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Posts posted by rabcbroon

  1. Better to buy a big (2ltr) bottle and split it into small bottles. Most hotels - even cheap places - will give a bottle or 2 of free water each day. So within a few days you will have accumulated enough emptys to re-use.

    PS if you are staying in a cheap hotel and you like the feel of a good carpet - then just pop to BigC and buy a cheap door mat and some strong sticking tape. Simply cut the mat in to two peices and tape one to each foot. You will have the feel of a much more expesive room whilst walking the floor.

  2. A BBC Weather presenter who was discussed by scientists in the “climategate” emails says he was forwarded the material more than five weeks before it was made public on the internet.

    Paul Hudson, a weather presenter and climate correspondent for the BBC, notes

    on his blog “I was forwarded the chain of e-mails on the 12th October,”.

    Hudson says he saw the exact emails that were either hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University placed on the internet last week.

    “The e-mails released on the internet as a result of CRU being hacked into are identical to the ones I was forwarded and read at the time and so, as far as l can see, they are authentic.” Hudson notes.

    Following the publication of a 9th October article Hudson wrote for the BBC entitled “

    whatever happened to global warming?“, in which he questioned the science behind the theory of human induced warming, the BBC correspondent was discussed within emails to which several of the CRU climatologists were privy, including Kevin Trenberth, Michael Mann, Tom Wigley and Philip D. Jones.

    Hudson’s article, which pointed out that there had been no increase in global temperatures since 1998, spurred Kevin Trenberth, one of the leading authors of the IPCC report on climate change to make the following comment within the private emails to his colleagues:

    “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a

    travesty that we can’t

  3. Never forget man made climate change is NOT proven. It's a scientific theory. IPCC states as much.

    An industry, taxes and caps have emerged from a theory.

    That is a false argument and shows a lack of understanding of how science works. Evolution is also the "theory" but accepted as a valid theory by almost all scientists, except those who are fundamentalist Christians posing as real scientists. My understanding is that man made climate change is accepted by 99 percent of legitimate scientists (excluding oil industry hacks). Maybe you don't care about the future of our species, that's your choice, but don't hide behind false arguments.

    Although the majority of the attention around ClimateGate has focused on emails exchanged between CRU scientists, the real smoking gun proving deception and fraud can be found in the code of climate models which prove that temperature numbers were “artificially adjusted” to hide the decline in global warming since the 1960’s.

    Attempts on behalf of the establishment media to characterize the scandal as “rancor” amongst scientists completely obfuscates the real issue, which is the fact that man-made climate change proponents gamed their data models to make them produce the results they wanted.

    Not only do we have emails where CRU Director Dr. Phil Jones talks about pulling tricks in climate models to “hide the decline” of global temperatures, but within the code of these models we also find blatant evidence of manipulation.

    “People are talking about the emails being smoking guns but I find the remarks in the code and the code more of a smoking gun. The code is so hacked around to give predetermined results that it shows the bias of the coder. In other words make the code ignore inconvenient data to show what I want it to show. The code after a quick scan is quite a mess. Anyone with any pride would be to ashamed of to let it out public viewing,”

  4. He must have a quirky, eccentric brother cause I was out riding and on my left, waiting at the junction traffic lights was a farang with a great parrot on his shoulder!

    I sh*t you not!

    I couldn't stop or look for a double take (traffic was right behind me) but it was either a stuffed fake, or the real deal!

    Amazing Pattaya :D

    Yeah, man!

    Seen The Parrot Guy, too! And the bird's the real deal! Maybe he'll be the next Pattaya super hero I run into...!

    PS- let's show a little care & concern for our fellow farangs here, in our wonderful (new) hometown. Sabai sabai, men! Live & let live... and let the good times roll on!

    PPS- Oh, forgot to tell you: when I ran into the Parrot Guy for the first time, I said to him, "Wow, you look great!" Then, the parrot said, "Yeah fine, Buddy. Now can you get this f---in' guy off my butt?" True story...


    The parrot guy often walks by the Marriot pool so his 'bird' can socialize with the 2 parrots that are kept by the hotel to entertain guests :D

  5. The UK is trying to ban Chinese remedies, OR legislate them , There has been numerous deaths caused because of unregulated medicines, People tend to take Chinese medicines along with proscribed drugs causing over doses and poisoning.

