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Posts posted by rabcbroon

  1. find them and point to police

    So the Thai police are not the best people to find them then :) You know - it is the sort of thing police do, investigate and find the criminals. No - oh well :D

    So if you so happened to be forced to watch you wife being rapped by a bunch of nutters in some developing country then you would just feel like playing detecetive. Do you really think like this :D

  2. There are hundreds if not thousands of half Thai kids living in the UK - UK citizens - who speak no thai and consider themselfs Brits. Do you really think that the Thai army could oblige these people to serve. Can you imagine all the Thai kids with ferang fathers who have spent most of their lives in Thailand being obliged to serve in some foreign army because their fathers nationality.

  3. despite of the ordeal, if they wanted justice, they should stay in thailand and help police with their investigation or even try to find the offenders by themselves

    Yes that would be wise. After suffering such a brutal ordeal and having already said the police couldnt give a toss, then they should go looking for these psychopathic nutters themselfs. What are you on?

  4. art.iran.gi.jpg:D

    So in your world this guy the boogey man :)

    Is that Iran's I'm-not-so-bad? My friend spent hours talking with him; she loves him.

    I suppose you understand what your words intend to suggest. Well me i could not hazard a guess :D

    would you care to enlighten us

  5. Never forget man made climate change is NOT proven. It's a scientific theory. IPCC states as much.

    An industry, taxes and caps have emerged from a theory.

    That is a false argument and shows a lack of understanding of how science works. Evolution is also the "theory" but accepted as a valid theory by almost all scientists, except those who are fundamentalist Christians posing as real scientists. My understanding is that man made climate change is accepted by 99 percent of legitimate scientists (excluding oil industry hacks). Maybe you don't care about the future of our species, that's your choice, but don't hide behind false arguments.

    I feel the urge to make a correction here (although threatening someone else's religion is often unwise)

    How science works

    One innovative chap has an idea then goes out to prove it, the other scientists call him names until the proof is so obvious that they give up (but only usually when they have died of old age). The scientist who had this idea will be ridiculed by the rest for most of his life.

    How religion works

    One chap comes up with an idea, then tells everyone else to 'believe' or go to hel_l for eternity. No evidence required. Anyone who disbelieves should be put to death. Those who are undecided are usually also put to death as heretics.

    Of course religion only counts when a large enough percentage of the masses believe in it (99% would be really effective), good science is never achieved by consensus.

    Climate change appears to fit the religion profile at the moment.

    Evolution and God are only a theory, as a scientist I have to say both ideas are full of holes despite a large number of people believing in them (I prefer to go with aliens landed during the Cambrian Explosion, much more fun, just as much supporting evidence). So with climate change, only a theory until evidence has been presented.

    Point being - the evidence being presented has been falsified. The profane still ask why :)

  6. Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book Signing

    print_icon.gifPrinter-friendly versionmail_icon.gifSend to friend November 25, 2009 (LPAC)—Not since Henry Kissinger fled a team of LaRouche organizers, in the back of a delivery truck in New York City's Central Park in the early 1980s, has an obese fascist moved so fast to escape an angry crowd, as Al Gore did today in Chicago. Appearing at a bookstore in the downtown Loop, Gore was confronted by a team of demonstrators from a grass roots group called "We Are Change," as he was signing his latest fascist screed on the global warming swindle. Gore bolted from the bookstore, raced down an alley, jumped into a waiting car, and tried to speed off, with protesters chasing after him and banging on the car. Midwest LYM organizers, who were also on the scene to confront the global warming swindler, provided an eyewitness account of Fat Albert's flight of fear.

    Make no mistake about it. This little encounter is typical of the kinds of things going on all over the country, as the fascists who brought you the near-destruction of the United States and an onrushing global Dark Age, are no longer walking the streets, smug in the belief that they are literally getting away with murder. The mass strike dynamic is playing out in thousands of ways, every day, and the recent revelations about the "smoking gun" emails from the East Anglia University global warming propaganda center, have made Al Gore's life a little more miserable.

    As Percy Shelley wrote in "The Mask of Anarchy," "We are many, they are few."

  7. Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.

    ABC news reports that five frontbenchers from Australia’s opposition Liberal party have resigned their portfolios rather than follow their leader Malcolm Turnbull in voting with Kevin Rudd’s Government on a new Emissions Trading Scheme.

    The Liberal Party is in turmoil with the resignations of five frontbenchers from their portfolios this afternoon in protest against the emissions trading scheme.

    Tony Abbott, Sophie Mirabella, Tony Smith and Senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz have all quit their portfolios because they cannot vote for the legislation.

    Senate whip Stephen Parry has also relinquished his position.

    The ETS is Australia’s version of America’s proposed Cap and Trade and the EU’s various carbon reduction schemes: a way of taxing business on its CO2 output. As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia’s industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia’s vast reserves of coal. It is correspondingly extremely unpopular with Aussie’s outside the pinko, libtard metropolitan fleshpots.

    Though the ETS squeaked narrowly through Australia’s House of Representatives, its Senate is proving more robust – thanks not least to the widespread disgust by the many Senators who have read Professor Plimer’s book Heaven And Earth at the dishonesty and corruption of the AGW industry. If the Senate keeps rejecting the scheme, then the Australian government will be forced to dissolve.

    For the rapidly increasing number of us who believe that AGW is little more than a scheme by bullying eco-fascists to deprive us of our liberty, by big government to spread its controlling tentacles into every aspect our lives, and scheming industrialists such as Al Gore to enrich themselves through carbon trading, this principled act by Australia’s Carbon Five is fantastic news.

