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Posts posted by Trentham

  1. In 2005 I went to Rutnin eye hospital for a check-up - everything was OK. A few week later I had a bad headache for a few days. I went to another big hospital nearby and they diagnosed early onset Alzheimer's. I was talked into MRI's and other expensive treatment which included 6 powerful drugs that sent me close to crazy. After a few weeks of madness I took myself off the drugs and suffered severe withdrawals. They then told me the headaches were due to acute angle glaucoma and did laser surgery. That then led to endless visits [probably 15 times] for check-ups at 3000 baht per time. On a trip home to Australia I went to see an ophthalmologist who told me once you have laser surgery you DO NOT need to go for checks. And I obviously do not have Alzheimer's now 11 years on.

    I had been overdoing the weights and had a bad pain in my shoulder. I went to another big hospital that Westerners frequent in the Silom area and was told I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I had weeks of treatment on a machine that stretched my neck every day. It did not help. Home to Oz again and found it was a damaged rotator cuff.

    Back to Thailand and I had stomach pain. I went to the same "close to Silom hospital" who told me I had reflux and for a year treated me with Nexium. I presented myself at that hospital on two occasions at 3.00 AM in extreme pain. Once they put me on a drip which stopped the pain. The other occasion they gave me a suppository and told me I was constipated. I had another trip home and went to a doctor in Oz to get a script for Nexium. He said "no" and the following week I was in Royal Melbourne Hospital having half of my pancreas removed due to cancer and yes I am one of the 2 or 3 percent who survive it.

    I could keep writing about the experiences of friends here but won't bore you.

    HOWEVER please think carefully before you ever seek important treatment here in Thailand.

  2. Farang yes i am a farang. Many Thais call me farang.

    Is it offensive or not? Who cares ? Not me.

    Thais who know me call me by my name. Thais who dont know me call me farang.

    It is better than Thais saying YOU YOU when they speak to me.

    You should not be offended when Thais call out You. You. They have merely translated one of the words - คุณ - that mean mister. They are being polite.

  3. Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

    No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

    The word faggot does indeed mean a piece of firewood. The reason gay people are called that is because they were once burnt at the stake for being gay. In other words, treated as a piece of firewood. It is offensive in the extreme for gay people, the implication being that they should be burnt alive.

    So for the several posters so far who used the word or defended its use I trust that one day in hell you may enjoy the same experience.

  4. Depends on your perspective.

    To the native Australians, it was an invasion.

    To the settlers it was Terra Nullus, empty land as they didn't consider the natives to be human.

    Another ridiculous and unintelligent response. It has nothing to do with your perspective. The land was not Terra Nullius. It was occupied by 500,000 to 750,000 people who, in the ensuing years, were enslaved, murdered, dispossessed of their land, raped and in Tasmania's case, almost exterminated, in other words - genocide.

  5. And if nobody had ever gone to Australia and to this day it was only inhabited by Aborigines,what would it now be like ? All modern ? Or what

    Your question is irrelevant to the topic. It is beside the point whether modern or not.

    The question under discussion is if Aboriginal Australia was invaded or not? I believe it was whether or not it was being used as a penal colony. There were many marines present at the first landing. They took Aboriginal land and began to exterminate them - not immediately - but that is what they did. The British gave them gifts of poisoned flour, went on hunting parties and shot them like hunted animals. They almost completely exterminated the entire Tasmanian population.When it became no longer acceptable to just kill them outright there was an attempt to breed them out. The Aborigines tried to fight them but spears were no match for guns. THEY WERE INVADED.

  6. Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

    We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

    Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

    We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

    Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

    When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

    Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

    See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

    Why is that then ??

    Why do some posters consistently make pronouncements here without checking the facts?

    There are 1000's of people in Australia who claim some aboriginal ancestry. The town I came from had many and almost nobody tried to hide it.

    My g.g.g. grandmother [Elizabeth Cole] was one of the first 300 white women in Oz arriving on the first fleet however I often say to my friends I wish I had some aboriginal blood so that I could claim to be truly Australian.

    And do you not know that the term "abo" is offensive or perhaps you do not care?

  7. It was an invasion and an attempt after a time to "breed out the aboriginal race." The Australian government supported a white Australia policy and also the taking of aboriginal babies from their parents right up to the 1960's. In the late 1950's my sister's best friend was one of those stolen children.

