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Posts posted by rabcbroon

  1. Well give yourself a big slap on the back. Now show me where you predicted it. Otherwise it's all bull do do.

    I take no credit - so no slap on the back. As i said I just followed trend forcasters advice. I can probably find the links -but then so can you.

    I do however, follow my instincts based on observations and I have to agree with numerous respected economists and forcasters that the dollar will be dust within months :)

  2. UK Telegraph

    If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)When you read some of those files – including 1079 emails and 72 documents – you realise just why the boffins at Hadley CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential. As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:

    Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.

    One of the alleged emails has a gentle gloat over the death in 2004 of John L Daly (one of the first climate change sceptics, founder of the Still Waiting For Greenhouse site), commenting:

    “In an odd way this is cheering news.”

    But perhaps the most damaging revelations – the scientific equivalent of the Telegraph’s MPs’ expenses scandal – are those concerning the way Warmist scientists may variously have manipulated or suppressed evidence in order to support their cause.

    Here are a few tasters. (So far, we can only refer to them as alleged emails because – though Hadley CRU’s director Phil Jones has confirmed the break-in to Ian Wishart at the Briefing Room – he has yet to fess up to any specific contents.) But if genuine, they suggest dubious practices such as:

    Manipulation of evidence:

    I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.

    Private doubts about whether the world really is heating up:

    The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate

  3. Without sounding racist in any way, the Indian Tourists are causing a lot of problems as well.

    Could you please tell us more bad things about the Indians? :D

    They will sacrifice (read kill in cold blood) 30 thousand live animals in a religious festival next month. It is expected that more than 1 million Indians will gather to enjoy the sacrifice :D Sorry that is 500 thousand and sacrifice 6 Nov.

    hmmm... these Indians kill live animals? :D and that in cold blood? DISGUSTING BARBARIANS! they could have waited till the animals died of old age.

    we non-Indians are cultured. in our countries millions of animals are killed each and every day. of course not in cold blood but always with the blessings of priests and appropriate last rites administered. then we eat these animals for breakfast, lunch and dinner from plates on dining tables in an orderly fashion because we cherish animals.

    HAIL WESTERN CHRISTIAN CULTURE! let's teach them heathen orientals our proper life style.


    very true - however, it is very rare that we have one million people turn out to witness the slaughter to bring us closer to our god :)

  4. "I now predict the collapse of the US$ by early 2010 (think $00.03). So the question being: what will Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtualy worthless overseas?"

    they might become prophets like you and charge for their forecasts to make a living :)

    Ok i see i could be in for a slating - so i will rest my case and leave my forecast on the record. No charge :D

  5. I predicted some time ago that gold would rise above $1000 per ounce - it was $350 at the time. Ofcourse I based my prediction on information gleaned from proffesional pundits.

    I now predict the collapse of the US$ by early 2010 (think $00.03). So the question being: what will Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtualy worthless overseas?

  6. Faroe Islands have local government, own flag and own language (they can speak Danish too), it is a bit like Commonwealth. When they went broke some years ago they were on their own so keep us Danes out of the nasty Dolphin killing, thanks.

    To be fair the slaughter is opposed by 99.999% of all danes.

    According to a Thai maths proffesor the practice could be stopped overnight if only the other 33% would agree to oppose this brutal act (as reported in the Nat---)

  7. lets not forget the indians:

    From The Times November 3, 2009

    <H1 class=heading>Animal activists outraged by Nepal’s plans for mass animal sacrifice</H1><H2 class="sub-heading padding-top-5 padding-bottom-15"></H2> ahindu_festival_385_638519a.jpg'Buddha Boy' Ram Bahadur Bamjam has spoken out against the killings

    Rhys Blakely in Mumbai

    gSiteLife.Recommend("ExternalResource", "6900102","http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6900102.ece");Recommend? (3) div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;} Plans to sacrifice more than 500,000 animals during a two-day religious festival in Nepal this month have met with the wrath of animal rights activists, who have called for the 300-year-old ritual to be banned.

