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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. On the subject of Thai wives and I am a bit of an expert here.

    I said to my better half would you still love me if I had no money?

    Bless her heart she said of course she would still love me as much as ever and she would miss having me around as well.


    Thanks Maerim, I needed that after reading the nauseous Hallmark Channel guff.

  2. I also think it's probably cicadas.

    Gekos make a tuk-tuk-tuk noise, but my favourites are the bigger ones they call Tookay, after the sound they make 'Too-kay' however, to me it always sounds like '<deleted>-you' :o

    But maybe my ears don't work work so well these days.

  3. I can't help it. But I've noticed Ducky always says same old sh1t. Like "You're sad tosser", "You're sad geezer", "Get a life", etc. (I apologise I didn't mean to insult you, erco. But I just have to spell it right. Hope you don't mind.) You haven't got laid lately? Or you just don't have anything to contribute here like others?

    [iRONY] Sadly DuctTape lacks both Erco's wit and vocabulary [/iRONY] :o

  4. I'd second 'Cryptonomicon' by Neal Stephenson an excellent read.

    I've just finished '1421 The Year China Discovered the World' by Gavin Menzies which was very thought provoking, and have recently started on 'Baudolino' by Umberto Eco, so far so good.

    I agree with the previous comments on James Ellroy, I've enjoyed all his books but particularly 'American Tabloid' and 'The Cold Six Thousand'.

  5. has to be said... He has done a dam good solo effort at winding a lot of people up...

    To use an example:    :D

    If you throw a dog a stick and it does'nt chase it, yer gonna stop throwing right?

    change tactics throw the dog instead :o

    Erco has taken a well deserved rest from the forum.

    Shame, his drivel had become more coherent recently.:D

    Though no doubt an ercoalike will troll up shortly. :D

  6. Alternately you can use the Consulate in Birmingham, if you're in Oxford, they have a postal service as well.

    Royal Thai Consulate, BIRMINGHAM

    c/o Smith Keen Cutler,

    Exchange Building,

    Stephenson Place, Birmingham B2 4NN

    Tel. (0121) 6439481 (Off.) 4493334 (Res.)

    Fax:(0121) 6430345

  7. Yes I find Erco's drivel wearisome, but I'm not in favour of banning him. It would be easy enough for him to rejoin the forum under another alias and we'd go through the whole process again.

    Erco is a wind-up merchant, he knows what buttons to push to get a response, don't ban him, just ignore him.


  8. Goat Roper, don't worry about Stocky's lousy attempt at wit. Fat boy can't write a decent post to save his life. Probably too much blubber between the ears!  :D

    ... I'm so sorry you think my posts are FATuous :D:o

  9. :o

    Hey People if you look at al the people who sympathise with Prostitutes on the whole they are the same, nothing constructive to say just shooting the messenger.

    Why not set up a Posting entitled "Prostitute Sympathisers" then you can wallow in your own justifications, and stay in Denial all your Forum Lives.

    The comment regarding Girls not Prostitutes or BG's  on this title is fair, BUT THE MAJORITY ON THIS AND OTHER POSTINGS WOULD NEVER MEET A NORMAL THAI GIRL/WOMAN AS THEY WOULD NOT KNOW WHERE THEY GO.  They would certainly not be seen in a Prostitutes Bar and thats where the majority answering here go.

    IF YOU ARE IN THE MINORITY LIKE ME D80 THEN GOOD FOR YOU, I am not asuming all Thais are hookers.  The ones that are not have nothing to be ashamed about, THEREFORE would not get upset by reading these posts, would they.

    I'm sorry Erco but you have a sad warped little mind..

    ..with the emphasis on little.

  10. Axel, let's say that you are walking down the street in Harlem. 20 big, ugly black guys surround you with baseball bats, broken bottles and meat cleavers,.

    What they don't know is that you just happen to have a Glock 9mm with 20 armor piercing, expanding rounds down your pants.

    The biggest black guy says, Axel, you phony ass white-boy. You liberal, passive-aggressive piece of sh1t, we're going to cut you in a million pieces and feed you to the rats. :o

    Do you wait until you are half dead and bloody under a pile of smashing fists , bottles and cleavers, or do you whip out your Glock, declare a pre-emptive strike, kick some ass and take names?  :D

    Yeah, I thought so, and besides that the Arabs had already attacked the Jews before 1967, anyway, so your little tale is meaningless in context.

    Enough of your liberal Islamic propaganda bullsh1t; Get moving white-boy. :D

    I want to thank you all, this topic has produced some of the most interesting and entertaining comments I can ever imagine and I think this particular topic is on most everyone's minds these days and for sure is on mine but you folks have given me a completely new leash on the Arabs/Muslims/Islam/shiteheads etc.,etc.

    I have a much better understanding now even though I have worked(under boss pressure) with some of these Muslims over the years and my opinions of these people has been come by honestly and "On the ground", so I have just one thing to say, "Keep on-a keeping on", you folks are better than great!!!! :D

    Two brilliantly incisive minds, such clarity of vision, insight and grasp of realpolitik.....

    .....you really should be working at the Pentagon, you'd fit in nicely, and you've probably already got your white cloaks and pointy hats. :D

  11. I do not consider myself either anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic.

    I'm an atheist, with little time for any of the theistic religions, and an abhorrence of all forms of fundamentalism.

    Theism has been the root cause of many of the worlds conflicts; it's such a pity so many people are still dependent on superstitious mumbo jumbo. :o

  12. So Rangsit , is that the reason your Mother came out here , on work experience?

    What a curious question.

    Am I to understand that you are one of these strange individuals who has chosen to marry a public toilet and that this reply of yours is a way of attempting to insult people who have done rather better for themselves here in the realm?

    What a curious reply :o

  13. Please note: modern day terrorism was born on 22nd July 1946 when Jewish extremists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews and wounded of a further 58.

    "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7)

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