    My g.g.g. grandmother was a convict on that first fleet.

    Not quite on topic but I once heard an Indian man interviewed on the radio. He said............

    “England gave us steam trains and the Westminster system of government and for that we are grateful, but,” he added with a touch of bitterness "the English are so arrogant. They say they discovered India in 1597, but we knew it was there all the time.”

  8. Students are being encouraged to use the term "invaded" rather than "settled" or "discovered", and avoid the word "Aborigines".

    I do not think that those that were forced there on prison ships would agree with your terminology.

    Yes, the convicts were transported against their will, with the vast majority of them never to see their families and homes again. It's a crime against humanity, no matter how you dress it up, even looking back with modern eyes and sensibilities.

    Which makes it even sadder that these transported convicts, once winning their 'ticket of leave', couldn't wait to join the land grab their 'betters' had instigated while they were still serving their sentences. Wouldn't you have thought they, of all people, would have had an empathy for a people disposed?

    Terra Nullius indeed.

    At the time of the prison ships, Australia's population is estimated to have been around 5000. I do not think that there would have been many land grabs or people being dispossessed.

    I take it that is what you meant and not people being disposed of.

    You are so wrong!

    Summary of the decade

    In 1787 Lord Sydney (1733–1800) of the British Colonial Office in Great Britain gave instructions to Governor Arthur Phillip (1738–1814) to establish a penal colony on the Dutch-named land, New Holland. He was also ordered to open friendly communications with the local Indigenous peoples and encourage the convicts and marines to show them kindness. His instructions required giving protection to Indigenous people and punishing those who harmed them. There is no evidence of any acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples' ownership of the land.

    At this time, the Indigenous population of Australia is estimated to have been approximately between 500,000 and 750,000 people. The size and distribution of populations are always an informed estimate. There were more than 250 distinct language groups across Australia, each group with their own land, language and culture.


  9. I've noticed a load of people turning up here, taunting and insulting the Christian message and people with Christian beliefs. Notice nobody (or very few) has come here to taunt the non-believers.

    What would it look like if people taunted the non-believers ? How about this ?

    Oh look, if the whole thing is rubbish, well, Christians can still live their lives with a false sense of security and happiness. A delusion is a delusion, yes, but if he never 'wakes up' from that delusion, well, what is the problem ?

    A religious man believes that he is going to the eternal resting home after death. This is because he believes that Jesus died on Good Friday, and rose again. Yes, salvation is based on the cross and ressurection. And so, stay happy during life, knowing (thinking) that there is an eternal home for him after death.

    An atheist reckons that there is no place after death, it's all over at death. Now, if atheism is true, well, death happens to all of us, Christians will only 'realise' there is no eternal home for them after death once they've died.

    And that is IF atheism is true. And what if it is not ? To all atheists, what if Jesus was put on a cross and actually did die on Good Friday, and He did rise from the dead later on ? Then what ? You might be finding out after your death.

    In other words, if you're an atheist, if you're right, there's no problems for believers. But if you've got it wrong, you might/will have a problem after your physical death on earth.

    I don't wish to taunt atheists and non-believers, but I'm tempted to do it when I see some of the posts here.

    As for taunting, what is it that Christians do when they knock on your door and tell you that you are a sinner??? What is it when evangelists scream at you that you are going to burn in hell fire because of your evil ways???

    Oh give me a break.

    If I wake after death to find God there condemning me for having no faith then I will remind him that he gave me the brain to figure things out for myself and if what I figured was wrong then it is his fault, not mine. I shall also tell him, before he directs me towards Hell's gate that he promised us that he is a forgiving god....... so what about it?

  10. Isn't it grand that we can have loaded discussions about Christianity without risking getting our heads chopped off! clap2.gif

    Personally, I don't really care what you believe or don't believe as long as you don't impose your dogma on others.

    Personally I do not care either. An earlier poster says I resort to snide sarcasm. That is true. I confess to my sin ha ha. I hope now that I am forgiven. I believe that way back when we were crawling out of the trees and were totally confounded by in-explainable phenomena such as earthquakes, lightning and thunder, eclipses etc. some men found a way to use those things to their advantage by claiming to control them and threaten people with them. People believed in a supernatural answer to these phenomena because there was no other answer. Thus was born religion.

