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    Hat Yai, Songkhla

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    Hat Yai, Songkhla

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  1. Thirty years ago I was working in Malaysia, Thailand was for visa runs, but I realised it would make a great base for work regionally in SE Asia.
  2. We've been twenty years in Hat Yai, it's a very functional city, probably not the prettiest. and it's a bit short on history, being only as old as the railway, but we like it.
  3. Bloomsbury International School out toward Hat Yai Airport might be worth considering https://bloomsbury.ac.th/
  4. Is there a plot?
  5. I can see a couple of reasons for the attraction
  6. Thankfully I don't have a limited budget, you get what you pay for, the Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai is well run, minimum fuss, minimal waiting, I can fix dates that suit me. So yes I'm happy with the hospital.
  7. As far as I'm concerned it's value for money, they fitted it all in to my timetable, everything was carried out with minimum fuss, or sitting around and waiting. There is a family history of colorectal cancers so I'm not about to penny pinch.
  8. I don't think anyone noticed the small print "Make America Great Depression Again"
  9. That's probably true, just make sure there's a number clearly visible on the side of the container.
  10. I had a colonoscopy last week, Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai. Total cost, including the removal of five polyps with biopsies, thankfully all benign, was Bht50k. Unlike my previous experience at the Sikarin Hospital Hat Yai I felt no discomfort during the procedure, I was fully sedated and woke up in the recovery room. Prep with Picoprep wasn't so bad as previous prep regimes. All in all I was very happy with the Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai.
  11. Check the package with Allowrie, a lot is blended with palm oil and I don't like the taste. New Zealand Anchor butter is the best.
  12. As the saying goes "money won't buy you happiness, but it allows you to be comfortable in your misery"
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