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Posts posted by paymaster

  1. Typical American.........they think that all crime is some kind of organized.

    Conspiracy theories and maffia.............problem with Pattaya is, that most crimes are NOT organized.

    I'm told that he could have found the same underage abuse within metres of Time Square! He should sort that out first.
  2. police asking for and or taking bribes is a tradition world wide , why should we expect the los to be any different .

    Taking bribes are carried out in various ways --the way here seems to be -money taken is for the pocket -not for the inland revenue. (and this is or should be the only direct way anyone should have to pay)

    I think it's incorrect to call this a bribe. It sounds more like extortion to me. Some sort of a protection racket.
  3. If i had just drunk 1.6 bottles of wine i am positive i would be pissed.

    Perhaps you should change your name. I've never heard an old sailor admit to such a thing. However if the 35 signifies your year of birth then at 77 none of us hold it as well as we'd like. Chalerm is not 77 however and it looks like he handles the truth even more carelessly than his liquor if he maintains this is the result of 1.6 bottles of wine.

    P.S. Can't stand Khun Chalerm but had no idea that TV had so many teetotal contributors.

    • Like 1
  4. The guy is getting a disability pension, not OAP as he's 62. Under current rules, once he's 65 the disability pension rolls over to a OAP, so long as he is resident in Australia at that time & would then be able to receive the OAP whilst living overseas full time.

    Did you read the article? He has no address so how can he reside in Australia?

    Streets arent an address.

    Look out Pattaya, a influx of methadone addicts from australia that claim 'DISABILITY' pensions due to their 'Illness'.

    Its too easy to claim disabilty in Australia.

    Just a little accuracy in comments would be helpful. No mention is made to methedone.It was a judgement made in a case by case scenario. I think most importantly he didnt get his disability pension easily, the guy suffers from schizophrenia probably the most debilitating of all mental disorders. good luck to him.
  5. I like that what the last government did. How about what bigT did to get his buddy Hun Sin to do to cause nothing but trouble for Mark over this bare piece of land. Very interesting that as soon as Yingruck elected most all activities around this temple came to an end and nothing but agreement, on both sides, Big T will sale out Thailand on this deal.

    Can anyone tell me if there is a connection between big T,as you call him, and Hun Sen in the developement of that tourist island of the Sth coast of Cambodia. Perhaps the financier holds some control over the Cambodian PM enabling a softer approach to the Preah Viharn issue.

    Then there is of course the Thai funded highway to the vicinity of the island resort.

  6. Ask your wife what brand of Whisky the brothers usually drink - the usual suspects here are (in ascending price), 100 Pipers, Red Label, Black Label, Chivas Regal. Really no point in going overboard, so buy one litre of the next level up from their usual tipple in the USA and put it in your stowed baggage. Don't buy any more drinking alcohol of any sort in duty free. Problem solved.

    This is good advice and is sensitive to custom. I'm not sure if there is anything to be saved in buying 100 pipers duty free. It is my whiskey of choice because i mix with coke zero and it is cheap at your local 7/11. Don't listen to posters who assume all Thais drink the cheap "lao khao" because, while many do, you will offend if they don't. My wife's family have always been happy with 100 pipers. Having added that AyG's advice is spot on the mark.
  7. So civilised and law respecting, democracy loving, peaceful, wonderful, enlightened souls; why can't everyone see how virutous and 100% right about everything they are? Oh the injustice!

    Ahh, so you are opposed to dissent and freedom of expression?

    There is nothing in the report that states that the mourners were either uncivilised, or in violation of the law.

    The mourners came to the courthouse to express their concern about the death of the person. No one was assaulted, and no laws broken, correct?

    What is your take on the L.A. riots? Wasn't the twin towers tragedy an expression of discontent with US diplomacy and foreign policy? Were they are 'good thing' to be encouraged? Are you going to be selective and who do you think should deciding what is acceptable or not? Are you OK with the shutting down of Swampy?

    The notion that the exploited Red Rabble took to the streets on this occasion had little to do with the death of a prison inmate or the lack of health care facilities and procedures. Would they have been there if the deceased had been a common or garden druggie? I doubt that many reasonable people would consider lugging a corpse around town an example of civilised behaviour.

    As for the lady indulging herself in a spot of extreme protestation, I suggest that most were more focused on her boobs that the placard she was waving about. Certainly she will have caused more of a stir than the viragoes who mustered at Greenham Common.