    If Jesus as the son of God is true then ask yourselves why did not God also send a saviour to the Eskimos, the Australian aborigines, the primitive tribes in the north of Europe and South America and so on? Why was it only to the Jews in the Middle East?

    As was mentioned earlier, the Catholic Church basically invented Christianity. Christianity is only based upon what the bible tells us and earlier posters have already shown that to be unreliable. However the church has plowed on with its invention and invented Purgatory, sainthood, the ability to pray to Mary and the saints, holy water and countless other rites and sacraments that are nowhere mentioned by Jesus.

    The Catholics claim the infallibility of the Pope and his leadership ordained by the laying on of hands passed down since the apostle Peter first, was supposed do do it. But has not that continuity of line been broken by many of the popes who were in no way holy, killing people, fathering children, starting wars and on and on.

    Now we have countless Christian religions and sects who all claim to be the right one in their interpretations of the bible. We have the church leaders guilty of the horrific abuse of children in their care and it is vast and widespread and has been going on for centuries.

    SO call me snide and sarcastic. If I could have my way with the church I would be much worse than that. However I know that I fight a losing battle because humanity's fear of death is such a powerful psychological driver to a belief in something more than the empty void that awaits us after death.

    Just don't try and ram the sh.t down my throat and forgive me if I am angry about all the horror, evil and crime the church is responsible for committing.

  11. Written proof but no hard evidence. Do you believe in Snow White and the seven dwarves, that's also written


    When someone wrote that something he did was witnessed by a gathering of 5,000 people, and wrote it when those witnesses were alive, he would have been laughed out of the country if it wasn't true. That type of thing happened a number of times and never were those writings condemned.

    I really think you should let up on your comments because you obviously haven't really studied any part of the history.

    He really did live, he really did travel around to speak to people and sometimes it was thousands of people. He had so much impact that he started a new religion called Christianity. Scholars at the time wrote volumes about him called The New Testament. I truly have never met a scholar of any persuasion who argues that he didn't exist.


    You had better check up on history too. Much of the New Testament was not written for up to 300 years after Christ died.

  12. A thread like this, too much to expect any respect for others' beliefs, obviously

    And in Thailand:http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1458816454&section=14&typecate=06

    BANGKOK While one should not expect egg hunts or marshmallow bunnies in Buddhist-majority Thailand, Easter is still strictly observed in a 300-year-old Catholic enclave in one of the capitals historic riverside quarters.

    The community clustered around the Church of Immaculate Conception still marks each Good Friday with a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of the Christian messiah known as a Passion Play.

    Founded by some of the first Portuguese to reach the Kingdom of Ayutthaya in the 17th century, the community and its members have staged Passion Plays for an uncertain length of time; locals say it has been generations.


    And locally, here in Chanthaburi, Stations of the Cross held at the cathedral in the city last evening

    Not for me, but I respect their beliefs, as do the community here



    A thread like this, too much to expect any respect for others' beliefs, obviously.................................Your pomposity astounds me.

    Well what about the respect that Christians have for me and others? Where was the respect for me when I was a little boy and was made to put on a long red dress and a lacy white blouse and serve before the altar. Where is the respect for me when every few months the Jehovah's Witnesses knock on my door and argue with me? Where is the respect shown by thousands upon thousands of Catholic priests when they f... little boys? Where is the respect shown by the KKK, acting under the flaming cross and murdering people in the name of God?

    Do you want me to continue because I could write a book on the lack of respect that Christians show to non Christians or non believers?

  13. There are also written records which suggest he wasnt crucified / died or resurected, therefore there is no premise for Christianity

    I could accept that the person concerned from a historical perspective being a Jewish terrorist in Romes eyes, and he may or may not have been executed for his actions against the Roman state, the rest of it, son of of god, resurection etc is all Walt Disney, fairy stories for adults

    I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views.

    However, they are views. Views come from all kinds of sources, written, spoken, gossip etc. Some sources also come from visions during prayer.

    Scientists will admit that they know less than 10% of what happens in the human mind, they freely describe their knowledge of the human mind as "the tip of an iceberg." Scientific knowledge about mind-related visionary effects is even more sketchy. Scientists do not have explanations for the 3D Stereo dreams you have at night, or indeed the 3D Stereo memories you might have, of things that occurred 50 years ago. Science can not explain dreams or memories, these most non-contentious facts of our daily lives. So how could they possibly hope to explain religious visions?

