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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Though I believe it applies to women who live in commune; if the association were loser then the whole bar would be on the rag at the same time.

    Not so good for business!  :D

    Didn't we say, it doesn't really matter,.... I mean, after 1 a.m. and a few changs,...

    Besides, some (most?) of the girls have no nose or are under some medication controlling the time of the said period,... :D

    Now that's true, I'd not thought of the consequences of contraceptives, and come to think of it, the menthol sticks BGs are forever shoving up their noses... would kill any sense of smell :o

  2. Sukhumvit Vampires heh.......... well you live and learn...... :D

    Live, maybe. Learn, sure.

    Did you know that when women are in a "confined" environment, their period tend to "adjust" to the same time of the month,...?

    No real scientific explanation on that except for the fact that it must be "smell" related,...

    Don't worry, it is not the full moon yet.

    Take your pick,... :o:D


    Now I've heard this before, something to do with pheromones.

    Though I believe it applies to women who live in commune; if the association were loser then the whole bar would be on the rag at the same time.

    Not so good for business! :D

  3. Some gals are on the rag and cant work the bar that day (looking for a drunken sucker)

    ........errrrgh, not literally I hope.........

    Yes, literally and physically, but usually, they work the bar, anyway,... :D

    Sukhumvit Vampires heh.......... well you live and learn...... :D

    Beware of the coagulation :D

    So we're talking about clots of Vampires on Sukhumvit......... :o

  4. oh its true alright, the streets of thailand are awash with some of englands finest specimens these days. you cant walk for more than 50 yards  along the avenues of bangkok,pattaya or phuket without hearing them, every other word is fukc,bastrd or <deleted> , the impeccable fashion sense, the total lack of consideration for their surroundings or the people around them,the classy haircuts and wonderful tatoos, the pudee angrit has arrived en mass. leaving a trail of beer cans and macdonalds wrappers behind them

    you can take the brit out of his council estate but you can never take the council estate out of these brits.

    mad cow disease,football hooligans,foul mouthed brits.

    whatever will we be foisting on  the world next.

    Sadly that's a picture I recognise; the detritus from Ibiza is all too frequently seen in Thailand.........

    "ear we go, ear we go, ear we go".

    .............Oh Christ I hope not :D

    I confess to also being a Brit, though having spent the last 25 years working abroad it's not so easy to tell :o

  5. Some gals are on the rag and cant work the bar that day (looking for a drunken sucker)

    ........errrrgh, not literally I hope.........

    Yes, literally and physically, but usually, they work the bar, anyway,... :o

    Sukhumvit Vampires heh.......... well you live and learn...... :D

  6. No Jesus, No Wal-Mart, No television,

    No cheerleaders, No baseball,

    No football, No basketball, No hockey, No golf,

    No tailgate parties, No Hooters,

    No Home Depot, No pork BBQ, No hot dogs,

    No burgers, No lobster,

    No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks,

    No gumbo, No jambalaya

    No chocolate chip cookies. No Christmas

    I've no problem with that, I'll keep the beer though.... :o

  7. I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!
    Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because our women proudly show their faces in public rather than cover up like a shameful whore?
    Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because we have befriended Israel, the ONLY civilized democratic nation in the entire middle-east?
    Any Muslims on this forum?

    Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

    Until then, I still hate YOU!

    Struth! Now this is the foundation of a rational and balanced debate :o

  8. What realy pisses me of is trying to talk to a Thai while they are excavating their brain via their nasal passage.  :D

    ...and then rolling the excavated raw materials between 2 fingers as if by chance a gold nugget or precious stone may have previously found it's way up there :o

    You might see that anywhere.

    Just watch out where they stick the bogeys afterwards; eat 'em or paste them under the table. :D

  9. I hate when they yak each other and refer to me as "the falang".  Even if it isn't derogatory in their eyes (which I find hard to believe) I still don't go around calling them "hey thai".

    The 'falang' thing does get to you, it's no different from Mat Sally in Malaysia or Muzungu in East Africa, it's a kind of all encompassing term like 'dog', I know they don't mean it that way. Though maybe sometimes they do.

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