    Did she have a placard? Well there you go.
  8. If the "Thai's" think along the same lines as the "foreigners", then based on the rather heated "debates" here on TV amongst the (mostly) foreigners, there is never going to be any "reconciliation" whatsoever here in Thailand. The 2 x sides are so far apart on what each thinks that there simply is no middle ground anymore. Neither will back down or compromise, neither will make any accommodations with the other, neither will accept anything less than what "they" want. So what's the answer or solution?

    Excellent question.

    I may quibble with the notion of there being extra-ordinary political divisions in Thailand more than anywhere else. Things are pretty heated in other countries also, with respect to Politics. Just the nature of the beast. The only difference I see, is perhaps the attitude of the minority side of this political divide thinking they are God's gift to Thailand, and anyone governing other than themselves, must be taking the country on a path to armageddon. They can't understand why the electorate doesn't see that, making them quite comfortable in doing away with elections altogether if they could. It is the vein of thought out of which comes the condemnation of all Politicians as a class. Demonization far exceeding normal jibes at lawyers and politicians.

    The answer to your question?........IMHO is continuance of Electoral Democracy, with hopefully some professionalizing of it. In spite of all its' weaknesses and blights that are obvious to everyone, especially those of us from mature Western Democracies. I cannot think of anything better to keep things somewhat politically organized. We have seen the alternatives born from the 2006 Coup caper, when those who consider themselves 'born to lead Thailand" - elections be damned - couldn't contain themselves.

    If the "Thai's" think along the same lines as the "foreigners", then based on the rather heated "debates" here on TV amongst the (mostly) foreigners, there is never going to be any "reconciliation" whatsoever here in Thailand. The 2 x sides are so far apart on what each thinks that there simply is no middle ground anymore. Neither will back down or compromise, neither will make any accommodations with the other, neither will accept anything less than what "they" want. So what's the answer or solution?

    Convicted people do their time and honest people reconcile. Why does reconciliation need to be tied to the pardon of someone convicted of a crime. List the charges not yet proceeded with against the Ex-PM in exile and work out for yourself if the issue is Political or criminal. There really is only one answer.

    Righteous you really should rerthink your definitions of political and criminal voluntary exile.
  9. If the "Thai's" think along the same lines as the "foreigners", then based on the rather heated "debates" here on TV amongst the (mostly) foreigners, there is never going to be any "reconciliation" whatsoever here in Thailand. The 2 x sides are so far apart on what each thinks that there simply is no middle ground anymore. Neither will back down or compromise, neither will make any accommodations with the other, neither will accept anything less than what "they" want. So what's the answer or solution?

    Convicted people do their time and honest people reconcile. Why does reconciliation need to be tied to the pardon of someone convicted of a crime. List the charges not yet proceeded with against the Ex-PM in exile and work out for yourself if the issue is Political or criminal. There really is only one answer.
  10. Some of Abhisit's statements quoted in this article are not very constructive. Almost every utterance of his includes a Thaksin reference, He seems to be 'hard wired' into this change the conversation mold. Not smart. This can be easily turned on him as follows:

    • The bit about 'bowing to Thaksin" - Who was he bowing to when hoisted into the PM position. I'm sure there were many. No-one believes he was a "lone ranger"...Not then...Not now.
    • Twice in these quotes, he uses the old saw of preferencing a Thaksin reference with the agenized-laden "fugitive' label, erroneously avoiding 'political exile' reality. The Media can now do likewise with him, quite correctly preferencing his name with "Alleged murderer". For reasons we can all speculate about, I don't think this will happen.

    I noticed a strong contingent of Red Shirts on the Bonanza stage on Saturday, suggesting the UDD is working hard in the South drumming up support. Democrat Party blanket political ownership of that area may be weakening a tad.

    I don't understand why the "bar" will be higher this time, than when a coup administration held a similar referendum. At that time it was a simple majority for approval, while now, this article suggests it needs to be 50%-plus. But then the coup was not Democratic to start with, and was not there at voter behest. That probably gave them more arbitrary, non-democratic powers to set their own standards. Democratic governance not being one of them.

    I can't understand why people don't accept Khun T's exile as political? Oh by the way, what did happen to the Bt500mil that went missing from the

    airport scanner contract?