    Many sceptics have become devout Christians after having visions, in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes, depicting scenes from a book they have never read, or film versions they have never seen.

    I have had visions, and I am in no way special, they are more common than many people in today's world may think. My faith is based more on my visions than on what other people have written. I believe that Satan was cast down, and the world became his kingdom. However, he envied Jesus, because Jesus was still all-powerful, and safe from harm. Jesus chose to become mortal, weak, and exposed to all the evil and harm. God and the angels were dead against this move, but Jesus was to show the world some things that will be remembered forever. He cast aside all his power, and embraced fragile mortality, in the life of a poor and humble fishing family. He was inviting all the evils of the underworld to take their best shot, which he would face with courage and humility, with nothing but cloth and ligament to protect him.

    His words and actions that followed, are still the most beautiful words and actions, and they will be remembered forever. If we choose to listen to those words, is of course another matter, and is always a truly personal choice.

    I completely respect your views and your right to hold those views ........... Well isn't that nice of you.

    Some sources also come from visions during prayer................ Hallucinations

    in broad daylight and while completely sober. Many people have had vivid real visions of biblical scenes......................... People with schizophrenia do too.

    I believe that Satan was cast down.......................... wow! Delusional.

    God is as real as the Easter Bunny.


  14. 21 years is the maximum penalty the State can impose. He will not see a day of freedom though.

    Solitary confinement would have to be the most inhumane punishment. I doubt any human over time survives without sever mental illness.

    The State is in a difficult position. Deny a person their basic human rights or allow them into an environment that is not as ethically robust as the Norwegian Justice system. I doubt he would survive if put in the general prison population.

    It will be interesting to see what the Court rules and why. They may instruct the prison to modify aspects of his incarceration. It is going to be a difficult balancing act.

    It is unfortunate that the people of Norway have to endure this terrible event re emerging again. As always Norwegians will conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and principles and respect for human life. It is very much part of their culture. A Nation I have great admiration for.

    Thanks for a sensible posting. At least we have one sensible TV member.

  15. The official added that the female student seen in the video wished to move to another school right after exams. He said officials will facilitate the request.

    I think she will be considered easy and accessible no matter where she goes now.

    Odd how the two having the sex get talked to and the video guy faces court. He is a minor also I think this will quietly be forgotten.

    In my opinion the parents of the girl should go after her sex buddy.

    "In my opinion the parents of the girl should go after her sex buddy."...................

    What a ridiculous thing to say! If it was consensual sex then nobody [or both] were to blame.

  16. A mate and I got sucked into a bar one afternoon with the offer of first drink free by a spruiker in the street. We had the free one and then bought one more each and then decided to leave. The bill should have been for 2 drinks but was for 6. Two ladies had come to sit with us but we did not buy them a drink. They sat uninvited by us. We refused to pay for more than 2 drinks and immediately there were about 8 guys all around us looking very threatening. WELL it looked like we would have to pay. That moment half of an Aussie football team on an end of season trip walked in. I had a word with them and things got tense for a moment, I handed over cash for 2 drinks and we left. Close call.

  17. As someone who has lived in Thailand and traveled all over for many years I am tired of the constant attacks this place gets. Anyone who have been around knows of far worse places that just because of their affiliations are ignored.

    Don't get me wrong we all want these majestic creatures back in the wild and no one want to see acts of cruelty, but

    1. Would you prefer the animal dead or alive?

    2. I have never seen evidence of drugging here and I have been many times and while I am no expert it does not take one to see when an animal is drugged, and I grisly believe they are not

    3. We all know bad press is better than good

    4. I cannot believe the vast number of European volunteers at the temple would allow cruelty to prevail

    5. I would imagine most of those posting here have never even been

    6. It appears to me as with 90% of the posts on here it's another opportunity to skate the country. To those I say if it really is as you say then please go home and let those who understand and enjoy the life here live it with out your sour mouthed comments.

    As far as I can see from my many visits to the temple things get better every time and it's about time the sandals touting hippie community found something else to moan about if you don't like something don't do it

    Are you one of the monks who work there?? Otherwise - you poor demented soul.

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