    Every five years the tiny village of Bariyapur near Nepal’s southern border with India is swamped with blood as hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees flock to the local temple to take part in what is thought to be the world’s biggest ritual slaughter.

    This year it is expected that about 500,000 animals, including about 25,000 buffaloes, will be offered to Gadhimai, a Hindu goddess, by devotees who hope she will answer their prayers in return. Proceedings begin with the sacrifice of two wild rats, a cockerel, a pig, a goat and a lamb.

    Supporters of the Gadhimai Fair say there is no question of them departing from a centuries-old tradition. Devotees can then bring their animals into the temple for ritual purification before taking them into the grounds where the beasts’ throats are slit.

    function slideshowPopUp(url){pictureGalleryPopupPic(url);return false;}<H3 class=section-heading>Related Links</H3>

    “The festival will lose its charm and become meaningless if we break with tradition,” Mangal Chaudhary Tharu, the temple’s head priest, said.

    This year, however, the temple authorities face a more powerful set of opponents than ever before:an international group of activists who include Brigitte Bardot, the French actress, and a 17-year-old Nepalese boy whose followers believe he is the reincarnation of Lord Buddha. Last year thousands of pilgrims flocked to a remote jungle in southeast Nepal to see Ram Bahadur Bamjan when he emerged from the forest after vanishing from view for a year. Dubbed “Buddha Boy” by the press, he first garnered headlines in 2005 when tens of thousands of devotees travelled to see him as he sat cross-legged amid the roots of a tree for nearly ten months — without, it was claimed, food or water.

    This week he spoke out against the ritual slaughter, with a spokesman saying that Bamjan was “disturbed at the thought of such mass killings in the neighbourhood”. “The campaign is producing results,” the spokesman added. “Three villagers have already handed over three buffaloes to us which were intended for sacrifice at the fair, saying they have had a change of heart.” The Kathmandu Post also suggested that some devotees were having second thoughts. “Many people are in a dilemma: whether or not to bring animals for sacrifice — they fear that the issue might trigger clashes during the fair,” it said.

    Opponents of the ritual say that it will harm the reputation of Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries. Pramada Shah, of Animal Welfare Network Nepal, said: “By perpetuating such a mass massacre in the name of religion, culture and tradition in the 21st century, we are projecting Nepal as barbaric.” Activists have also claimed that the slaughter is a health hazard. Govinda Tandon, of the Stop Animal Sacrifices Alliance, said: “There are rivers of blood for months with carcasses lying everywhere. The grounds are dominated by vultures, while the stench makes life miserable for people living nearby. The only people who benefit are the skin traders who bid for the pelts.”

    Most observers think it is unlikely that the Nepalese Government, which has pledged about $60,000 (£36,500) for the festival, will intercede. Indeed, an influx of “sacrifice tourists” are expected from India, where ritual slaughters are banned in several states.

    The temple priest Mangal Chaudhary Tharu, whose family has presided over the festival for four generations, said: “We are not forcing devotees to sacrifice animals. It is an age-old practice and it must continue.”

    Culture clashes

    • This not the first time that animal sacrifice has sparked controversy in Nepal. In September 2008 Kathmandu was gripped by riots after the Government decided not to pay for 108 cattle and goats that were due to be ritually beheaded as part of the annual Hindu festival of Dashain.

    • Demonstrators, mostly drawn from Kathmandu’s Newar community, barricaded streets with burning tyres and clashed with police who deployed teargas

    • After three days of protests, the Government backed down and agreed to provide the livestock

  8. ^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

    What! I am a Dane, never heard about it, you must be looking like you pix. nerverdie (yes you do), old and brain gone too. :)

    Every year, in Denmark, specifically the Faroe Islands, innocent and helpless Calderon Dolphins are slaughtered brutally by the danes. Why you may ask, simply because. A pointless and stupid right of passage to manhood.

    What points is there in killing another living being just to prove you have "evolved", you have transcended. There is simply no need.

