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Posts posted by paymaster

  1. For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

    I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

    treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

    After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

    I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.

    I included all civilized countries to provoke thought on the death penalty. Sadly I don't know statistics on states with/without

    the death penalty. But I do know that many experts have claimed that it is no deterrent at all and I'll side with them before the

    vengeful defenders of the Death Penalty. I also know that many, albeit a small percentage, have been wrongly executed.

    The dehumanising of Wardens and Guards who have to carry out the processing is nothing short of sad. The USA still has

    one of the worlds highest murder rates despite the fact that Americans are a wonderful people. That said "go figure".

    RIP the victim and let justice be done to the perpetrator.

  2. For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

    I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

    treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

    no punishment, just some smug psychiatric care huh?

    Now Gemini serious psychiatric care should satisfy even the harsher of your two personalities. I have actually seen

    inside the 'facilities" used for the administering of this care to the criminally insane. Let me assure you that it would

    never be regarded as smug and those that have seen it are usually shocked by the extent of the "maximum

    security" facilities applied. These people are more likely to harm guards (nurses built like brick outhouses both male

    and female) and the public if they escape than other criminals and are secured accordingly.

  3. UK Foreign Office please tell us who at immigration in Thailand gave YOU this warning?

    Or did you get it from Howard Miller?

    He IS the Honorary Consul in Pattaya for the UK and IS the Pattaya One boss!

    Just name one name with rank and office of this immigration official issuing this Headline worthy news story?????????

    Who advised the UK Foreign Office? Just hope it wasn't the same guy who told them that Gen Gordon was OK at Khartoum

    or that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction or that Pakistanis assimilate well.

  4. Caught a bus from Ekamai to Jomtien/Pattaya with my Thai wife. Scraped a car near Bagna intersection. Proceeded to the bus depot just down the road to sort the accident out. Driver immediately relieved of duty and replacement driver appointed. Perfectly handled and what would be expected. The catch is the replacement driver was just finishing his shift and went on overtime. After a couple of red bulls the driver saddled up. On the overhead expressway about 10 k down the road I noticed his head nodding. He was falling asleep and I could see us sailing off the edge and falling God knows how far. Nudged my wife in the Aisle seat to wake him. She quickly dug a mint out and gave it to him. Why risk digging for the mint and not just a tap on the shoulder? Face my friends,face. He was grateful, stayed awake and alert and once off the expressway was busy driving again. Is fatigue just another cause of bus accidents? No, the major cause.

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  5. Sadly this problem is trivialised by pigeon holing it into poor kid, rich kid, red or yellow. The point is also lessened by trying to determine whether the perpetrator is Farang or Thai. The fact is that this crime knows no boundries of any type. It is committed against children of both sexes from all backgrounds by people from all nations and ethnicities and in fact by strangers and mostly by family members or family friends. So please no red or yellow crap on such an important subject.

  6. Your point is?

    The present government was not elected, elections should be held, at least then it will be a democratically elected government.

    The repeated concept that the current Govt was not elected is absolute folly. At the time of the election it is true that

    the democrats were in opposition. Then due to court decisions and pressure from peaceful demonstrations the governing

    coalition, in which Phuea Thai were the major party, broke down. As happens in all democracies a new coalition was formed from "elected" people and parties. Hence a new and legitimate government is formed as would happen all

    over the democratic world.

  7. Hi Guys,

    My Thai wife needs to return to Thailand urgently and has just noticed

    her passport expires in 3 months.

    Can she use the passport to return home on a one way ticket.



    Have just last week completed passport renewal for my Thai stepdaughter at Sydney Consulate. My wife complted the process in about three weeks. All appropriate photos and documentation completed at the Consulate. Rock up with old passport within proper hours of business (phone first to confirm) and service couldn't be better. Hope this helps.

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