    True - but this is because many quacks have set up shop there and they have been taking the p*ss out of joe public who doesn't have clue as to what constitutes herbs. During a recent survey it was found that many younger brits could not even identify a cabbage or a broccoli.

    In china it works well as people know what is what!

  6. I am a 45 year old male who has had experience with cosmetc surgery. I have used Dr V for Botox and fillers in Phuket and was pleased with the experience. Facial fillers are rather painful, rather being an understatement (apparently they could hear my discomfort in Bangkok...), but so worth it. A few minutes of pain for 6 to 9 months of looking better (translate looking better to making actually me feel better about my appearance). In the past (15 to 20 years ago) I have had two nose jobs, a chin implant, cheek implants, lipo of my naso-labial folds and under my chin/neck. Although in the last decade I have only had Botox and fillers done. I am told I look like I am in my 30's, which makes me happy, as long as it's the low 30's.

    I am going to see Dr. Pongsakorn Eamtanaporn at the Phuket Aesthetic Surgery Clinic on Monday for Botox on my crows feet, forehead and between my eyebrow, which is costing me 11,000 baht. This works out to under 500 Australian dollars (fair dinkum Aussie here, well one who does Botox anyway) for the lot. Does anyone have any experience with the Dr or clinic? I'd be keen to hear any first hand experiences with him/clinic.

    I am also considering a mid face lift in the not too distant future as my nao-labial folds are becoming too prominent. I have good genes, my 70 year old mother looks like she is in her 50's and her beauty treatment is soap and water, which makes me want to slap her. She so should know better. Anyway, any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Wow you have had some work done! if you have good genes then why

  7. I

    Sadly for us all, that's not how it works, as is illustrated by the Zimbabwe pictures posted. If anyone believes that the western currencies are in for that kind of meltdown, I have a bridge or two for sale.

    The comment about printing currencies is also misleading.

    There is a saying here in Thailand "mi samong, mai dai kit" - literally "have brain, cannot think". That applies to many of the posters here.

    Since I posted the pictures I will respond...I did not imply that the US is following Zimbabwe.

    I did imply that when a currency faults it takes much more of it to achieve previous results.

    As for the printing yes there are various countries but when you are the worlds reserve currency you get certain benefits that others do not.

    As for you final comment regarding brains without thought yes of course....But, There are also those with eyes that beg you to not turn on the lights as they do not want to see.

    Oh, I forgot. Sorry if I implied with my "brain" comment that you fell into that category; that was not my intent, I was referring to the comments to your post.

    You are perfectly entitled to your opinions on any matter; brains don't enter into it. As a cynical old b*stard though I do like to treat unsubstantiated opinions and/or forecasts with skepticism, much as I suspect tips on horse races. Saying that the US dollar will crash because the US has debt up to it's eyeballs hardly substantiates the claim. Why such a debt should result in the calamity you predict would provoke a far more interesting discussion. Countries have been in dire straits before and have risen from the ashes, Japan and Germany immediately spring to mind, and the UK was not in great shape after WWII either, so debt is not necessarily a harbinger of doom. My death in the future is certain, everything else uncertain, including taxes if I play my cards right!

    You are correct that countries do rise from the ashes. Yes they do rise fom the ashes

  8. I

    Sadly for us all, that's not how it works, as is illustrated by the Zimbabwe pictures posted. If anyone believes that the western currencies are in for that kind of meltdown, I have a bridge or two for sale.

    The comment about printing currencies is also misleading.

    There is a saying here in Thailand "mi samong, mai dai kit" - literally "have brain, cannot think". That applies to many of the posters here.

    Since I posted the pictures I will respond...I did not imply that the US is following Zimbabwe.

    I did imply that when a currency faults it takes much more of it to achieve previous results.

    As for the printing yes there are various countries but when you are the worlds reserve currency you get certain benefits that others do not.

    As for you final comment regarding brains without thought yes of course....But, There are also those with eyes that beg you to not turn on the lights as they do not want to see.

    So is that a yes or a no on borrowing a few bob?

    Can you explain the benefits the US gets when it comes to printing money?

    Past benifits were that the Dollar was fully accepted as the world reserve currency backed up by future earnings of the Amercians - and thus interest could be charged on loans made to whomsoever at interest. However, America - in my view - is post industrial and the poor average American is so laden with debt with no real way of repaying. Therefor, simply people don't trust the paper anymore

    For Americans to pay back the interest - never mind the principle - on money printed with their names on it, they have effectively become slaves. Hence the new Socialist/marxist regime currently installed to prepare the population for poverty like they never contemplated!

