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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. 26 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Which is? You responded to me claiming the IRA never put out warnings, I responded back with a link to prove you wrong. What am I blind to?

    The 21 killed in the Birmingham pub bombings and the 180 maimed and injured, their friends and family would dispute that.


    But that wasn't what I was responding to, rather your failing to see any similarities in the disproportionate nature of the figures for those murdered Hamas v IRA - Hamas v IDF. You were happy to highlight the former but quick to sidestep the latter. 

  2. On 5/28/2024 at 6:59 AM, bluejets said:

    Wife's aunty complained once to the PEA about highly excessive charge. They had threatened to cut the power if the bill was not paid.

    I went around to the house, found the meters to be on a pole on the opposite side of the road ( not unusual) BUT......... over 3 metres from the ground,

    I asked aunty if the meter reader carried a ladder with him or a telescope or binoculars to read the meter, to which she said "not to my knowledge".

    So I said she should ask the PEA the same question.


    Excess charge was credited, meter never moved but bills are back to normal. 

    Back to the averaging approach  I suspect. She's happy, PEA are happy so mia phen rai I guess.

    This is not unusual, a few months ago I watched our local meter reader's progress down our soi, for one meter placed high on a pole he nipped into the seamstress shop and borrowed a chair to be able to get in range of the RFID. All our meters are digitally read but the range seems to be about 1m - after climbing off the stool, putting his shoes back on again, he returned the stool to the seamstress with a polite wai of thanks. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    Jimmy had been frequenting this dive for years but had never ordered their draft beer before.


    6 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    It was a run down place in the middle of nowhere

    You aren't too bright Bob are you, given the observations you made, it doesn't take a genius to realise that keg of piss has been sat there for months in the blistering heat.

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  4. 22 hours ago, mark131v said:

    He's just another hi-so that have look at me issues

    Not sure how you define 'hiso' but Hakparn comes from a fairly ordinary background, his father was a junior police officer and his mother a school teacher. His wife's family, although now wealthy, are also from fairly modest origins, Bancha Panitchapong's business started with a 10Bht bus Songkhla to Hat Yai. Surachate and Sirinatda were childhood sweethearts, as corny as that might sound. Hakparn is well like in the south. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Galong said:

    We didn't do anything 'extra' last month, so this makes no sense

    You might not have but the compressors on a/c and refrigerators have been working extra hard in the hot weather. Our bill this month was the highest in 20 years of living in Hat Yai; 1183Kwh was the most we've used in a month, and we weren't doing anything extra either.




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  6. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    Bizarre place. A girl grabs you by the arm as you walk in. I think they have a que system or they can tell which girl is a good match without any discussion and that one will step forward. If you are hesitant, shy or poor on decisions that was the place to be.

    Very incongruous sitting as it did in the heart of KL, but it wasn't alone there was a Thai themed bar/restaurant on the opposite side of Jalan Ampang which was almost as bad, but The Beach Club was a total meat market and you were the meat.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, SportRider said:

    😀 For 20 years - Beach Club in Kuala Lumpur. 

    Sadly now closed, due to tough times of the pandemic. 

    This was the ultimate freelancer bar, with great food and live bands.  Sharks in a tank behind the bar.  Girls dancing on tables in a packed floor. 

    Good times. 


    Strewth the 'Bitch Club', if you were still there at closing time you'd be lucky to get out with clothes on your back, the girls grabbing at you, desperate for a someone to take them home.


    Sad when I saw it'd closed.

  8. If I compare my expenditure on food, clothes and leisure then my spending has remained pretty much the same just looking back over the last five years. However, my base currency is the Singapore Dollar, the Thai Baht has depreciated some 23% over the last 5 years. So that implies inflation in Thailand over the last 5 years amounts to approximately 23% for me living in Hat Yai.



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  9. 17 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

    I don't doubt that you are correct but there's enough risk in riding around Thailand without taking additional ones - note, I only said be careful. I didn't say don't do it.


    The facts are though, that if you are a foriegner relying on Travel Insurance from outside Thailand, you have to take account of the fact that you will almost certainly not be covered down there if your government's advice is not to travel.  I have no knowledge of Thai Travel Insurance/Accident policies, or indeed regular insurance but it would not do any harm to check this as well.


    Fore-warned is Fore-armed.

    The western route, main highway, crossing at Sadao/Bukit Kayu Hitam is considered outside the conflict zone. Crossing at either Sadao or Padang Besar would be the easiest. Getting to and crossing at Betong would probably be the more interesting.



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