  8. a $3000 diamond is actually only worth a fraction of that. Probably $300 for resale.

    Really, a diamond loses 90% of its value after you buy it??? What is that based on?

    fact :)

    Rule of Thumb : you will not be surprised to hear that we have a quick "rule of thumb" which will give you a rough and ready guide as to how much to expect. We tend to say about 10 - 15% of the valuation, or retail, price. We used to reckon about 25% to 33% but retail mark-ups seem to have increased in the past few years. Please don't use this as an absolute figure, it is only a guideline.

    Little snippet from a quick search

  9. Sophie Freeman

    Daily Mail

    Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    Health Secretary Andy Burnham is urging the nation to stop eating meat in a bid to save the planet.

    Speaking at the launch of a new report on how rising temperatures will affect the public, Mr Burnham said eating a more vegetarian diet would cut the impact of livestock on the climate – as well as improve health by lowering the amount of saturated fat consumed.

    The Health Secretary is supporting calls for a 30 per cent reduction in the number of farm animals bred for meat.

  10. prominent scientist has called for criminal prosecutions to be brought against the UN affiliated scientists involved in what has been termed “ClimateGate”.

    Australian geologist and long time opponent of anthropogenic global warming theory, Ian Plimer, has condemned what he describes as “alarmism underpinned by fraud”.

    “This behavior is that of criminals and all the data from the UK Hadley Centre and the US GISS must now be rejected. These crooks perpetrated these crimes at the expense of the British and U.S. taxpayers.”

    Plimer writes in a commentary piece.

    “The same crooks control the IPCC and the fraudulent data in IPCC reports. The same crooks meet in Copenhagen next week and want 0.7% of the Western world’s GDP to pass through an unelected UN government, and then on to sticky fingers in the developing world.” Plimer continues.

    He points out that the emails intimate that figures were manipulated to cover up the medieval warming period, and continued global cooling, in addition to artificially inflated data to emphasize warming during the 20th century

  11. ^I hope I didnt let you down. But seriously the true meaning behind Christmas has been totally lost in all this retail crap that goes on. I bet if you asked half the children around these days about christmas they would talk about things like toys and mommy getting drunk down at the trailer park & coming home with 3 daddies and so forth. :):D


  12. I love xmas too. But what about this miserable git:

    POST BAG Christmas nightmare

    [*]Published: 25/11/2009 at 12:00 AM


    It's really insane to be confronted all over Bangkok in all the shopping malls with the Christmas Nightmare and Santa Claus Syndrome. Why are we being attacked so early with the same stupid Christmas songs (White Christmas, Jingle Bells, etc) staged by screaming kids and some old guys from another country, when we are still suffering ear damage from last year?

    Thailand is a nice country with many beautiful trees and other natural products you can display in the shopping malls until Christmas arrives in December. But now we are being attacked with the most funny and ugly Christmas Trees all over Bangkok and really far too early _ the real Christmas feeling in the Western world starts between Dec 1 and 5 and lasts till Dec 26. Then it is over, but in some places may go on till the end of January so we may still need to pull the plugs by ourselves in the shopping malls, to be freed finally of all the Christmas noise.

    I think Thailand and the Thai people have better and nicer things to show in the malls than this nightmare returning every year.


  13. Make your own

    Glass of water

    Loads of sugar

    A few of them pesky little ants (find there way into anythin)

    Give it a big shake


    Get a few big bites and a night crawler to go with it and you have got yourself a good night.

    These threads are getting worse by the day :)

    I think a slice of lemon would be needed to have that authentic spritey taste :D

  14. well, we could change our way of life, and if there is no global warming, we would have done something positive anyway.

    or, we could change our way of life, and if there is global warming, we would act against that.

    btw: http://copenhagendiagnosis.org/

    Well - we will indeed change our way of life.


    Question is: WHEN???

    Some illnesses can be cured, if proper treatment will be done timely.

    Yes thats true my friend - blindness can be cured if treated timely.

  15. well, we could change our way of life, and if there is no global warming, we would have done something positive anyway.

    or, we could change our way of life, and if there is global warming, we would act against that.

    btw: http://copenhagendiagnosis.org/

    Well - we will indeed change our way of life.


    Question is: WHEN???

    Some illnesses can be cured, if proper treatment will be done timely.

    Yes thats true my friend - blindness can be cured if treated timely

  16. well, we could change our way of life, and if there is no global warming, we would have done something positive anyway.

    or, we could change our way of life, and if there is global warming, we would act against that.

    btw: http://copenhagendiagnosis.org/

    Well - we will indeed change our way of life. As reported in the BKK post today (pg 5); to sustain the present life style of the Americans (read west in general) we would need 5 planet earths.

    Ok so with the global warming myth we have a reason to reduce consumption - and it is going to be drastic and painfull. Global warming was invented by the 'Club of Rome' as part of the global governance agenda. Agenda 21 - you may want to look at those 2 key things. Club of Rome and Agenda 21.

  17. Thanks for this rabcbroon.

    I live in West Yorkshire ans see Paul Hudson on the local news daily and have done for approx 10 years.

    He used to strike me as being firmly in the man made global warming camp. Something has changed in him recently, he talks about 'weather events' now and often finds historic comparison to what is happening.

    Working for the BBC too eh, refreshing...

    Yes indeed, lets hear what the firm believers in the new religion of ('planet worship') have to say :)

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