  11. So I read in the story that she admitted to the police that she lost her temper and destroyed his belongings but no report of the police arresting her for it. I will admit that I just don't understand the laws of this country at all. If a foreigner accidentally steps on a remote control car that is being driven under his feet by the vendors on walking st then he is forced to pay for the broken item or be arrested If a thai women admits to the police to losing her temper and destroying the property of a foreigner then she is told to calm herself and go home?

    Who ever the tourist was, it was lucky for him that the family couldn't find him and police advised the man to calm down and reconsider his actions.The hooker claimed that she had lost her temper with the foreign customer and destroyed much of his possessions before leaving

    Some Thai logic that we foreigners will never understand smile.png

    Seems logical to me. No Farang tourist (beaten a hasty retreat smart man) to lay a complaint about broken belongings. Police calm those still present. Problem solved as it should be. Job well done to the Royal Thai Police!
  12. and jetstar...i flighted from australia to bali..and they forced me to buy a return ticket(sooo expensive how can they call theirselves low cost) even if i had a reservation...it was illegal..but i had no choice..because they told me "take this or we ban you"

    Can you elaborate on how an airline can force you to buy any sort of ticket - one way, or return?

    As a sidenote, if you look at the Qantas website to book a flight originating in Thailand, the headline price does not includes taxes, fuel surcharges etc. <deleted> coffee1.gif

    Like laws all over the world, its the law in the Country your in/operating in thats the law that count. All laws should operate in a way to give all an even playing field in commerce and especially in advertising.
  13. Some time back I wrote on TV of an encounter my wife and I had with a Thai woman married and living in the UK with her English husband.

    I say 'living', if you recall my report the woman was spending her days locked in the house, only allowed out with her husband and when she agreed for us to contact a women's support organisation on her behalf, the police and social services were called in, the Thai wife was admitted to hospital suffering malnutrition.

    It was for my wife and I a shock to see a woman treated like this by a man ( I use the term loosely) within whom she had presumably placed a great deal of trust.

    If that was a one off case it might be considered unusual, it seems it is not.

    Since that encounter I have learned of a Thai friend's sister who was rescued by her family from abuse by her British husband, by chance her brother called to visit one evening to discover his sister tied up in the house - not as a result of a break-in but tied up by her husband while he went out in Pattaya (I know in this case justice was sought without the help of the police).

    These are, I hope, extreme cases, but I know a number of Thai women who's Farang husbands don't allow them the freedom to go out on girl's nights out, don't allow them to take holidays without their husband, and many more who control the cash and hence their wife's ability to do anything independently of their husbands.

    My wife and I yesterday met a Thai woman we've known for over ten years. She was not the well dressed, well presented beauty we know her to be, but wearing no make-up and very plainly dressed. She explained her Nowegian husband doesn't allow her to dress up or wear make-up (This the prompt for my post)

    Furthermore, my observations on this are substantiated in frequent reports on the Thai language forum dealing with the 'Thai' side of Thai/Foreign relationships.

    It seems there are an awful lot of inadequate men out there who treat their Thai wives/girlfriends like some kind of property, scared sh1tless of allowing another human being the independence we all have a right to.

    There are a lot more cases of thai men doing this, especially here in thailand-_-

    Perhaps you could focus on that rather than singling out westerners, or perhaps you are racist and expect less from thais?

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I thinkGuesthouse has a valid point to make without going international. Seems to me he has simply cited a couple of cases which he and partner are personally aware of. Tags of racism and focussing on the local Thai male do not detract from the valid point being made and are I think a little harsh and dare I say defensive.
  14. Hilary is a shoe-in and no brainer winner for 2016. The Dems will do anything to get her to run. Maybe they are buying her and Bill a private island to relax on for a few years before campaigning starts. I can't see any other Democrat that the new crop of Republicans like Marco Rubio wouldn't have a shot against. It's just her.

    If Hillary isn't running, she should make that definite sooner than later, and that gives some democrats some years to enhance their profile.

    I'd be absolutely stunned if there are people out there who don't think Hilary's early departure from her current role as Sec. of State

    is to concentrate her efforts on her 2016 Presidential run. Unfettered by constraints of her high office and loyalty to the President who

    appointed her she is unstoppable. Add "Big, Bad Billy to the mix and hang on for the ride.

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