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Posts posted by Toosetinmyways

  1. Just built a Ryzen 3 computer so my old system is redundant It is the same spec as the OP except 16 GB ram The plan is to try windows 10 to see how it copes before installing a Linux variant My wife's laptop is a dual core running windows 10 and it is slooooooow           My advice to the OP would be to buy second hand.        

  2. Stayed 3 months ago. They accept kip baht and dollars. Too far to walk to consulate just hail a tuk tuk.  Rooms ok for the price but nothing fancy just Laos standard. Good  restaurant. Not much going on around. 

  3. Donald Trump’s presidency will go down in history for many reasons. The main legacy of his term could be the start of the breakup of the political system as known in the USA.  The Democratic Party will split to hard left called Labor and soft left called Liberal. Republicans will split in to hard right called Nationalists and soft right called Conservatives.  Obviously they will not use these names due to the connection with the failed British system.

    In future elections there will be four mainstream parties instead of two. Plus the independents . Donors will have much clearer picture of what their dollars are supporting.  The end result will be hung parliaments with nobody having a clear majority. Horse trading will be the order of the day instead of governing.

    Another worse scenario would be the breakup of the States itself as championed by the ultra nationalists.

    • Haha 1
  4. Shocked at local prices I did a bit of online research.

    Used Lazada and Aliexpress for Mach3.

    Mach3 genuine from Hong Kong half the Thai Tesco price. Jillette mach3 so obviously fake around 80 baht for 10.  I ended up buying mach3 lookalikes not fakes guaranteed to fit on a mach3  razor which they do, 153 baht including postage for 6 blades.



  5. I have just completed a border bounce to Phu Nam Ron with my Non O and there has been a couple of small changes. This applies to independent travelers only. The visaservice that I use is the same painless routine.


    All private vehicles must use the new carpark on the right hand side before the border. Maybe have to pay. So a 200 meter walk to the border. The cafe after immigration is no longer doing pass and transport.

    Just before Thai immigration there is an eating place on the left, enter and on the right side there are two little windows, get pass and transport ticket there. (If you continue through the restaurant and turn right in the van park you will find a brand new toilet block with western crappers. Oh the luxury)

    Go through Thai immigration as normal and wait at the old cafe as usual for your transport across no mans land.

    Obviously the tour companies stagger their times of arrival. We arrived at 0700 and there must of been 100 people at the Thai entry point. The Thai exit side had all 4 windows open and it was still a 15 minute wait.

    Fingerprint pads are installed but were not being used.



    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Matthew2027 said:

    We dumped True a few years back, and bought ANDROID BOX. (Need WiFi) One off cost, about 3000thb, and many many hundred TV stations from ALL OVER THE WORLD, same with movies. True was charging us 20 something thousand thb per month, and cutting stations like crazy... I strongly recommend ANDROID ..

    I have one question about android and satellite systems. How do you know when programs are being shown. Is there a menu or do you just channel surf until you discover something you want to watch.

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