  9. jkinbkk,

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course. But it is dangerous like hel_l to spread around

    this stuff. People can actually believe you.

    I personally can only speak as a non scientist and do not know especially much about these things.

    However I do know that, as they mentioned in the video you recommend people to look at, weather-

    changes do occur on our planet. But it is common knowledge that these changes are taken place

    during a period of time like 10.000 - 100.000 years, and NOT over a period of time of 50 year!!!!!!!!!

    I am born in the 50´s and I can witness to the change in weather we have seen now. I personally think

    it is so stupid to spread arround this shit on the internet, but we have the freedom to write whatever we

    please more or less. and that is OK by me. But be also prepared to be critisied than.

    To others.. there is a huge change in weather because of different reasons that I cannot tell you. So read

    the "real" media instead when it comes to these things, they are far more important than we maybe

    not realize.


    So what do you believe - as you seem to sit right on some fence.

    PS The weather changes constantly - this is undenialbe. Thats why the hoaxters changed the term from 'global warming' to 'climate change'. The point to consider is that the banksters intend to use this scam to tax you into oblivion under the guise of saving the planet. Think Copenhagen - next month, think cap and trade. See a picture emerging - no. Oh, well!

    Oh yes, Al Gore stands to make billions of dollars out of the cap and trade scam

  10. I reckon that rabcbroon must be worth a small fortune. After all, he's just tripled his investment in gold (nice one rab - how much did you invest? A stack I'd venture from your cocksure confidence in yourself - or at least your "sources") and is about to make an absolute killing on currency speculation. We all know where to go to borrow a few bob (bucks) now, don't we?

    As for me, I'm going to be fat and happy flogging my car here and buying a mansion in the US; I'll probably pick up Microsoft out of the proceeds of my property here. Bill Gates is history.

    Sadly for us all, that's not how it works, as is illustrated by the Zimbabwe pictures posted. If anyone believes that the western currencies are in for that kind of meltdown, I have a bridge or two for sale. The GG bridge will be very cheap by then - oh b*gger it, just buy the whole of SFO!

    The comment about printing currencies is also misleading. The Chinese are no more immune than the rest of the world from the effects of just printing money. And, if it works as suggested in the US (and Europe) then I have a business proposition; let's set up a printing works and lend the money to the respective Western Governments; we'll make a mega fortune; sod Microsoft, we'll own the US! Let's call ourselves the "Western and Northern Kurrency Expat Reserves Society (WAN*ERS). Again, sadly, that just isn't how it works.

    There is a saying here in Thailand "mi samong, mai dai kit" - literally "have brain, cannot think". That applies to many of the posters here.

    Well personally, i hope to god that the US dollar does not melt down otherewise we're all in trouble, However, as i said some very noteable people - including an ex assistant to the treasury - see the collapse as imminent.

    Re. the printing of money by the FED (nothing to do with federal government) then you may want to look further and see who owns the enterprize.

    Just had a hunch about gold - just got a hunch about the dollar

    PS i made my small fortune in Thailand. The formula is fool proof!!!!

  11. So basically - America is bankrupt and depends on other nations buying their debt to survive.

    For many years now......

    They are burning up their charge cards & as long as the merchants/buyers of debt continue to buy....Then I guess the game continues. I agree with you the USD is in serious trouble but my guesstimate will put it in the 60's next year. After that who knows & as always it depends on the servicing of the debt.

    60s to what - the baht?

  12. Something like every American citizen would have to pay at least $30,000 USD to the Government for the budget to break even, i think that figure is actually higher now.

    Not that they ever plan to break even but....

    It is 39k per citizen & 110k per taxpayer.....Since not all citizens are tax payers.

    http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Warning looking at the Debt clock can make one dizzy :)

    So basically - America is bankrupt and depends on othere nations buying their debt to survive.

  13. Hey Mr. Dollar Doomsday, does that mean we can mock you for the rest of the year if the dollar is still strong past Q2, 2010?

    I am long strong and hard on the dollar and don't see a crash anytime soon. In my view the RMB is a MUCH weaker currency.

    Sure thing - will be relativley painless for me.

    PS many people dont see a crash before it happens - however, some people do and manage to take action to aviod the worst.

    Thing with the RMB is that the Chinese print their own money as opposed to having a private group of bankers print it from nothing and loan it to them at interest

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