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Posts posted by rabcbroon

  1. ... that prints money backed by thin air

    The money that is printed is backed by very THICK air, not thin air. In terms of predictable future cash flow (taxes), there is no better business to be in than Government.

    You miss the point! The FED is a private organization controlled by wealthy banking familys. Almost 100% of federal income tax goes to pay the interest - alone - on money borrowed from they private individuals controling the FED.

    If the US government printed its own money supply (as does China eg.) then there would be no need for federal income tax!

    All the money loaned by the FED to the US government is - as you correctly intimate - secured by future earnings of US citizens. Again, simply put - US citizens are indebted to these private bankers for the rest of theirs, their childrens, and grandchildrens lives because Woodrow Wilson handed over the contol of the money system to these private bankers!

    Most people havent got a clue as they think the FED is federal government, when infact it is no more federal government than Fed Express!!

  2. Do people actually say, "My Buddha" instead of, "My God"?

    Yes, lots of Thais do.

    I am still waiting for intelligent posts in this thread, by the way. Of course, I am not worried about a revival of the Nazi era, and I know there are lots more Bob Marley fans to be counted, but it was eerie to find the Nazi monster so far away from home, and to see this old/middle-aged (I don't know 50-60 years old, and of course he never knew Adolf Hitler - stop reading everything literally, like a damned American theologist) speak about it, as it was still a force to be reckoned with. "Sad, nuts and bigoted" maybe, but nevertheless scary, like seeing a ghost of the fascist movement hard to get rid of. Don't get me wrong (and refrain from the silly remarks just to get your name on the board), I am not scared of anyone or any movement, especially not here in Thailand, but I can still find a good psychological thriller scary, even though I am in my comfortable bed or sofa. Am I the only one?

    If your worried about a middle aged nazi then don't travel to the UK. Hitler would bee proud of the current facist police state once known as Britain

  3. Mao and Stalin slaughtered more of their own people in peace time than Hitler ever did foreigners whilst at war. Yet they are still highly regarded by many Chinese/Russians!

    In othere words - why are you suprized that some Germans still hold Hitler in high regard.

  4. Ron Paul is a pathetic man. On his website, you can listen to him drone on when he's tryng to ask a simple question. In one video, he confronted Bernanke about the lack of transparency at the Fed. Oh, Ron drones on and on. He finally made his point, the Fed should be audited. Ben quickly agreed. Ron sat there speechless, as a deer in headlights. When it became apparent that Rom was too befuddled to even grunt, Ben added, "But you're not going to tell me how to do my job." Ron put this video on his website to show how sharp he is, and a casual viewing will show otherwise.

    I bet you think the FED is a Federal Government Organization - as opposed to a private company that prints money backed by thin air, and loans it to the American Government/people at interest!!

    Good buisiness if you can get it. How did the American people fall for that one!

  5. Nurses Got Sick From the Swine Flu Vaccine

    Johan Niklasson – via Health Freedom Alliance October 21, 2009

    On October 20th, 30 people had been reporting to the authorities in Sweden that they experienced such severe side effects from the swine flu vaccine that they felt the need to contact a hospital. A day later the number was 140. The Swedish newspaper Expressen is the only one in Sweden reporting on these cases and as usual this is most likely only the tip of a rather large iceberg. According to Dagens Nyheter (Sweden's largest conservative newspaper) the number of reported side effects is over 190. One person died after the injection but “no direct relation with the injection has been established”. The biggest medical scandal in the history of Sweden has just started.

  6. source_Reuters3.gif updated 2:02 p.m. ET Nov. 5, 2009 function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) { var dt = new DateTime(); pdt = dt.T2D(pdt); if(dt.GetTZ(pdt)) {n.innerHTML = dt.D2S(pdt,((''.toLowerCase()=='false')?false:true));} } } UpdateTimeStamp('633930445442900000'); AMSTERDAM - Dutch authorities say they have banned use of a batch of Pfizer's Prevenar, or Prevnar, after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the anti-infection vaccination.

    "On average about 5 to 10 deaths are reported annually after babies get vaccines," said a spokeswoman for the Dutch health institute RIVM.

    "We now have three cases in a short period, that is unusual and the reason for suspending the batch."

