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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. Christ you are full of yourself. I take it you got a grey/white one from a shopping mall?
  2. The same in the uk or was at least but not condos. Multi million pound properties owned by Chinese and Russians with no one living there. Somewhere to get their money out of the country and hold in real estate . And in the UK esp London a great investment. Now these rich Chinese and Russians have to buy whole blocks of condominiums in Thailand…. A bit riskier I’d say but still less risky than leaving your money in China or Russia.
  3. So they tax us on the fiat we used to buy crypto with , and now they want to tax us on the so called scam money they say isn’t even real money? Did I get that right ….
  4. I think they may be wrong on this election. There’s a growing anger in the UK from the majority that just get on with things like going to work etc. Going by conversations I have had but mostly on SM platforms , the public are sick to death with a certain demographic of people and their political ideology. There’s gong to be few shocks this time around . 🤞
  5. And maybe she should ask herself would she criticise her home town/city or any other in the same manner back in China….I think not
  6. Still doesn’t work . The other emails come in from Bitkub…weird ..it’s only a test withdrawal , I sent 100 usdt , converted to tbh and just wanted a withdrawal test before it becomes regular . Not sure now though tbh…it’s in my Thai wife’s name and all verified to level 2 . Think I will give Bitkub a miss
  7. Even for the first withdrawal?
  8. My thoughts exactly 👍
  9. Tangem isn’t really fancy tbh . And not expensive . Worth a look imo 👍
  10. I see a few on here mentioning keeping their money off the exchanges which is right but keeping your crypto on hot wallets like MM or TW isn’t much better. I used to use ledger until they had an update which made it possible for them (or authorities) to gain access to your keys and crypto. I use Tangem NFC cold storage and also one key , Trezor is also good but not as many options as the other 2 for storage . 👍
  11. Hi, I have signed my wife up to Bitkub and have level 2 with Kbank all connected to the account and verified. I am trying to test a withdrawal of THB converted from USDT , just 3,500 baht. Everything works fine and I press the receive email to confirm transaction (as it’s the first) but the email never arrives and there is no transaction history of it even being attempted on Bitkub. I have spoken to support but they just suggest changing bank (even though K bank is their no1 choice) and changing browser , internet connection but obviously not looking at their own end. All other emails from Bitkub arrive promptly but not this one. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated..thanks
  12. Says an Aussie hahahahahaha you couldn’t make that one up mate 👍
  13. And it will not get better. Visited my nieces bilingual school yesterday with my wife and sister in law. Introduced myself to two English teachers (westerners or so I thought) . It was like I was talking to Arnie in character for the movie Red Dawn…Seems the Russians are now the go to English teachers.
  14. To show that they are in control . This was well thought through, nothing here was unplanned. They have Thailand by the ⚽️’s
  15. Exactly . In the UK and US it has been reported there are or were Chinese Police operating undercover even with detention cells at the back of a Chinese chippy in the UK . They like to keep an eye on their people, esp the expats !
  16. Yeh joints are bad enough for me anyways now at 52 ,used to box and was a Judi guy for years. I was Interested in BJJ but soon realised my joints will not put up with it. Now I just do weights and hit the bag . Good luck anyways mate 👍
  17. I have noticed there is quite a few more of those types wondering around Bangkok. Tbch I’m a Brit and maybe 20 or more years ago I would have fitted quite nicely into that demographic. It’s no coincidence this has coincided with the new weed regs. My son who lives in LA and works in the industry and has said to me many have come to make their fortune in Thailand. This will be mostly of the type described in this thread. Anyway I’d rather be in a bar full of them than those annoying hippy top knot idiots which have also arrived in numbers .
  18. goldenbrwn1


    Could well be, but still it’s very provocative.
  19. Another one spouting off without actually reading a comment . Pray tell where I said it makes you violent??
  20. Probably a case of mixing vodka and space cakes . Eating the Devils lettuce is a whole new level to smoking as usually people unknowingly over do it….. it’s a creeper shall we say
  21. goldenbrwn1


    I’m in Bristol UK , already had some guy In Palestinian garb sat on the cenotaph here playing Islamic prayer on a loud speaker . Considering how many deluded students doing degrees in useless subjects live centrally ,I’m pretty sure it’s a matter of time before this one is vandalised .
  22. I live in Samut Prakan , there is a big Burmese community there with their own shops, restaurants etc . Probably it’s them that are being referred to as the “foreigners”..??
  23. And roll on the posts saying the Russians spend 10 x more than western tourists….I’m sure I heard that line about a different tourist demographic before ..????
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