that first night T... drives it up the bungalows driveway and demolishes the brick pillars and salt pan at the top. So, the next day (which is when I found out about it) his mother kills a chicken and we go to a jungle temple and the good luck process starts all over again. I asked him if I could get my 500bt back from the monk in Nan.

  4. Living in Thailand sure opens one's eyes to local prejudices... this isn't about sexual orientation, it's about discriminating against rich farangs! Have they even tried offering more baht? Buyer beware when in a "business" environment without any regulations.

    But on the flip side, why are these characters buying designer pets when the shelters are putting down soi dogs? The orphanages here are overflowing and it would be so easy to go and pick up one of the million babies that are just looking for someone to love them!

    Be careful "Dirty" your sexism is showing!

    Why do you not suggest that straight couples also adopt soi dogs instead of producing designer babies as well.

    My comment was about this story involving this particular couple. But let me clear the air and state that ALL couples need to really look inside themselves when deciding on the use of a surrogate - with all the children out there needing love, forcing another into existence is, IMHO, selfish.

    I also thought about commenting on the other post, but decided best not to feed the bridge dwellers. Seriously, all the scientific proof is out there in psychology and sociology journals, guess it's easier to listen to someone's interpretation of a 4000 year old book (that's been edited more times than anyone can remember)? In today's age of free and easily accessible information, it's mind boggling the number of people that choose to be ignorant.

    It's not ignorance. It's called an opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, not just the liberal PC brigade.

    I presume you are a real teacher. You should know then that an opinion based on lack of knowledge or lack of intelligence is still IGNORANCE.

  5. Living in Thailand sure opens one's eyes to local prejudices... this isn't about sexual orientation, it's about discriminating against rich farangs! Have they even tried offering more baht? Buyer beware when in a "business" environment without any regulations.

    But on the flip side, why are these characters buying designer pets when the shelters are putting down soi dogs? The orphanages here are overflowing and it would be so easy to go and pick up one of the million babies that are just looking for someone to love them!

    Be careful "Dirty" your sexism is showing!

    Why do you not suggest that straight couples also adopt soi dogs instead of producing designer babies as well.

  6. Millions of Blacks, Gays and Gypsies, disabled people and people with mental issues died alongside the Jews in the ovens and gas chambers. But in the dozens of movies I have seen regarding the holocaust no mention of those others has ever been made. WHY? because the Jews own Hollywood. They want to wring their hands and tell how they suffered and do not care or ever mention the others who also suffered.

    Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, South American tribes, Eastern European peoples, the list is endless, have also suffered as horrifically under various despots but who cares???

    It is always the JEWS, JEWS, JEWS.

  7. I don't think the people of Ukraine or the rest of the nations of the former USSR have recovered the 70 million they lost as a result of the Bolchevick revolution and its aftermath. Perhaps Hollywood will get around to making a movie or two about this?

    I wonder if Hollywood could make a movie of the decimation of the Australian Aboriginal people too.

  8. When was the last time a southern Baptist beheaded another?

    When was the last time a southern Baptist planted a bomb anywhere?

    When was the last time a southern Baptist destroyed a passenger plane in flight?

    Need I go on to dispell your ridiculous post?

    Islamic radicals are driving the Islamic world. The silent majority are immaterial.

    They are subtle. they spout their rhetoric and incite others to action.

  9. The suspected killer, she added, "isn't a Muslim in my opinion."

    Bull****. Your "suspected killer" IS the modern face of Islam.

    You and the one person who clicked like so far are part of the reason terrorists [ not Muslims] want to kill us.

    Who are "us" you talk about ... ? Please dont include me with your red lefties - These traitors are the reason Europe soon is a Dead-zone with civil-war ...

    Now you guys have to make up your minds. Am I a Fascist or a Red Lefty?

  10. Somebody was shot and wounded with a gun in US! I am shocked and speechless (nearly) how something like this could possibly happen.

    These ignorant anti-gun morons only ever come out of the woodwork when someone gets shot in America.