    This poor dolphins are stabbed a number of times, but as if that weren't enough, they bleed to death, probably in excruciating pain while the whole town watches.

    Needles to say, that killing a deffensless animal is no prove of anybody's manhood.

    So, I urge, as I am sure many more have, to stop this nonesense. And take action.

    Never, ever, killing an other creature, another living being, with whom we share this world, has done any good, to anyone. So let's stop it.


    I could understand doing this if someone was hungry and needed food, but doing it for fun is insane.

    There is a difference between killing an animal outright (bullet), and slaughtering it with a knife for it to die slowly,

    especially an animal as intelligent as a dolphin.

  9. ^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

    Sort of - othere than it is half a million animals: including buffalos, pigs, sheep etc.

    Just a nice day out to satisfy the gods :)

    Well when the danish do it, they manage to turn a small bay into a bloodbath, literally turning it red, young macho idiots everywhere swimming around in it basking in the joys of slaughtering poor innocent dolphins :D

    According to the Tibetan Book of the dead these kinds of people are antigods. They have a lower level of consciousness than animals. :D

  10. ^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

    Sort of - othere than it is half a million animals: including buffalos, pigs, sheep etc.

    Just a nice day out to satisfy the gods :)

    PS there are more pigs than people in Denmark

  11. Without sounding racist in any way, the Indian Tourists are causing a lot of problems as well.

    Could you please tell us more bad things about the Indians? :D

    They will sacrifice (read kill in cold blood) 30 thousand live animals in a religious festival next month. It is expected that more than 1 million Indians will gather to enjoy the sacrifice :)

    Sorry that is 500 thousand and sacrifice 6 Nov.

  12. <snip>

    (nice to see the City has got what it wanted with new (poorer) tourists making up for the unwelcome and departed longstayers).


    Out of curiosity, where have the longstayers gone to? A different city, or to a different area within Pattaya?

    This cadet first arrived in '72 but has since moved on to Koh Samui, Pattaya being such a nice place to bring up a family ! We used to have a place corner of Soi 3 next to Wee Andy's and one day spotted the Arab guests over the road at Cherry Hotel, having a masturbating contest in the Swimming pool. As I expressed my disgust, the Thai staff reasoned " Don't worry, the pool has chlorine in it " The mind boggles....

    maybe it was one of those arab stallions that doggie8888 has come over :)

  13. I am a Brit here and the reason I no longer hold doors open is cause I am pissed off by the ignorance of most of the other Farangs who just barge by you and scowl when you do try and be polite. Yes those ignoramuses include Arabs, Russians and Indians as well as all other nationalities.

    Hi Bro :)

  14. If you think the price is high in Pattaya, check out the prices for Madame Tussauds in London, OMG!!!! :)

    Any reports from people who have been to both places? I reckon the London place is much, much better.

    To be fair the Brad Pitt dummy is a dead ringer for George Michael - worth every satang

  15. Is this a thread where we get to apply derogatory labels in front of certain nationalities? Oh goodie...

    Let's re-cap, so far we have

    -SERIOUSLY drunken, oafish Russians

    -scowling Arabs

    -cheap skate Indians

    What about arrogant, drunk, sex crazed and cheap charlie Brits? What about super ugly and super stupid farang who'd believe the first bar girl he pays when she says "I luv big hansum farang like you" and then believes a pretty young thing can actually prefer a sad, lonely, old, obese and bald Brit over a virile, rich and handsome Arab stud.

    I hope they don't close this thread, it's so fun to belittle other nationalities.

    Is this a thread where we get to apply derogatory labels in front of certain nationalities?

    Well, it's certainly starting to look like it, so knock yourself out. Oh, you have.

    I saw "SERIOUSLY drunken, oafish Russians". If they had been Aussie morons or British lowlives, then that is what I would have descibed them as.

    Didn't see any handsome Arab stallions then? Or Indians spending loads of cash in bars and restaurants - not selling curry?

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