  7. In the UK night clubs always closed at 2 am - majority probably still do. When I first came to Pattaya the bars used to saty open till dawn. I always new it was time to leave when i seen monks on the street. However, I now go to bed at 9 and get up same time as the monks - so I don;t have a problem and can see the error of my younger days.

    2 am is about right - but seems a bit ill thought out considering the amount of toursim dependent jobs and income that depend on entertainment

    The error of your ways? :) So you were out having fun and chasing girls until dawn but you want to restrict youngsters today having the same freedom.

    2am <deleted>. Some of us are still fit enough to dance till the sun comes up. :D

    I was out attracting girls not chasing them :D If young people were to be tucked up safely in bed beforr midnight then they would be lot healthyer and less tired in the morning :D

  8. Why do Thai's always seem to confess fully to police about their crimes? In America the whole system is setup to deny everything. Every single serious case that is brought before a judge the person pleads 'not guilty', even when the evidence clearly proves their guilty - 'not guilty'. Then most of the time they wait to get offered a deal etc.

    Does the Thai system not work that way? Is it something about Thai culture that makes people unable to lie to the cops? I really don't get it.

    Thai police can be very persuasive

    Do you mean they use violence or other methods that aren't allowed in the west?

    your extemely naive if you think the police in the west don't use violence - allowed or not

  9. Why do Thai's always seem to confess fully to police about their crimes? In America the whole system is setup to deny everything. Every single serious case that is brought before a judge the person pleads 'not guilty', even when the evidence clearly proves their guilty - 'not guilty'. Then most of the time they wait to get offered a deal etc.

    Does the Thai system not work that way? Is it something about Thai culture that makes people unable to lie to the cops? I really don't get it.

    Thai police can be very persuasive

  10. Galvanizing is a zinc coating which is the best form of protective coating. If it is slightly weatherd then you dont need an etch primer. Simply wash the galv with fresh water and brush with a stiff bristle brush to remove any corrosion products.

    Zinc corrosion is white as opposed to the ginger colour of steel corrosion so dont be fooled into thinking there is none. You can buy a Hammerite type paint from Carefour - if thats the appearance you desire. However, any conventional gloss or synthetic top coat would do. Any primer would also suffice and would be advisable just to give better attachment to the topcoat and better long term performance

  11. In the UK night clubs always closed at 2 am - majority probably still do. When I first came to Pattaya the bars used to stay open till dawn. I always knew it was time to leave when i seen monks on the street. However, I now go to bed at 9 and get up same time as the monks - so I don;t have a problem and can see the error of my younger days.

    2 am is about right - but seems a bit ill thought out considering the amount of toursim dependent jobs and income that depend on entertainment

  12. Surely it's a set up of some kind to ruin the reputation of foreigners.


    On the contrary - it is guys like this who keep Pattaya alive spending a lot of money on booze etc. :D If all the bars depended on Russians and otheres to survive then old Patts would go to the wall. The only time I have seen a Russian drinking beer is walking past a bar holding a bottle of Chang or Leo

  13. Things to consider:

    Thai neighbours who dont maintain their properties or turn their house into a buisiness.

    Future resale value - as property is generaly overpriced and building of new condos and houses continues at breakneck speed.

    Foreigneirs can not own a house in any secure or reasonable way ( lawyers and agents will tell you different). Government are currently looking into property held in nominee company structure.

    Poor currency exchange rates. Eg. if you bought a property using UK pounds today you would be paying considerably more than you would have 18 months ago (30%) and if the baht weakens you stand to make a big loss.

    If house bought using illeagal nominee company structure then you ave to piss on every year doing accounts.

    So many rental properties availabel with rents falling.

    On the plus side -

  14. If you have defective taste buds and you like to fill your stomache with 'food' washed down with a delicous bottle of 'soda water' so that you can save a few baht, then this is the place for you.

    Yeah, pretty much, but there is no great shame in being hungry and not rich (much less rare than gilded gourmets actually), so for those who can't always stomach Thai street food, it fills a hole. Frankly, I found the place kind of amusing just for the CC scene alone. I also must admit I kind of like their garlic rolls though they could use a lot more garlic.

    Agreed - nothing wrong with being on a tight budget. But a lot of people using this type of places are just mean sods :) CC scene ?

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