    30 people gunned down on a beach in Tunisia - not one peep out of the anti-gun fascists about Tunisia's gun laws. Certainly, lots of "Let's not get carried away with Islamaphobia" is mentioned. But no one even realized a single person lawfully carrying a gun on the beach at that time could have stopped this shooter early and saved dozens of lives.

    The fact is, the anti-gun nutters are clearly racist.

    Only when the shooter is white do we hear this guns are evil propoganda BS.

    Muslim shooter, silence

    Black shooter, silence.

    Shooting occuring outside of the US, silence.

    The only people opposed to Americans lawfully owning guns, are anti-American racists.


    You must be what they call a "REDNECK".

    I suspect you've been brainswashed by CNN and US media.

    Where were you when 12 French people were shot dead by Muslim gunmen, was anyone calling for stricter French Guns laws then?

    Have we heard anyone asking for Tunisia to ban guns? What about Syrian gun laws? Or Mexican gun laws? Gun crimes in those countries are ok, right? But lets punish those law abiding citizens that own guns in America instead.

    The only time racist fascists like you ever talk about guns are evil, so let's ban them, is when it happens in America. And even then, if it's black killing blacks you close your eyes or blame it on whites for turning blacks into criminals.

    I stand by what I said. One person on that beach in Tunisia with a gun could have saved dozens of lives. The fact that one person was shot in SF, does not mean lawful owners should not have the right to defend their lives.

    Call me a redneck if you want, but I ain't no hypocrite.

    Keep on writing, the world would be laughing at you if you were not such a sad specimen of humanity. Have you read about the Australian shooting tragedy at Port Arthur and what PM John Howard did after that? The results have been outstanding.

    You have revealed your own racism, not mine by your mention of Black Americans and also revealed your own dislike of then with your own fascist comment.

    And for the way you have deduced that I am a fascist by reading my 3 little sentences defies belief and once again exposes your true racist and fascist nature.

  11. Only as much as Breivik is the face of modern Christianity.

    Ridiculous . Breivik is a man-bites-dog example that is rejected by Christians. There is nothing in the New Testament that would justify his act nor in the life example of Jesus. Any abuses in Christianity came centuries after the death of Jesus. In contrast the prophet Mohammad led more than 150 wars of aggression and what were essentially pirate raids where victims were murdered, enslaved, forced to convert to Islam and robbed of their women and possessions. There is absolutely no comparison in Christianity. The holy books of Islam are replete with hundreds of verses urging violent jihad violence against infidels such as this:

    Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" ( No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.)

    Brevick was mentally ill with no support by Christians; whereas IS and violent jihadists have considerable support in the Muzz world that has been revealed in numerous MSM polling. Recently 16% of French citizens voiced there sympathy for IS in polls reported by Newsweek Magazine. Obviously this support is from the Muzz community in France. Polls in the Muslim world and in the West of muslims reveal high levels of support for terrorism; as it conforms to the teaching of their religion.

    "There is absolutely no comparison in Christianity." My God [no pun intended] just have a look at the antics of America's Southern Baptists.

  12. Somebody was shot and wounded with a gun in US! I am shocked and speechless (nearly) how something like this could possibly happen.

    These ignorant anti-gun morons only ever come out of the woodwork when someone gets shot in America.

    30 people gunned down on a beach in Tunisia - not one peep out of the anti-gun fascists about Tunisia's gun laws. Certainly, lots of "Let's not get carried away with Islamaphobia" is mentioned. But no one even realized a single person lawfully carrying a gun on the beach at that time could have stopped this shooter early and saved dozens of lives.

    The fact is, the anti-gun nutters are clearly racist.

    Only when the shooter is white do we hear this guns are evil propoganda BS.

    Muslim shooter, silence

    Black shooter, silence.

    Shooting occuring outside of the US, silence.

    The only people opposed to Americans lawfully owning guns, are anti-American racists.


    You must be what they call a "REDNECK".

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